More in our Two Minute Golf Tips series. Today, How the Golf Club Works.

So in this tip I’m going to make a racket I’m give some noise and I’m going to talk to you about the way a tennis racket and the golf club work is similar you’d see that in tennis that would be a Top Spin motion and this would be a Back

Spin motion so Top Spin Eng golf is a draw Back Spin is a fade now what’s interesting is when I have a driver and I have the 10 racket parallel as I turn you can see the racket rolling excessively that gives you great amount of power so when you turn the racket

Rolls 90° at least and then you rotate through 180 you can see the Top Spin motion now a minute ago I was putting to the umbrella which is 33 and 13 yards away or 100 ft so the same tennis racket is now strapped to the Putter and can you see what happens the

Club is so short and upright that there is no rotation in the racket hardly it moves a hint with the driver it rolls 90 however with the putter it hardly rolls at all and that’s where accuracy comes from understanding that when we’re using a short Club the shorter shaft is making

Us more accurate the longer the shaft the more rolly you become yes little less accurate cuz we’re hitting 40 yard Fairways but in the short game we don’t want the racket rolling in if it would roll you can see that it’s volatile and the ball doesn’t take off very well so

Let’s just watch that back with the pter I’m going to hit the ball probably 50 yards with the pter and the club face is not going to roll greatly so here we go you can see that I’ve comfortably patted the ball 50 yards Across The Fairly long grass and because this club

Is so short 35 Ines in total length there’s no forearm rotation it would be disaster in the pen to see the face roll now if that’s true with the putter it’s equally true with the Chip And Run that’s why we pull the clip Up Our Sleeve when we pull the clip Up Our

Sleeve we lose forearm rotation so when you h a low shot into the wind or out from the tree canopy hitting a low shot pulling the club up your sleeve stops the club face rolling and if you’re going bit in a narrow Gap you need the

Accuracy so here here we go six on up the sleeve walk in and imagine that I’m putting you can see how low the ball goes and runs out surprising how far it goes actually for it is basically a glorified putt the thing to understand is when the club is short there is no

Form rotation and when the club is long there needs to be so again you let the club head and the club shaft determine the nature of those movements

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