Peter Finch’s PROVEN Methods For An EASY Repeatable Golf Swing!

In todays video we have a special guest in Peter Finch, who will be sharing his methods on how to build an easy and repeatable golf swing with both your irons and your driver! Been a long time since we have had Pete on the channel and it is fair to say it was a lot of fun!

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What do you think are the most important parts of the golf swing well in today’s video we’ve got golf professional and YouTube Legend Peter Finch sharing his best tips for the swing that are really going to help you we’re here at the full swing studios in San Diego let’s get to

It Mr Finch we are reunited after a long long time we are you’ve joined us in sunny California MH but we’re inside today because it is I nearly said it but it’s throwing down a brain outside it’s the opposite of sunny California right now but you know is it it’s technically

Desert around it it needs a bit of rain it needs a little bit yes you know we want the grass to grow don’t we we are golfers we want the trees to be in full bloom and all the rest of it you know so don’t mind a pit of rain exactly so

We’re in the full swing studios here in carsbad and Pete is going to share with us today his favorite swing drills pck your golf swing is a thing of beauty it works sometimes but you’re going to share a few things with irons and hopefully a couple of things with

Drivers for the viewers to to give them some value today okay cool um I mean obviously you know I don’t know who is watching this so please bear in mind that generally these tips are to take in a wide variety of golfers so I would always suggest checking out a good PJ

Professional such as me my golf they have a fantastic website that you can go to they’ve not instructed me to say that but I’ve been on there and I would give it a solid 8 hour time pay the man is good there you go okay let’s talk irons

Then Pete what we’ll do is I think what probably the best thing to do is probably give a couple of drills but backward chain this cuz we we all know like within a goal swing if a player comes to you you could find a fix anywhere within that swing but I think

It’s essential really to get off to a decent start and then things might fall into place anyway so kind of always start usually with strike is absolutely key uh ball Direction how those two things kind of combine So within this particular set of drills we’re assuming

That the golfer has the ability to get Club on Ball and then everything else well that’s all for debate so first thing we really want to check to begin with is that the goal swing is getting off to a decent start with the takeaway and for me there’s just a few very very

Simple checkpoints you know we all know like a lot of golfers can have some funky takeaways and still make some good moves but if there are a few things in place it does make the rest of the technique you know a hell of a lot easier absolutely what I really want to

See to begin with is the takeaway to be nice and wide but also when the club head reaches parallel when it’s in line with the hands when view from behind we just have the Leading Edge of the club matching spine angle so we have this club face in a square position at that

Part of the Swing because you know there are a prop here I might poke you a little bit as you’re doing these things absolutely so kind of here this position here so we have the spine angle still tilted over the ball so we know I’ve maintain the posture I’m not lifted up

And out of it and also Leading Edge when that matches spine angle that’s that’s a very easy reference point now what that means is that club is still Square to the Target that we were aimed at really simply if you can get into that position you’ve started the swing you started the

Whole Motion in an effective way just just that one more time for us Pete CU I just want to just pull out a couple of things there which are really important you mentioned it just as Pete does this you’ll notice how much he’s turned pretty pretty early in the GOL swing and

You’ll notice how both arms are relatively straight it really helps get the Club in a good position if it’s being driven by this here such a key component so would you recommend that people just swing rehearse and look I mean what what I tend to do is obviously

This is a the start point of the Swing if we can get to this position it makes things easier but if you can get to this type of position we can almost start to practice what the impact would be like like the simplest drill here just like a

Little kind of half swing drill is we take it up got the body turn check Club face back to the ball set up and then just repeat that position and just turn through literally with a seven ey all I’m trying to do here is Chip it down Target line 100

Yards that’s it 100 yards cuz people tend to when they’re coming into Club when they’re coming into impact you know the club face can be in a lot of weird and wonderful positions it’s very hard to change the club face angle from here

To here so it gives a go for an idea of what Square Club face actually feels like an impact and often if you can get here and you can get here with a square Club face you can start to train the body to get into that position at impact

Yeah sometimes you don’t have to mess around with the rest of the Swing it’s an Ideal World obviously but if you can get that get that key component in takeway then you can get a decent impact turn it away turning in square up the CL face notice these shots as well low and

The first one was drawing a little bit most golfers will struggle with the opposite they’ll hit it high and weak but this is just showing the strength of the face as well exactly and that’s what it’s all about I mean that was a kind of slightly toey strike but we know we’re

Not bothered about we’re not bothered about distance here and you can do this with any club I mean what I tend to like to do kind of with lessons is if they are struggling with Direction they’re struggling with strike this is a great way to get the swing off to a good start

But let’s say we do this with a 60° wedge M or a 54 degree wedge with a few modifications all of a sudden they will go away from the session there with a short range pit shot yeah so they can train they can practice and add to their

Arsenal of kind of technique as well so it’s very very simple start but you know the the the best goal swings generally are the most repeatable and the most repeatable actions are the most simplest we talk all the time about how when we’re giving someone a golf lesson we’re

Really giving back swing lessons and this is the perfect place to start because if they get this correct they’ve got a chance from there but I think look just the one thing just set up again what I really liked about Pete when he did this drill just go back for me so

He’s obviously rehearsing that he mentioned about getting to impact so as he goes to impact now he’ll obviously turn and unwind his body but look what he did with the club face he squared the face up so many golfers will come in like this when they go back to impact

They’ll think about getting the hips and the chest and the weight into the lead leg they’ll think about turning to the Target but they won’t turn the club face and square it up yeah that’s crucial like I said this this is a this is a key place to start because everything is

Everything is related to Club face everything is related to strike you know whatever change you make within the golf swing it’s so you can Del deliver it in a way which sends the ball somewhere where you want it to go it’s as simple as that and like I said if you’re here

And you turn into impact and that ball pops off to the right hand side you know that from here to here there’s a there’s a problem with squaring Club face yeah so again you can look at that straight away really simple a lot of golfers o Overlook that but the earlier you can

Fix your golf swing you know the last thing you want to be doing is trying to fix in transition the early you can do it in the swing the better really number two number two we can build on from the this point Y because like you said you a

Lot of the lessons that you give all back swing related one of the reasons for that is that’s a part of the swing that we can control you know coming into impact body movements can break down and sometimes that’s not to do with technique that’s just to do with body

Types and like physically how you kind of use your body if there’s a deficiency somewhere within muscular sceletal whatever you can try and make changes but sometimes it won’t work because you physically can’t do it with the back swing because it’s a more contr motion

You can see these things easier so if we can control takeaway and we can get into this position actually from that point we should be able to make a rotation we should be able to make a turn away from Target and we should be able to control

That as well but this is the key part because if you don’t get this and sorry if I keep banging on about it for something which is quite simp it’s very important by the way yeah this so this is the thing it’s like it’s simple it’s very straightforward it’s amazing how

Many people don’t do this because they’re worried about things which look different they’re worried about things that they’ve you know we know this like they’ve watched the videos and maybe put something into their swing that is unnecessary because of this point here yeah so if I do keep banging on about it

I’m I apologize let’s back him up a little bit more here because I think the one thing that someone might watching this might go yeah okay okay Pete yeah I know that’s where the club should go but actually the fact that you are so specific about it a lot of golfers will

Look at this and go it’s too simple it’s too easy but actually to your point I need to shallow my club on the way down should be doing this and they should be looking at this first it’s massively important honestly the more the more and

More like you know CU one thing I like about you guys and one thing which I do want to see in pretty much every coach is you’re always learning you’re always like trying new things you’re always kind of expanding your knowledge base like the more and more that I’ve I’ve

Given lessons the more and more I look at the goal swing the more important the realization is of where the club face is throughout the swing that’s the most important thing because yeah it’s it’s kind of like if you’re if you’re thinking about something like a shallow

In the swing or whatever that is completely meaningless unless the club faces where you want it to be you can shallow the absolute crap out of a golf club but if that club face is going to be wide open impact you be hitting me from there exactly so that is not where

To start we need to start with Club face so again I’m sorry I will keep banging on about it’s good it’s good however important what about the takeaway can we talk about the takeaway so with with these takeaway we’ve got the club basee we’ve got that

Kind of nailed down now from this point we’ve already got our body pretty much into a position that’s 2/3 of the way through its back swing rotation you know from here it’s a little bit more to kind of get up to the top of the Swing but

Again a lot of the work has been completed within this takeaway phase now from here we have a club face which is parallel uh we have a club shaft which is parallel to the ground we have the wrists because they’re in this position they’re already slightly set mhm now

This is going to be key if you’re in a back swing position which you’re you’re kind of rigid into this position and you have no relaxed set within those wrists the rest of the back swing is going to be a little bit more of an issue so once

We get to kind of this position all I really want to get people doing is pointing the club up at the sky and completing the rotation okay now again sounds super simple we’re on plane here Club face is in the right position if we hinge those wrists upwards as we rotate

We should have the left arm pretty much across the shoulder line for a right hand golfer and that club face should be matching back of left back of the left wrist back of left arm let’s just show that on camera so they can they can see

That so if you go to that point so you go to that halfway um from here now so if you go to the top of the back swing yeah so it’s this is a combination movement so I’m not doing this and then turning I’m hinging and rotating it’s

More of a blended so things that Pete was saying he wants the left arm pretty much matching the shoulder plane here and if I come behind here we want the the Leading Edge to be running exactly the same as this lead forarm this is now

A square face this is more of an open face this is more of a closed face here key components real key okay let’s get into some some driver stuff gra your driver we’ll talk about because obviously the driver we we often talk about the driver as a specialist Club

You know you’re hitting this potentially 10 to 14 times a around depending on the golf course that you play and the amount of golfers who come to us for lesson they have sometimes two different golf swings they swing it one way with the iron and swing it one way with the

Driver and there’s certainly some things you can do differently because this is a really it’s really about getting in play but look we want to get it down as far as we can get it as well but you what it is a specialist Club it’s a very there’s

A lot of things within the golf swing that you can transfer and you know you can adapt but if you think about what you’re doing with the driver it’s essentially a completely different Club because the ball is not on the ground so you can move this club in a way which is

Completely in contrast to your iron your iron when you strike it your wedges when you strike It generally you want it to be moving down hitting the ball and then it will bruise the turf take a divot whatever with the driver that is the opposite of what we want to happen we

Don’t want this to be hit in the ground you know we have this space around and underneath the ball we have more ability we have more of a chance to manipulate this club than we do with a lot of others so therefore the technique that you use fundamentally will change so

Really what I try and kind of emphasize most of the time is set up and how you actually adapt your body to the ball that is the first thing we’ve got to do CU if I set up to this as though I’m going to hit a wedge ball position in

The middle of my stance fundamentally I have to then adapt my swing to make sure this ball isn’t skyed to make sure it’s going down towards the target again it’s just like I don’t some frustration in P I think it it is frustrating because I know that

A lot of people kind of watching this will will want to know and will want to understand like massively like technical things and they’ll want to try and develop a a deep knowledge and a deep understanding of the goal swing but if we’re looking at practicality of getting

Out on the golf course and actually playing some decent golf none of that matters you can be as knowledgeable as you want if you’re not getting set up to your driver correctly is completely pointless so getting that first initial setup for me is absolutely fundamental I

Want to just tap into this a little bit because a lot of the viewers will go okay well I know I should have the ball forward I know I create should create the tilts and get my spine sort of Leaning away yet they still come to us

For coaching and still are not doing that so they know where they need to be a lot of them do but they’re still not in the position that that is is going to help them we all know that like if a golfer goes to the driving range setup is not

Something that they work on like they might do like the few of you out there God bless you little Souls you might be there and grinding on your setup but generally people will get to the swing and they want to they get to the range and they want to work on their swing

Yeah it’s natural it’s perfectly understandable there’s very few people who you will see spending an hour with 50 balls grinding on setup the thing is though as well because Pete’s exactly right on this because you go to a PJ Tour event LPGA Tour event if you get on

The driving range you are watching them calibrating setup alignment sticks on the ground ball position alignment posture checking that’s all we do with Aaron you know so the videos that they his caddy sends through every Monday and Tuesday are we are making sure his Posh

Is in good place now you do need to do work on the swing but you need to just be mindful when you’re doing it the first part it’s getting yourself set up for Success yeah you know you you don’t it it amazes me and it’s understandable

Again why because people do want to work on technique more than anything but we are playing here a Target orientated Sport and I could probably count on three hands Maybe maybe the amount of lessons over like maybe the last 10 years that I’ve had who spend time

Working on AIM just just think about that for a second we are a Target orientated Sport and very few golfers work on AIM Y is that not the most mental thing you’ve ever heard in your life yep now this is what this is why golf drives people mad this is why everyone who

Plays golf I think is a little bit kind of on the edge you know what I mean cuz if you go to Ed the sport if you go to an Archer and you say do you work on your a of course they do I’ve never never thought about that exactly exactly

Yeah yeah but this is the thing so so many golfers if they were archers and they pull the bow out and they set the quiver they’re going down there and they set up over here you would rightly say what are you doing but yet many golfers they’ll get set up they’ll be aiming

Over here and they oh that’s just the way I aim but if you’re aiming over here you have to H it that way to get it back to Target and they’re coming say oh I’m slicing it yeah yeah Brian you are because you trying to get it back to

Your target so working with alignment sticks and again I think we’re going on a bit here but so good like when you’re talking about um kind of body motions and all the rest of it this is why the top pros this is why you know you work

With these guys more than I do but this is why Elite athletes they will spend so much more time on their setup because then their body motions become simpler if you Ain more you’re incorrectly aligned to your target you have to then adapt your motions to get the ball back

To where you want it to go like with Aaron because he’s setup you can see his setup he’s just like he’s train tracked on everything so all he needs to do then is put his swing on it and if anything goes wrong he knows that it’s not the

Way he’s lined up to it and and and to add to this as well if we’re playing golf with somebody and we want to help them we’re only going to go into the setup we’ll do a few things we’ll say ball position we’ll say alignments we’ll

Say tilts just try this just close the shoulders off a little bit you will definitely go down that route um interested so how would the driver then set up then just go through how you would calibrate it yourself how can you guarantee for the for the for the few

Who really want to do it how can they guarantee that they’re going to get into a great setup with the driver so all for me always start setting up feet together okay so feet together literally the ball intersecting could I grab your align stick fer I appreciate that thank you

Very much so if this goes down here lovely baby blue alignment stick there as well I’ve seen that before so if you start here with your feet together we know that the ball we know the relation for the body to the ball yeah so this is in the middle of the

Feats in the middle of the sternum it’s centralized okay because we want to hit up on the ball with a driver this means that our swing Center needs to be behind so very simply if you want to get your swing Center which is roughly kind of

Where your sternum is all we need to do here is take a step to the right our swing Center is now behind the ball okay now what I tend to do because a lot of people don’t do this is if you can get set up in this position if you fan your

Lead foot out here we know that ball position is going to be inside that left heel Okay then if you take a step we know that we’ve step behind the ball our swing Center is behind so when we talk about swing Center I I don’t know what

You guys do with Graphics but ever go with the AR with the AR demon it roughly the swing is going to be working in a circular motion around the body please don’t get into the comments and go crazy we all know that that’s not the case but

Roughly the swing is moving in a circular motion the bottom point of that circle is near your swing Center if your swing Center stays behind the ball that means you’re going to be hitting on an upward angle on an upward Arc this is why it’s so essentially different than

An iron you want to be over the top of the ball with an iron so you can get your swing Center on or just after with driver we want it behind so you can hit with an upward Arc sounds simple does it y it is do it let’s let’s hit let’s hit

One let’s let’s have a look at that so we’ll actually put in to warm up again we were we were talking prior to this on the video about like you know swing coaching and like these lessons and stuff and about how you know let’s let’s make sure that we’re not just like

Blabbering on it’s all great stuff so we’re in here so this is it so all I need to do here to really make sure that my arc is on the way up m it’s just being the knowledge that I want to keep my Center behind the ball okay like in

The most simple terms obviously with the driver look can go wrong but we just want to stay behind oh they back stiffened up there strike on that and that shape is something that the majority of the amateur watching this would love to see that little bit of a right to left but I

Think one key thing just do that again for us Pete is and this is so important when people do this because it feels unfamiliar so if you if you take your setup would you like that midd that yeah it was surpris what is so important you’ll see Pete does this excellent from

Face on he keeps his upper body back and most golfers when it it does when the ball does go forward they just tend to reach with the upper body and get the shoulders too open but you’re really making sure that you are like well behind it here what what a lot of people

Struggle with certainly when they get a little bit more behind the ball like this they automatically want to move towards the ball I mean that’s that’s fair enough you know if you’re hitting something you want your body to be more towards what you’re feel natural doesn’t

It exactly yeah 100% now if you move behind like this you just need to make sure that your spine angle still has that tilt away from the target it’s a little bit counterintuitive time you might feel a long way away from the ball but having it in that position that’s

What’s going to help again keep behind as you strike and see how far Pete’s head is now back behind the Go real key component stay there stay there because a lot of you now as we were saying just exactly that they’re going hang a bit the ball’s over here somewhere I need to

Do this now I can see the ball it feels more comfortable but that now is just so strange for a lot of golfers isn’t it you a great job this is where you treat it like a specialist shot because it has to be like right okay this this ball

Needs to feel way in front of me so I can launch it and if you’ve got that mindset it’s another key compon and again like as we just mentioned there with the shot this is why I’m being so pedantic about this kind of thing because if you’re in here and you move

Towards your kind of Trail shoulder comes up your shoulders start to angle off to the left hand side your swing is a lot more likely to start to follow that kind of path yeah so again you get people I’m slicing it I’m slicing it why

Do I need to work on setup could be here get rid of that exactly yeah so I love this so so as you say feet together F the left foot just R back make sure your body stays behind it can be very um what’s the word like if

You’re if you’re doing this kind of like for the the first time it can be a little bit monotonous like a little checklist that you’re going through and like if you’re doing this kind of like at a driving range it can be I mean let’s face it if you’re

Working your St at a driving range it can be boring there’s there’s no point kind of like denying it you know you’re working on static motion here this is before you even start so it can be a bit dull and especially when people start to smash drivers around you and get all

Excited it’s having the kind of confidence in understanding that working on these aspects of technique because setup is technique that’s going to allow you to then hit those good shots yeah so it’s like the warm up before the the G of golf isn’t it important but a lot of

People won’t obviously do it exactly so we got those feet together we got that little fan out we have that big step want to it further we got that kind of big step here we understand that having that kind of right shoulder a little bit lower than left will adapt that spine

Angle and all I’m really trying to do here is get people to turn up to the top and maintain the swing Center position behind the ball as we move move through impact maintain behind the ball that for me is absolutely key because then we can understand if they are making

Adjustments they are making changes at least we know we have that kind of movement system that we can work then around and we can kind of adapt and we can change but that’s the the first thing for me with most cers anyway yeah so so let’s go into that now so

Obviously great setup as you say just is there a drill specific or is it just mainly a feel is it I mean we can we can adapt those kind of same drills and we can do exactly the same thing again if we if we’re trying to keep it super

Simple if we’re trying to keep it super simple if people struggling with the feeling of this like the easiest way for me to kind of get this across is going through the setup routine having the club across the chest kind of that slight spine tilt there we turn up to

The Top If You Can Make sure that the butt end of the club got another kind of alignment stick here he’s doing the best Dr in the world number one one drilling golf this is so if you can uh turn up to so you got this

Setup position here turn up to the top of the Swing if you can get the butt end of the grip pointing at the shaft which is opposite your Trail foot you’ll know that you’ve rotated and turn behind the ball yeah super simple so just swing to the top normally so I suppose the

Checkpoint for this is really can you get your lead shoulder over your Trail leg that’s exactly what Pete’s doing there and again it’s for me if you it depends what you focus on cuz like I say Trail shoulder kind of over kind of that line that’s a

Reference point I tend to use swing Center because it’s a bit in some ways I know this might sound counterintuitive it’s a bit less specific yeah you because then you’re moving more of your body like it’s you’re thinking this because you got move your sternum you can just understand where it is in

Relation to the rest of your swing so yeah lead shoulder kind of over that foot it’s perfect yourself okay that’s it one more shot we sa the best one yeah loosened up a bit again oh I love the I’m ripping catalyst is too strong for that there I just felt yeah I

Just 301 carry is this is this simulator no I mean I’m getting warmed up so I mean we can we can start to B it a little a bit more but cuz and again we’ll obviously we’ll finish up cuz like people are kind of running late on the

Lunch now but that kind of um swing that kind of ball speed and all the rest of it coming through impact there are things that I’ve worked on in my down swing but because this because it’s so fast real realistically I don’t have any kind of control over What’s Happening

Here you I might as well close my eyes and just kind of swing at it but the back swing and that setup and those we’ spoken about I know I’m in the best position possible for percentages to actually deliver that club in a position that’s going to send it down towards

Target yeah makes a lot of sense makes a lot s amazing work now we have just about to I’m I’m really sorry by the way we’ll cut this down we’ll cut this down to be a 3 minut videoes this is this has been about 30 is it Wednesday yeah you

Just missed you missed down it doesn’t need to be complicated though what Pete talk through there is so important so look hope you guys enjoyed that make sure you go and follow Pete if you don’t already and check out the lesson that Pi is going to give Pete right now with his

Irons by clicking right here thanks guys


  1. finch is still one of the only golfers on youtube that should have made it on the open. so gutted for the dude he didn't make the cut in a couple years ago.

  2. Nice and good video, thanks to all of you. Is my understanding correct that you do not want / aim for forward shaft lean with the driver during impact?

  3. This is great, found you guys thx to the video on Petes channel and watched some of your stuff and it's informative, very easy to follow and understand. You've got yourselves a new subscriber

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