This video is all about the golf swing. I hope you find it useful.

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So let’s talk about distance I had a new student reach out for help this week who is making a very basic mistake we were able to make a couple of little simple alterations which made a big difference to both their physical well-being and also very much the performance in terms

Of the distance now somebody now I’m 36 I’m trying to play a little bit more Golf and with young children I wake up every day when my back is hurting so when it comes to my swing I’m also trying to make sure that I find the

Easiest way to be moving and this video if you’re finding that relatable loss of distance aches and pains this is going to help you out in a big big way so what needs to happen we’re going to be talking about using the ground okay now

Um what we need to do is we’re going to not discuss the back swings we’re going to make the assumption that you’re in a good position in the top of the back swing what needs to happen as we start the down swing is we need to move the

Upper body needs to move down and over the lead leg and you want to do this in a rotational manner so see the way that if you look at my back of my left palm here see the way that it moves down in a rotational manner down over towards my

Lead leg now the feeling for many students of mine uh particularly students who move kind of this way and get very stuck is you’ve got to feel like your upper body is moving ahead of your lower body okay so allow your head to move as you

Start the down swing but in reality as you can see your lower body should be moving very much with you as you start this down swing now what this basically means is that you’re reapplying flexion so as I get into my posture I would be

In a state of flex in my back swing I would be extended I’d be moving back into a state of flexion and it’s this movement here that we’re talking about which is going to really progressively move that weight over towards that lead leg now that’s the key thing so if you

Can get yourself into that position there one you’re going to be ready to use the ground but two you’ve also moved yourself back towards your left side which means that you’re now guaranteed to get good contact so the question is what should happen from here well the student was

Just like this right really stuck okay and what we needed to do was make sure that we were finishing up and through the ball so what we did is we spoke about high hands so if you imagine my club head here what I’m trying to do is

Get the club head to go high as we finish in towards this through swing position here now many of you might be a little bit concerned about okay if I think about high hands that makes sense for Speed but what about standing up

Well if I was to face you now okay and I drew a line on the back of my hips you can see the way that um because I’ve got a good back swing I’ve moved my upper body over my lead leg in the start of

The down so it’s giv me good hip depth so as I now continue to turn my pelvis towards you that’s going to maintain that good hip depth so I can get my arms nice and high finish the swing and inevitably then as we finish the whole swing you’ll obviously lose that hip

Depth position so what I would suggest is you know in terms of as a as a feeling in the golf swing is to feel like the the club head goes up down and up see where I am here up and then that way if you can kind of concentrate like

My student did on just this feeling of getting up then what you can do is you can simultaneously then start to release that arm and what I mean by this this is why I love my swing body because the swing bud is the length and the weight

Of a seven iron this means that you can practice straightening this arm but hitting the ground okay so if I do what my student was doing like this oh in these uncomfortable positions where kind of trying to keep your head back can clear your hips and introduce side Bend and

Getting stuck as opposed to just up up and through and finishing like this is a much more comfortable position to be in so hopefully that helps back swing good back swing position upper body over your lead leg at the start of the down swing and then from here what I’m basically

Saying is you can just get that feeling of that arm releasing and then you can think about nice high arms in that through swing that will get you an nice balanced position as I’m demonstrating there nice and comfortable position I’ll see you soon


  1. Brilliant to get the chest over lead leg to start downswing thta allows of weight shift and hitting down on the ball for ball turf contact–

  2. Great timing I to have been having back problems using your swing ,having to take tramal before each round ,playing well so don’t want to change swing unless I have to .Will try high hands today maybe give us some stretches you recommend to do before playing golf.Many thanks.

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