Quickest Way To Improve Your Iron Strikes (Simple Golf Tips)

EASIEST Way To Improve Your Iron Strikes (Simple Golf Tips)

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Matt Fryer

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

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It’s not the shot we want and it happens to a lot of golfers whether you ting off with an iron or whether you’re in the Fairway that big divot is Right quite common but today I’m going to fix it for you guys I’m Matt fryer if you are new

Around here hit the subscriber button let’s get stuck into this Lon and fix that shot for you there’s a common reason why that shot is actually happening for a lot of golfers and if I just throw up the swing that I’ve just made I made a conscious effort to make

The fault here and that fault being that if I just draw a circle around the center of my chest now the big problem that I see from a lot of my students is that when we take our back swing we almost play the game a little bit too

Much on a lateral motion so from side to side yes weight’s going to move and pressure is going to transfer but we all know also need some element of twist and turn as we’re going through but the big problem with that swing is that as I

Took my back swing and I move the golf club away if we think now the center of my pressure being in the middle of my body I want to try and work around my golf ball I want to see that it turns away from the golf ball and it shifts a

Little bit back but it doesn’t get excessively back and that’s where I made the fault I went really off behind me and then on the way down what we would want to see is that it shifts towards my Target and then I get some turn going on

But what I see a lot of people doing is the fault I made just there I shifted back and I stayed back now the big problem with this is that when I do that my brain says to myself well oh one don’t do it don’t do it you did it it

Says I was near this golf ball I’ve moved away from it and it’s back over there what am I now going to do to try and make sure I get contact with it I’ll throw the golf club head down to the ground and down towards that ball in an

A to try and get that strike but that’s where we get that big horrible divot so what we need to try and do instead of having this big move off the golf ball yes we want a little one but what we want to try and see is that we get a

Little bit more centered in our turns and I’ve got a really good drill that you can either do out on the golf course or whether you’re down at the driving range the practice ground whatever it is all you need is a towel now if you take your towel whatever towel it is just

Fold it up and I want you to imagine when you’ve got this towel it is really really wet so it’s dripping wet through what I want you to then do is just come into your golf ball and take your setup for me and what I want us to do once

We’re comfortable in our setup just remember where your back foot was and I want you to just place that towel there and then again we’re going to get back into our setup and we’re going to squeeze some of that water out as we stand to it but before we actually get

Comfortable what I want us to try and imagine is throughout this golf swing I don’t want to squeeze all the water out of this towel what I want to try and do is that in my back swing I don’t want to see that I really press down on here

Really feeling that all my weight the middle of my chest is over this towel and squeezing the water off what I want to try and do is almost feel that I have a little squeeze of the water as I go back but as I get up to the top I almost

Now feel that I’m coming up off it on that leg because what I should be doing in a good golf swing is feeling that I yes shift a little bit of pressure but I rotate from here now I’m going to drive so straight away knowing that that towel

Is under my foot I almost feel a lightness now because I know I’m going to get this weight going forwards towards my target I’m going to come up and I’m going to rotate from here so couple of practice Rings you don’t even need the golf ball in what we want to

Try and feel is that as we’re up at the top that I feel a little bit more under this foot now I don’t want to feel like I’m really on top of this almost that I could lift this leg up and squeeze all the water out of the towel I want to

Make some practice swings where I’m up and I’m feeling quite Centered for me when I get this right I feel like my head is ever so slightly in front of the golf ball it might not be but what I’m not doing is really moving off and

Getting back behind it once I can do this then what I’m able to do which is the second part is now shift that pressure and then I want you to imagine that someone’s pulling you left pocket from here so instead of us staying behind and this pocket not moving and US

Throwing the golf club down at the ground we’re going to go up we’re not squeezed all the water out and then we’re going to push and have that pocket pulled to allow me to get off this towel at the back here what we want to try and

Achieve at the end of the golf swing is that I’m not stood up on this towel until of our imaginary water is still in there what we don’t want to be doing is making the golf swing and seeing that we’re almost stood on it trying to ring

It out with all our water because that is typical of the person who’s moved off we get a lot of spinning and we get this sort of finish we don’t want that so couple of practice swings feeling a bit more centered push off the towel let

That pocket turn from there then I’m off and what I’m going to allow to happen with a little bit of training is that I can get ball then Turf strike so if you’re comfortable with this down at the driving range I would probably go maybe 89 79 some 60% 70% swings just getting

Used to it from there once you’re confident just get in have some little rehearsals get off the towel feel the pocket turn and from there if we get this correct and we’ve got a little bit of water left in our towel we should see that we get a better

Strike I would take that one that sounded like an actual golf shot and I know now without even looking I’m not on that towel so if you’re someone who is getting that common strike and even here my divot is well after my TEEG there as opposed to about three or four five Ines

Before the golf ball so make sure you’re doing that guys I’ve been Matt frier make sure you subscribe to the channel and we’ll see you in another lesson very soon


  1. Now play on hard or beat frozen ground. Geez. Divet after the ball……2 seconds wraps it up. Add 1 more seconds and say downward swing and get the club angle do the work and not you that is lifting it into the air. The iron swing is mostly weight going forward and almost never back. The driver, pitch, chip and putt are completely different. Most average Joes [or Matts] don't have this basic golf knowledge. They say: I'm top old, I'm not changing my swing now…sake thing with running or walking. Your heel should never be involved. Just like most athletic movements. -The only caveat is rebounding on basketball, where sometimes you have to land on your heels but, it's not preferred. The forefoot is our evolved for millions of years cushion system. ÷Not a Nike marketing 33mm heel to sell crap÷

  2. Great video Matt. The pocket pull is something my coach has mentioned before also. I deffo suffer the lateral movement

  3. Just wish I'd seen the video this morning. I was coming up with crater sized divots even with my 5wood. Will try Monday Matt 👍

  4. Generally I can strike my irons fairly well but I'm gonna have to think about that pocket pulling thing to see if I can get a little more consistency

  5. Time to dust the clubs off from the fall and hit the range. Appreciate the tips Mr. Fryer!

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