This 4 a.m. Basement Golf lesson focuses on your Golf Swing, Tempo, Long CLubs, Short Game, Playing Lessons and Putting. It also gives you drills to take to the range and get out of your head. The Golf Swing should be effortless, fun and repeatable. Stop slicing, hit fat shots and much more! Mind, Muscle and a lack of Tempo will kill your Golf Swing and Golf Game every time. Break 100 or 90 in 2024!

I will hit the Driving Range Next week to continue this lesson
in part 2 of three lessons. Free Analysis for Subscribers!

Get a Grip or Better Grip on Golf and the Game of Life in 2024!
Subs receive a free Video Analysis in 3 sports, and please
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This video is in three parts and covers from 2020 when I was
teaching Golf Full Time at White Pines Golf Dome, Skokie
Park District, Diversity Driving Range and Robert Black G.Cl.

Play Golf and Tennis is now an Instructional Youtube Page
focusing on Golf, Tennis and Pickleball Tips and Tricks
to Help you break 100, 90, Reach 4.0 or learn Pickleball!

Thanks for watching and Happy Golfing in 2024!

Clearing Hips, Hogan Drill, Golf Swing, Short Game, Gain Yards, Putting and Tempo!

– Ron

Now I’ll be 63 years old this year so a little bit more difficult but what I want to do is show people some tips that they can do to get back in the game and the biggest problem I see is mind and muscle and the drill looks like this

Tuck your elbows in make sure the club toe is up and go halfway back the toe should be up halfway through the toe should be up so toe up here impact tow up there so it looks like this and you’ll feel more whip on that as you

Come through and tuck your arms in and just go back and then just get the hip moving first on my back swing it’s like doing the robot so it’s a one piece takeaway I don’t want to hit the TV over here it’s a one piece takeaway and then

Now it’s all lower body if you’re trying to put muscle into it drive off this right leg bump and twist your impact should be right here so imagine this not that so it’s up here get that hip clear and that’s going to move your divot up so if you’re

Hitting behind the ball a lot you’re doing this here get that hip moved then come through with your swing now at 62 going on 63 I never try to bomb the ball that’s not my goal but if you get your hip moved and push off that

Back leg you can practice that in slow motion you’ll get way more effortless distance and you want an effortless repeatable golf swing and get all the way to your left side and squar up to your taret and that Ball’s going to follow you around a lot

Of people muscle the ball they pick it up like this or they flip it back and I see that a lot he can hit golf ball straight all day long just focusing on this area and this is where your power comes in but it has to be this so the drill is

Elbow tucked in arm straight Let It Go 1 two 3 hip whip one two three stick it for 3 seconds another very key component to your swing is your weight shift as I go back with the club again it’s a robotic takeaway one piece takeaway as I

Get here my weight’s going to be majority on my right leg As I push and twist my weight’s going to shift slowly to my left leg so you have to shift your weight to your left leg so ball position is pretty simple V swing plane a wedge

Is more vertical up and down U swing plane go out and around your body more wble swing plane so this would be inside track NASCAR middle track NASCAR outside track Nascar or sports car cutting around the corner two bus semi TR so with a driver I’m going to get

Wider and it’s going to be a wide turn back distance from my body keep it away from my body more as a hinge that arm stay straight but if you go back like the robot that’s your takeaway I’m taking it away from the ball I want the

Face of the club to look at the ball as long as it can that’s my wide takeaway get wide on the back swing to is up away from my body turn a little bit more trying to go slow here not to get anything I’m in the basement so my wife can’t hear

Me twist drop more Norman whip a good whip drill is to take it back let it touch your shoulder hip you’re doing this and Let It Whip and touch on the other side I’ll take a five iron here I can’t do it with that driver wi take

Away toe is up let it touch hip whip let it touch nice mooth swing one two three hip whip one two three you should be square to your target that way that ball will not go right if you’re muscling a lot of people stop right here

The ball just goes off so it’s one two three and whip it and look good on your finish keep it tucked in in and if you move your hip your divit moves up so you’re not going to hit those shots fat hip whip bam Tempo is important if I’m

Putting it could be Tick Tock don’t try to go straight back and straight through cuz as you putt you’re going to have that little circle little bump and run I lean into the target one two hold it off open it up from it rough even with the

Five iron open that face just a little bit so it cuts that rough and the grass doesn’t close my club down on the hustle pit shot one two Hip whip one two nice easy pit shot but when to go higher maybe one two Hip clear one two three

For a high pitch shot bump and run one two leaning left you can do this for a drill one you have to hit down on the ball with the pop up don’t try to scoop It Up full swing one two three clear the hip let it WI you get that little swishing sound

One two three and I can go get it hit as hard as I want to once I clear that hip can’t do this though and get that hip moving the down swing is that hip turning you should be hitting right here not right here and again your swing

Should be effortless if you’re trying to bomb the ball I would say never go past 90% on your swing ever Club up Club down do whatever you have to do and as far as the swing plane goes when you set up make sure you have your chest up here

And your butt’s going to pop out a little bit you can’t be like this cuz now you’re too vertical and if you’re too close to the ball you’re going to feel like this you’re going to feel like your weight’s more on your heel if you’re too far away the weight’s going

To be more on your toe so keep that in mind the wedge is going to be more back in my stance or I can hit down on the ball the wedge I want to start sweeping the ball picking the ball with a five iron or longer Club then of course the

Driver is going to be more ascending and the goal here is to break 100 if you’re a beginner then try to break 90 and you don’t want to give up Strokes to par I rather see you hit a 250 yard drive straight or keep it in the Fairway then

They try to hit the ball 280 yard so if you bogey every hole you’re still shooting under 100 keep that in mind when I was teaching I learned how to play golf left-handed so I can feel what my beginners felt and it’s the same thing whether you’re lefty or writing

You’re still going to have a little bump as you come back toes going to be up going to hinge it like this this weight’s going to shift to your left leg little bump and Let It Whip all the way around to your right side to your squir

Up to your Target and yes it is 4:15 in the morning so if I sound a little bit tired it’s the same concept but it’s the same thing if you’re Lefty let’s go back toes should be up if it’s a wider Club have a look at the ball as much as you

Can so the drill again coming back let it touch your shoulder so don’t pick your foot up I see that a lot too I see people pick their foot up but be careful of that because it will throw you off try to keep that foot planted here touch

Hip whip let it come through and get that whip fing is it righty hip Whip and once you clear your hip you can swing as hard as you want to if you overswing you may hook it but make sure you feel cluff face and don’t grip your cluff too

Tight so I see people playing golf and they don’t don’t take practice swings take a practice swing keep in mind also if it’s really damp or just rained the ball’s not going to go as far and so you need to maybe go from a seven iron to a

Six iron if it’s really hot the ball is going to run out a lot more it’s going to go a little bit further so you need to play the condition the ball’s going left to right throw some grass up and see which way the wind’s going also keep

In mind that the wind could change in the middle of your golf swing feel the club face if you’re trying to hit the ball straight it should come in square at a dress I’m trying to draw ball I drop this foot back just a little bit

Aim to the right there’s going to be a little bit of a cast I’m still going to plant twist but now I’m just going to let this club go a little bit in front of me to get that ball to draw around conversely if I want to cut the ball I

Drop the left foot back now a Cut’s not going to go as far as the draw does keep that in mind too but now I’m going to feel like I’m going I’m going out a little bit and across my body a little bit not too much that’s how much it’s

Going to cut so if I go back like this versus this one’s a slice one’s a cut draw if you’re a little older or you can’t turn I taught guys with no big bellies they can’t turn so I had them drop the leg back a little bit like this

And now they can get back around and if they’re drawing the ball all the time that’s fine sometimes you have people to a cut almost exclusively so you can just go to a cut cut cut and cut all your shots and still keep in play you also

Tee up on the right side of the tea box and cut it so that way you’re still in play be strategic in your golf so tempo mind the muscle k a golf swing so you can’t muscle that’s why practicing this little whip drill one plain swing if you turn into a

Hinge look at it there and look at it as I drop it back it stays right on Plain even when I come through and you’ll see people just working on this little drill this release drill you have to release the CL I can

Let it go as much as I want once I get here that’s why you see Pros hook the ball more you see see them slice them you want to also hit the ball right flush in the middle of the CL face look at my face you’ll see all my marks are right

Here they’re not on the toe they’re not on the heel sometimes if you’re chipping leaning forward on those little chip shots and just one strike the match one two one two strike the match a lot of people de accelerate through their shot need to accelerate if I go one and I go

Two I should be over here that’s double the distance that’s how I accelerate through the shot I go one two and then one two I’m way over here I’m doubling my distance that’s that get you out of your head and you accelerate through the

Shot one two one two one two one two one two 1 two 3 nice and easy flow so make sure your glof swing is nice and easy 1 two 3 here HP whip 1 two 3 to a complete finish and look cool on your finish you’ll be surprised

How effortless your golf swing become on even Lies when you’re playing golf if the ball’s below your feet it’s going to go more that way if it’s above your feet so keep in mind you have to change your swing or your setup with the L it could be uphill like this or downhill

Like that CU down here you need a more lofty Club to get it up don’t worry about distance as much so you need to have all these play these variables in your golf game a way to get that tightness out is to do a little waggle I never just stay still everything is

Always moving a little bit a waggle I get a little practice Wing kind of get a feel for what that shot’s going to look like Envision that I look at my landing spot this is my pre-shot routine I take into consideration the conditions the wind all that before you take a shot and

Take a practice shot if you mess up your shot don’t get mad what you want to do is take the swing again try to get a feel for what you want it to B to try to correct it with an after swing and then then keep moving on but if you’re

Muscling you’re do if you have no Tempo you’re in your head use Tempo have a smooth swing you’ll be surprised at your results if I turn to a hinge I’ll stay on the right plane I won’t be too vertical at the top I won’t be too late

Off at the top so again little waggle try to get a feel for what I’m trying to do here one two three hip whip one two three one two 3 look good on your finish stick your balance solid contact with the club face good balance your ball

Should go a lot further if you’re not hitting behind the ball you’ll get the true loft of the club face if you’re hitting fat shots you won’t you’re hitting thin shots you won’t if you’re getting big divits on five irons or or hybrids you’re hitting down too much

You’re not getting around your body more you go to the range just one two three hip whip one two three you’ll be surprised at your results get out of your head don’t muscle the ball and look cool when you’re playing golf you’re going to realize that your best shots

Are effortless and you look cool doing them your work shots you look like crap doing them and they’re not effortless at all all muscle all thought mind and muscle kill your golf swing Temple helps get rid of that just work on your swing in slow motion waight shift

It as I turn the CL just starts to drop almost by itself and my waist shifts slowly to my left foot if I’m going to do a knockdown shot I’m going to go one two three bam one two just hold it off a little bit with any club in the bag

That’s my little Stinger I can do it with the driver as well too just hold off the finish I want to go higher go above my head hope that makes sense and again I’ve had subscribers send me videos I sent them back to them if you a sub I’ll

Be happy to analyze your swing and if you’re at the range Hitting off mats if you hit fat it’s going to bounce into the ball it’s an illusion if you go out there and try the same thing on grass it’s going to it’s going to hurt your

Hand so you have to move your divid up no more fat shots no more slices if your ball’s going right you’re not getting to your left you’re stopping right here most of the people I see slice the ball I say where are you facing oh to the

Right you’re not over here so get all the way around and finish your thought with the golf s get all the way to your left finish your thought you can’t have fragmented sentences and if you’re stopping at the ball like some people do with muscle it’s not a complete thought

Come here B so it’s 4:30 my dog hurt me came downstairs come here say hi to everybody say hi B bam now you got to get up and down around the green so just one two Tempo if it’s in the rough you can go one two

One that’ll pop it up if I’m doing a pit shot I’m going lean a little bit left I want to make sure I go down on this wall to get it up if you notice there’s no muscle in my swing and that golf grip is

L like this is a 9:00 putt hi this is Ronald from Play Golf and Tennis and what I mean by that is when I’m trying to read a green I also look at what time the ball’s going to go in the hole is the ball going to go in the hole at 6:00

9:00 or in this case 7:30 or 8:00 so that’s very important to me once I’m aligned to the putt then my only concern which is the most important concern is speed when I’m determining speed this is not a scientific formula if I go back 2

In I want to go through 2 in if I go back 8 I want to go through 8 in that gives me a better consistent speed what I don’t want to do is go back a lot and then de accelerate I’m going to pull that putt left or I don’t want to go

Back a little and then push the putt right and that’s what I see a lot of people do might be anxiety I want to line up relax my hands keep my lower body still and just rock my shoulders 1,1 or Tick Tock and put the ball in the

Ho so number one I can use the tius or the logo on my ball as my line a line machine as well and do a line on my balls you’ll see most Pros have a line on their ball number two where the ball should go is where your eyes are so line

Up and just drop the ball so that’s where the ball’s going to go straight down I want a line going straight down and straight across to the hole to determine whether I’m right eye dominant or left eye dominant I can look down at the ball cover this side and then cover

This side in one of the eyes the ball is going to move right eye dominant so I want my right eye slightly behind the ball so I get this blind Vision going straight down like an L the hole once I determin that I use something called the

Three PS I want to be parallel perpendicular and to the point parallel means when I line the putter up behind the ball I want to use my right foot first forward that’s going to send me to the right if you’re Lefty do the opposite then I’m going to bring in my feet I

Want to make sure that everything’s parallel these are my railroad tracks track one track two my knees have to be parallel my hips and my shoulders I can’t be doing this so once I get lined up and I’m perfectly lined up I’m going straight down I see my line and that’s

What’s important from the ball to the hole then I grab the Putter and when you putt I just want to rock my shoulders and my hips cannot move so you can park against the wall and work on just rocking those shoulders back and forth you’re going to be surprised that your

Hips want to move with them so get used to just rocking those shoulder once I line up bring the feet in now what’s important just like my swing if I go back an inch or 3 Ines I want to go through 3 in that’s how I accelerate the

Putter a stop tick top one two one two one two for a longer putt so I line up bring everything in not trying to be perfect here it’s 2: early in the morning I go Tick T I do it right I don’t have to even look because I’m just

Going straight back and straight through the putter is going to AR so if you want to try know Tiger’s te drill problem with that though when you go play golf you’re going to be worrying about going straight back and straight through check out Paul Wilson golf best putting tip

Ever I would never do this straight back straight through thing unless I practice this hours every single day because it’ll leak over to the golf course now I’m going to miss all my butts thinking too much but the putter is going to Ark that’s just pretty natural that’s why

You see tiger also doing the oneand drill where he works on the release of the putter you’ll see him do that an hour before he tees off to work on your long puts what you can do is take a 30 footer or 20 footer and just look at the hole the whole time

And just put a different length 20 ft 30 ft that’s going to give your mind your hand eye coordination a better idea of feet on the Green before you go play around go to the green see how fast they are also if it’s going to warm up that

Day expect a faster green for example the Green’s a little bit moist all the putts are going to be slow if or it’s hot outside the putts going to be faster later on it is in the day also keep in mind if I’m looking at dark grass I’m

Going against the grain that’s going to be a slower putt if the grass is a little bit shiny it’s going to be a faster putt couple that with hot weather for as speed of the grain being a lot faster so keep that in mind want to make

Sure that you m up how far you go back with how far you go through I want to accelerate through my putt so if I go Tick Tock that still double the distance one two one two one two and again you’ll see that putter open up a little bit and

Close and open make sure you’re perel now everything’s even hips and shoulders perpendicular and to the point my only goal now is to the point and I hate three putting also practice on 15t putts all the time practice on 20 foot putts all all the time whenever you’re

Leaving your puts on the green you don’t want to give Strokes back to par you can avoid it you want to have your GS of greens and regulation down you don’t want to give any Strokes to part there and know where your average putts going

To be it’s going to be 10 ft or 15t or 20 ft but I will practice those puts all the time line up you’re not trying to be perfect here Tick Tock I don’t have to even look so I keep my head pretty much still I’m feeling most of the pressure

On my putter in my right hand and not my left hand so whatever you feel comfortable with just practice that and groove it tick tock happy golfing in 2024 play golf in tennis Got Game bring it get game here or get schooled

1 Comment

  1. This lesson (at 4 am from my basement) focuses on your driver, long game, short game, putting, the mind game and many aspects of actually playing Golf because Mind, Muscle and No Tempo will kill your swing and your game. I will hit the Driving Range Next week to continue this lesson in part 2 of three lessons. Free Analysis for Subscribers!Get a Grip on Golf in 2024! Break 100 or 90! Happy Golfing in 2024! – Ron 🏌‍♀⛳

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