Easy Fix your Driver Mistakes Golf Slice & Hook | Beginner Golfer Tips

Fix Your Driver Mistakes Easy Fix Golf Slice & Hook | Beginner Golfers. In this video, Coach Shayain is joined by golf professional Angello Collins to receive tips on improving her golf swing. Collins advises Shayain to lower the height of her tee to improve distance and avoid hitting the ball too high on the club head. He also explains that Shayain is swinging over the top, causing her shots to go to the right. Collins suggests that she focus on rotating her body and shifting her weight to the left to correct this. To help Shayain visualize her swing path, Collins suggests placing a club or tee on the ground to guide her hands and club head. They also discuss the terms for different shot types, such as fade, slice, pull, and draw. Collins demonstrates how to hit a draw by focusing on body rotation and holding the club face open. Shayain practices these techniques and sees improvement in her shots.

Knowing the Golf Fundamentals will 100% make you a better golfer. Download for step by step guidance with pictures. Print it and put it in your golf bag so you can have it on the course or driving range for reference.


Special Guest Coach Angello Collins – Follow him on IG

Driver Series

Set Up and Tee Height For Golf Driver | Beginner Golfer Tips – Part 1

Golf Driver Swing – The #1 Mistake All Beginner Golfers Make! Part 2

3 Easy Golf Driver Tips & Drills on Hitting it Long and Straight – Part 3

How to Tee up a Golf Ball | Correct Tee Height for all Clubs

Easy Fix your Driver Mistakes Golf Slice & Hook | Beginner Golfer Tips

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00:00 Intro
00:51 Tip 1 – Fix Your Slice
2.35 Tip 2 Impact Position
06:55 Tp 3 Down Swing
08:06 Tip 4 Swing Speed
08:44 Ball Flight – Slice – Hook
09:19 – Fix your Hook
09:42 Tennis & Baseball Analogy

#golfdriver #beginnergolfers #driverswing

If this is your Driver Golf Swing, hard right (Slice), hard left (Hook), you’ll want to watch this full video with easy, quick golf tips that will sort you out for your round. So let’s get started. I’m Coach Shayain and We are in sunny Florida in January, and I have a very,

Very special PGA Golf professional and Golf Digest certified golf professional. Who is here with me, who’s going to sort out my hard right (Slice), hard left (Hook) Driver Golf Swing. My name’s Angello Collins. I coach out of Jacksonville, Florida. I’m a player development specialist. I work with a lot of collegiate players,

Professionals and then high end juniors. And of course everyone’s beginner golfer. So that’s going to be Cheyenne today. I’m the ultimate beginner golfer. Okay? So that is what my practice looks like when I’m at the range. Very nervous. I dunno what I’m supposed to do.

And that’s usually typically where my ball goes when I’ve tried to play once kind of on a golf course in a charity day. So if that’s happening at the range, and this is going to make me panic, what should I do?

First thing that I would say is you have your golf ball teed up way too high. You’re losing quite a bit of distance, hitting it really high on the club head. If we look at where you’re hitting it, you’re hitting it up here.

So what we’re going to do is let’s push this down until we can get half of the golf ball above the club head. So usually that’s about this far. We’ll push that right about there. And you might be looking at that thinking that’s awfully low, but it’ll be better. That’s correct.

So am I allowed to do that and then kind of just gauge it before I swing? Certainly. Okay, great. Yeah, usually especially on the driving range, you’re going to see three stripes on the side of the golf ball. Usually golf balls have some type of putting line on them.

So if you just set them where they’re parallel to the ground and you want to try. To line up. The top of the crown with either that middle line or just the line that’s on the golf ball. So to get rid of the slice though,

You’re swinging over the top. So go ahead and set up to the golf ball. What does that mean? Yeah, go and set up to the golf ball for me and then go to the top of your golf swing. So over the top means that our hands are moving this way to

Initiate the downswing. So we need our hands to start moving this direction. All right? And that’s going to line the golf club up with your right forearm. It’s just important from there that we’re rotating our body and shifting our weight to the left and getting into a good impact position.

So the ball, half the crown above. Cool. I close my feet. Okay. Left foot kind of in line with the ball, right foot. I’m nice athletic. I have the grip that I have. And now you’re saying that I am coming from here and I’m coming this way. Exactly. So that,

And I’m coming across instead of moving this direction is moving this. This direction. Direction. So we’re going to allow the hands to drop and that’s going to put the club over here. So when we rotate, go ahead and rotate. We can put,

When we release that angle, we can put that on the ball square. Now what you see a lot with people who hit it to the right is these hands are in front of the golf ball at impact.

So we’re going to have to lose that angle a little bit earlier so that we can get the club into the ball. And my weight obviously is on my left side. I can see my tippy toes up right now. Natural. So when we swing,

A lot of people get over the top because their weight doesn’t shift. So are they stuck? I’m stuck back here if I’m doing this. Exactly. And then the only thing I can do is throw my hands. Exactly. So then I’m throwing my hands and naturally the path is going to come from that

Angle and go that way. It’s. Going to put a hard right hand spin on the ball if you’re right-handed. Okay. So again, to show the people close my feet a little bit left more, right? I’m relaxed and I’m coming and I want to have my elbow come down and turn. And rotate. Exactly.

Okay. All right. So I’m new, and this might be a little bit foreign for someone that’s brand new. This second time playing golf while I’m at the range and trying to panic, figure this out. Is there something that I can lay on the ground to understand if my hands are

Going across or is there a club or a tee or just anything visually for the visual people to understand? Just grab a five iron if that works. And just, you’re going to put this about a foot or a foot and a half outside of the golf ball.

Okay. So let’s just say one shoe, a little bit more than one shoe from the golf ball. Okay. And then all that you’re going to do is you’re going to get your feet parallel, the toe line parallel to the club on the ground. Okay? Okay. Like this? Exactly.

Okay. And so what I don’t want to do is I’m here, I don’t want to come across, I almost want to follow a little bit more of where this club is. So to give you an idea, we can put a couple clubs on the ground here just to give you an idea.

When we get the club moving downwards, this is actually the angle of the club when it’s coming down. So go ahead and go to the top of your swing. So I have my feet closed, I have my grip, I’m great. A little bit left foot doesn’t move as much.

Nice and relaxed. And now I am up on the swing. And. So take a look at your club shaft here. When you start bringing this club down, look at that shadow on the ground. See how it’s parallel to this club over here?

Yep. All right. Now if you get over the top like this, see how that angle is? This. Right is opposite of this. So when we get here, we need to rotate. We’re responsible to deliver that club. So if it was a pizza slice, absolutely like that,

Like a pizza or a pie, I want the pie closest to me. I don’t want my club to have the pie slice away from me. So whatever happens, just try. And this motion is what we’re trying to kind of tell people to go towards.

Be careful of that motion though. So when you start bringing that down, this club head is going to start speeding up. We have to do that in order to get that square on the ball. Got it. Okay. So should we just try a few and see what happens? Yeah. Let’s try ’em.

Okay. So if I had one thing to pay attention to, don’t bring my hands out, right? Okay. That’s the one. Thing. The hands are going to go backwards. Okay. So let’s just try that. Even if I do a half swing or whatever it is,

I’m just going to think one thing. Hands come down, not out. So I’m here, I’m going to nice and slow. Okay, great. Shot. Decent. Yeah, it’s not as far right as the first three. Okay. Should we try a couple. More? Yeah, let’s do some more.

So we’re teeing this up again. We’re going to get that good T height. Okay, so I have my grip close my feet, a little toy to the left. I’m breathing and my hands are going to come down. Okay, that went straight, but it skyrocket high.

Yeah, you got a little bit under the ball. Notice you’re impacting in the ground before. That’s a great sign of deceleration. Alright, so when we make swing changes, we automatically want to swing slower. Go ahead and hit it. Okay. Alright. Don’t hold back. Don’t hold back it. No light to me ever.

There you go. All right. So that’s automatically drawing now. Okay. Which is the exact opposite. Of what’s happening before. Yeah. So you hit a medium trajectory draw versus the super high cut. You can play golf with that. For sure. Okay,

So for all the new beginners who don’t really know any of those terms, maybe draw and stuff. So essentially the ball’s going completely to the right, which before right was. So you have your straight shots to the right. Those are pushes anytime you’re seeing curvature to the right,

Which is right-handed by the way. Yes. Anytime you’re seeing curvatures to the right, those are fades. If it goes really far right, they call it a slice. So if it’s going straight left, that’s called a pull. And then if it’s just curving to the left, it’s called a draw.

Anytime it’s going hard. Left straight, left and curving. That’s called a hook. Okay. So because I’m new, I’m probably going to slice most of the time. Let me try and demonstrate what a hook looks like. What is one thing that I just can think about for the ball not to go so far

Left that I can try here for the next three balls. And focus on your body rotation, not so much what your hands are doing. Okay, so we’re going to hold that. Turn the body rotate. That’s going to hold your club face open. Okay, so hold this kind of like that.

So if I play tennis, this was a tennis racket. It’s almost like upcoming like that instead of. Going. Over or even baseball. Bunting and baseball maybe. Yeah. Baseball. Baseball. It’s a great, baseball is a great analogy. Look at. That. Not me with analogies. Okay, so you’re saying 10 finger grip,

Close my feet a little bit left more. Right? I’m looking nice and strong. I’m strong. And then I’m going to stop and not down here. Okay, let’s try it. So. Okay. I bunted. Yep. You did notice that’s like the anti-left shot. Yeah. That just kind of pushes that. Way. Yeah.

Okay. So anytime you see. It’s never gone that way before, you. Can automatically push it off the other door. Sorry. I was going to, not me trying to be the cop. Yeah, no, you can do it. So yeah, anytime you start hitting it left,

You can automatically hit the anti-left shot by having that bunting feeling. Bunting feeling. Okay, so close my feet. I have a good foundation. Now I’m going to. Well that’s a great shot. That’s not bad for a bunt. Yeah, no, you crushed it. Yeah.

Yeah. So, okay, let’s try one more. That felt good. I like the bunt. That’s. A direct result of centerness of contact, meaning we’re making a smaller golf swing, but we’re hitting it in the middle of the club face in that spring effect. The MOI is higher over there. Moment Ofia. MOI fancy.

So you’re going to get more ball speed that way, so I’ll go farther. Okay, so I still have my 10 fingers closing. Little bit more. I look strong. Okay, great. I want to look strong because I don’t have ball it before. Okay. Front.

What a shot. Wow, that’s really good. I used to play. Softball or baseball or something. MLB. Here she comes. MLB. That was good. That was. Really good. That was very helpful. That I think made more sense in my brain of that’s okay if I’m too far in this area,

But as long as I come and stop, instead of continuing my motion around to the left. Right, I was going around before. Okay, if you guys have any questions, as you always know in the comments below and all of the information about this incredible coach will be in the description below,

Which I’ve already said to you in the beginning. Make sure you follow and if you already haven’t subscribed, make sure you subscribe to both of us on YouTube and on Instagram and any questions below, we’ll be happy to help you out. Good luck. See you next time.


  1. Learn how to fix your Slice and Hook with your Driver! The biggest we see as golf coaches for all Beginner Golfers. Angello Collins PGA Certified and Golf Digest Coach from Jacksonville is here to give us easy fixes for our Driver Mistakes. Ball goes far right or far left this video is for you! Let us know if you have any questions … comment below.

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