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The secret to keeping the lead arm or left arm straight in the golf swing is that we should actually be focusing on the trail arm to do it now in this video I’m going to explain why that is what to feel one simple drill that I want you to

Use and two body motions you need to have to be able to keep the lead arm straight now listen when you look at good golf swings are there some players who have some bending in the lead arm and still hit the ball solid absolutely is it easier to do it that way

Definitely not should we be trying to bend our arms through the swing because a handful of players do that for sure not okay what we want to be able to do is keep our lead arm relatively straight throughout the swing which you’ll see with most players for the purpose of

Hitting the ball consistently solid in terms of the arc we swing on if we were to measure the club head to my shoulder I want to be able to keep that about as constant as I can in the swing and the thing that controls that Arc is the

Length of the lead arm now many players will come in and see me and this may be you where you see in your swing your arm tends to break down too much throughout the swing you struggle with contact consistency and power now while we don’t need to have the lead arm exactly

Straight on the way back we do want to make sure that it’s more toward straight on the way down at impact and through impact and in order to do that it would be easier to do if it was more toward straight on the way back now a lot of

Players will come in and they’re really trying to force the arm straight and they’re not able to do it either because they don’t have the correct Trail arm motion or their body’s out of position in terms of the trail arm motion what I would do and focus on just to show you

If I made a back swing and I really bent my trail arm too much what happens to my lead arm or left arm it’s too bent as well right there’s no way for me to have a really straight left arm if my right arm is too bent now if that’s true that

Also means if I widen my trail arm my right arm I also get what for free I get a straighter left arm so when you make your back swing what I want you to feel is like you’re pushing away with your Trail arm in fact when you take your

Grip this little palm pad here of your right hand and the thumb pad on your left that are connected I want you to feel like you’re pushing this right hand into your left on the way back let’s just start with that and then I’ll give you a drill and explain the body motions

But in order to get the lead arm straight we want to push away with the trail arm you’re going to feel like the trail arm is very wide and it’s pushing away from the Target and if I’m able to do that successfully that lead arm should be

More towards straight like if we put Tommy Fleetwood on the screen he would be a good model example at the top of his back swing of what we’re looking for great body motions Great lead arm at the top great Trail arm width that’ll be the easiest to swing down on to keep that

Arc consistent to make the swing as easy as possible so pushing with the trail arm now from a drill perspective how I like to do this is with a split grip so if you take your setup and get your Trail hand you know a couple inches underneath the grip here

So I have a split hand grip I want you to feel like you take your right palm and push into the shaft as far away as possible now notice as I’m doing that my right arm is very straight you’re not going to be able to keep it that

Straight when you go back okay but it wants to feel like it’s straight look how straight my left arm is from just focusing on pushing away with my right arm pushing the shaft as far away as I can so same sort of focal point and I

Want you to try this with me get that right arm wide push the hands up and back away from the shoulder and that’s going to help you keep that lead arm nice and straight now I wish it were that easy and that’s all you had to do but the reality is you

Need two key body motions to make this work and number one is extension so I see this one a lot with players who will come in or send their swings in online and that’s that they’re unable to extend or they don’t currently extend and their

Arms full let me show you what I mean when you make a back swing if you keep your chest down towards the ground and the head goes away from the Target too much this is too much forward bend now from here if I had the club in my hands

I can only keep my arm straight until kind of right here from here in order to make a full back swing I’m going to do what over fold the arms too much I see this all the time not enough extension to too much forward bend and to try and

Get enough power the arms have to fold to the top now if I had my arm straight to here and I extended which means chest and shoulder up now all of a sudden I can keep the arm straight for longer okay so what I want you to do to feel

This you put a club in your chest here what I feel as the right arm’s pushing away is that the chest and the right shoulder feel like they’re pointed up and back up and back now they’re not going to quite get this far but the sensation

Is they point up and back if we pull up Tommy Fleetwood again you’ll end up getting about level to the ground but in order to get the arms wider to have room to push them away you want to have your chest and shoulder up and back so as I

Start to add that in here with a little bit of extension and my arms being straight I want to feel both of those together push away with the right arm chest and shoulder up that feels way easier to do if I try and do that with

My chest down I can only go to like here then I would fold chest and shoulder up push the arm away let’s go ahead and hit one with that so right arm pushes away chest and shoulder up and there I’m able to keep that lead arm pretty straight the entire way we

Show that Tommy Fleetwood because of that so I need to have extension thir my back swing now as I’m doing that extension piece all I’m really looking to do is keep my head in the circle if I draw a circle around my head to start I just

Want to stay right in that my head goes to the right I didn’t do it enough arms are going to bend if my head goes towards the target I overdid it I just want to keep my head in the circle left shoulder will go down a little as I do

It chest up right shoulder up push away with a wide wide right arm chest up shoulder up wide right arm and that’s going to make your consistency of solidness of contact a lot easier now I would focus on the extension piece first like that’s the one I see more often it’s the bigger

Problem but body rotation is also an issue okay so I see this come up as well someone will come in and say Eric my arms are bending how come I can’t fix it and we look on video and they make a back swing like this right try this to yourself take your

Setup keep your body facing towards the ball and try and keep your arms straight for as long as you can I can go like right there now from here if I didn’t turn my body how would I make a full back s guessed it right arms Bend too much up

To here I see it a lot now if I went back down allowed myself to turn enough as I extend all of a sudden I keep my arm straight for much longer again the feeling is that I’m pushing away the arm’s going to still Bend to about 90°

But I’m feeling feeling like I’m pushing away so I can do some split hand grips feel the chest and shoulder up and I’m just going to make sure as I’m doing that that my lead shoulder feeling like it’s getting back towards my trail Foot Right arm’s pushing away chest and shoulder up lead

Shoulders back I’m doing that to the point where my head stays in the circle and then make a full 90° turn okay if you struggle with the arms over bending you want to look in these three areas I’m telling you put push the right arm away chest and shoulder up with a good

Enough amount of turn yeah that was really solid now again you want to do this to the point where the lead arm stays straight the right arm be about 90 degrees like that Tommy Fleetwood version just want to avoid being too far forward bend left arm is always going to

Bend here and if I don’t have enough turn left arm is always going to bend right arm to folded left arm’s always going to bend okay one more more chest and shoulder up good turn right arm pushes away and those are all very solid seven arms so the secret to keeping the left

Arm straight I really believe that’s twofold right it’s like focus on the trail arm not the lead arm that’s number one and you got to get the body motions correct as you’re extending there’s some tilting and you have to have sufficient turning any questions on this sort of

Stuff guys always leave a comment down below if you like this consider clicking that like button helps us lot share it with a friend if you do want some personalized coaching a plan for you to improve your own swing love to see at kornog thank you guys for watching


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