Please don’t fall for this killer illusion that is affecting so many golfers including mid handicap golfers, average golfers and high handicap golfers. If you study the swings of the best golfers in the world, there is an optical illusion that can easily lead to confusion, please do not fall for the this killer illusion How we turn our body is a huge part of the golf swing, it is not always easy to achieve, I am aware of that, but I have made a simple 4 stage step that has worked on every single one of my clients. If you are looking to mid handicap golf tips, average golfer golf tips, iron tips, simple iron tips, golf tips, downswing tips, simple downswing tips, downswing moves, then this simple golf lesson is for you.

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So many golfers get the first move to start the downswing wrong! And if you study the swings of the best golfers in the world, there is an optical illusion that can easily lead to confusion, please do not fall for the this killer illusion and start following this 4 simple steps process, you will notice a HUGE difference!

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Now I know you feel that you have a lot more distance in your swing you also feel that you have a lot more lower scores than you’re shooting right now can we please please please just admit one thing for me right now that you trying to open up is absolutely

Destroying your golf swing it’s causing you to sort of slide get stuck spin out of the shot we’ve got to do the opposite we don’t want to open up we’ve got to move backwards to start down that’s the illusion that evades club golfers but Pros get it right every single time so

Instead of trying to get really open it impact like this I want you to instead move that left hip back okay move it back I would say this is the illusion that the secret move that is hidden in plain sight so like look at this here

Right left it back boom I then get open at impact my objective there wasn’t now if we look at impact of all the top ball Strikers and what I would say is look at Tommy fleetw at impact look at John ramit impact look at Justin Rose at

Impact even Ben Hogan I say even he was a brilliant ball Striker wasn’t he but look at those all the impact when I see good am golfers we have the idea of opening up and actually this jams our hips as we come into impact we sort of

End up starting our down swing right but not getting open enough at impact so I’ve got four simple stages for you to follow to make sure you’re getting open and as I say this is just hidden in plain sight let’s get into stage one now you’ll probably noticed recently all the

Top ball Strikers the likes of Tiger Woods John Ram Tommy Fleetwood practicing really like excessive moves and then when they hit the shot away it looks nothing like it what they’re trying to do is really get a feeling and ingrain that in so so I’ve been thinking

Why don’t we the likes of us do that when we practice we’ve got to I promise you you’ve got to do this so all fast hitters what I mean by fastest like great Club head speed they start their down swing okay they start their downswing as they’re still swinging back

Like that very sort of millisecond top of their back swing as they get here they start down now we’re going to practice this first off with no golf club what I want you to practice is this this is stage one now come on please stick with me here you won’t

Regret this remember hips move back promise me right so we’re going to stand here with our arms in front of me so in the go swing our arms raise and we have some turn don’t we but let’s just practice this first so as our arms raise and sort of pass our shoulder height

With the goal of getting them up here we’re going to start to really Flex this down like this so watch me we’re going to practice this motion okay do 8 to 10 10 reps and really focus on this this will make sense when we get to stage two

This so our arms are still working up as we’re starting to flex down so in your mind we’re starting to work in our down swing as we’re in our back swing so really that’s what we’re looking for that flex but practice that here stage one complete let’s now move into stage

Two come on please stick with me here we’re going to grab our Golf Club in our hands and again as our hands pass around show the height we’re going to practice flexing this move and I focus pushing my left hip back so please try six to 10 reps again

Boom boom really getting that action so and I’m sure you’ve been looking at me right now going Alex what the heck are you doing but let’s bring this all together at stage three so I want you now to make your back swing as I said we’ve got turn and we’ve got lift so

We’re going to practice turn lift so it’s the same thing you’ve just been learning but actually our back is the target whilst we’re doing this so can you see right I’ve been getting you to do it just here but now we’re here to here practicing this really really easy this so get to

Top of your back swing now and just practice for me before anything else moves boom you’re going to sit that left P hip back we’re going to push those hips deeper deeper deeper we’re really breaking this down that allows you to implement what the secret move of all the top golfers

Do get their hips to move back so stage three do what we’ve just done at stage one and two just with some turn now if you are enjoying these videos don’t forget you can get involved in these videos I am powered by you the viewers and today we’re answering all these

Questions about how do I start down how do I get more open impact you now know the first three stages to do this to get okay whilst my arms are up here I’ve got to flex down like this to practice that we’ve got one two and three already done

But if you want to get involved in this channel it’s dead easy subscribe turn the bell and pop your comment or query down below now I always recommend turning on the Bell because you w want to put your question down below and then miss me answering it so let’s bring this

All together now we’ve done stage three stage stage four is practicing turn get your back to Target move your bum down move your hips back but do this now let your arms fall back to the ball now look straight away how open I’ve just got I mean I’ve never dreamt of being that

Open at impact and actually I don’t feel too much strain I certainly feel all the strain when I do this so stage number four I want you to feel as your left arm just Falls underneath your chin like this really that easy again I keep saying

This but 8 to 10 reps is something that’s really going to get this integrated into your swing so let me hit this one away now you’ll notice not at any point did I look like I was going like this no but as I said all the top golfers feel these moves in

Isolation and then they allow them to be integrated into their swing slowly so to be honest with you all I felt there to start my down swing that I was moving my left hit back whilst my back was the Target that was all I felt but I go

Through those stages up to this point so you have the correct guide to implement it into your swing so remember stage one you’re going to lift your arms no Club stage two add the club and really stage three was learning it’s the same motion but just with my back to Target stage

Four boom stage five just feel the left hip moves back as you start down did you just see how easy and effortless that was and just to show you it wasn’t a fluke at the start of the video look how we just hit that again really easy with our 7on

Just making a simple move to start down now I appreciate you might not hit it this far you might hit it further but my point being to become faster to become better at impact you’ve got to feel your left hip moves back you’re not trying to swivel these hips out the way


  1. Alex, I like most of your videos I have seen. This one not so much. According to GEARS the touring pros for the most part do not sink as much into the ground as it appears. Also, the idea of pushing both hips back is also not a good idea, imo. The bodies hips do very different things. In the backswing the left side extends at the right side flexes. In the downswing, the right side actually extends at the left side flexes. I know that is heresy in some peoples thinking, but there has to be early extension in the downswing when it comes to the right side if your going to get true speed and power. Just my opinion from what I see in the measurements of tour pros compared to amateurs. Anyways, like I said, I enjoy all your videos and certainly appreciate the time you put into them. Disagreement is ok. We all can’t agree on everything. ✌️ 🤘

  2. The drop at the top is a trusted technique for hitting in to out and preventing over the top attacks thus achieve a draw, but Alex the warm ups would give Peter Crouch a run for his money, and I ain't doing them at my range lol and caution you don't end up sitting down on the shot absolute game killer.

  3. Been watching you last few weeks now finally got a new driver and been taking your tips to the sim and I’ve seen a awesome improvement I shot an 88 for the first time where I was shooting high 90s to 100 and added 10-15 yards to my drive with more practice I’ll be with your tips I’ll be hitting more fairway’s and less slicing thank you.

  4. Wow, I've been trying to complete my swing after I started downswing and this stage one did the trick, looking forward to trying this on the range

  5. Whenever I tried going back and then down I somehow always end up hitting the ground well before I hit the ball I never have gotten this correct

  6. Looking forward to trying this once my broken collarbone is healed. Taken off my motorbike today and driver of car drove off and left me in middle of the road. Will keep watching updates and make notes to come back and rewatch them.

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