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JOIN US at BBG/ SWING CAT SCHOOL and get measured and work with GOLF’S #1 ground force expert. March 18-19
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Thanks for watching today I’m interviewing Dr Scott Lynn who believes that he has found the key to consistency the real difference between why Pros are so consistent and why everyone else is degrees of less consistent the pros do this one thing every single time and everyone else is doing this thing

Different every single time he first discovered this in 2018 when he got to measure Tommy Fleetwood and since then he’s been refining and measuring more and more players and starting to see what is actually happening if I give them five Swings with the driver the

First one will be 95 the second will be 75 the third one will be 80 and that’s what creates inconsistency right those are different mechanics on every single swing so this is Dr Scott Lynn he has worked with a lot of different major Champions including colum morawa Bryson

Shambo he’s really the most sought-after voice in golf when it comes to ground forces and what the ground is doing and more people are starting to understand that it’s not really too much about the positions but about about the pressure it’s one of our best videos yet you’re

Going to love it hey guys thanks for watching I’m here in the backyard of Dr Scott Lyn this is a really important video that we wanted to do for a long time but we’re always put off but this is important hey Scott how you doing have to introduce you guys to my new

Facility here yeah this is it move from the indoor garage with the wood to we’ve upgraded a little bit so yes uh so we’re we’re uh taking advantage of the California weather one thing I want to talk about Scott is at the beginning of the year I put out a poll that surprised

Me that where I said what would you like to get better you know asking all the B better golfers now almost 150,000 what would you like to get better at in 2024 and I had uh driver straightness I wanted specifically to say straightness because I didn’t want

To get it looped up with consistency just like driver straightness driver distance iron play wedges short game putting driver distance did not win which is what like if you go to like golf industry people they’re always like oh push this sell distance that’s what people want I was like maybe for like a

Certain demographic but I think for the real uh B better golf kind of person that’s playing golf all the time they know like hey like if I can hit it at least get it in play then I’m actually playing and cons driver straightness one so today what we usually talk about when

We’re and I think there’s a scientific reason but when we’re usually doing the swing Catalyst videos that you guys have seen we’re talking a lot about like getting numbers higher like oh you hit that 7 97 mph uh Club head speed and we’re always talking about like distance

And stuff like that uh today this video is going to be about using pressure not just in your feet but throughout your whole body to be more consistent so my first question is going to be uh what are the differences you see especially when it comes to the ground force

Between really consistent players and really inconsistent players um well this was something that I learned I think this was about 2018 we’re at the Players Championship uh in pav VRA Florida and uh Tom Fleetwood came to hit some shots on the plate and this was a couple

Months before he shot whatever it was 62 at the US Open remember in at shinok I believe it was yeah uh yeah it was a shinok um so playing pretty well at the time yeah and I brought him in and our standard tester protocol for pros just

To get an idea of what their swing does is we hit five wedges five six IRS and Five drivers so he hit 15 shots for me and literally everyone was like yeah on a rope right on a rope on the line that we called for him and then I looked at

The ground reaction force data and if we looked at the amount of pressure shift that he got into his Trail side maximally it was within 1 or two% on all 15 of those swings regardless of if it was a wedge or a six iron did you also

Say say driver and Driver yeah all of them were the same repeat that again so what what was it that he did exactly the same the maximum pressure shift into the trail side all right so here just showing the consistency of Tommy Fleetwood and its pressure shift uh even though the

Pressure Trace looks different between driver and six iron um you can see this is when he reaches his max Trail side pressure you see he’s 75% into the trail side with his six iron um and then if we go on to driver here this is his driver

Swing so now the pressure shift is here so the pressure shift looks kind of different so people who really get into the shape of the pressure shifts I don’t really concern myself too much with that but what is important is that we’re pretty consistent throughout the bag

With our Max Trail side pressure shift so you can see happens around the same time and it’s the exact same amount into the trail side with driver and six iron this is the way that we maintain consistency I Believe by having a stock swing that we know our pressure shift is

Going to be consistent every time and one really interesting thing that I’ve kind of been thinking about here with anybody swing is how much pressure they get into their Trail side and so you can see um mat Wolf’s pretty down the middle of the road right so he’s about 84% into

His Trail side there 84% kind of down the middle rpga tour data ranges from 60% into the trail side to 100% into the trail side and so he has a very centered pivot or a very centered shift into the trail side so like when you take the

Club away you know some people will get 95% under their Trail side some people will get 65 some people will get 80 and if you’re hitting a stock shot and that’s what I always tell people like this right here isn’t golf right you got

A perfect lie you got no wind you got no rough like there’s nothing here that’s to change anything and so you should know what your stock swing looks like in these perfect conditions cuz then when you go out to the course you can adjust from stock yeah but if you don’t know

What your stock is cu I’ve had inconsistent players or players that aren’t very good on here and like if I give them five Swings with the driver the first one will be 95 the second one will be 75 the third one will be 80 and that’s what creates inconsistency right

Those are different mechanics on every single swing I find that often with really good players I’ll have a player come in and hit like there’s six irons will be like 75 every shot into the trail side but their drivers will be like 85 every shot into the trail side

That’s big difference yeah and if you track your stats I’ll always ask them what’s your Strokes gain irons versus driver and they’re like well I gain three with driver I lose three with irons okay well let’s make the irons look more like the driver and you’re

Probably going to be fine there okay so you’re you’re you’re pattering oh that’s interesting so so a lot of people say that there’s a a golf swing but then there’s driver swing which is a little different because it’s on a te and other things like that but that’s not really

What you see I don’t think I see that with the with the best players now if you’re altering your stock shot with driver so I know there’s some players that get on a wide openen par five and they’re like okay now I’m going to hit

More up on it I’m going to do something different okay well that’s that’s a different thing because that’s that’s not your stock shot right but you need to know what your stock shot is so that you can alter it and now you get into

The win and I want to hit it a little lower and I want to maybe take some spin off of it that’s not a stock shot either that will change the the the pressures but I think the best players know what their stock is and then can adjust from

There if they need to but if you don’t know what your stock is you’re kind of screwed to get started okay so let’s get under the hood of this consistency issue a little bit we have the swing Catalyst dual Force plate set up here and let’s see how consistent you

Are so why don’t you hit two or three shots for me okay and we will uh see how consistent you are at getting and we’re recording this screen all right great Scott we’ll have this plate specifically and uh all this Tech out at the B better

Golf school coming up on March 18th and 19th we still have a few spots left I think uh we still have about four spots left so go to B better school and you can learn all this cuz I do see the uh the best before and afters of any

Tech or teacher with this stuff so okay so hit a shot right go for it okay okay and now just let that one measure let’s just do two just for argument sake sure yeah okay now hit one me one more one sounded a little skinny yeah

The second one but felt about the the same okay so we got two on there let’s have a look so let’s have a look at this first this is the second one you took so here in the second swing you took and obviously you hadn’t warmed up there’s

Like a whole bunch of you know sure variables that we put in here but so what I’ll do is I’ll Advance this swing to where you get maximally into your Trail side and you get there pretty early and you get 85% maximally into your Trail side so you can see there

It’s 85% into the trail side so you can see right here yep 85% is your maximum pressure shift the ball and then the second swing this was I guess this was the first swing and you can see it’s 70% off the trail side so that is a much different

The timing is the same but the magnitude is way different yeah way different and so to me that is something that you know is probably a guide for inconsistency and so then we would have to figure out what is optimal for you right is that 85 optimal for you is the

75 optimal for you or the 70 optimal for you there’s a whole bunch of ways to to get to what I think is optimal for you or I can ask you what shot you prefer like a 70% pressure shift into the trail side generally allows you to get left

And get a more leftward swing Direction earlier generally so that would be more of a cut pattern in general I then overshift yeah you know so I would think that I would want to do the thing that that keeps me more rotational and gets me from sliding sure so that would be

Getting away from like an 8 because when you get 85 over here you got to get back that’s what gives you that lateral push okay so if somebody’s kind of self diagnosis and we’ll kind of shortcut the process here a little bit for the video

If I feel like okay I like that 701 a little better and I want to make 70 this feeling of like I have my trigger which is which you also see in the graph there this trigger then I go 70 and then then I go into my swing how can I like start

To nail that consistency in the ground ground to me the best the best drill to kind of get consistent with these things is what I call the goldilock drill okay I don’t call it that that’s John dunan and uh and will woo that kind of came up

With that kind of um nomenclature for it but basically you want to figure out because if you just tried to do 70 70 70 70 70 over and over and over again you have no context for what 70 feels like right so what you have to do is you have

To do 85 and 65 and like play around with it um to find where that middle is and so I would generally tell people to to like give me your 85 swing again so you know what that feels like to do 85 and then on the next one I want you to

Give me 60 so you feel like you’re kind of stacked over it and then give me somewhere in the middle and that’s where we start to get more consistent is when we know where the edges are okay let’s try that sure do you want to hit three

Sure okay so on the first one give me what you gave me before oops hang on one sec yeah I guess the first step is really even keying into that feeling you know you just kind of do what you do you don’t really think about it totally yeah

Go for it so give me the 85 F so get a big shift off of it into the trail side right my best strike of the day I felt good now I want you to give me the complete opposite of that okay give me like did we get numbers on that one or

No yeah let’s have a look oh okay you just just want to see I to match feeling real here so I felt 85 yeah and we’re going to see if uh the feel was 85 The Reel was was yeah it was it was 92 okay so you

Overdid it which is fine that’s the that was the goal of that particular swing was to get a lot so now I want you to feel what like 60% feels like where you almost stay stacked on your lead side okay yeah it’s like doing a step drill without actually stepping

Sure good I think we’ll see a difference there yeah I’m sure we will yeah and what what was our Max uh let’s have a look into the drill side there that was 55 okay so all right good so I’m overdid it on both sides I told you

To do 60 and 85 and you did 90 and yeah I just wanted to make sure I was so now going be halfway between those two okay but if you get halfway between 55 and 90 you should be around where we want you yep best thing to do in my practice l so

All right so here’s my 90 feel which is yeah yeah here’s my 55 feel yeah so I want to find the middle get in the middle of those just right what would we like we’d like about like 72 or something like that for you well that that’s what our hypothesis is right now

And then we would we’ll see I hit that poorly bend it yeah but I think I my pressure might be all right I’m not sure yeah 73 74 oh okay so you got a good feel for what the middle feels like mhm and now we would have to

Alter the forces to match that feel so we didn’t talk about forces we’re just trying to get that pressure shift in let me try one more at 74 and see if I can get a strike on it sure and at the end of this video keep watching guys we’re

Going to show you how to do this in a way that where maybe you don’t need tens of thousands of dollars a tech to do it okay so I really like that though Scott and I think this is this is one of the first things people can do is uh yeah I

Like feeling 90 55 and then in between those two sure but with a strike that felt really good there we go that felt more comfortable yeah you got a lot more ball speed on that one a lot more Club speed too 92 and a half yeah

That felt um this eight iron that felt like a like athletic and reactive rather than the other ones who were like holding on something that one was 70 three all right so that’s okay so it it felt 80 it was 73 which is our hypothesis was that should be about your

And this is where we can start tinkering within that small little range now so now we can say give me 80 give me 70 now find the middle between those two and start tinkering in there um and the tinkering I think is what um can help you with your like altering

From your stock because what I found I’ve done this drill so many times that if I get behind a tree and I need to snap hook it behind around a tree I get way off the ball because I know from doing this drill that that creates a big

Rightward swing Direction and and I can hit snap hooks from there okay so this was the pressure off the ball but then you said there’s something to know about the force yeah so you want to match forces up to pressure shifts so if I get a ton of pressure into this right foot

Most of the time that’s me pushing this way and creating that lateral Force which you know is kind of your bad swing SL cuz then you don’t have the brakes to stop it and so um a big pressure shift generally matches with a lot of lateral

Force which can be fine for some people that works well for some people we know that can create some bad strikes with you and some and you need to have the brakes to support that or the stopping power on your left foot okay um a very centered pressure shift I consider like

An 80% pressure shift matches better with torque or rotational forces um and then a you know the one where you kind of say stacked here yeah like when I stay stacked here I better be going up or else I’m going to hit some fat shots so got matching the ground reaction

Force to the pressure shift would be the next step once we dial in your pressure shifts okay so let’s let’s try that let’s say that we dialed it in so we dialed in a more centered pressure shift so now we got to get you doing more of

The torque stuff so we’ve done this pretty much every Camp I think with you okay yeah yeah is trying to get you to create more of that left foot push so so so I’m stepping to the right but not as much as before it’s it’s more centered

And then I’m trying to take the uh the carpet off off the well and for the center pressure shift I like to feel more of a turn back swing to get pressure into your right side rather than a a SL show me that here so people can see sure for the

Centered what so there’s a lot of ways I can get pressure into my trail side if I’m centered I want to feel like I’m getting this hip deep to create that pressure into my right side instead of okay like a lateral sway into the trail side yeah so feel like there’s more turn

In there okay yeah so now instead of so much the I mean we’ll also we’ll look at the trail but then what what numbers are you looking at here as far as well I would look at your torque numbers to see if they’re going numbers oh okay gotcha

Torque numbers is our bottom blue it’s the yellow the blue is the vertical oh got you so good okay so that one you went 88 into the right side okay interesting so you got a lot more into the TR yeah I it gets me more when I

Actually open the hip more yeah yeah so you and you ended up with kind of 80 Force Factor units of torque that’s just a it’s 68 foot-pounds but we normalize it to your body weight and so let’s just see how that is relative to one of the previous

Ones yeah so good so you used to have you had 61 the previous swing yeah and so you you accomplished your goal of creating more torque but you did it by getting way more pressure into the trail side okay so let’s Okay so more torque without getting so far to the right

Yeah there you go that sounded like the most solid sh out of the day yeah that was good they furthest one too yeah most ball speed near the most Club speed and so that was the most torque you’ve created so that was 92 units of torque

Which does it mean anything to you when you see these these humps if they’re if they look smoother and less Jagged yes cuz this one does look smoother yeah and that was 83% into the trail side so you nailed a much more centered pressure shift maybe a hair too much into the

Trail side but and yeah this got a lot smoother which tells me it’s something that matches what your body does most efficiently awesome yeah okay so then I think the the elite level challenge kind of the Tommy Tommy Fleetwood level challenge is this is an eight iron yeah

Is can I do that with uh we won’t change it too much with a six iron sure where and you’re saying that in the consistency of what the pros do they’re really uh pretty consistent through the whole bag yeah from what I’ve found oh you want to give

Me a DOT if there are inconsistencies um yeah I’ll get you one um that’s where I generally ask and like 8 to six iron is almost the same thing like they’re kind of mid iron so like to me maybe try a wedge and let’s just see

If the wedge is consist a pitching wedge that’s a really good point because I’m not good with these okay good yeah so and this is where like I would then look at your stats to see let me get you a DOT I would look at your stats to see

Your Strokes gained in these different Club conditions if they were very different cuz that would help me decide which which one is probably more optimal for you and generally what I find is a lot of times people will have so you’ll do that sometimes like beyond the swing

Catalyst data you’ll say like hey you’re really sharp beyond all the other players with your pitching wedge with your four iron you’re like losing strokes and not very good and then the biomechanics are different between each Club so why don’t we make the biomechanics S yeah make your make your

Four iron swing look more like you’re super consistent ping and I’ve seen that like a lot of people generally try to get more pressure shipped off the ball with d cuz they want to hit up on it and side Bend and if your irons are really

Good at 65 into your Trail side and you get like 95 with your driver that’s going to okay not be a good combination generally gotcha all right so what I’m the goal here is to really feel super similar to what I was doing with the

Other one yeah and for me that is we talked about this in the other school my trigger has usually been in a lateral step drill kind of way but I think if I can get my trigger in more of a little bit of a rotational way so rather than this this

Then this because if I do this then I’m always this way so this this is where like we’ve seen with the long drive guys like a Kyle Burkshire trigger is more of a frontal plane or a lateral trigger kind of this takes it away like that

Whereas uh Martin borgar is more of a right like a mat wolf more of a rotational kind of trigger oh good point yeah okay so this was this pitching wedge yeah okay so that was 73 into the trail side the torque was still pretty good

Though 83 torque is kind of what you had in a mid-range yeah that’s good for six iron just a wedge then and so that’s not bad at all I I would say just a hair more into the trail side with that rotation and then we have a pretty

Similar looking pattern let’s try that another way for rotational players to get more pressure into their Trail side is to feel like they’re twisting this foot as they turn back feel like you’re really ripping that foot in the ground like externally rotating it yeah so like

As if if there was a a slick piece of paper here I would be doing that way yeah that’s a good rotational strategy to get more pressure into the right side and get people focusing on the trail okay so we’re going rotational trigger there you go oh I like that

Okay okay all right that was really solid that felt great 130 carry wedge good so that had 91 torque which is pretty similar what you had with the yeah it’s the most the six iron it was more than the six iron right I think there was one six iron that was about

The same that was our and there you are you’re about 84 which was kind of similar to what you were uh with the six iron so that’s I think we’ve kind of dialed it in for you we’ and you see how smooth that torque is now so your

Opinion for me you think I’m most consistent there around 84 82 yeah yeah and like that’s better than at 65 or 90 okay okay you’re right so somewhere in the middle there so I think the goldilock drill is a good one to help dial it in for you and then working on

The appropriate Force for your pressure shift so if you’re a centered player you want to work on some of that rotational torque type stuff if you are a right side dominant player a trail side dominant player and you get way over here then you got to work on that

Lateral Force um and then if you stay on your lead side you got to create some verticals okay so I always like to make my video the the thing I think makes B better gol a little bit different is that I really try to make things actionable for people to take action

Like pretty much right away only about half of a perc of the people watching this have a swing Catalyst there’s a lot more people though that if you really look around your area you can probably find a coach I mean they’re they’re really spreading throughout uh the world

Where you can find people with this so let’s think of a way that people can do this without the tech yeah with no Tech I would just get on a driving range and take five balls and hit your feel of getting way much pre or a lot of

Pressure into your Trail side I mean we don’t really need to do it but like getting way to the right and if you don’t have a launch monitor just monitor like where do the balls land how does the strike feel what’s the curvature like or monitor how the shots are and

Then do the opposite get away like feel like you’re stacked on your lead side and hit five and monitor the strike monitor how step one drift to the right and hit step two stay on the left and hit and then step three go in the middle somewhere somewhere in yeah and then

Generally what if I’m working with a player and I do those 15 swings I’ll say if you had to play golf in one of those three ways which one would you choose if I said you have to go to the first te right now yeah you’re going to say well

Getting way to the right’s awful cuz I snap hook it off the planet and I chunk a bunch of them okay po perfect eliminate that one yeah I’m okay on my lead side I hit some like I get the low point in front of it I I get some decent

Shots but there’s some little cuty ones there I don’t like so I would pick the middle one perfect right but then you know that or you might be like you might be between somewhere but now you’ve eliminated you know getting way right or whatever so that’s a good way to learn

Kind of what your appropriate pressure shift is without any of these and I think what we learned for me is I like the feeling because I’ve done so many step drills and I’ve also like you know being a baseball player and stuff like that I really like the feeling kind of

Like a Crow Hop kind of throw yeah but I think if I can get that feeling but get it through more this kind of stepping rather than this kind of stepping so so so traditionally step drills that that we show this this this right rather we

Can get it more this this this right it won’t be as cork screwy when you actually do cuz you’re putting the club out there and stuff but I think that is a really big difference and little things like that you just aren’t going to come to on your own you know you got

You got to really experiment with feeling pretty uncomfortable you could be the guy on the Range you have to be comfortable but like you know Ben like Ben Hogan did like hitting some really really bad shots as you’re trying to figure it out totally and then they

Become as I told you with my own game like doing the way right swing getting way into the trail side I can hit I can snap hook it off the world when I do that and I just learned that by doing this drill have that shot now I have

That shot if I need it so cool guys all right so if you’re interested in coming out to work with Scott and I we’re doing a a golf school throughout the year we’ll be doing a few but really we’re doing a golf school coming up very soon

In just like about a week or two on March 18th and 19th in Murietta California the beautiful Golf Club raner California so uh Eric Mike tree who has won over 60 times professionally is hosting us and having us out there Lee dier who’s on the Channel all the time

Will also be there and it’s going to be a small group of golf everybody is going to be able to get on the swing Catalyst multiple times individually working with Scott doing similar stuff to what we did today and that’s really we see some great before and afters from that

Because uh you’re not really uh fighting yourself or trying to be something that you’re interpreting from TV or whatever it’s just like okay this is what you do the best and there’s some uh there’s some legitimate science behind it it’s not really as you know in the history of

Golf there’s been some things that are like questionable about like if this whether or not this is actually something something that will improve people the data is like super clear on it makes people better if you’re interested in what Dr Scott was talking about there and you want some actionable

Advice of how to get better at golf using this new information about the pressures in the swing you got to check out the driving force it’s something that I made with Dr Scott and Milo L’s PGA that really goes through the different parts of the golf swing and

How you can be more consistent and more powerful using some of this information it has a lot of actionable advice about how to take this stuff and use it to become a better golfer it’s not just Theory it’s things that actually work so check it out it’s over on B better driving force so if you’re interested check it out today because just for today and probably the next week I’m going to put it on sale CU I really think this can help a lot of be better golfers and I want to get it out in more people’s hands thanks bye


  1. Interesting. It kind of reminds me a little of when Nick Faldo shows his swing from the chest up of wedge, iron and then driver. They all look identical and you can't tell which is which.

  2. Very helpful insight. I’ll definitely be more aware of applying consistent pressures next time I’m practicing.
    Question: is there a consistent relationship to where the club mass is when the pressures get back to 50/50 in the transition, or does this depend more on the particular player and/or the length of club?
    Question: when the pressures return to 50/50 should a player feel the pressures spread out evenly across the bottoms of the feet or more towards the balls and heels of the feet?

  3. I’d like to ask if you can gain access to force plates
    What would dr recommend in a more consumer affordable device (salted or bal on) if we were looking to start using a consumer friendly device to measure grf

  4. 3:33 1 or 2 % that's practice but still its helpful for us. No question my balance is horrible on a snap hook. Finish on my rt. toes. A lot of pros have an idea of what they want to do that ultimately takes care of issues indirectly. Bubba said he liked to imagine he turned like a rubber band winding up the torso. He then said width back width down width past.

  5. This is all complete nonsense. And Tommy Fleetwood never win anything. Nice pants there doctor, what’s next, a man bun?

  6. So Tommy would shift 75% trail side and 25% front? Does this mean 75% of his weight remained on his trail side?

  7. This was very interesting I’m going to try what Scott said about hitting balls from front foot and all the way to the back foot and see what works better. As to the rest of the video I’m not sure why you started dancing around and talking about how you get your weight there.
    It would be cool to see if you hit a bucket of balls with 5 different clubs then take the top few shots with each club and see if your weight shift was similar with all your good shots.

  8. Pls cut the music off, I don’t think think we are watching a scary movie, what’s with this music?

  9. Not mentioned is when the most weight is distributed on the backswing. Tommy’s was about waist high yours was just past your back foot. . To me when you do it is more important. Or does it not matter since it wasn’t a point of interest?

  10. Your arms are 10% of your weight, if I set up 50/50 and only swing my arms am I at 60% on the right? So Tommy's 75 is actually only 15 body (if you see what I mean)

  11. Goldilocks drill is great..I remember Dave Pelz teaching it for short pitch shots. Take a wedge and swing in a way that will go further than landing spot, then a swing that will land short, and then somewhere in the middle is where you’re shot will be close to where you want to land it.

  12. Kinda like lag, feel like this is just a result of a good consistent movement/action. Not something you necessarily try to force. I don't think any of these pros got as good as they did chasing measurements of another pro. They just kept practicing until they optimized their swing and efficiency.

  13. For all the hundreds, nay, thousands of lessons this guy has had, his swing has never changed and he still can't compress the ball !!!
    A lesson for us all there😮

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