Paradym Ai Smoke – Driver

Join Tim Graves, PGA and Callaway’s Dave Neville, Senior Director of Brand and Project Management, where they discuss the new Paradym Ai Smoke Driver, and what benefits it offers over the driver currently in your bag. Year after year, Callaway has pushed the boundaries of both technology and distance in their clubs, so rest assured that once again, they are shifting the paradigm for what is possible with their Paradym Ai Smoke Driver.

If you want to learn more about Callaway’s Paradym Ai Smoke go to:

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What is happiness happiness is achievement what’s the father of achievement motivation what’s some other encouragement the fine golf swing is truly achievement man May lie cheat and steal for game you don’t never gain the go swing to gain the go swing man must work it’s work without toil for those of us

Who know love it golf is trly happiness Oh all right well everybody um I’m actually inside here with Dave nebble and and actually I’m going to have him introduce himself in a second because it’s a running joke with us because I’ve done this now how many years 10 10 at least 10 I know at least 10 and um I always

Mess this up so I haven’t introduced myself in a minute but um we’re going to talk a little bit about the drivers and we’re going to talk in really the nuts and bolts of why this new paradigm smoke is such a great driver um andan I’ve

Been out here at your facility now for the for almost a day um getting a tour of all the new clubs and it’s going to be pretty amazing this is amazing deal so let’s do it again okay so want want toce yourself Dave Neville from Callaway golf I’m senior director of brand and

Product management right and I was actually going to memorize that bring yeah it’s good um so um we’ve got the new driver here and so this is the big boy here and um first thing I’d like you to do is kind of just talk to

Him in general at home and like we’ll do like we’ve done the past years talk to him the specifics of why this D driver is going to be or is such a great driver okay and then we’ll go through that and then we’ll talk a little bit about why

What it fits our demographic and then kind of compare to what we’ve done in the past years like what compare to the Paradigm so let’s talk about the driver itself first yeah so the driver the big story around the driver is this all new AI smart face so you know Paradigm was

An amazing driver it was the number one selling driver of 2023 number one in winds number one in usage uh around the world but how do we kind of take that to the next level we have improvements to the carbon chassis to the APW but it’s really around this smart face that is

Really kind of taking it to the next level and I know we’re going to dig in a little bit more that so talk about let’s talk about cuz you I’ve been doing this with you for a long time in fact I know a lot of these guys that watch this

Video have seen you do this you’re famous with Grace golf okay talk about the smartface talk about the AI technology talk about what you’ve done because obviously we say that was such a new change you’ve had this for a while now you mean we you know I was out here

Five or six years ago and all a sudden they got the superc computer and everybody in the golf IND so far behind Callaway now but you’ve had the super comp for a while now yeah we we’ve we’ve been doing Ai and working on it for 15 years so when people say other companies

Say oh we started using Ai and all that we have a massive lead in in what they’re doing and I think where we are with this smartface is a huge leap forward so you were out here back in 2019 for the epic flash that was the first driver ever to use artificial

Intelligence now we are light years ahead of where we were uh before and it’s really coming down to this all new AI smart phase and what does this do to you for you we’ve brought in thousands of swings from golfers all around the country you know your golfers from from

Fitters from tour players from consumers and put that into the supercomputer and people say what does the AI actually do you know I get this question all the time AI is a buzz word it’s in cars it’s in software it’s in it’s in everything what is it actually doing why did you

Put AI in the name of it well it is making a better and better face using machine learning and artificial intelligence so typically the way that drivers were designed you’d have four five six seven faces you’d put them into the driver you test them and you pick

The best one now we have 50,000 virtual prototypes something that would take us 20 24 25 years to do in the past now we’re doing that in the span of a few weeks to test this out and that’s allowing us to have Tighter and longer shots down range and make it better and

Better so when you take Real Player data which in the past was always done with just impacts and robots and you combine that with machine learning and AI to make a better and better face this face is unique not just for the smoke but every model it’s Unique for and that

Means that it’s designed to work with that that head we’ve done over 50,000 faces for this people say why didn’t you need 60,000 why not 70,000 well the computer comes to a solution that is a best possible solution for that driver head love it so now now we were talking

I’ve talked to some of your other people that work with you guys in the R&D and some engineers and so on and they were talking about the two things that really stuck out was I mean you said thousands and thousands they were talking hundreds of thousands of swings they’re talking

Over 250,000 swings well over millions of data points that we’re putting in and one thing that is different than in the past is usually you would you would design a driver just using the impact locations using a robot now we’re bringing Real Player swings so these are

All the type of like golfers like you and me there so now we have path now we have face angle now we have Loft at impact not just where you’re impacting on the face but all these parameters and that’s where you get the millions of data points being fed into the

Supercomputer to make the best possible face okay so for the for me or for the person out there whatever and I’m going to say okay let’s just let’s dummy this thing down let’s just go let’s go down cuz we’ve talking AI technology talking parameters let’s talk about the the back

Of this because the first thing you notice when you see this and you may see in the camera I know it’s kind of hard but not in it’s not intive it’s not flat it’s got in fact it’s it looks really different it’s like you run across as it

Feels like there’s waves and thing on there describe what that is just kind of so this this is a titanium face it’s all machined and what you seeing in these Ripples and bumps what it’s doing is it’s actually setting up we call Micro deflections so typically think about

This you hit it out on the toe you have this kind of big hook that falls out of the sky you hit it on the heel you hit this big big cutter these micro deflections on the face are counteracting that right and if you heard in the past about talking about

Bulge and roll and how the face is curved and all that this is way next level to that bulge and roll was a start line thing so you hit it out the toe it changes the start line This is changing launch and spin nobody in golf has ever

Been able to to do that so that doesn’t mean well if you hit it way way out on the toe it’s not going to have any draw spin it still will but we’re counteracting that we’re making it straighter you’re going to give you straighter and longer shots so

Straighter and longer because of the because the technology that’s put in that face and one of the things I want to cover is just the testing we have it on the the board here right behind it I think it’s right right on the the camera we’ve never been able to actually

Legally uh publish some of this but this this data has been incredible this is robot testing going up against Paradigm this is the comparison on the max model which is our core model across the face using robot test we we tried it using trackman we’ve tried it using foresight

We’ve us our own code 7.4 yard longer across the face versus Paradigm we’re not talking Paradigm not against a 10-year-old driver not against xhot not against Razer fit extreme against Paradigm we’re seeing huge numbers out on the toe out on the heel that’s where really the

Smart this is the result of the smart face when you when you guys say what is this thing actually doing for me here is the result this is robot testing we’ve replicated it multiple times so obviously you got to try it for yourself you got to get fit um these are the

Results we’re seeing from a robot test this is interesting so and we’ll laugh at this but so you want me to hit in the 12 yeah yeah yeah well yeah we had to tell some of our sales reps they’re a little slow they like what should I hit

It out on the to no it’s still the hottest in the center of the face this is saying it would be 12 yards longer than the Paradigm in that location in that location and we’ve run this test multiple times you know and sometimes this might be nine this might be seven

This might be five but we’re winning in 21 different spots across the face so you literally are testing this is how specific this is crazy all the different mapping the face of the driver cuz there the driver you’re mapping the face and you’re showing the different distances

Which is crazy cuz that’s a club that’s a club longer that’s a club longer this is this is almost this is almost a club longer off The Sweet Spot just and Paradigm was amazing paradig won everything I mean it was number one no doubt about it and this is longer than

The paradig it was number one selling driver in the US number one selling driver in Canada number one around the world it was number one on tour it was had the most wins um and this thing is taken it to the next level so we are pumped we’re excited because what’s

Interesting is if you took Paradigm compared it to even like the Rogue s tier the the old Club drivers behind that they were longer than those so you put this comparison against older clubs I mean you’re talking Double D going to blow out of the water we talk about if

You coming in with a 5 six seveny old driver this thing’s going to it’s going to absolutely blow it out of the water but if you’re coming in with Paradigm it’s still going to be still going longer so the average golfer I’m looking at the guy and he goes you Pro you tell

Me this is faster I’m looking this is longer and I’m like it’s a club longer I mean it’s almost a club longer off the and this is our robot test like we said we’ve run it with foresight with GC quad industry standard we ran it with trackman industry standard we ran it

With our own Arrow code not easy to get this through legal to allow us to even publish or print this there it is it’s on camera it’s on camera it’s on camera so this be well I can already I already see this is going to be the the PGA show

This is going to be I mean this is this is this is going to be the hot button right here cuz that’s the first time I’ve seen it I mean it’s truly I’m looking at this for the first time he knew that though he sets me up on stuff

Like this because it gets me excited about this because all it does for me is thinks I’m going to hit this driver I’m going hit a half Club to Club long Club less going into green no matter where you hit no matter where I hit it I hit

It so okay so now let’s talk about just real quickly with the guys there is talk about some of the different models because I know there’s a few more which is kind of interesting because a lot of club companies and even you in the past may put two models out three models out

You’ve done more this year so let’s talk about that for a second yeah we’ve got we’ve got four models we can walk through it we’ve got a all new model which I think would be great kind of for your clientele your your customers but our core model is is the max right and

I’m I’m holding that here this is going to fit a lot of golfers kind of mid handicaps you know single digigit handicaps mid double digit handicaps it’s it’s the most forgiving of the whole lineup um it’s also very adjustable so you can really correct to the shot shape still got the carbon

Chassis lightweight smart face that we were just talking about so this is going to fit so this is the majority this majority probably 50% of of golfers are going to be and honestly my clientele we’re talking 60 70% if not yeah that’s going to be high I agree with that but

We have an all new model which we’re excited about and just feel this feel how light weight this is this a Max fast model right so this is 30 G lighter than the max it’s a 27 G total built weight we have a really lightweight grip shaft

But also you have the bonded hosle so it it’s very lightweight we have two losss we have 105 and 12 so if this is for the player a little bit slower swing speed you know if you’re swinging your driver at 70 mph or so you want to look at the

Max fast cuz this thing is going to going to launch high it’s going to be easy to launch easy to swing very very lightweight ladies and this thing yeah ladies seniors you know we have the lightweight uh offerings in the for two seconds here and I know I’m kind of just

Jump around a little bit but I want we got get the this question a lot okay explain to them real quick at home so that cuz they trust you m this has the adjustability the Max has the adjustability this one does not and it’s pulled out of here for a reason okay can

You explain to them why it’s so so typically we like to have the adjustability uh in there for two reasons adjustability but also fitting makes it easier to change out the the shafts but when you have a really lightweight a club that is designed to

Be as light as possible we want to take as much weight out of this head and this adjustable sleeve weighs a about 8 to n g there right you might say 8 to n g that’s not that much that’s huge for our designers right if you’re able to take

That out and you notice it doesn’t have the sliding weight the sliding weight track has weight this weight itself has weight right so this is where you start to see where do you get the 30 GS uh out of there well you’re pulling it out of

All the things to make this thing as lightweight and easy to swing um as possible there are a lot of golfers who like to use the adjustability there are a lot of golfers who don’t they buy it is as is good I’m using that I don’t

Want to think about it I don’t want to have it on the wrong setting I’m going to use it and that’s what we have we talked about that last year though we we brought this up and I had a lot of comments about that we you made this

Point last year and I actually brought it up after you did you said how about this you said you have the adjustability driver because majority fit in this and the guys working on the swing working on a swing but he’s about to go play around the golf at Pebble Beach he’s about to

Go play around the golf you know an important round the golf to him and he’s slicing the ball so he can put this thing set it and say okay I can save myself it later exactly I’m going to save it right now then come back and put

It back in the middle tell tell how much of a difference in adjustability so if I went from the heel to the toe or slid did the slider from one side how much of adjustability difference total adjustability here is going to be almost 20 yards which is absolutely massive

Right 20 so right versus left yeah so if you go into the full fade setting versus the full draw setting and when I say full draw setting that would mean that this sliding weight is all the way in the heel you’d be in the draw setting

Which makes it a little bit more uh upright that’s going to be 20 yards from the from the full fate setting so you’re talking about for a golfer that’s you know out of the woods and into the rough or out of the rough and into the Fairway

Or from the Fairway and now you’re hitting a draw you’re talking 20 yard 20 yards of right to left shot shaped dispersion with the adjustability right the opposite the opposite a lot of people want to hit a fade you know you can do that as well 20 yards is is is

Well over half a fairway most Fairways so that’s that’s interesting so Fairways you know 50 yard Fairways a big Fairway right some are some are smaller so you’re covering at least almost half the Fairway yeah I love that because that’s a big deal because in the past you’ve

Had some that have adjustable some that haven’t been but I’ve always pushed towards adjustability because of that very reason okay so we talked about those two lines what else we have in the lines we yeah so one of the things we want to talk about just on the design

Here is this carbon chassis super lightweight 15 gam um 15% lighter saves us six gr and you were talking about the adjustability where do you get the weight to allow you to do the adjustability well you make this piece I mean feel this feel how light this is

It’s even there it’s not even there it’s crazy I mean I wish they at home could feel this because I mean it’s like when I hold the tunks in the irons or I hold this it’s undescribable how light that is I mean it’s crazy how light this

Thing is I mean it’s just it’s not it’s like a feather our Engineers a joke like if we could make the middle of the driver weigh nothing or be empty air we would do it this is the next best thing this close yeah it’s still got to be

Durable still got to be able to hit the ball but you want the weight either in the face with the AI smart face or in the back with the adjustability or helping with the the mo so this being 15% lighter than the Paradigm carbon chassis that’s that’s absolutely massive

That’s crazy I love that so that’s the chassis all these now the other two lines you have so you have the you have the Max Max and Max fast then we have a we have a dedicated draw model you know so we have the the the maxd model so

Dedicated draw this is going to be about 10 yards more draw than where we were with the Paradigm X this year yeah more draw so dedicated draw model and I know you do have some some better players higher swing speed this is for you uh Tim right here is the Triple Diamond I

Mean this is the big dog uh it’s the lowest spinning model of all of them you have the the front back adjustability here a little bit smaller shape so it’s 450c but you got to have some swing speed you know we’re talking about guys who are probably 1005 miles hour or more

The tour players are going to have this John ROMs Andrew shley Sam Burns this will be in play with the best players in in the world um but we have that model available as well so now so lofts in this so the triple diamond we have 8 deg

So really low which you can set all the way down to seven we have a nine and we have a 10 five right so so so we don’t go up 10 cuz these These are guys you can crank it crank it you got to have some speed you know if you’re slow

Slower swing speed you’re not going to be able to take advantage of the Triple Diamond like that I would put them more into the max or the max fast and now for the the max with Lofts Lofts you have those yeah so we have a nine a 10 five

And a 12 so we can go and you know the setting we have plus two and minus one here so you can go up two you can go to one you can you can be you know in a 13 135 type of type of setting or you can

Take it all the way down to an 8 degree it’s why there’s no doubt the max 10.5 well this this one but you know the 10.5 in the past is always the most popular I sold because to 10 12.5 you go down y um so that’s going to be the most versatile

Probably our best selling and then the H and then the um the other one the fast yeah the max fast so this is really more Loft so we have 10 five and 12 right and there’s a lot of Loft kind of launch built into this cuz when you take

Something that’s 30 G lighter and you give it 12 degrees of Loft it’s going to launch the air it’s acting like it’s know it’s acting like a lot of LA and there’s a lot of golfers who who need that you know and you have a lot in your

Clientele give me it as light as POS give me something that’s easy to launch and that’s where fast because it comes down to there used to be lot of your line your guys also had a high trajectory club like used to carry HT or high trajectory club now you can put the

12 in there put a light one in there and it’s it is the HT it’s it’s going to launch and and you know it’s worth mentioning in the past we’ve had the star family and we brought it out in in the fall it’s been a little bit more

Expensive but then we would come out with an all new line in the spring and it wouldn’t get as much attention so we took this Max fast this lightweight we said we’re going to put it in the line we’re going to make it a fourth model it’s going to be available the whole

Year long it’s part of the line you know it’s best chance for it to succeed it’ll be part of the fittings you know and that was something we didn’t have with the Stars and that was really exciting for us that’s why I brought up normally

We have three clubs two or three to come from this one we actually had four because of that and exactly right in fact the star model line for us was extremely popular comes out in the fall the super lightweight and worth mentioning that this is in the same

Price point as the rest of them you know in the past with the star we had to really take price yeah and so this is part of the it’s in the same price point as part of the fitting clubs you know we have a lot of different options in it

And what I like about this line is that they’re all really distinctive so the triple diamond I mean this is low spin this is the bomber the max is the core up the gut the most adjustable we’ve got a draw model it’s dedicated draw and we’ve got a lightweight easy to swing so

You’re hitting all the categories love it okay so now I’ve already talked to you about this but I want want everybody at home to hear this the last couple years you talk shafting yep and and they and I’ll be honest with you they took your advice more than mine

Apprciate which you which you definitely should yeah you should this is the guy who does at 247 365 not a hobby not a hobby for exactly talk a little bit about shafting in these clubs like a couple like your recommendations cuz this was great for us last year and

Really hit home for a lot of people last year so we got this Max driver okay my typical you know our typical student I mean we’ve dealt this for years with you but our typical students you know got 80 mph swing speed 90 mph swing speed maybe

In this you know you know you know the regular light flex shaft okay um so if you’re talking that kind of student that’s a regular flex light flex shaft they’re going to the max type head so we’re not in the light one right now we’re Max what what type of shating you

Guys looking at this year what what what’s the hot thing yeah so the core up the gut shaft is going to be the Mitsubishi tensei AV series and the tensei I mean this is one of the best known highest quality shafts in the world made made by Mitsubishi they’ve

Had tensei out there a number of years this is their AV Series this is kind of a mid- launch mid spin we’ve got it in the 50 G Class which is going to be great for a lot of your students right so when it says 55 on how much 55 55 G

It all depends on the cut length but but call it 55 G in a rag Flex we’ll have it in a stiff Flex we’ll have it in a light Flex we also have this in a 60 you know if they want something that’s a little

Bit little bit heavier I like to keep in the low 50s you know we always say that you want to have it as light as possible but still be able to control it exactly right um and so um when I look at a little bit lighter option we have the

Cipher and that’s going to be in the 40 G Class that’s available in any of the models but but for the the draw model that’s kind of the stock so popular yeah Cypher has been great for us it’s a project a shaft super high quality it’ll

Weigh about 43 to 45 gram so that’s going to be a little bit lighter we do have the heavier one the Denali uh if for players who need that but then in the max fast this is a tensei blue and silver this is a 40 G super lightweight

Shaft we work with Mitsubishi directly to design this shaft we have a women’s offering as well the ldo which is a lightweight so this tensei would be more of the senior type of of shaft and then the ldo the women what’s the lightest

You can go in that uh you’re 40 G 40 G 40 G I mean and that is really light for really light for a driver Chef if you would have said that 5 years ago you would have laugh could do it they would break they would break right but the

Quality of these have gotten so much better the materials that they’re using they call it AV the aluminum Vapor that is in there making it very durable so you’re you can go really lightweight and it’s still durable love it I love it because you know the thing about the

Shafting in this is that I think talk a little bit about and we did this the last couple years I but I love you to re refresh this because five six seven years ago but even less than that you were 60 G 70 gam in the shaft and even in the regular

Flex shafts that was very common now all of a sudden you put a 60 G in there it’s heavy you know the regular flex shaft is like a heavy end that’s totally Chang that lightweight lets them do what it lets them what swing in it faster and

Then talk about that for a minute just well what what has happened is the shafts have become much higher quality much more durable and you actually saw it with the tour player starting it so you used to see tour players in 70 G sometimes 80 g shafts now majority of

Tour players are in the 60 G Class now it might be an xflex so it’s very very sff yeah but but it’s light but but it’s light and I want everybody to hear that because that’s it’s very durable they can still control it but it’s lightweight and now in the market it

Used to be 60 and 70 right now we’re moving more to to 50 and 60 and now 40 is becoming even more popular Before 40 was like a durability thing or like you know it was only a women’s or senior offering test that because when I was

Playing on the mini tours and playing out there playing for a living I actually found a I don’t even know the name it was a blue sha I found a I was hitting 7080 G shaft and I went to a 5 it was a 55 G shaft and I had one of the

Tour reps put in their model he said you got to try this and I went and crushed it with it the problem was it broke on me it continually break on me but I love the shaft and since then and that was 20 some years ago I could never go above

That I did everything felt heavy to me I love that lighter we in where I could feel I could really swing it now you’re seeing it in the tour players I me now the now the big boys are even catching up on that the quality shafts is just so

Much higher the materials that they’re using the types of carbon like we talking about infusing steel or infusing aluminum Vapor uh into it they don’t they don’t break which allows you to be light and and also be stiff so in the past you couldn’t get a 60 G TX for a

Tour player now that’s the standard 60 G TX and and remember they’re backing the shafts you guys guarantee the shafts so you sit there and you swing and snaps in half well here’s what’s interesting you guys always call for the club because you want to see why it broke yeah okay

You know and so you know breaks and down swing you want breaks because they’re going back to this company and saying hey your shaft is broke what’s going on so this company is backing it as you are so the last thing they want to do is

Things are breaking CU you guys may be onesie out there they’re selling out they’re selling hundreds of thousands of PL and drivers they’ve got to be very durable I mean Mitsubishi is one of the largest companies in in the world right they’re integrated um Chemical Company they’re doing all the pree all the

Materials for the shafts these are some of the highest quality shafts in the world project a owned by True Temper obviously they’re the biggest shaft company in the world most successful shaft uh company you know incredible partners for us the durability is outstanding on on these and they they’re

Getting better every year and it’s part of the uh the whole package of the sh love it I love it well I said that because last year we did this tape and you just threw start threw some shafts in there and all of a sudden you became

The world expert and I was like okay I was like okay you guys just listen to Dave to Dave on this okay now so let’s let’s end it here because this is phenomenal it is I mean I love out here and seeing you every year this is so

Much fun this is like my warm up for the next year um it’s always like it’s like Christmas for us new stuff exactly um so just the last thing on here I’m going to have hundreds no I’ll have thousands I take that back I’ll have thousands of individuals who either have the Paradigm

In their hand y or have the Rogue St Max in their hand now if they have older than that it’s it’s a m point we they already know they need upgrade it and they’re going to come to me and they’re going to ask me this question should I

Upgrade my driver should I go to this new paradig smoke okay and so and I always sit there and say don’t believe me believe the experts okay cuz you’re not here just to sell the driver you have to prove the driver okay so in just to end this thing right here cuz you’re

Talking to them at home now okay tell them why they should be trading in their Paradigm or or their rogest te Max and going in the Paradigm the Paradigm smoke okay just a last thing with that I’m going to look at this yeah well I was

Going to say here’s where we started I mean there’s three things to look at so this is robot testing this has been incredible 21 to 21 different spot using track using foresight using our our code this is what we’re seeing it’s incredible we’ve also done player testing and we’re seeing not just longer

But tighter downrange dispersion that’s H so robot testing player testing and then tour testing we’ve tested this with the best players literally the best players in the world we had the most wins with Paradigm we’re testing that this driver is beating the most successful the most played on tour as

Well right so you look at robot testing you look at player testing you look at tour testing it’s all there ersion is there you can see it’s longer as well um I’d say give it a shot you know try it out so all your tour players all the

Guys are out there the big boys you you named Xander you named Sam Sam Burns you named you named John Raman they everyone will have this in their hand correct yes they will have it they will have it in the hand they’re already testing it we’ we’ve got people

Ready to go uh you know it’s December right now they’re not on the conforming list yet so they’re not allowed to play it but we come January they will be all running and these will be in the bags of the best players because for us this

Makes the game fun makes fun it makes it much easier it makes it you know for them that’s millions of dollars differ millions of dollars winning winning a major winning an event you know keeping your card all all of those things y so well like normal I appreciate your time appre thanks

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