COSTLY Mistake… For Golfers Buying These 2024 IRONS!?

We take a look at what I believe is the worst investment in golf for a beginner golfer… let me explain.

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Whenever I see someone just starting the game and they invest a lot of money in this type of iron I do somewhat wince slightly only because I made exactly the same mistake and yes I did pay over £700 for these IR back in the day but rather

Than take my word for it let me prove to you why these types of irons arguably the worst investment in golf however before anyone comes for me let me do some clarification if you’re a more senior player you’ve just been fitted into the QI 10 or let’s say the Callaway AI smoke

And a graphite regular flex shaft only got six to gap wedge and ultimately that is going to be your last ever set that you then purchase well obviously that’s a good investment or if you play once a month and have no intention of having lessons or even practicing I can get

Behind that player buying a brand new set of these types of irons due to the ease of well purchasing them and with 5 years worth of corporate days and events obviously that then becomes a relatively costeffective purchase however let me explain the type of golfer that these would be a horrible

Investment for just like it was for me back in the day and also how easy it is to find one of these sets that does exactly the same thing but at a fraction of the price because believe it or not I believe there is a place for these heavy

Del lofted IR that will help that progressing golfer gain confidence in this game but what I do question is the need for a tailored set of ,000 set of irons for that 28 handicap golfer or someone that’s being playing less than a year mainly due to the reason just like

Myself 16 years ago that golf for is one lesson or even one YouTube video away from changing their technique and making that very expensive tailored beginner Cav it back IR set completely obsolete the other downside of these types of on is the very short lifespan that they have compared to well their other

Counterparts this is down to a few reasons shops having to pre-order this type of head as it has the obvious Graphics that will then match the driver range in the shop as well therefore we have a compounding effect of Pro Shops getting to October knowing that well

This is going to be changed for whatever newer iron that’s then coming out as well as a lot of progressing golfers like I just explained getting this buying this using this and then changing their technique so they need something more true lofted less offset and more of

Their long-term iron choice now I have some top picks through this list as well as some to stay clear of and I’ll give you the obvious reasons for those as well as talk about the Del lofted of each IR set how that’s going to tailor to different beginners or different

Progressing golfers in this list or even some of you guys are getting into the later years where your golfing career and do need a bit more help for that distance but again don’t necessarily want to pay more than £130 for one of these irons I have to say the iron at

The end takes the biscuit for the most Del lofted 7 iron I’ve ever seen and I can’t even believe it didn’t even come on my raer but before we go into this list I must stress this isn’t the cheapest way of getting into this kind of Iron Head type for example this

Callaway xr6 iron does exactly the same as every other iron in this list and let’s be honest goes for virtually nothing in today’s market but I still feel comfortable sharing these newer irons with you for two main reasons firstly some of you just want upto-date equipment in good condition and I get

That so hopefully this list will be able to scratch that itch secondly even though some of these sets even pre-owned are £500 they’ve lost a lot of their depreciation value already and because their bigname brands when that inevitable growing out stage comes whether it’s 6 months a year 2 years you

Would have only lost £1 £150 oppos to over 500 if you were to take the rapper off a brand new one tailor made Qi irons currently retail at 859 that’s £43 per club and one of the strongest lofted options in this list at 28° stealth irons came out in 2022 so that

Is a 2-year cycle and Taylor Made did bring out the stealth HD irons but I’m just choosing standard cavity back irons for this list however unlike the p790 for Taylor Made that holds its value incredibly well the stealth definitely isn’t the case and one of the better

Value options through this list at £400 pre-owned that’s £66 per club and the fact that you’re going to get the same Del lofted the same offset good choice of shafts good condition grips tailor maid’s a good option to buy secondhand especially at this price point mainly

Because it has an army of fans and I only have to show you the SIM irons that came out two years before that retailing at £300 secondhand I was shocked by this next one and how much it goes for brand new as well as secondhand and to be

Honest as I always say if it sells quite well in the secondhand market then obviously people love it people are using it people aren’t selling it however this is the one club that I wouldn’t buy brand new especially when it comes to the older model mainly for

The reason the Paradigm AI at the moment is going for £89 for that five to pitch in wedge set the Paradigm the one that came out last year 799 I mean we’re talking a tener you might as well just get the AI smoke if you really want to

Do it but the Paradigm AI has been a bit sneaky it’s gone one degre stronger with that 79 for that ultimate distance gain from the older model and another downside I’ve seen with the older Paradigm irons is the wear and tear of that graphics on the back it’s very

Fragile and I keep seeing it unless you’re using head covers on all your eyes you’re going to start seeing that silvery finish coming through on the back of the them and you can look at these two ways yes they’re holding the value very well £500 considering that they obviously came out around £800

Brand you £83 per club and these being quite strong lofted unless you’re a more senior player 70 M an hour 75 M an hour with your with your 7 eyon and do launch the ball quite High I.E scoop the hands cut them at impact I think there’s a lot

More affordable options in this list that aren’t going to wear and tear as easily and also for you faster players this poti might be a bit too strong a lofted nothing feels like mauno and to be honest through this whole list I personally think mauno make the best

Looking cavity back irons that just don’t look gimmicky and look very much more classic the great news is it’s arguably the most cheapest option in this list brand new and also secondhand I must State all the prizes through this video of the date of me uploading it so

If they do change I do apologize but hopefully they’re only ever going to get cheaper in the future but again for that type of golf for that comes over the top cast the club doesn’t get that forward lean you need that Del lofted but I should state with all of these irons

Please never get a four iron in them you guys that can swing incredibly fast might like a five iron as that’ll basically be a driving iron for you but if you’re able to hit a five iron in these set 200 yards 210 yards you are the type of player that’s going to

Outgrow all of these a lot quicker than others so I highly recommend always buying these secondhand and not necessarily brand new brand new the jpx hot metal 91 is going for £525 and to be perfectly honest it’s one of the cheapest more affordable brand new options but when I compare it to the

Pre-owned price of £375 around that Mark around 60 OD per Club I would always go for that more pre-owned option but I appreciate that some of you guys just want to buy a set of ir or you just want something new and shiny in the wrapper I

Don’t think it’s the worst investment in this list most forgiving set through this entire list ping and it won’t go as far but let me tell you why that is a good thing because we want forgiveness some of you might need height you don’t want distance you don’t want low spin

You need that ball up in the air and relatively straight Ping g430 irons 839b and to be fair through this whole list ping holds its value the best it just does G10 irons go for around £200 g400 irons go for around £350 so if you do buy secondhand or potentially brand

New ping irons at least you know you’re going to not necessarily lose the same amount of money as some of these others peeing again trying to catch up the others we’ve gone to 29 degrees with the g430 but the g425 30° and I quite like

That some of you are steep some of you come across it some of you launch your 7 iron way too low and it’s nice to have that balance so if you need height and you want forgiveness this is the ultimate option however the g425 for the

Same reasons I just said holds it value well so it’s going to be one of the more expensive options but £450 I guarantee you this set of G 425s will be worth £400 in 2 years time I forgot how expensive titless IR that’s how long I’ve been out of this game

,000 for a set of titless 350s which are lofted to the same as all of these and the t400s obviously they’re hybrid irons but Jesus ,000 but there are some good sides similar to that category with the pingers does incredibly well with its in the secondhand Market especially with

Their new T Series launch over the last 6 years and a generous 29° Loft so again for that kind of Middle Ground potentially you don’t need as strong lofted but don’t need as much high again they look classic they look clean but I wouldn’t even buy the T300 which is what

This replaced brand new £ 749 for six clubs this is a club that came out two years ago £124 and you’re not going to get fitted for it it just doesn’t make sense in my eyes and one of the most expensive second hand options through this list mainly because of that

Initial retail value £500 for six clubs but personally for me the mauno in the same category same aesthetic same look same feel it’s £ 150 cheaper maybe 200 cheaper for this particular list you’re only paying that price tag because titless is slapped on the back of it the

Iron that shocked me and I didn’t even realize how Del lofted this iron actually was this is the only brand that’s potentially gone up in Lofts because it went oh maybe we went a bit too far I always talk about Cobra for this reason because they do make good

Equipment but resil value and secondhand value they just Plum it that’s why always kind of steer clear of buying the brand new like an aero jet driver10 you can pick it up for at the moment that came out last year 400 that’s a lot of value to lose but I

Think Cobra and the dark speed range looks great I think it’s the best looking 2024 iron or driver set out there but 27° the dark speed that’s very strong lofted and what I didn’t realize is the Aero jet was lofted at 26.5 few more degrees and we’re talking

About a driving iron for your 7 iron we have to put into consideration this is one of the newest sets obviously the Paradigm came out last year the aerojet came out last year the others in this list came out two years ago the g425 the

T300 the jpx 921 so this is one of the cheapest iron sets that’s the most newest as well 40050 for seven clubs so that’s £64 same as the other brackets and if you just want raw dist this is the iron set please do not get the five iron in this set potentially

Don’t even get the six iron in this set if you can find seven to sand wed you want distance you want help and your seven iron doesn’t go further than 120 yards then this potentially is the club if you LOF the ball too high love to hear your guys thoughts on this video

Sasg gool if you have any questions personally for myself and I’ll catch you guys later


  1. Some players seem reluctant to play cavity back irons ever since hollow bodied irons arrived! Local pro told me that Ping cavity back irons like my G400’s are suitable for single figures players! Some paying for how cool their bag looks?

  2. As always great advice, you've really got to have money to burn if you're throwing money at clubs when your swing probably changes every shot!

    I went the other way and got a stiff set of very cheap Honma TR20V which probably hurt my game but damn if I'm not going to try and grow into them through hard work and lessons 😅

  3. would love a review on the cleveland launcher xl irons 2 years old now but would like to see where they would fit in against these today

  4. Hear, hear!!! Well said Simon! Me? 2018(?) Mizuno 900 forged, which will last at least another 7 years (by which time, I'll be decrepit!!!). They're lovely off the middle, and OK on the bit I hit them on!!! Iron lofts are a con job!!!!

    No, "nothing feels like Mizuno"! I'm hooked now!!! Do you know of a self help group!!!???

    Great video, ,sound advice!!!!

  5. I just started a little while back and had no illusions that a $1,200 set of irons would help me be the next Tiger Woods. A set of Ping G30s although older fit the bill and I didn't have to sell a kidney to get them. 😂

  6. I’m 70 now and lost considerable distance with my conventionally lofted clubs a few years ago. So, 2yrs ago I picked up a new set of PXG 0211’s for real cheap, $700CDN delivered to my door. The lighter shafts and stronger lofts have really helped my game.

  7. What would you recommend for someone who launches it high but fails to get really good distance? Im using the stealths and hit my 7iron 150-160. But it goes so high.

  8. I am returning to the game after 20 years away, was seriously considering the stealth range and the Paradym. Then I started looking at some older, 2nd hand irons. Managed to buy a set of cobra speed zone irons for fraction of the price. Now the money I saved I can invest into time at the range and lessons to help improve my game. Don’t think I will buy new irons ever.

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