Today, Ian is is at the Titleist Performance Institute in Oceanside California and joined by Austie Rollinson to get introduces to the 2024 lineup of Scotty Cameron Phantom mallets.

10 new models completely redesigned to meet the demands of the modern game through alignment-infused head shapes with improved sound and feel.

The new Phantom family, offering four unique shapes with multiple neck and shaft configurations, is the result of feedback from Phantom players across the worldwide professional tours, melded with the continued advancement of Scotty’s multi-material construction and face milling technologies.



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

Okay guys welcome back to the channel absolutely be delighted to be joined by ausy Rollins from Scotty Cameron nice see ay um aie works with uh title Scotty Cameron on the R&D side of things developing obviously new products and uh we’re here to talk about a really excite new line of phantom

Mallets um something that we were just chatting through or or looking at in the presentation ay that there’s a lot of people looking now towards the the Mallet side of things and I think Scotty has always known for for making absolutely gorgeous blades and and you know the players who play the Newports

The Newport 2os the Delmar like we just spoke about but this is a world that’s really expanding in the the realm of Scotty Cameron yeah our mad uh line of Putters have grown over the years you know from Phantom to Phantom X and now we’ve got the new Phantom you know each

Year the the popularity grows and grows not just on tour but in the marketplace as well so it’s fun to kind of put an added focus on our on our Mallet design right and sort of players who are are playing blades and have traditionally

Been in a blade we we can of look at the models 5 through 11 as we as we see them here talk to me about that sort of design philosophy that goes into that you know when you you take someone who’s used to a specific look but maybe they

Go I’m not putting great you know I would love a little more help Moi on on my side you know how do you trans transition someone into that well specifically for someone who’s going from a Newport Newport to into a mallet design our five and seven lines are

Great for that because these are designed with that step has a specific Top Line it steps down so it gives that look that they’re used to in in a blade putter as they’re going to a mallet but it has that added benefit having the extra weight in it on the toe and heel

The fangs going back you know to give a little more in a little more forgiveness right and yeah that’s a great point because when I when I look at this 55 here is I mean you can ass saw off the back of it and it’s exactly where you’re

At isn’t it exactly yeah so keeping that kind of Blade look but having the benefits of the Mallet now some players want a clean look like our 55 has with just the dots on top you know the the seven gives them the little added benefit of these Tracer lines that they

Can use to help them align better to their target as well and those fangs acts as a little inertia to uh to get make it more forgiving right in terms of some of the new models let’s dive into a little bit of the tech because I think that’s something when you’ve got the

Footprint of a blade there’s only so much we can do right there’s only so much real estate to play with when we look at something especially like 11 and we look at you know this is a multi-art you know head here talk to us about some

Of the benefits of being able to utilize materials in different parts of the head for the player benefit yeah all the Phantom lions were using dual material so using three or three stainless steel and 6061 aircraft aluminum and that kind this the 303 stain list which all the

Faces are made out of gives you that classic Scotty Cameron feedback click that that players love but by utilizing aluminum in there you’re able to take weight out of the middle part and and redistribute it in the perimeter and that’s where you get your forgiveness that’s where you get youri and

Specifically this 11 it’s got this new Wing design which really helps get that CG a little deeper and a little wider that’ll help for the Forgiveness as well but getting the CG in the right spot so it has that right ation right feel to it

As you swing it but also it sits just right sit square and that’s really important in Mallet designs one of the things I think people will notice as soon as they they uh they pick up the the putter whether it’s in a store or or whether it’s in one of sort of our

Stores is this is a really unique new putter grip that you guys have got on here um very unique in its design and shape talks us a little bit about kind of how this one came about is our new proprietary grip for the Phantom line uh

It’s really moving into more of a paddle style larger grip I mean traditionally we’ve had uh pistolini pistolero which are more in the in the pistol style grips maybe a little larger pistol style grip these are kind of more in the modern style of having a more parallel

Sides a little larger in the lower hand but we’ve done a lot to Contour this grip in such a way that it fits the hands really nicely specifically the upper hand where the fingers can wrap a little larger bottom uh portion of the grip to get your hands on there

Comfortably and then that wide wider paddle flat on the top that really gives you a sense of where that face is pointed that’s key that’s a first part of the putter that they’re going to touch so getting that wow factor just picking it up and then once they put it

Down is where the rest of the design comes over so making sure that face is square to this grip nice face awareness and then it sits well on the ground and it has a great flow getting the right hazle and then the face technology which gives you the Great Click but a nice

Soft sound with our dual Mill yeah I was going to say that the Dual Mill that we’ve got in here um talk to us a little bit about how that’s evolved cuz you know there’s we see some year-to year some subtlety sometimes one year it’s maybe a little bit deeper than others

And what what’s the influence on that for the for the consumer benefit what do they of get out of a of a deeper versus a slightly shallower Mill yeah a lot of our face technology our face Mills comes from tour and tour influence what those players want you know as golf balls

Evolve and they change in their design the face text has to change with it so you get the right amount of feedback and so this is the a perfect combination of our deep Mill which we’ve had a couple for a couple years um and our mid Mill

That we’ve had on this the special select so for the super select we came up with this dual Mill which is a deep Mill which creates these you know deep grooves in it little Peaks but then we take those Peaks off with another fine P Mill pass so you get nice consistent

Flat Peaks but you get those gaps in the Milling to kind of absorb that sound giving you a nice Cris soft sound yeah that soft soft solid feel love it well guys um we’re going to roll into a little bit of a fitting segment with it

Now but um awesome to to have aie join us just to kind of run through some of the tech some of the the sort of R&D that’s been going on behind the scenes it’s it’s great that we sort of have sort of every other year Cycles with

With these lines and that gives you guys some time to really develop some some really meaningful kind of changes in technology so uh really excited to roll a few of these aie I’m tryk okay guys stay tuned for more we’ll see you again Soon


  1. Don’t think Scotty Cameron hold the same reverence they once had. Their price point just makes you look at other very high quality products that are maybe £100 or £150 cheaper. (And the others are still not cheap). Feels like most putter manufacturers are just rebadging the wheel and calling it a wheel + . Odyssey are just as bad with all this AI guff and charging another £100 +

  2. At the end of the day its a putter, how much can they do? If you have a good putter, you can line it up and it works for your stroke then you are set. What additional "technology" or design concept is going to add to that?

  3. I’m tired of the same thing released as new again. I own a great spoon for eating, how many more ways can you make a spoon, three putts don’t care what’s in your hand, Scotty Cameron is overrated.

  4. Nice sales presentation!

    Just had a putt off last night and my old Ping patented
    In April 1968 won for the best feel!!

    I brought out all of my putters and there really wasn’t that much difference in putting except for the size of the grip and weight of the putter.

    Blades with toe hangs, face balanced mallets, et al. I had putters I had forgotten about from 20 – 30 years ago up until 1 year ago out yesterday.

    After the test of putters from various high end manufacturers and customs it Was a wash…

    My wife finally said if Paul Runyan could see all of this now he would just walk away. As he did with me on a few

    Complete waste of money!

    But I’m looking at a custom Ping DS 72 with a long slant!!

    It never stops…

  5. Had 2 Scotty’s sold them both
    Now got Cleveland HB soft milled face putter.
    Hell could buy 2 Cleveland putters plus a dozen pro v1’s for the same price of one Scotty

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