How many times have you been told by a friend or playing companion, “Keep your head down” while striking a golf ball? Free information worth exactly what you paid for it, nothing. Worthless folk law that will make your tense, tight, and unable to make a great swing through the golf ball.

Within this video, Golf Digest Best in State Instructor and Golf Tips Magazine Top 25 Instructor John Hughes discusses a different concept to keep you head more stable and your head behind the ball at impact. How about making the moving target the ball? Versus thinking about how the club has to move all the time? Novel concept that does work!

As humans, we react very well. Our “acts” don’t always go so well. By imagining the ball moving towards the club, you place your mind in a reaction type environment. And possibly freeing the mind from thinking about thoughts that interfere with you hitting the golf ball.

John is a PGA Master Professional of Instruction and a 2-time Teacher/Coach of the Year for the North Florida PGA Section.

John Hughes Golf produces and provides video content about Golf Coaching, Golf Instruction, Golf Lessons, Golf Video Tips, and Golf Events. You’ll want to subscribe to John Hughes Golf YouTube Channel and come back often to see how you can improve your golf skills. Visit And Thanks for Subscribing!

John Hughes 0:00 How many times have you’ve been told,   keep your head down? Let’s forget about it. I’ll  teach you something else that works better.   The best in the world do not keep their head down.  Contrary to popular belief, the best in the world  

Do not try to keep their heads still either. Their  heads do move a little bit. And they normally move   behind the ball. But the reason for that is they  have something in common with a baseball player,   a tennis player, a hockey player. What are they  doing? They’re trying to imagine that the ball  

Is moving, not them. See, your body and your brain  are built to react. And when you’re thinking about   this golf ball moving, versus you moving the club  to a stationary object, you’re now working within   your DNA. You’re working more organically without  this being programmed. And that is what keeps the  

Head behind the golf ball. And to you make the  best players in the world look like they have   a still had, and they’re not keeping their head  down. Now there’s exceptions to the rule. David   Duval and Annika Sorenstam come into mind. And  sometimes they saw impact and other times they  

Didn’t. But I would encourage you, if you  want to keep your head more stable, which   is a more realistic term for you, why don’t you  pretend the ball is moving? Just like a baseball,   a tennis ball, a hockey puck. As you set up,  waggle a little bit, keep in motion. We’ve done a  

Video on that before and try to relay that motion  into the ball. Try to make it feel like the ball   is coming to get you versus you to get it. And  what happens is you’ll swing through most of the  

Time. You’ll swing right on through the shot. And  you’ll hit better shots because of it. Make that   ball move. Make it the moving target, not this. I  think you’ll find some improvement is not too far   away. Questions, comments about this subject  or others that are going to help you improve  

By all means leave them below. Click the logo and  subscribe when you ring the bell. You get notified   when we put more material onto the channel. But  most importantly, we have a lot of fun doing these  

Videos and we want you to come back more often.  So we can help you improve your golf skills.


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