I recently had the opportunity to help Geoff with his driver swing, in that lesson Geoff made so much progress that I wanted to share with you what we did and break the process down step by step so that you can follow and get the same results.

Geoff was unintentionally over powering the driver causing poor strike and offline golf shots, in this video ill share the simple steps that will allow you to swing the driver with more freedom, speed and consistency

I’d love to hear your thoughts so please drop down into the comments and let me know, plus if you have any questions i’ll answer as quick as i can


#driverswing #drivertips #driver


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✏️Feel free to comment in the box below about this video or any other video you would like Chris to do.

🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.


00:00 Introduction
00:44 Fixing The Fault
02:17 The Extension Drill
05:52 Timing And Power
08:12 Body Pivot
09:36 Finish In Style

In this lesson I’m going to share with you a recent experience that I had with a student called Jeff Jeff came to me really struggling with his driver he’s lacking confidence not hitting the ball as far as he’d like and leaking them out to the right and in this lesson we man

To get Jeff to hit longer drives and at the same time actually tighten his dispersion he’s hitting it straighter as well and I’m going to share with you in this lesson kind of what we did and give you the really really simple steps that we went through with Jeff to get into

Perform better with the driver I know there’s going to be so many of you out there watching this who have the same issues now before we get into this if you’re not subscribed to the channel I’d love you to go ahead and click that button means you won’t miss any videos

And please give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and get down to the comments box and let me know what you thought so the reason Jeff was struggling is kind of two main reasons number one he had his Club sort of cutting across the Golf Board a little

Bit from out to in that was giving him some curve and creating a little bit more of a glancing blow and then when we look at contact he was tending to yes he was hitting some out the middle of the driver but some of his contacts were

Moving low in the face down towards the toe and we even got a couple off the bottom which only went maybe 20 30 yards they were really costy on the golf course so why was he doing that well it was all to do with the shape of his

Swing and what he was doing to that so when we swing the golf club basically moves around your body on a big circle and there’s a lot of things that are contributing towards that Circle so when I looked at Jess go swing and we got him

Down to R this point in the down swing he was in some fantastic position he’d done a lot of really really good things and when we look at from the face on when the club is in this position we can sort of predict where the club wants to

Go it’s got its natural momentum its natural movement and you can see that we’ve Illustrated that there but on the way through Jeff was kind of overpowering the golf club he was making the golf club do something different to what it wanted to do so he was actually

Moving his hips back away from the target he was moving his elbows further apart and you can see what that does to the move into the club head we’ve changed it and taken it off that kind of natural path that natural movement that it wanted to have and because of those

Movements the club was cutting across the golf ball and it was affecting his strike so the first exercise that we gave Jeff was one of just really trying to feel like he was letting the golf club swing a little bit more freely around his body he wasn’t trying to pull

It into his body now you can see what we did on the screen with Jeff are you was kind of in front and gave him a little drill you might not going to have somebody there with you so this is how you can do it take your golf bag or

Anything that’s relatively soft you can see I’ve placed it there take your driver hold it by the end here and I’m going to take my setup to this golf ball now what I want to try and do here is make some little back swings and the club’s obviously going to feel

Incredibly light and the key and this is where Jeff was making a a big mistake is I want you to feel like you’re pushing that grip as far away from The Bard as you can have it notice how my elbows are really close and you’re getting this really extended position here now very

Often when we try and get the club to extend down the target line we help that with our body so we almost sort of move our body to try and do that but that gives us this cramped position so I almost want you to feel that there’s opposing movements here you’re trying to

Get the grip end of the club as far away from your chest as you can but at the same time you’re almost trying to push your head a little bit back away from the Target that gets you really extended I’m going to move my bag a little bit

Further forward so if I was trying to really get that grip to extend down towards the target line the last thing I want to do is follow it with my body look what my arms are doing really cramped this will be a much much better feeling I’m going to try and hit that

Bag squeeze the elbows but notice what what my head is doing I’m actually sort of forcing my head a little bit back away so we get this really nice position here where the elbows are squeezed together the club head is nice and wide and look at where

The end of that grip is relative to my chest it could not be further away from me and when we looked at Jeff we didn’t see that we saw his chest sort of turning this way his elbows separating that was changing the circle or the swing of that club and causing him to

Mission shot so this is your first little exercise really like grip pressure let the club work back little bit of wrist set let it go through and just start to deliver the club into whatever you’ve got in front of your golf ball obviously in this case

It’s the the golf bag and you can see how I’m starting to get this much much better body shape where the head is probably more sort of back of center right my heels and I’m starting to get this extended movement now before we did anything before we added any speed that

Was the exercise that I wanted Jeff to go through to really feel and sense that club swinging around his body once you’ve done that a couple of times and you got some good ideas of what that feels like turn the club around this way do the same

Thing here but then just let the club go through that point to a finish so I’m going to go back extend and go through and really just starting to feel the natural movement of the golf club okay remember it’s in a position here it wants to go down around and up

In this direction okay what I don’t want you to do is try and force the club in any directions that it doesn’t want to go use the way to the club sense the way to the club and that’s going to be the first exercise that I want you to try

Next up and this is really important for your gol swing really important for the driver swing learning how the clubs swing and the energy that you put into it can really give you some more consistent results I’m going to do a little demonstration here I’m going to

Hold the golf club just by two fingers and this is really discussing energy and more importantly timing okay this is to do with how your body moves through the golfing I’m going to just hold it in two fingers I’m going to set the club up horizontal and just let the club Head

Drop and swing through and it’s got a natural swing similar as what we said before we can almost predict from here where the club head is going to go you’ll notice that the club shaft on target side doesn’t reach horizontal okay but this club is swinging okay now this time I’m

Going to let the club swing and as it’s swinging going to take the grip end and I’m going to pull it directly upwards and what happens to the club on the either side of the ball it suddenly goes a little bit further so what I did is I took a club

Which was swinging and I added some energy into it and the club goes further side the more energy I put in IA the faster I pull up the further Club goes the other side that’s how we put energy into the golf club now what about if I put that energy

In but I time it wrong so I’m going to let the club go and then too soon I’m going to pull up on the grip well what happens now is we sap energy out of that movement that club has now got less speed even though I was

Trying to do the right thing so that really highlights how we put energy into the golf swing and how important it is that we tiing it but watch what happens if I hold on too tight with these fingers I don’t let the club swing we can’t get the energy into that club so

When Jeff was holding on to the club too tight and you may well be doing this you might have too much pressure and tension through the hands and the arms if the club isn’t swinging we can never get that energy we can never boost that club

Head speed we can never get that energy out into the club head so what I wanted to do with Jeff is giving those ideas that we’ve just gone through and then support That Swing of the club with a much better body movement if I could get Jeff to extend up into that finish

Position that’s him putting energy into the grip causing more speed at the bottom so I wanted to get Jeff moving through the golf ball better but was one key thing that he was doing incorrectly and it started in the back swing if I wanted Jeff to move better this side

Through the golf ball I had to get him moving better away from the golf ball and what we saw with with Jeff’s back swing is that he wasn’t turning his shoulders well enough so he was making a lot of that back swing move with just his arms

This way so it’s very difficult to make this nice aggressive move through the ball if we’re not moving into the back swing well enough so I wanted him to move better in the back S turn his shoulders more now I actually physically did this with Jeff but here’s a great

Little exercise that you can do take your setup Club goes into your belly button grip down onto the club shaft that you can see there and now what I want you to do is make some little movements away little movements away and straight away you’re going to feel how

Your right hand the Club head and the shoulder are all connected and my shoulder has to move to get that club to move as soon as I do all the work with my hands and arms the club comes away from my belly button so this is a really

Really simple way that you can do at home in the office at a driving range on the golf course just to feel and sense the shoulders doing some good work early on once my hands get outside of my right thigh then I can start to use my arms

And turn to the top but I’m now primed ready to move my body on the way through so then we came to the final sort of piece of the puzzle if you like how do we get the body to move better on the way through as we said Jeff’s hips were

Going backwards away from the target so he was finishing in what we call forward bend where the chest points a little bit more down towards the ground I gave Jeff the instruction that I wanted him to finish his gol swing with the closest thing to the

Target being his belt buckle so what did that look like well it didn’t look like this it looked more like this where he was extended with his belt buckle pushed out towards the Target and you’ll see we did little exercise where we put a bag down

Behind his heel and that was a great reference point for him so the final B of instruction while swing let the club go and push the belt buckle out here and what we suddenly had is three really important components we had the club swinging he wasn’t

Trying to over power that the club had its natural movement once the club had its natural Movement we gave him a better back swing body turn and then we supported that with a more aggressive turn on the way through and suddenly contacts started to become more out the

Center and Jeff hit his longest drives and he straight his drives towards the end of the lesson so I really think there’s going to be lots in here for you to digest and take on board and there might be lots that we’ve discussed and you think yeah that sounds like me I’m

Too tense or I’m overpowered the golf club so use these drills tight to the range tight to the course and I think like Jeff you’ll probably hit more at the middle and probably a little bit longer as well


  1. Hey Chris, are you saying that the standing up in the follow-through is the upward pull on the club and not a conscious effort to pull up on the club with the arms? I am assuming this is the case to prevent engaging the arm muscles and locking them up?

  2. I have found I keep my lead arm straight through the whole swing, when I start my takeaway the way you explained. Cheers for the advice!

  3. If you had a way to explain golf to anyone simply and fully understandably in 2 minutes, how would you sell it or monetize it?

  4. Love the videos. I currently have an attack angle of about 7 – 9 degrees up, making my dynamic loft end up somewhere close to 20 – 25 degrees. Any tips on how to improve this? I have started to limit my shoulder tilt already, but still ballooning shots out to the right. Thanks in advance.

  5. Great video Chris. I have seen a number of videos talking about the upward handle creating speed. I still do not fully understand how to do this. Get the concept, but do you pull your hands up? Jump up? etc. Would love more granular details on this aspect if you are thinking of further videos on the topic! Great stuff.

  6. Arnold Palmer swung without pelvic extension and so do many of the best LPGA players like Min Jee Lee. This is not a bad thing and it's why Arnold never had back problems.

  7. Excellent job Chris on how to properly hit the driver well! A number of things I liked in this video! I liked the idea of pushing the grip away from the body and squeezing the elbows together to a through position. Less grip pressure and swing the club up to produce more energy. The "belly button" drill with the belt buckle extended to the target and the chest to the sky was great! Well Done Chis!

  8. Great video, Chris, just watched today’s Danny Maude video which reflects exactly what you’re teaching – I’m too wooden at the mo’ I also have my body moving too far towards target on downswing. Driver has stayed in the bag, but need to SWING the club more freely.Some great drills here, so over range tomorrow to give them a go 👍 All the best, Ken

  9. Another great video, Chris. I enjoy the time you take to illustrate the detail of the move we should be trying to make with arms extended. I know that when I actually feel like I’m doing this properly then suddenly I start to hit some high draws instead of my normal weak fades and pushes. Thanks for the great lesson and reminders!

  10. Superb instruction Chris, jam packed full of Information, it'll really help with the changes I'm to my swing currently.
    Keep up the great content.

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