There are 3 secret power sources to creating club head speed in the golf swing, and by far this one is the easiest senior golf swing power source.

In this live YouTube golf lesson, Todd Kolb discusses how you can get more driver distance by learning how to tap into this 1 power source.

Okay welcome everybody Todd coob with us golf TV and vs golf uh we are excited here today to get started so before we get rock and rolling this is a live session so one of the things we’re always looking for you is to give us a

Thumbs up can you hear us can you see us are we communicating we got my main man Nick behind the camera Nick give him a thumbs up there we go we got the full team I’m here Nick’s here as you know this is VLS golf Us Golf TV uh and today

We’re going to be talking about the best way to get more power or more Club head speed the best way to get more power or more Club head speed so let’s get some thumbs up out there also let us know where you’re from we love hearing where

You’re from so but first before we get roll we need some thumbs up can you hear us can you see us I want to make sure that we’re communicating and that everybody can see us um before we get rocking and rolling into this stuff now if you’ve got some questions start

Throwing some of those in we got Wayne here already good good to see you Wayne’s from Australia Wayne we got to get to Australia the other day I was in in the airport and coming back and I saw a plane that was heading to Australia and

I thought Nick and I we should be on that plane we should be heading over there that’s good all right we got all good okay perfect so you know our favorite question here we love hearing where you’re from so put that in the chat it’s kind of fun for everybody else

To see so today we’re going to be talking about the best way to get more power now just your RW a little bit last week what did we talk about last week in our live session we talked about the three different ways that you can create clubhead speed right and that’s chapter

Three in the book The Bad lie we got it right here just curious if any of you read it or you’ve seen it Nick’s gonna give away a free chapter uh today he’ll be putting that in the chat as we get going but chapter three of the book The

Bad lie uh talks about the different power sources so we have the vertical power source we’ve talked about that a little bit last week remember the vertical was kind of the upward movement then we also talked about the rotation okay that when I rotate my body

And turn and twist that’s also a way to create clubhead speed but today today we’re talking about the best way to create Club head speed and that is what we call lateral movement or side to side so let’s go through first of all what that is and then I’m going to give

You some specific things that we can do uh to increase that so first of all lateral movement from side to side is Shifting our weight from one foot to the other and we see this in a lot of sports you see it in tennis okay you see it in

Throwing a ball okay any type of athletic movement there’s always some side to side now I’m GNA dive into this question right now because a lot of you are going to talk about what isn’t that a sway and at the end I’m going to show

You why it’s not a sway and how you can guarantee that you’re not sway when you do the lateral movement so what we’ve learned okay is that there’s three power sources there’s the verticals okay who has a lot of vertical in their golf swing Justin Thomas he’s got a lot of vertical Lexi

Thompson she’s got a lot of verticle great worldclass players that hit the ball long ways then we’ve got people who have a lot of rotation okay rotation Zack Johnson’s got a lot of rotation Billy horel got a lot of rotation a lot of players have rotation and then of course the side to

Side now let’s Dive Right into so first of all let’s talk about the setup when we’re set up I’m going to switch clubs here a little bit and those of you who join us every week we love hearing where you’re from like I said we we we love

The question that you bring in you know we got our handy dandy two iron in here that we keep just to remind us of the days when we could hit an IR two iron but we’ve got it here we’re going to use it for demonstration so first of all

Let’s talk about the setup okay let’s talk about the setup and what are some things that we can do to help us with this lateral this side to side movement to create more Club head speed and this is the best one to use as we get older

Or as we age or as we become experienced golfers as you know so one of the things that we talk a lot about in the vertical line swing system and Nick and all the team we’ve put together is the 6040 right you’ve heard this over and

Over and over but the 6040 means for those of you who are new that I start with 60% of my weight or pressure on my lead foot and 40% on my trail foot all right now this is important because it’s when I start on my lead I have something to move to my

Trail if I started as an exaggeration with all of my weight on my trail foot there’s no way for me to shift now this is going to be important because at the later here in the session we’re going to specifically talk about some drills that you can do to increase this motion okay

I see Nick he’s writing out a bunch of questions be sure to keep throwing those questions in there look at this Nick we’ve got got people from Denmark Minnesota Pennsylvania Australia uh we got people from all over so this is fantastic so we got that 6040 right so

What are some checkpoints that you could use to see if you’ve got the 6040 well one of them is to feel like your lead hip okay like your left pocket right here is over your lead foot okay see that so when I’m taking a video from this angle right here which which you’re

Watching which is the face on angle this would be face on we call this the caddy view this would be the down the line view both of them are helpful in certain ways okay and if you have questions on I can talk about where you should position your camera when you’re videotaping your

Own golf swing we could talk about that if you want later but from face on I want to see that lead hip over the lead foot okay that’s the first thing so the first thing in the setup is the position of the weight the

6040 if I have some to my lead I can push it towards my trail now the other thing I want to talk to you about is let’s talk about um a driver specific so let me grab the max vert here okay and Nick make sure you give these guys something today give our

People something Nick I don’t know what it is a free chat give them something so I’m always kind of working the guys over we just I just appreciate you and coming in here and spending some time with us and talking golf talking shop so we got

To give you something free so Nick will put that in there but let’s talk about the driver specific now one of the things with the driver that can help us create this lateral movement and hit the golf ball long ways is the position of the handle okay this is the handle right here

Everybody knows that right now this is a real gem write this one down because you might not hear it anywhere else and that is that the handle at the address position should be raised slightly see that so this would be low everybody can see that right

There this would be kind of high now for those of you who have been following the vertical line swing okay you know a lot of this you know in the driver setup we like the high handle okay now why do we like the high handle well because with the driver

Ideally we want to hit up on the golf ball it’s the only Club in the bag that’s teed up and it’s the only Club where we want to hit up on it slightly okay so by taking the handle and raising it up a little bit this way that does a

Couple things all right let’s go right here we got the caddy view now we’ve learned that today right this is the caddy View when I raise the handle what happens to my shoulders Boom everybody see that okay see how my lead shoulder goes up and my trail shoulder goes down

A little bit now what this does is this sets me up to put my trail arm underneath now it’s a little hard to see because I got this sweatshirt thing on here that my wife said you need to start wearing that because she spent a lot of

Money on it so I apologize you probably can’t see it very well right there Nick’s laughing at me but okay but and I’m going to exaggerate this but one of the things I look for is I like to see see the lead arm underneath the trail

Arm see that this is exaggerated but you can see what I’m talking about all right so tip number two in the setup is to make sure that the handle is up a little bit with the driver okay does that make sense all right so let’s recap what

We’ve learned so far then we got to get on to the difference I promise you I talk about the difference between a pivot and a sway so what we’ve learned we learned some of this last week for those of you who are following along that there’s three ways to create

Clubhead speed or to create power there’s the vertical okay there’s the rotation and then there’s the side to side all three of them are useful but as you’ve learned and I hopefully as you found and we’re really passionate about is that as we become more experienced

Golfers the side to side is the easiest one to do now in the setup we want the 60 on the lead we want the 40 on the trail we want a high handle with the driver so those are the couple set of things now what’s the difference between

A pivot and a sway what’s the difference between a pivot and a sway keep those questions coming man they are firing in here quick Nick is typing away like a maniac over there I love it all right keep those questions coming because we

Got a lot of time at the end to get into anything that you want to get into now the difference between a pivot and a sway is this I want you to watch my feet I got my Square shoes on here Bob and the crew over at squares these guys are

Awesome I love their shoes for a couple reasons one is the main reason is because I feel like I’m just more stable when I moving when I swing so all right so watch this here so this is what we call sway when I move my weight from

Side to side see how my see how the weight goes to the outside of my foot I’m exaggerating this you get the point right ni Zoom zooming in there for case feel that that’s a sway okay this notice I pointed my toes a bit now I’m shifting my weight this is not a

Sway because notice how the weight is going to the inside of the foot so what finds a sway it’s not side to side movement because I believe every golf sing’s got side to side movement there are some methods that teach keeping more weight on the Lead Foot that work for some

People but what makes it a sway is where the actual pressure weight goes when it goes to the outside of the foot that’s when we start having problems okay so what are some drills that you can do to help your body understand the difference between a sway okay and a pivot or a

Load and then we’re going to get into some drills to create some more clubhead speed so here we go what are some different drills all right well the first one okay let’s talk a little bit about the setup all right when you’re set in there unless you have a lot of

Flexibility in your hips and if and if you’ve have a bad back or have had a bad back or knee issues or anything like that pay attention Okay pay attention to this part and and I always need to tell you I’m not a physician I’m not a doctor

I don’t I’m not a physical therapist Norris Nick we’re just talking golf swing stuff here and what we found has worked for a lot of our students but the first thing you’re going to do is take your toes and flare your toes and point them out when your toes are flared out

That allows for more movement okay more pivot this way when your toes are squared or in like this okay you can see my squar shoes here this would be terrible because it locks stuff in when I point them out this provides more movement that would be number one number

Two is is that do any of you ever struggle with balance I mean is your balance as good now as it was when you were 13 or 14 I know mine’s not okay I know mine is not okay so if you struggle with balance which is you know hey that

Can happen all right a little wider stance is okay A little wider stance is something that’s okay better to be a little too wide than to be too narrow so in the feet toes out a little wider is better all right now here’s a a couple

Drills that you can do so my favorite one and we’ve got a lot of these in this stuff we we uh we have a bunch of videos on these but we also put a lot of other content on our website that’s not on YouTube Nick will put that in the link

There because we have a website too okay where we we have a bunch of written content stuff that we don’t have on YouTube and he’ll throw that in there as well okay along with coaching programs and all that stuff so anyhow the first one would be just to take a club and

I’ll do it from the down the line View and almost kind of put it like a cane just the first couple times you do it for stability and just go ahead and take your Trail foot and just step it back a little bit see that so a little step boom little

Step everybody see how I’m doing that let me do it from face on just going to take my trail foot and just moom this way now you might be thinking well wait a minute you’re not shifting your weight there Todd you’re staying on your lead

Foot that’s true we are I agree with you but what I’m teaching your body to do there and what I want you to feel is that how you’re your body pivots in space my body doesn’t go like this I can shift my weight to my trail foot see

This and my head moves a little bit but my this is a sway you can see where my weight goes so one of the reasons I give my students this drill okay is so they can feel how their upper body pivots and rotates all right so let’s do little

Resetter you know we love this resetter so there’s little one boom I’m just got this here there’s two for balance right there’s three you can do this at home you’re watching golf on TV all right take your regular swing Mo to top so that would be the first drill that I

Would do now the second one that I can do then we’re going to get into some some questions and and a couple drills to just create more Club head speed Nick we got people coming from all over this is we what a fantastic crew we’ve got

Here today this is awesome did you give them some free stuff Nick okay all right hey make sure he gives you guys and gal some free stuff out there a free I don’t know what he’s got cooking today but make sure he gives you some free stuff so the second drill

That I would do is a little step drill and what you’re going to find what you’re finding for those of you who are following us along each week each Tuesday morning we’re going through different things is that a lot of these drills work for a lot of things there’s

No reason to over complicate this game hopefully you come to us golf TV and you come to Nick and Jordan and JT and myself to simplify the game the game is hard but it doesn’t have to be complicated that’s the real difference hopefully that you’re finded with us

Versus some of the other coaching is we take complicated things and we make them hopefully more simple all right so what’s the drill you can do well let’s just put our feet together okay and I got a little wedge right here okay that Nick and the team are going to be

Launching here this summer late fall so here we go I got my feet together and what I’m going to do is I’m just going to swing my arms up and step away from the tire see that boom see I’m just swinging it up and stepping boom there it is

Step now instinctively as a human being who’s taken probably millions of steps in our life we would never naturally step and have our weight go to rside foot now that might happen in the course of a basketball game when we were a kid or a tennis match or maybe pickle ball I

Don’t know if anybody out there’s playing pickle ball seems to be a really popular sport right now but generally when we just step we step and we brace and we plant the weight on the inside of the trail foot or the foot okay so by just taking your feet and just stepping

Away from the target excuse me your Trail foot you naturally plant and keep that weight on the inside of the foot so that would be the second drill that would have you do so the first one was a little step back to understand pivot you can do this at home you’re watching golf

On TV okay just understanding that movement and then the other one is just stepping now the third one I want to share with you I’m going to answer a couple questions and then we’re going to get into some drills on how do we create more Club head speed are you guys having

Some fun out there are hopefully you give me some thumbs up if you feel like you’re learning something hey give us a thumbs up be throwing those questions in there okay because we want to make sure that we’re giving you some good solid stuff you can take to the golf course

The third drill I would give you is just the step towards the target pretty simple right so now I’m just going to step towards the target so I’m taking my left foot My Lead Foot I’m stepping towards the Target so I would just put my feet together swing it and then step

Boom everybody see that feet together swing it up step boom that’s it good thanks Wayne I appreciate that Wayne is telling feeling it there so what I’ve done here in this three-step process is I’ve trained my body very simply how to rotate okay I’ve trained my body body how to

Load and I’ve trained my body how to take that load and move it towards a Target and create some Club head speed that’s how simple it can be we don’t need to talk about angles and positions and numbers and all that stuff if you want those things go go you can find

Them somewhere else if you want simple common sense that like my dad and Nick’s parents everybody talking just good old common sense then you’re at the right place all right hey let’s get into a couple questions and then we’re going to talk about some drills that we can do to

Create some more Club head speed all right Nick what do we got yeah so excuse me Vernon asks is it beneficial to raise the left foot off the ground during the back back swing sequence with the driver okay so Vernon asks this is a great question all right I love these

Questions keep throwing those in hey and if you’re new or you’re just get jumping jumping on right now tell us where you’re from tell us where you’re from we got to hear where you’re from because we got people from all over the world the question is is can I lift my lead heel

On the takeaway with the driver all right well has anybody out there ever heard of a a golfer by the name of uh Jack Nicholas I hope you have right even Nick’s like what the hell is he talking about yes exactly we have Jack Nicholas did it worked pretty good for him Johnny

Miller okay Bubba Watson all right now there are some golfers who keep the lead foot on the ground on their driver John R things like that okay so you can do both ways what I would say this Vernon is is that if we have a lot of flexibility and

A lot of strength if I have a student come to my lesson team they have a lot of strength and a lot of flexibility and I can keep it on the ground and they can make a full pivot I’m probably going to do that but the vast majority of us

Aren’t in that position all right so by taking the lead foot and letting it lift a little bit I think is an awesome idea for the vast majority of the thousands and thousands of people who are watching this video all right matter of fact it’s a great way to feel the transfer of

Weight from side to side so what we’re saying there just I want everybody to watch just watch my lead heel here what Vernon is asking is is that when I take the club back all right when I take the club back now remember there’s eight words to describe the golf swing we talk

About this every week if you know it put it in the chat share it with your friends there’s eight words that describe the Gosling if you know it put it in there all right so here we go when you swing it back that lead heel see it

Can lift a little bit I think that’s a great way to create that pivot and that movement all right okay what else we got Nick R asks does the lateral movement with your hips move before the hands B body create the momentum for the AR W who asked this question R from

Seattle all right all right from Seattle y this is a great question thank you for asking this because matter of fact we had a student who was doing this and it was unbelievable the progress we made so what he said what what the question is

Is like what do the hips do okay what are the everybody remember in the setup how we we wanted the lead hip over the lead foot maybe remember that we talked about that earlier in the session here right now when we shift that weight okay we also then want to replant that hip

For me that’s right hip over the trail foot so I start lead everybody see that okay see how my hips over my foot right here and if you look closely on TV and watch lot golfers you’ll see that early in the back swing I’m shifting my weight

To my trail foot and I’m see where my hip goes it bumps okay this is a very common mistake that a lot of golfers make they do not bump the hip over the trail foot so I’m set over the Lead Foot and as the club starts moving away and

I’ll give you a drill for this as I move the club away I need need to set my weight on my excuse me I need to set my hip over my trail foot everybody see that now I’m going to demonstrate this from behind hopefully you can still hear

Me because I’m want to show you what a student of ours was doing great golf swing but had no power okay here’s what it looked like had a great setup okay here he was okay and his first move was for the hips to just go this way his first move was no bump

It just was a turn and as he turned where did the weight go do you think weight went to the lead foot okay so the information was I gave this when you’re set in there bump it bump it and then swing it up okay bump it and then swing up that

Right there is a golden nugget thank you for asking that question does that make sense give me a thumbs up if that makes sense if not I can go through it again all right Nick what else we got let’s burn through a couple more questions because we’re

Going to get to some drills to create some some more Club head speed keep throwing those questions in there tell us where you’re from we love hearing where I love seeing where everybody’s from this is awesome uh so just a clarification question uh I see many golfers swinging the driver with the toe

Of the club up you recommend setting up the club uh wait no it wasn’t the club but I think he meant the handle parallel okay I think about the raising the handle versus keeping it down Okay so let’s talk a little bit about this handle position again so with the driver

We want this handle to be a little bit higher okay but we want to keep the club face Square so we we raise the handle a little bit of add addess now in the takeaway okay this might be a little bit what we’re alluding to in the vertical

Line swing system we talked about this in the book The Bad lie okay we like to see when the club Works away all right see where the club’s at right there everybody can see that that’s perfect all right now I’d like to see the club face now this would so this might be

Like a 45 degre angle this would be 90 everybody see what we’re talking about there this was not a good day Nick for me to wear black I got too much black on here I love this sweatshirt but okay so like this would be a 40 see that fans 40

45 degree angle that would be bad this would be bad also see that that would be bad that would be bad so what we like to see is when the club head Works away this is a great checkpoint for your takeaway I like to see the club head in

A perfect line with the hand see that bad Club heads back behind me by that golf bag this would be this would be okay a little bit out in front of me this would be good here too but the club face right here the Leading Edge is about at a 45

Degree angle I love to see it there for most all of our students okay most all of our students that’s where I like to see it all right now let’s talk about some drills that we could do to get more clubhead speed and then I’m going to go

Ahead and uh we’re going to answer a couple more questions all right and Nick is throwing in a bunch of stuff there in the chat I love the thumbs up thank you for that love the thumbs up there okay that’s making sense and you hear what we’re talking about now let’s talk about

A couple drills well the first one okay the first one is it looks a little crazy okay it looks a little I’m gonna back up here Nick or maybe we can can we zoom out a little bit so we get in the full everybody can see me there we go okay

All right good so let’s talk a little bit about this waggle drill because this looks a little goofy but if you watch closely or you’re on YouTube and and you YouTube long drive people you’ll see this so what it is is you know how we

Start the 6040 what we’re going to do is we’re going to really exaggerate it so we’re going to kind of go 60 see I move it I move it away forward back forward see how I’m kind of Shifting my weight from side to side okay now what I’m what

Am I doing there I’m engaging my lower body I’m engaging that pressure movement now even when I’m doing that okay I’m not going like this we talked about that right I’m front I’m Trail boom front Trail but it’s this shifting of weight my feet engage all right like I said

Earlier I got my Square shoes on here and then I take it up so it looks something like this okay it’s kind of boom boom see I’m kind of Shifting my weight and I go forward and then I go ahead and take it up that pressure movement and kind of engaging from side

To side to side and then taking it up is a nice way takes a little bit of getting used to but it’s a nice way to increase some Club head speed now the other thing I will tell you we’re going to do a little what we call our counter back

Swing sequence we did a video on this uh not too long ago went crazy went crazy hey I mean hopefully all of you are subscribed to the channel I haven’t done all that stuff but I hope you subscribe to our Channel and you like it and tell us tell some friends

About it um Nick got three little kids I got a couple I I got kids in college we’re just struggling here to get by but um what we call the counter back swing sequence okay and in that there’s a whole depth and we talk a lot about it

In the book and things like that but let me just share with you the first level of that we don’t have time to go through the three different levels we’ we did a video on it check that out okay but the counter back swing sequence is basically

This what we’re going to do is just take your regular setup and what I want you to do and you can do this with a driver that’s why it’s kind of fun and just take the club and put it out in front of you like this see how it’s out there in

Front and then from here just swing all the way back and up boom so I put it in front and I just swing it back and up boom everybody see that out in front back and up now what happens is that when the club is out in front it has

More length and more time to create Club head speed and one of the best ways to create more Club head speed is to create more length to your swing which gives you more time to create that clubhead speed and this is why we believe so strongly in helping you understand the

Pivot and the ability to release your Trail leg and turn your hips and get your lead arm up the cornerstones of the vertical line swing because they help you get more length to your swing okay none of us watching this video are going to be able to swing the

Club back this high and hit this driver 250 yards it’s not going to happen Okay however if I can help you understand how to turn your hips if I can help you understand how to Pivot which is what we did today we did a ton of great drills

And get your lead arm up here now all of a sudden I have all of this time to create Club at speed versus this amount of time all right and by taking the club and putting it out in front of you like this in essence what you’re doing is

You’re making the swing a little bit longer does that make sense I hope that does all right so let’s get into some more questions here but we’ve learned there’s three different power sources there’s verticals there’s rotations and then there’s lateral or side to side all

Of them are good all of them are good you have every one of them in your golf swing I guarantee you it’s our belief okay here at VLS Golf and Us Golf TV that the side to side is easier as we become more of an experienced golfer that’s why we’re talking about that

Little step back drills boom little simple things this way right little step this way and swing it up little step that way these are simple and easy things that you can do all right hey let’s get into some more questions uh Nick’s got some more let let’s go

Through them yeah so excuse me Jacqueline from Illinois she said she just started golfing about 12 months ago already had a 24 handicap wow yeah uh what’s the secret no one ever tells new golfers to keep the left arm straight okay so let’s hey jacine first of all

Welcome welcome to the game and I’m glad that you found us I mean this is this is the great game and I’m not going to go off on a whole bunch of stuff here because you’re you’re here to play learn and play better golf but we love having

New people come to us here all right so the question that Jacqueline asked is a great question what about keeping the lead arm perfectly straight okay now once again D sester is gonna get me in trouble here today but most of us when we just kind of

Stand right when we stand most of us have you know a little bit of Bend to the Elbow right there’s a little bit of Bend most of us don’t have our arms just kind of fall straight you know when they fall naturally don’t they don’t sit perfectly straight or fall straight

There’s usually a little bit of Bend I’m exaggerating that right but there’s a little bit of Bend at the elbow so jacqu what you want is whatever your natural Bend at a dress is in your arm okay that’s the bend that we want to see at the top we don’t want to be

Locked unless your arms hangs like that naturally most of us have a little bit of a Bend all right so you want to feel like there’s a little bit of Bend when we try to keep things straight and stiff it restricts movement and it’s really a

Bad thing so let your arm just kind of hang okay and then just swing it up and that’s what you should feel like so let’s go through Nick let’s get into a couple more questions here uh so Doug asks actually from Chandler Arizona from uh let’s see how about the wrist as a

Speed producer okay so the question is how about the wrist can the wrist create more Club at speed this is great look at these great questions we got coming here people wonder what is the vertical line swing system are you hitting up or down okay we’re going to get to some of these

Things all right so what about the wrist movement okay well there’s definitely movement of the wrist in the golf swing okay there’s definitely movement so when we swing the club back and the lead arm is about parallel to the ground like this okay all right lead arm is about

Parabel like this all right there’s going to be some hinge to the golf club like this everybody can kind of see that right now I think that there’s hinge there’s definitely hinge and they create some Club at speed I want to be careful not to like overly do that okay it

Should kind of naturally happen so what I use as a checkpoint is that the butt end of the club should be basically pointed at the ground okay when the lead arm is about halfway back boom swing it back lead arm halfway back and you’ll see the button

And the club point at the ground and then also on the Finish side boom you’re GNA see kind of the same thing and we do a lot of swings especially when we’re warming up this would be a great way for you to practice this is

Just do what we call lto L swings so we swing it back boom little L swing it Forward little l so swing it back lead arm and Club form an l and on the Finish swing Trail arm right arm and Club form and now that would be a great way for

You to get that all right Nick let’s do a couple more questions and before I forget now next week we’re going to be talking about the transition the transition so if you come over the top you struggle with contact things like that you’re gonna want to

Tune in it’s gonna be the same time same stuff but we’re going to talk about that transition what happens when that club moves from back to forward got some great drills and some really simple Concepts that we’re going to uh we’re g to share with you so if you slice you

Come over the top you struggle with contact that’s going to be for you all right Nick we let’s go we got a couple more questions here before we wrap her up yeah so this is a perfect one Manny asks what is the vertical line swing system okay so the question is we’ve

Been talking about like the vertical line swing system vs golf vertical line swing system so in a nutshell what the vertical line swing system is is it’s a golf swing that’s built quite I mean quite frankly it works for all golfers but it’s primarily designed for what we call experienced golfers so

What’s an experienced golfer it’s any golfer who I’ll just say is middle-aged or older or maybe a little bit younger younger than middle age but has had a bad back a bad knee anything like that but loves the game of golf so what we’ve done and we wrote we wrote the entire

Book The Bad lie around it is we’ve created some Core Concepts designed specifically for those groups of people now what are some of those Core Concepts well number one is more hip turn because when the hips turn more the shoulders can turn more and you can get some lengthier swing the other

One is that the direction of the lead arm the lead arm Works more back and up versus in and around because when the lead arm Works more back and up I get more length to the swing so there’s Core Concepts that are specific to experien Golfers but quite

Frankly quite frankly if you watch golf on TV you see a lot of these same concepts with all golfers Jack Nicholas when he was younger Johnny Miller Tom Watson Sam Sneed okay you see a lot of these same characteristics with them now I promised you this I’m going to answer

One more question here also but in eight words we can describe the golf swing I talk about this every week because it’s important you want to keep this game simple if possible because it’s hard let’s keep it simple in eight words here’s the golf swing arms take it up

Let me say that again arms take it up body or pivot body takes it around arms take it up body takes it around so it looks like this in a nutshell the arms take the club up the body or the pivot takes it around that looks like a pretty good spot I

Think huh so if you want to learn the golf swing and you want to keep it as simple as possible write these eight words on a sticky note and put it somewhere where you see it every day arms take it up body takes it around and everything that we do is all revolved

Around those simple and basic concepts and we cover them in the book The Bad Li all the different place all right Nick let’s get into another question here before we got to wrap her up what a great group this has been fantastic today well let’s finish with the finish

Position question are we hitting up on the ball and finishing high or hitting up and finishing around okay fantastic all right so let’s talk about we’ve talked today about how do we what’s the best way to create more Club head speed and we’ve learned that it’s more of this

Side decide and we’ve talked about the difference between a sway and a true pivot and I’m giving you some drill to do now also on the finish position all right on the finish position all right with the driver we love the high handle finish okay we love the high handle

Finish the handle’s High versus the handle being low and around bad good and we I’ve done some we’ve done Nick and I’ve done some really fun videos and and drills and we call the Arie Palmer finish huh I mean who didn’t idolize the great Arnold Palmer okay and

One of the things of the many things that we loved about Arnold Palmer other than his Charisma and all the great stuff he did for for golf and and just the world in general is he had this finish okay we can all picture it in our

Head picture it in your head right now you can picture Arnold Palmer in that finish where he kind of just slashed it and the handle was up and it was high and it was up here like this it was never low and around this way it was

Always up and high so to answer your question you want a finish that has a nice up and high handle when you finish it now Nick’s going to throw some stuff in there he’s going to throw the link to the the bad Li the Lost chapter also our

Website at Us Golf TV we have a ton of content over there that we don’t have on YouTube you can get on our email list and do all that fun stuff we’re going to be back again next week same time the same place we’re going to talk about

Transition that transition from back to front now what we’ve been talking about here today is these three different ways to create Club head speed okay and it’s chapter three in the book The Bad lie we have the verticals we have the side toze and then excuse me caught myself we have the verticals

We have rotations and then we have the side to side all three of them are useful you have all three of them already in your golf swing but if you want to make more of one do more of one the side to side is easier okay how can

You feel that well we did some great drills little step backs boom okay we had little step and load the trail foot we had step and load the lead foot okay but also what about some ways we can just naturally create more Club heads speed we did the kind of the waggle boom

Boom boom boom boom and then take it up we did the counter back swing sequence okay where we put the club in front and we started our golf swing from out here in front and we swing it all the way back and all the way through to help us

Get some length to our golf swing so next week we’re going to talk about the transition so if you struggle with contact you struggle with slicing okay or you come over the top you’re going to want to tune into that and remember remember my friends you don’t have to

Swing like a tour pro to play Great Golf you can swing like your body swings and you can still play some great golf until next time we’ll see you next week


  1. When
    you broadcast from the small teaching area, it is like you are in shadow. The white back wall is lighted but you are in shadow.

  2. Great video I really enjoyed it so much, Thank you so much and I will definitely watch every one of your videos.

  3. Great video this particular video lighting is too low and the volume for some reason has no Dynamic to it just what I'm saying as a viewer versus your other videos

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