Golf isn’t all that much fun if you are constantly curving the ball offline missing fairways and greens, learning how to consistently square up the club face at impact is a key skill that all golfers need and over the last 20+ years i have found a really reliable system that has helped golfers do just that.

In this video I share with you the 3 stage process that will teach you how to square the club face at impact every time giving you complete control over your golf ball

The most common issue here is that golfers are subconsciously aware that they need to do this, but they often do it in the wrong way which results in over the top swings, early releases and poor body movement.

Really hope you enjoy and as always just drop me a comment and ill get back to you


#howtosquareface #straightshots #golf



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00:00 Introduction
00:30 You have to square the face
01:38 Common Faults
02:18 1 Trail Arm Drill
03:56 2 The Ball Throw
05:14 3 The Square Face Drill
06:27 The Essential Moves

In this week’s lesson I’m going to talk to you and show you how you can square the club face every single time to hit the ball more solid straighter with every Club in your bag now this is one of I believe to be the most important

Skills in the game if you can’t control and square the club face you’re always going to be struggling missing Fairways missing greens I’m going to show you in three really really simple steps and these three steps have helped so many of my students over the years start to

Develop and improve their goals and going to hit much much better shots I’m going to share that with you today want to show you from this position to begin with if I stand up here so this is my golf posture I’m going to stand upright notice how the grooves on my club are

Nice and vertical so if I was swinging a club from here without my tipto posture I would need the groes to be vertical when I get back to this point that would be my club face being square that would enable me to hit nice straight shots so

Watch what happens when I make my back swing I rotate my body my arms fold I get around to here have a look at those grooves they are no longer vertical they are horizontal so as I start to make my down swing and I rotate

My body and I separate my hips from my upper and I deliver my hands nice and forward look at that club face those grooves are not vertical so in the down swing I have to be really good at returning the club face to square that’s

One of the key skills if we don’t have that skill if we don’t develop that skill you’re just going to struggle and that’s why so many golfers struggle with a twice because they don’t Square the club face at impact the key thing would be how to do it correctly that’s what

I’m going to teach you in this lesson because look at this if I get myself into this position here and I’ve got those grooves that are horizontal and I needed them to be back to Vertical what could I do to do that well I could use my body and make weird and wonderful

Movements you can see the grooves are a little closer I could release the club early that would Square the club face I could tip the club shaft up all of these movements that you might might see in your go singer wonder why you’ve got these weird body movements or why you

Steepen the shaft why you early release well I’ve got the answer it’s because you’re trying to square the club face but you’re not doing it in the right way what is that right way well let’s start off by getting ready to the golf club and this is the first exercise to do we’re

Going to start to train this Trail arm because the trail arm is really key to all this take a setup place your Trail hand down as if youve got a golf club you’ll notice where the Palm faces now as I make a back swing here and I start

To come into my delivery position have a look at that where does that Palm face doesn’t face the target it faces over towards you where you’re looking at this from you’re going to take your lead hand and you’re going to hook it over your bicep and you’re going to continue to

Pull your bicep towards the golf ball and as you’re doing that I want you to turn the Palm to face the target okay so I’m using the lower part of my arm the forearm and the hand here this is really key the reason I’m holding this because

So many of you when you try and square that club face would do it through your shoulder Palm is now square but that’s not the movement I want if you get there at impact you might have seen that it’s not really where you want it

To be so the first exercise is take this starting position find a delivery elbow is leading the wrist Palm is facing opposite me hold the bicep keep it pulling forwards and learn to twist that face or that Palm towards the target you’ll also notice it’s slightly down towards the

Ground because if I did that with a golf club what’s that going to do to me that’s going to give me this square face but the shaing and that’s really key because we want you to square the face but also have the ability to have the hands forward the two really powerful

Combination so it brings us on to our second exercise and this is just trying to put a little bit more of a a dynamic movement in it okay trying to build it up towards a goaling because I always like to learn these movements by stripping them back and isolating the

Thing that we need to work on traal arm understanding those movements but then starting to bring in a bit of a golfing element so you’re going to take your setup hold a golf ball in just a couple of fingers in your thumb hand goes onto

Your elbow and I want you to get your target which is the flag down the distance and I’m going to make a little back swing I’m going to pull the elbow forward again we’re trying to stop this movement here which is really common and

As I do that I want to throw the ball down at the ground and feel like I bounce it towards my flag so let me go ahead and show what that would look like looks relatively simple but it might not be for you it may well be that

When you’ve got your hand in this position you want to use your body to put the hand facing there you’re tempted to use the elbow you’re Maybe wanting to release it this way all of these movements are quite unfortunately quite natural to many golfers but it’s not the

Right way of doing it try that a few times and then it will bring you on to the third little exercise and we need to kind of set a few things up for this I mean this could be an absolute game changer for you because I absolutely

Love this there’s a couple of key points to this but it sort of forces you to do the right thing it’s a drill and a practice station where you really get found out if you do the wrong thing so you’ve see me just set this up I’ve got

My ball teed up I want to make that a little easier I’ve got my head cover just on the outside of the ball you can use anything head covers are ideal for this and you can see just how close the toe of my club was to that now I’ve got

My Target in the distance which is the flag I want to hit these shots left of that flag doesn’t really matter how far left but left of the flag anywhere left is a tick so I need the club face to arrive closed now if you’re someone who doesn’t Square the face correctly you

Will be trying to close the the face through lots of weird and wonderful ways that we’ve discussed in this video if you try and square the face by steepening the club shaft which many do you will collide with a head cover if you try and square the face by moving

Your body in weird and wonderful ways you will arrive at the head cover you may be someone who squares the face by releasing the club early such as this well one of the keys in this drill is that you’ve got to rehearse to impact with the hands forwards so here are the

Three things I want you to focus on when you’re going to hit these little shots number one you miss the head cover really easy to analyze you either hit it or you didn’t so you’re missing the head cover number two you have got the hands forwards that’s really key it means that

You’re not early releasing the golf club and number three you’ve got your sternum or your zip behind your belt buckle what that’s telling me is it’s telling me we’ve got good sequencing you’re not using your body body to try and square the face so if I showed what that would

Look like just rehearsing to impact I would go back I am going to miss the head cover hands are forwards zip behind button face is closed that is difficult trust me this is not an easy drill and if you do this and you find it difficult don’t give up

Because if you find it difficult that should be the confirmation you need to say this is probably a drill that you need to do because this is highlighting some areas of weakness let me go ahead and hit one now I wouldn’t start off by hitting this anywhere near full speed

These are just going to be really quite short really quite slow with a couple of rehearsals first this way ball goes low ball goes left I didn’t hit the head cover I ticked on my boxes what I’ve just learned learned there in that Wonder little exercise is

I’ve learned how to take a club which was in this position and how to use my body correctly how to deliver the hands forwards and how to use my trail arm to correctly square that club face in a way that I’m able to have shaing I’m able to

Put compression on the golf ball and I’m able to get that strike that you desire the ones that the pros do where they really compress and rip those irons and it feels phenomenal when you can do it what you can start to then do is scale

That up so you would leave the head cover in place You’ still try and hit those checkpoints but you’d try and hit the ball pretty straight at your target so you’re starting to work towards kind of quote unquote normal goaling now so let’s go set up and see if we can hit a

Shot towards that green but still trying to obviously miss the head cover and that’s probably going to be a little bit short cuz I got the wrong Club yeah a little bit but I missed the head cover there’s a tick I got a little divot after the ball that tells me my

Hands are forward and I’d have to check from video but I think my body sequence was good so I still got all the information and the ball went straight so I squared the face the other way you can do it and I love this one do it from

Here grooves are vertical let it swing back return it with the hands forwards and the grooves vertical but notice how the club is staying on this horizontal angle it’s not coming off the angle through my arms it’s not coming off the angle through my body I’m not doing it through releasing early I’m

Doing it in the right way the key to that trail arm and body suin if you can learn how to square the club face correctly the game trust me will become a lot easier


  1. Thanks Chris another gem of a video. When you have a slow swing you ask for a closed face to hit the ball low and left, yet when you increase the swing length, the club face comes back to square for hitting the ball straight, is that going to happen naturally or do we need to focus on that? Cheers Socks in NZ

  2. Awesome Chris. Thank you. I’m playing a round this afternoon with someone I’ve known since 91. He mentioned that he still struggles with a slice (we haven’t played in around 20 years due to children and living basically a 2.5 hour drive from each other here in Melbourne). Due to him being a good friend and the round will be more hits and giggles, I’ve sent him this very video which will hopefully help him and get you another few subscribers. Luckily for me it’s halfway and also a course that I was a club member throughout my teens where I got my handicap down to half my age). At 50, handicap is similar and due to technology I can hit each club further so it will be an interesting round. Hopefully he can get even just part of this video as I know it will lead to more golf games. Perfect timing. Cheers, Marcus.

  3. Just superb Chris as always. Without a doubt this is probably the most important skill in golf – if I could master this skill, I wouldn’t even need to know how to play bunkers 😊
    Does the Blaster App provide feedback as to how well you are closing the face?
    Thanks for the great job you do!

  4. Love your videos and explanations. You've really helped my golf game. Thank you. Since watching and using your drills, I've gone from a mid 90s to a low 80s, now if only I didn't putt 40 times a round!

  5. Once more a spot on drill from you Chris, that I will implement when the courses thaw here in Sweden, should be in a few weeks… 🤞

  6. Hi Chris great video I seem to think this is an extension to your video from last week where the drill was for setup impact. I have finally got my practice net and can now start working with your videos to improving my technique as I’ve got a President Cup game this week and I want to get a good score. With your videos I’m sure going to try and make that happen.

  7. Hi Chris, without obviously seeing my swing, the only way I can seem to hit a decent-ish shot, is if i picture hitting a few inches after the ball. Is that a common thing?

  8. Chris this really resonated with me because I tend to hit over the top. Always love your detailed instructions 💗 Thanks so much!

  9. The square clubface is automatic when the rest of the swing and setup is properly executed. Respectfully is one focuses on squaring clubface manually its a futile effort.

  10. My golf superpower is that i hit all clubs stupidly straight! but only carry driver 210,
    think i have an element of early release and save slight steepness by moving through the ball to shallow,evidence is my divots are long shallow square and down the line,sometimes they start after the ball! i know this is a fault will try headcover drill,have done a lot of right arm only drills which helps square clubface

  11. Thoughts on maintaining a face square to the path using a grip/wrist hinge that is set up to produce it (ie. No opening, and therefore no closing required)?

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