Do This Immediately to Increase Your Golf Driver Distance off the Tee. Golf Tips

Golf Tips to Increase Your Golf Driver Distance off the Tee to improve your golf swing and hit your driver farther.

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00:00 Introduction
00:18 Concepts of Lesson
00:58 Drill
02:20 Demonstration
02:32 Ending

Hi I’m Nick with SLG are you tired of being left in the Dust by your golf buddies at the T boox today we’re going to review the single most important checkpoint that exists to ensure you are maximizing your distance off the tea let’s get started the single most

Important checkpoint that there is to making sure we can hit that ball as far as possible with this club is it needs to be aligned parallel with your front heel not back here in the middle of your swing not back here off your trailing foot but up here before we go any

Further with this setup it is important that we also have the grip nailed and that we’re also presenting that at the point of impact properly I have a video right here to double check that once you feel comfortable with that we’ll continue with this lesson now that we have the

Grip squared away and we know that the ball should be parallel to your front heel we’re going to go ahead and get set up put your feet approximately your shoulder width apart maybe splayed a little bit I always keep mine about maybe 105 degrees open and line up to the ball get settled

In the grip that we taught you in that video should be the one that you’re using here and what you’re going to do is ensure that your shoulders have a little bit of tilt don’t be too vertical if you’re too vertical that’s going to decrease the angle of attack and if you

Decrease the angle of attack you’re going to lose much more of that precious yardage if you’d like to learn more about how your angle of attack influences your yardage I created this video right here that will give you all of the details you need to know the skinny of

It is that for each degree up that you’re hitting into the ball so up like this you can gain approximately 1 and half% carry on your drives it may not sound like much but even a 200 yard Drive 2 de is 6 yards 4 degrees is 12 that adds up in a hurry

Be sure to follow me on my YouTube channel Southpaw links Gulf please like subscribe and share to watch more video content like this practice smarter not harder until next time see you on the next video

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