Golf Babe

2024 Memorial • Leaders • R4 • B9 • Aaron Gossage • Gannon Buhr • Anthony Barela • Paul Ulibarri

2024 Memorial Championship presented by Discraft
MPO Lead Card • Final Round -Back 9
Featuring: Aaron Gossage, Gannon Buhr, Anthony Barela, Paul Ulibarri
Commentary: Gannon Buhr & The Disc Golf Guy
Camera: SpiiciiBoii & Dustin
Edit: The Disc Golf Guy
Location: Vista del Camino Park, Scottsdale, AZ
Date: Sunday, March 3, 2024

Championship Sunday at The Memorial. Not many days are more memorable than this one each year. Everyone is excited to see how the battle unfolds so buckle up because this is gonna be a wild ride.

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Dietrich Design:

Hello everyone and welcome to the memorial Championship presented by Discraft it’s the fourth and Final Round In fact we’re to the final nine holes and a battle has been brewing we’ve got Aaron gosage who’s been out in front for a couple of days now but our defending

Champion Ganon Burr trying to catch up to him and even get past him meanwhile Hometown favorite Anthony Bella oh wait should I say Paul uberry I don’t know they’re home state favorites and they’re here contending trying to take down the memorial Championship joining me in the booth again is Ganon Burr Ganon front

Nine we’ve seen a few missed putts from you we’ve seen a few Mis cues by gosage and Julie’s been playing very clean so we got a little mix of everything in this front nine yeah we do scores are still pretty tight here yeah which is incredible to see it and I

Think anyone that’s out there in person or has been following along says yeah this this is the battle I want to see yeah and ab is definitely not out of it I mean he is six back but we finished this this course with two Island holes back to back that could be fourstroke

Swing as quick as you can blink your eye you know yeah and that that has to be always in the back of your mind at this point then right just knowing there’s there’s no lead that’s truly safe yeah I mean in my mind out of it I might I might not make

The island on either of those holes and so it’s in my mind that a five stroke lead might be the only that’s that’s I about to say is if I’m up five I know I can’t lose because then it’s just you go to drop zone you lay up uh obviously up

Two right now so I got some work to do if I want to get to there and this is crushed oh put hits the tree and still is I don’t know 150 ft further than everyone else laying the smackdown with the forehand there by gosage I don’t love this play here honestly I’m

Not going to lie you just worried that it brings both left and right side even long OB into play is that the problem yeah or is it just too tough it just seems like it can kind of get away from you a little bit where you know he could

Have thrown a turnover Fairway or a turn over mid-range and maybe reach the basket as well uh obviously if you have the forehand that’s going to be the play Paul’s a little bit too short there but AB has the power to go honestly go over everything to put himself you know right

There about 30 feet and playing this hole in person is a lot tighter than I thought it was when I was watching on camera before I came to this tournament it’s a lot harder to keep it in bounds than you would think off the t-shot even and yeah that one it wasn’t great

Out of my hand obviously still 30 ft away but I knew it was short kind of landed about 50 ft short skipped up and got a little bit of a roll to you know 30 ft but still not the putt you want after having a pretty wide open approach

And Aaron’s going to go with this W again and play it to Perfection yeah and talk about breaking down a 651 ft hole I mean that was just a little pitch to the pin after that big drive you mentioned Julie with his third now maybe from just outside the

Circle air mail it’s going to leave them pretty similar range comebacker about 30 ft which is where I am at I got a right to left wind coming off my shoulder here so I know the putts going to lift a little bit so I just put it a million miles an

Hour so nothing happens to it yeah I mean you’re just jamming it in at that point and is that trying to just keep the variable of the of a wind bounce or an airlift or anything like that is that what you’re trying to avoid uh some of

That and then also have to do with nerves uh I feel like you know if I putt harder it makes it a little bit easier to kind of you know get rid of those nerves uh having a soft and slow motion is very difficult to be accurate I feel

Like unless you have a very good Rhythm that’s why spin putting when you’re nervous is extremely difficult because you have to have that Rhythm and great timing uh it’s very specific and so there I’m kind of just popping it putting it in the General Air space of

Where the putt needs to be and and giving it a good chance to go in the basket and obviously with the win just hoping it’s going to drop in at the right time as Paul and Aaron Tap Out Aaron is going to card the birdie and Paul for the

Par we start our way back on hole number 11 759 ft do you are you thinking birdie you know kind of gauge how difficult you would assess this all uh it’s definitely one of the harder part fors uh I do think B in this hole I I yesterday I

Went with the PD right down the middle and unfortunately skip be left we have a little more of a left right wind yesterday we had Tailwind so with this shot right here I know I’m going to throw it flat out of my hand and so the

Wind’s not going to affect it but the second it gets to Hiser it’s going to slam it and so it kind of makes it impossible to go OB left as long as you throw it flat out of the hand and Aaron did not hang this out wide enough

And also had some Heiser out of the hand and that went OB luckily he did make the Mando but is going to be able to take it out from right there he’s still going to have a chance to save his par yeah plenty of distance and should

Have a good angle but still out of bounds you can see there AB puts a little more of a knife Heiser on it so out of the hand it’s actually slamming down by the wind where mine kind of carried forward ab’s got a lot more

Power than I do so he’s able to get the same exact distance distances I I have and he’s able to keep it on highs of the entire time and Uli has less distance than me and is going to go with a little with a flatter

Line and is going to throw it just as far three very different ways to arrive at similar spot he’s also going to take a kind of a unique approach here going with the spike Heiser I can see why though he had kind of an awkward angle sloping left to

Right and that’s an amazing shot great Trust on that one it can easily hang it too far right and then never come back in bounds or if it comes in too flat I feel like it can just you know ramp right down and then skip out of bounds

For sure I had a slightly better angle than Paul did and I’m going with my method again my over stable mid and throwing it right onto the right side of the hill and knowing he’s going to slide back down very similar to how ho 16

Plays here you kind of just throw it up high right and then naturally the backend’s going to slide down to the left and that’s going to Le me 15 ft for a birdie oh and go it’s going for the recovery shot and catches the first tree available yeah I was a little bit

Confused on what he was going with there I still don’t really know what his idea was I think probably pretty similar to what Paul was doing but uh I don’t I guess I wasn’t where he was at but I couldn’t really see the angle he had and

Ab going to throw a pretty good shot right there lak it a little bit long but honestly putting this hole is good now the lowline drive coming out of gosage going to try and maybe ride some of that Hillside but that feels like it dried up short and I guess there’s the

Answer we’re looking at 11 M here and he’s got to make this putt to just stay within four and just like that I’m going to have it a chance to go up by five with seven holes remaining that’s got to feel good but like you said five

Is almost the magic number you need with two holes left to play oh yeah for sure and it it kind of puts me in a weird position where you know if I was only up one or two I have to keep you know playing aggressive it’s still going for

Those birdies because I can’t let someone catch me but when I’m up five I kind of just want to preserve the lead and at a course like this where there’s a lot of OB and to get the birdies you have to throw close to the ob it

Actually makes it really difficult to uh you know kind of make those tough decisions and so I feel like from now on my my goal is just to play steady make sure I do not take any bogeys that’s going to you know drop my chances of

Winning by quite a bit as long as uh you know basically my head right here I’m just telling if I have to match him on every single hole that’s my goal and hopefully just let the holes run out at that point I was just going to say

You’re just waiting for the holes to run out is the best way to word that I I completely understand that and uh yeah that’s going to hurt the scorecard there rough stretch of a few holes there for Aaron as I gained six on him in those last three holes

Well creating some separation as we head over to Ho 12 and we’ve seen people just absolutely get destroyed here on ho 12 for lots of different reasons whether it’s from the t-shot and then a drop zone or even getting on the green and then launching it over and finding OB

There’s trouble everywhere it seems unassuming but this is really difficult oh yeah for sure uh we actually have a little bit of a helping wind I’d say is a left to right uh headwind so you can kind of rip it no it’s not going to go

Left as long as you throw it good uh I’m going with my new Seine fd1 which honestly I put in my bag for a water dis for this tournament because you know they’re really easy to find you know they’re all the exact same so I have no problem losing one and uh now

It’s like my favorite disc so well keep it out of the water I know you’re on the green or at the edge of the green and ab he’s going to dry up short to that right side and this this pin is very hard to make putts on I mean it’s really windy

One of the windier parts of the course there’s not a ton of trees or Hills in the way to block the wind and you got that OB within 25 ft of the basket where I mean when you have a basket that’s elevated with wind if you miss your putt

You’re probably going to go a be Paul going nuke right here throwing it pretty good leave himself just inside the circle for a birdie and the wind is at at its maximum that we’ve seen today yesterday it feels like this was the constant win but today this is uh all the way turned

Up great shot from Aaron this is like his perfect distance for that disc that’s his overstable Fairway driver he can just rip as hard as he can and it’s going to you know kind of be perfect that’s like my favorite thing in disc golf is when you have a a hole that fits

A disc amazing and uh for him it’s this hole Julie is short off the front of the cage uh Anthony actually had stepped up and also put it right next to the basket or pretty close uh during an approach so now here you are birdie luck staring at

Death right here how how much is that are those branches you either in your line uh none at all okay what a baby I I mean you’re not doing that with a one-stroke lead right you’re not doing that all tied up no I think if I’m up

Two or three I might even be going for it but okay being up five I mean like I said this this put here is no guarantee either and so I got to look at it as if you know obviously worst case I’m losing one stroke keep the stress level low

That way I can focus and put my energy towards other important shots you have to wonder what Aaron was thinking the moment he saw you just pitch it under and he’s thinking wow he’s he’s going to give me a chance here to get one back it’s definitely an opening and this is a

A way to kind of you know say that he’s still here he’s still here to battle very confident putt never a doubt it’s always scary here in the Goose and and we’ll just call it like we have seen all week long you were very well received last year here at the memorial on the mic Parker wel has joined me on the mic for some Arizona events he’s been well received gosage Aaron gosage this weekend the goose has

Been well received and uh it’s really exciting to have you guys team up with me on any given event to come in and uh be part of the commentary and people really love to hear your Insight so I know the world appreciates it well I know we all appreciate you having us

Here well well thank you as we’re on whole 13 I don’t know I’m going to call it a bonus birdie I say it all the time I mean it’s so rarely birdied and only if you have a big arm or are you a little bit silly in the

Head are you running at a long putt here right yeah it’s it’s very hard to park um this wind’s actually helping us left to right so it’s slamming our disc down uh Vista kind of plays first nine holes going one way and the other nine holes

Going another way it’s kind of a line um that’s just an insane shot and at this point I’m definitely getting a little bit nervous cuz I know for a fact I’m playing this whole safe this is another hole in my head where there’s a lot of danger going with that

Same pd2 you know maybe I chank it a little bit right and get myself a you know Park job like Aaron but uh playing safe it it looks close to the OBU there but really never had a chance to go OB and that’s going to leave me with another

Decision AB going like I said more knife more knife Hiser angle there pretty common theme if I throw a flat nose up over stable disc he’s going to throw a knife Heiser just a couple different ways to you know get toward the ground as quick as possible uh yesterday I

Think we saw 10 birdies here was so just about 10% of the field and today it’s playing right now is the second most difficult hole on the course uh hole nine being the only one that was more difficult so uh the fact that goose is right there like you said has to instill

A little bit of second guessing in your mind and even just looking at you know him Goose getting the last the last toll as a birdie me getting a par and then he’s about to get another stroke on me if I’m not able to execute my Putt and

Obviously I wasn’t cuz I laid up into half of a second yeah when’s the last time I think there’s the there’s a trivia question for stat Mando when’s the last time you had backto back layup putts from circle’s Edge oh gosh a while that’s I’ve always been known as an

Aggressive Putter and I’ve I’ve always kind of uh described it as oh unfortunate roll there for ab about the worst reaction you can get off the cage uh but i’ I’ve described being aggressive as it only pays off as good as you are and so if you’re a really

Good putter it actually might be worth it to go for a putts like that as long as you make more than you miss and the same goes for maybe going for an aggressive shot off the te uh playing to a different Landing Zone that’s maybe lower percentage but higher

Reward and uh you know but like I said putting hasn’t been feeling great so in my head my percentage of making it is lower and so I’m going to lay it up just going to play smart like I said that’s my goal this season is just to keep it low stress Don’t drop

Strokes if anything let the others around me fall and uh you know just play steady and get a couple bres around with these days on the pro tour you don’t have to shoot that hot to stay in the mix I mean if you average six to eight

Under a round you could even win the tournament yeah we saw that uh just as you mentioned over at a couple weeks ago or last weekend uh Aaron was one of only four players in the whole field to get the birdie on that previous hole so he’s got to be feeling the

Momentum right now he struggled on on 11 but then comes back on 12 and 13 picking up Strokes on you on both of those holes and just five holes left to play and all you’re thinking is is this thing done yet no at this point I’m I’m feeling

Pretty nervous actually because he’s got to lose he has to go for the win he’s actually going nuke here I think trying to go for the green which he can reach and just burns it over not not a terrible decision at all because if he does that I I think he knows that

Burning it over is the correct Miss because worst case he’s in the Fairway maybe you know maybe he’s able to throw a really good shot and give himself a putt uh this actually kind of leaked a little bit left on me going to pinch off my angle move was moving

Toward the OB uh but this this hole offers a weird challenge for myself knowing that I’m up three strokes but it’s a very easy Hole uh and the challenge is you got to bir it cuz I know Aaron’s going to yeah this is the third easiest and Aaron had said

Yesterday that you have to get this Hall I mean this is just right there it’s uh very straightforward a little over 600 feet just one of the softest par fors you could ask for I mean I’m yeah I’m just throwing Chip Shot off the tea and then throwing a chip putter

Here just a standstill asking for that to dig and well there you go job well done that should put some pressure back on gosage to execute because you’re definitely going to be picking up a birdie I hope so yeah well assuming we don’t see any more of

Those airballs I know you never know you could airball from 10 ft AB with that same putter he’s been throwing he just throws it like butter every time Great shot and maybe uh Aaron here took it pretty seriously when I said during commentary yesterday that I want to see someone drive this pin and like just make a decent length putt I don’t want to just see a throw in for Eagle I want to see someone Drive the pin so maybe

Maybe he was trying to accept the challenge either way he’s got a little work left yeah I’ve noticed this ground is about as fast as it gets on the course I mean I I remember throwing a putter yesterday about 40 feet short and it skips up to about parked uh with no

Speed just gets there really quick ulie 40-footer here uh didn’t look that bad out of his hand like I was standing behind him again it just didn’t quite get the fade on time just slightly late on that one and Aaron is going to have definitely a tester put here the wind’s

Swirling see on some of our shirts there makes it very hard to even know where to aim he jams it in as you would say earlier just a very confident stroke there sounds like there’s some second guessing of the wind and the swirls that you just mentioned but yeah Yul was

Talking to me like I put it the middle of the basket and it lifts I put at the band and it still lifts or something like that and he’s just feeling like maybe the wind isn’t reacting how he feel like get should and this is actually kind of unfortunate because the

Wind started to pick up again right as he stepped up slight reset and then realizing well I’m just going to have to pot because this isn’t going away solid [Applause] but so ulie five under bogey free and having a pretty solid round going at at the moment wind picks up

Again you know if this is a different round maybe round one I wouldn’t think too much about it but coming down the stretch every stroke means so much and I had a Tailwind off my right shoulder you never know if this could like lift into

The band or drop out of your hand uh I mean definitely get a dead center spit out is also possible you had good Pace on that one so you’re going to pick up the birdie as well that’s going to match gosage but gosage has the last three in a row so

He’s on a turkey right now as you guys are heading over to Ho 15 yeah definitely heating up and whole 15 is the last par for You’ll Play this whole we have seen Anthony BR too in the past where was that coverage I guess the dis golf guy YouTube channel

Oh okay okay solid up YouTube channel a oh come on keep going all right so yes uh certainly it could uh you could get a drive there if you’re throwing the massive roller like Bella I mean to be fair we’ve never seen anything even remotely as impressive as the drive that

He put on that one and then he made the huge putt for it gosage uh working working the teapad here is this one a little extra slick uh he slipped a couple times on his warm-up throws which that’s kind of a bad indicator of the I

Mean good indicator of the Tad being bad I mean uh no problem there commits to it fully Aaron’s got one of the biggest forehand in the world this this t- shot’s really a piece of cake for him going to leave him in a pretty good position either go low Skipper or over the

Top and this actually one of my favorite shots in disc golf is just a slightly understable driver thrown flat and it just turns the whole way now we did have a pretty strong head left to right wind so I think I threw it good if there was no wind but obviously

The wind was still there the one mistake you cannot make is fading out left OB early which I end up doing in the final round last year I believe and big mistake there I don’t want to be doing that and so wanted to make sure that

Didn’t happen again and ab is going for the roller he didn’t throw this very well threw it over the tree which is insane only .1% of the population can do that and just compare the arm speeds that we just saw that the roller from Ab his attempt versus what we’re seeing

From Uli but looks like Advantage juli right now this is why disc golf is is so F the best sport ever is because something like that can get a better result than more power it’s just so so many good Tech Saks you can have in disc golf different ways to approach holes

Attack holes and everyone can kind of play their own game oh I’m going low here yeah I I think uh spicy thought you were going to take the high route and then ultimately you kind of go with the lowline drive that gets a good forward Skip and maybe

Not as much flare as you needed but uh ultimately it gives you a look for birdie yeah I was talking to my cadd mat on that shot whether you know to go inside or outside of that big tree right there at the bottom the white one and we

Kind of agreed to go outside just in case with the OB and great shot there from Aaron it’s going to put pressure on me to make my putt or I will only be up two strokes going into the last three holes which is definitely no guarantee one bad

T- shot and it’s back to back to tide on one of the two Island holes and ab gets his to fall out of the sky so he also will have a birdie luck uh pretty impressive we got of course Paul out here on the lead card and Pete

Uberry his brother doing some work over there in mp 40 we’re going to have some MP40 action to release we’re also going to have all of the fpo division to release coming out in the next few days so make sure you guys stay tuned oh I really thought I made that

Pot that was a weird release by you it looked like extended toing a tortilla to a friend yeah um exactly tortilla tossing well I do talk about that cuz I I have been in the backyard just chucking up putts like that and I make a

Lot of them and that one I was super nervous I was like just relax thought I made the putt nice step there for May that’s his money range he’s been putting amazing from that range just outside the circle can fully commit to the putt and when you have your momentum moving

Forward like that it makes it really easy to almost make the putt feel shorter in a way ulie trying to push to 6 under on the round oh but off the top band and you can hear some frustration possibly With the Wind reads or the wind reactions whatever you want to look at

It but now gosage stepping up and the opportunity to pull within two this is a huge putt for gosage a lot of pressure on this one this will kind of give him some confidence moving forward if he’s able to put this one in knowing that I’m going to be taking AP

Par on this hole and he’s been charging ever since he’s been down five money and that’s his fourth in a row baby so after giving you some cushion he’s saying hey I’m right here and anything is possible and I know the gallery is just thinking what what are we seeing like it

Looked like this was all in your favor and just like that gosage is kind of turned the momentum back in his court yeah I haven’t even been making mistakes I’ve been playing clean like I like I wanted to I knew if I got a couple more

Birdies I could seal the deal but I mean in my in my mind it’s low percentage that he’ll be playing perfect and he’s been doing it I know it’s a chance it it’s crazy how it works if if you’re the person leading it almost always feels

Like the person behind you is going to play perfect and so that’s the difficult part about disc golf these days is you got to you got to stay on top of your game I mean that just shows the true potential of Aaron gosage being able to come back from

Something like what happened on whole 9 and whole 11 to still just have amazing confidence and battling back like crazy never giving up is just a great great great sign of a good player throwing his more overstable buzzo here I believe he went flipp here yesterday and kind of threw it too far

To the right nice little tree kick there going to give him a much shorter putt than what he would have had I believe it still would have stayed in bounds but uh he’s going to have just outside Circle putt yeah looking directly up the hill and we saw back at Shelly sharp

When AB found his sweet spot on that top right side of the Hill today he’s going to be at the bottom looking straight up yeah I like the play EV goes with here with the flippy mid you definitely want to be drifting into the right side of the Hill

Because honestly we’re going to see what this shot right here what I mean going with my glow md3 again th almost perfect hits underneath the basket and that’s going to scoot outside the circle that’s how steep this green is is if you miss your miss your angle

Or miss your Ling Zone by like one foot it can end up 30 feet difference if I just have that turning into the hill instead of Landing flat I could be parked we do have a left to right headwind on this hole so I kind of

Thought if I rip my my mid-range super hard I might get a little bit of a flip uh that thing held up real nice Gossage after four in a row big putt here for Aaron and the the camera really doesn’t do it justice on how steep this this hill

Is and now here you are you appear to be having a conversation I mean I’m I’m guaranteed up to I could lay this up and and have a a guaranteed two-stroke lead kind of just weighing the options caddy doesn’t want me to go for this putt Shay boach says no and then he

Turns away he’s not happy with what you’re about to do and I putt it in 3 seconds all right so that’s the the most uh UNG Ganon likee thing ever you disagree with the caddy I’m just saying you disagree with the caddy and then you step up and you putt within 3

Seconds yeah very very unlikely there yes but you can it that so I guess that is like you but AB up the hill nice put there from Ab that’s a good distance I don’t know what it was that the basket just looked huge there I mean

I would have fully agreed with my caddy if I wasn’t feeling good but I think we had absolutely zero wind on that Putt and it was you know the one opportunity I’d have to to cash it in I I putted it real quick because I knew I knew that

The wind can come back at any time ulie making a nice putt there having a really clean round going on right now 6 under through 16 is very solid yeah only about 10% of the field finding birdie here on hole number 16 it’s not often birdied and there’s so

Much danger and gossip not out of the out of the woods yet so to speak yeah I was definitely watching this putt cuz if he misses this one it’s pretty much over oh he’s able to hard it so he’s sitting three back with two to go but like you said both Island

Greens and uh it’s going to be crazy to see and big shout out to our friends over at six-sided disc you can download their episodes on any of your favorite podcast apps and also find them on YouTube as we head to 17 this I mean this is just a little Chip

Shot but it feels like the tournament’s on the line right now yes and the wind is ripping we got a left to right wind pushing our discs up and over to the right so you got to keep it nice and low AB going to go with the same plate

I’m going to go with and you can see this disc just getting lifted immediately out of his hand he’s going to find the out of bounds and going to put him at a 45t death putt drop zone and I know in my mind at this point

If I make the island I pretty much win the tournament uh I guess I need a birdie to for sure you know seal the tournament but if I make it worst case it’s a playoff if I mess up and this is I think the worst shot I threw all

Tournament and it came at the worst time you say that all the time but yeah this one yeah out of bounds I mean that didn’t really even have a chance no wasn’t even close not even for a second I didn’t want to watch it that’s how bad

It was I just did throw it down you got to be throwing this down and really following through down and and ulie does a good job of throwing really overstable keeping it lower beautiful shot there putting it right next to the basket putting together a pretty solid

Round got to put him at seven under so there’s hope for gosage here he’s trying to capitalize we’ve seen him do it before he hangs it out wide track into the pin and Parks it yeah I I knew right right as I threw OB he was going to park

It and you know it’s in my head big mistake knowing that I’m only going to be up one going into the final hole and here’s the danger of running the Drop Zone putt it’s a downhill death putt like I said going to air it over the basket uh

Didn’t even get my layup on camera because there was no decision it was no no thought in my mind I was going to lay that up no matter what I still have a one stroke lead going into 18 so if I get the birdie I win no matter what

Another Island hole but uh I mean this got interesting really quick it certainly did that’s everything we’ve been talking about is the the battles of of course Aaron starting out with a little bit of a lead then you working into a five stroke lead in your favor

And now we’re one Island hole away from a potential playoff or crowning a new Champion yeah in my mind it’s somebody’s going to win there’s not going to be a playoff because if I throw OB Aaron Parks it he wins fair and throws OB I win it’s you know un unless there’s a

Weird case where we’re both in bounds and you know one person gets the birdie one person doesn’t so well we see the new hole 18 which was just introduced a few weeks ago at the Shelly Sharp Memorial and it’s like you just said an island green you go to a drop

Zone if you go out of bounds but it’s coming from a different angle than what we’re used to seeing over the last 10 or 15 years we got a big headwind right here all the gallery hanging out right behind the basket and Uli’s trying to

Pump up and over the tree high and wide with the driver playing it to Perfection incredible what a round by Paul ulber yeah very solid tournament there from Paul uberry good to see him shooting well early season this is the biggest shot of the tournament for Aaron looking to apply

Pressure your leader after three days trying to to hunt down a win oh and it’s over the top and out of bounds and we didn’t actually know at this point whether it was inbounds or out of bounds because he still was on land and some of the OB lines here are

Weird with the walls that they place so but you know I wanted I wanted to make sure I was like do we know if that’s safe or not because that’s going to I mean not I guess not really affect my play but it’s just good to know and I

Knew coming into this hole I’m going to throw it really wide I was going to do this no matter what whether what Aaron did or you know what he didn’t do I knew for a fact I’m throwing this shot wide and that’s my splice thanks to Gavin

Babcock got a sick die on it and um yeah that’s going to seal the tournament pretty much yeah with h gosage going to the Drop Zone and you have the capabilities of just laying it up we see AB sliding just past the pin and man I feel like my heart’s still

Racing after watching all the action and seeing how the round unfolded uh pretty incredible to see because it felt like this was Aaron’s tournament really from the early goings you know just played so consistent so solid but you had other thoughts in mind yeah I I mean it was really just those

Two holes 9 and 11 that kind of cost him the tournament other than that he played incredible throughout the entire event having a few really hot rounds and just putting good playing consistent and you know he almost felt hard impossible to beat at sometimes when you know he’s

He’s been making putts now you know something he struggled with in the past and now it’s a a weapon that he can use against people um so I’m sure Aaron gosage will get a win this season it’s no doubt in my mind his time is coming soon uh but fantastic competitor it’s

Always a pleasure playing with him wow appreciate you guys for tuning in while I was editing this I managed to hit 100,000 subscribers and it feels all too fitting as you’re going to tap in Champion again at the memorial two time baby back to back my new sponsor dis Mania feels good

To have the bag dialed in back Memorial Chion there you have it Ganon again congratulations I appreciate all of you guys for joining us along this ride thanks to the camera crew helping me out and thanks to all the incredible supporters and sponsors this wouldn’t be possible Ganon congrats my friend I’m going to catch up with you

After the round again like share subscribe do all the YouTube things we’ll see you next time now a word with Ganon Burr your two-time Memorial champ I’m the disc golf guy and this is my video blog Ganon did you get taller since like come on stop stop all right Ganon Champion

Yeah repeat champion last year after the playoff you said you love this event you said you’d be back everybody says that but you fulfilled it and then you come back and you take it down in dramatic Fashion on the last round how’s that feel that feels amazing uh wow such a

Weird weird round um I’ve kind of had putting woes the whole tournament and uh start off with a little bit of a Nery Putt and uh airball another Circle one pretty early on and uh you know but I made sure that it’s never over till it’s over Aaron unfortunately had a

Couple like two bad holes right in the middle and that that was pretty much the entire round other than that he played better than me um but at a put on 16 right there I missed it last year and I looked at my caddy there was no wind and

He was like laid up dude laid up like I was like it’s right there like it looked basket looked huge I hadn’t been putting good but the basket he for some reason walked up uh after I made my decision I putt it within like 5 seconds maybe even

Shorter so um just want to get out of my head made that putt barely over the cage and uh threw a horrible shot on 17 um I was like I told my caddy I’m going to play up to the right because it’s the bigger Zone and I just fluffed it like

Complete fluff job so uh but Aon yeah unfortunately maybe slightly read the wind wrong on 18 uh I made I knew I was going to play way wide of even where the basket was just in cuz I knew worst case I’d have a circle Edge PT and uh man

This is crazy to win back to back I was just going to say this event has so much history and now here you are a back-to-back Champion what does that mean to you and what does that mean for your career well I will be back next

Year that’s for sure uh love yeah thank you I love this tournament and obviously have a ton of Spectators out here that come out so uh that’s huge for me and uh yeah it’s just kind of a fun start to the year gets you in that competitive mindset which is really good moving

Forward uh I think I can handle a little bit better next time but that’s just the the building blocks and obviously getting the win with my new company disc Mania feels amazing already feeling good about the plastic and uh yeah be sure to be on the lookout for some of my discs

Coming out soon to help support me and see what I have to bag all right final question or the one I’ll lob up to you is what do you want to say to all the people that have been watching this week they missed you on commentary when you

Said you couldn’t join me the first night we pivoted and it looked like it was going to be gossip he was riding the wave all week but you come out Victorious what do you want to say to everyone that watched this week and all the fans out here today commentary

Tonight I mean whatever you want to do I don’t know but we we got to get that figured out but what do you want to say to everyone out here that’s been taking in all the action all week first off I want to thank my caddies uh I had my

Buddy Jacob Balmer out here he cadd for me rounds two and three and then obviously my caddy Matt who’s with me most places it feels like now uh full-time caddy pretty much he does an amazing job and he was with me for the first in the final round so uh and shout

Out to him he actually won ma40 this week so we got two Memorial Champs from Iowa and caddy player Duo so that’s awesome and uh yeah just thanks everybody it means so much to have everyone spend their time and come out here to watch us battle and do golf’s

Growing it’s getting bigger and uh yeah it’s it’s been awesome so thank you everyone who watched and thanks my sponsors dis Mania Squatch bags I should have that one coming out soon as well and uh chump chalk bags Titan discol andg jerky so thank you thank you

Everybody and I be here next year all right your two time and now defending 2024 Memorial Champion Ganon [Applause] Burr


  1. Great weekend of DG. So happy the season is back and can't wait to see more for everyone filming this season.

  2. Great job on the camera work Terry! Especially following the discs in flight as well as the ground play! Jomez and everybody else, please take note?!

  3. Nice going Gannon!!! Great commentary too guys!! Great to see Paul on the lead card!!! Man Goose 🪿 you were so close.

  4. Terry, I saw you at Samui the day after the Samui Swine tournament ended. I wanted to thank you for all the hard work you do for disc golf but you were busy at the moment so I didnt want to bother you. Keep up with the great work and congrats on the 100k!

  5. Love hearing Gannon's respect for his fellow players. Super complimentary of his card mates, seems like a good guy to share a round with

  6. I know Gannon has already received his trophy but I think Cupcake is still lining up his putt on 18.

  7. During the interview with Gannon, I told my three year old “the tall ones name is Gannon” because she is obsessed with names. She immediately asked “what the little ones name?”

  8. Yes! Just got a like from Terry. Huge congrats on 100k subs! Hardest working dude in DG Media – definitely the most tenured. I still remember watching Disc Golf Guy, McFlysoHigh and CCDG back in the day. Paved the way for the rest. Congrats Gannon on that comeback. You'll get the next one Goose, we're rootin for you.

  9. You had to know who was gonna win as soon as Terry announced who was doing final round commentary with him. Regardless, great coverage. Thanks!!!

  10. Way to kick Goose in the dick by kicking him off of commentary because Gannon won. Also it kind of spoiled the tournament, expecting Gannon to win because of the commentary changeup.

  11. Really really enjoyed the commentary this entire tournament and the previous tourneys this year. Parker/Gannon/Goose are really intelligent and really honest about their games, made it really refreshing to listen to. Goose has really improved his game, way to battle back after the setbacks.

    That applies to all divisions and if you’re a fellow AM like myself don’t give up!! I recently won my first MA1 tourney, third round leading by two, gave up four strokes and ended up forcing a playoff and winning on the second playoff hole after being down two strokes with only three to play.

    Having a short term memory is one of the absolute best skills a player can have. Also like Goose, my putting in 2023 was great until it mattered the most, not this year!

    Really great to see a battle like that!

  12. From Tergoosen to Tergannon – both great competitors and commentators. Super impressed with how gracious Gannon is towards his card mates. Congrats, Gannon! 🏆

  13. Just a testament to Goose's spirit in competition to make it that close. 2 bad holes. Thats all it takes w/the level of play today. Congrats to Gannon on a good win. Look at the noise Goose has made in the first 2 events …… Aaron will be taking down a DGPT event pretty quickly is my wager. Oops. Forgot to congratulate you Terry on 100k. Great job man.

  14. This is America, Terry. STOP using meters. We use and talk in feet. Move to Europe if you’re such a fan-boy.

  15. Beautiful commentary. Gannondorf’s commentary shows how much wisdom he has as a golfer for a gentleman so young. Good luck in the coming tournaments Buhr.

  16. What awesome coverage. Thanks so much Terry (and commentator guests).

    You’ve bounced back hard after Jomez stole your spot at the Canyon.

  17. Congrats on 100K, Terry! Been watching this channel since I got into disc golf in 2018, and I learned so much because of it, thanks to your insight and knowledge of the game. Keep up the great work!

  18. Is it a spoiler that the commentator with dgg is the winner? Second video in a row of his i have watched where that is the case.

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