If you are looking for an easy, accurate and powerful golf swing this may be the lesson for you. Not to mention it will cure your golf back pain.
I personally have incorporated these movements into my golf swing over my winter training and it really does improve the swing. I think the act of getting the elbows in the right position really help with the swing plane. Which I struggled with.
Jimmy Ballard was a top 50 (as ranked by Golf Digest) golf teaching pro. He taught many successful PGA pros with a total of 11 Major Winners including Seve Ballesteros, Sandy Lyle, Curtis Strange and Hal Sutton. Now these guys were obviously talented already but Jimmy took them to another level. Especially Curtis Strange.
Jimmy Ballard saved Rocco Mediate’s career. Helping Rocco overcome painful back pain. Rocco thought he was finished golfing before he met Jimmy.

Some of the Footage from an interview from The Golf Channel.

Are you looking for an easier more consistent way to swing the golf club and one easy on the back well this might just be the swing for you this video has a former top 50 ranked golf pro as ranked by Golf Digest Jimmy Ballard explaining his method the connection

Golf swing Jimmy Ballard coached SE ballos Curtis Strange and Hell Sutton also many PGA Pros including Rocko mediate here’s the video but make sure you watch to the end to see the drill the great Ben Hogan taught Jimmy Ballard that type of thing you waited until right around that time to join forces

With Jimmy because of a bad back and it has changed your life oh yeah well I don’t have a bad back anymore um you know as we know golf is insane as as far as on our body it’s bad it’s it’s hard to do it’s just an unnatural motion but

The more you can get rid of some of those unnatural angles and bad setups and bent over and everything that we’re going to talk about it becomes easier much easier and easier on your body so that was that’s what we’re looking to help especially on the body cuz it

Messes you up if you’re if you move make bad moves at a golf ball repeatedly it will hurt you and we’ve seen some of our best players go down from it um I I it’s just the easiest way to move a golf club I call it moving not swinging um and if

If and these things that we’re going to show everybody today are simple to understand hard to do because when you change something it takes time you know it’s not like an immediate it’s not perfectly you can’t do it like too you got to understand the motion and then

Work on it and it becomes much easier all right for me yeah you’ve been teaching prominently now since the 1970s you’ve worked with a number of high-profile names major Champions seie Curtis we could go on and on let’s talk about the method that you started with

And stay with to this day you call it remaining connected right connectivity explain well the golf swing as I say it starts from what we call a brace connected address it it starts with a setup and the thing we always want is we always want the right foot turned in we

Always want the inside heel measurements outside shoulder width that’s for an athletic to make an athletic motion we found shoulder width is the distance it takes to make the correct coil and just get into the leg the proper way so to do that we also have a posture you must

Have good posture we want people like they’re holding weights like they were going to curl weights we want their Fanny under them we want them under them because that’s the only way your legs can work you can’t work your legs if you stick your fanny out so it all comes

Back to set up getting your body in the right position to make that move and so to do that we just tell people right foot square left toe slightly out that’ll help you to get through the ball we want the inside heel measurements outside shoulder width and then we want

Good postures if you were standing here curling weights you would never hold anything heavy this way you hold everything heavy here so getting in the right position to get our body to work correctly that’s the whole key and it’s a pre-swing thought yeah where were you

Versus where you are now with Jimmy I was a tiny bit narrow I was tiny bit narrow and B over back was terrible it was at end of 04 I didn’t know what to do I was I was I didn’t know if I could retire because what the heck else am I

Going to do I don’t know how to play golf basically um so I wanted to keep doing it and Leonard Thompson and I had been talking for years about going to see Jimmy but I was doing okay and I said no I’m fine and um once that

Happened I called Leonard and I said LT I need to go see Jim and he goes we’ve been waiting for this to happen so we went down and he saw some obviously I was kind of narrow I was bent over and I was far away from it it felt better to

Me cuz my back was it just always feels better for some reason to be narrow but what it does what it does is puts more stress on on my spine because you’re anytime you’re narrow you’re twist you twist them away you turn around in a

Circle which we do not want to do I don’t even think about turning a golf swing I know it’s kind of weird but I don’t think about it at all I think about back so what all we really started with was width of stance shoulders inside my feet like like like Jim just

Said and posture so now I’ve gotten rid of all this and B bent over everything you know it’s all right here there’s not a lot there’s angles in a golf swing but there’s not a lot right here you know this isn’t dropped down my hips aren’t put everything’s dead square and in

Center that’s what he taught me especially sternum C what do you want to call it Center so everything starts from Center and it moves it’s one two there’s not 47 parts of a golf swing there’s two back swing and a down swing the Finish

Is all a result of what you do had a conversation before this show started and we wanted to get from you tonight tips for highle mid-level and low-l handicappers and you said we only teach to one it’s one level it works for every person whether it’s a toying

Professional or a guy just just starting golf it’s all the same that’s the beauty of it well the fundamentals of the you know what we call the fundamentals and uh that works we want everybody to do the same thing when we look at a golf swing and I first give an overview I

Show everyone how the triangle is maintained throughout the swing and if you take that and understand people would do that naturally if they simply kept their elbows down got into their right leg and got their elbows down and got to the left and as soon as the

Elbows are down then your body is free to move like throwing a medicine ball underhanded but when you get your arms around or off your body or your elbows out there’s no way the body can coordinate with it yeah let me show let me show you what he means what what we

Mean is as far as structure and setup which is width of stance kind of brace like we’re talking about BRAC in there my knees aren’t out they’re in a little Just a Touch so I’m this way so and I’m as I can be so what we mean about elbows

Down left arm on my body my elbow’s not pointing out it’s pointing down to my I guess my left hip socket somewhere right so what I’m what what we’re talking about if the elbows stay down watch the golf club go up okay the golf club’s up here now what we what Jimmy’s always

Taught the golf club now is light it’s balanced it’s balanced and light so now it can be thrown any way I want to throw it hard fast easy slow doesn’t matter timing means nothing if your golf club’s in the right place once I get my elbows

Sideways now look at the club now it’s heavy I can’t do it so now I’m going to move it at 100 mph good luck so if the elbows stay down on both sides to where if if if I feel like I’m back into to my

Right and up over to my left I got nothing there’s nothing here I’m all done there’s no way on my right I got no stress in my spine it’s simple just that simp simple simple simple and all the sockets and Joints work correctly yeah there’s nothing out of of sink it’s easy

To get out of whack in this crazy game we play but this way is the it’s the most efficient by far H with the left arm and it’s roll well you know Hogan when he changed his swing he talked about that he had half a

Left arm and he talked about on The Ed Sullivan Show that the arms were and were connected to the body at the elbows not at the shoulders and then he just talked about move to your right and move to your left with your elbows on your

Body and that’s really all it is but it has to be posture and the left arm connection is tied into the left La once you tie your arm into your left lat like you’re holding something heavy it would be as though if if I wanted to backhand

Someone all I would do is lay my arm here this left lat would move into my right leg and I’d hit you with my right side I would never get back here and pull my arm or I would never get my arm away from me to hit you hard my arm

Would lay connected to my shoulder I’d lay my arm on my body and I’d hit you with my big muscles yeah try not to take it personally that he wants to vacate right you’re standing there not me not my usually and and what what what he means by that isn’t it’s amazing you

Know the elbow’s down this left arm’s down this way I remember he made me walk around for like a week like this like walk hey how you guys doing I’m good right here everybody wants to shake your hand so like this so instead of the elbow being out which causes round you

Know the the fif joints this way it goes around you fif joints down and the right elbow’s not this way it’s out it’s like you’re shaking hands with somebody I’m not going to put it underneath me because in my opinion it follows your rib cage I don’t want to follow my rib

Cage it’s going to go around me it’s not going to go up so what he’s talking about is structure in this way to where I’m up and I feel stress in my lat all these big small little lats and all this stuff and everything else fill it up

Here I don’t have any that carries the club see my arms and hands don’t I don’t ever you never see this happen see how fast it carries the club so as soon as I’m set up properly I can move the club back and through but if I’m not tall and

Wide let’s say I get narrow and bent over I lose all my structure this is mush more than it usually is so this this is this is mush so now all of a sudden my arms and hands come into play and I’m dead because I can’t trust them

But I can trust all this big all the big muscles and my legs and everything move in this golf club that’s what I want I don’t ever think of these these just hold my arms and hands my hands just hold the club uh Jimmy has taught me

That it’s measuring up once I’m set here and we we talk about all time once I’m measured up in my setup now it’s just a matter of movement and motion and I want to keep the same in other words the club never gets in and deep behind me most of

The time Cloud never goes out and away from me I’m disconnected you see it goes straight you know kind kind of straight back I guess but I’m moving it with all this so Center moves it back and if I’m measured up properly and set up properly

It’s going to be right it’s going to be right in the in the numbers as far as hitting and there’s not going to be any disturbance on the ground because I’m measured up and I stay tall stay tall throughout the entire swing everything stays tall you Hogan always talked about

Being taller at impact not smaller think about that you have to be up to hit down in other words you have to be up to hit down if you’re down you’re hitting up yeah and that’s bad you you have to always have good posture to be in a

Position to hit a descending blow the ball’s on the ground okay we got a great tip from you earlier we’re looking for another one what do you have well I think the best way to understand how to get into your right leg and callil and not sway which people have always

Accused me of I think you have to understand with the setup we’ve already talked about your left shoulder never goes under your left shoulder never goes high that would be a sway we don’t teach that we teach the left knee and the left lat makes a little 6-inch move into your

Right leg and your right arm and shoulder hinges up to hit down so therefore the only way I can hit down is for my elbows to be down to go that way and if you don’t get into your leg how can you go forward MH so that’s the

Whole key it’s not a sway it’s a coil you can’t turn because you can’t turn from two sockets and two joints period laws of physics so you coil into the set of the leg and UNC them and back to back us opens for Curtis Strange just does not lie still have another incredible

Tip coming your way from Jimmy Ballard a personal one he received from the hawk calls it the best he ever received stay tuned for that we have teased it I have heard it it is awesome but now it’s time to deliver it to our viewers the best tip

You ever received and it’s hard to believe you didn’t get it from Ben Hogan but you did y yeah it was 1956 and he was sent on the practice he hitting balls and he would take he he was a chain smoker and he’d always put the

Cigarette in his mouth when he hit and he had a reason for that because that made him keep his chin up and keep his posture better and he’d put it in there and he would take the club and he’d put it on his right hip and he’d lay his arm

Like this and he would go like this twice and then he’d go like this and then he would hit a ball going like this and what it was he was rehearsing his old swing before he changed it and if he started changing in 45 he always changed directions this way

Which left him back blocked and flipped so in later life he learned to keep the elbow down connect it and get the right hip to hit it


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  2. ROCKO<<<<< IS A WHORE!! when he was Jimmy he was winning now he back to Rick Smith! ALL those pro's are whores… ONE THING FOR SURE>>>WHEN they were with JIMMY they were winning the leave >>THEY lose!!

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