Golf Players

What do media days look like at a PGA TOUR Event & Preview of Cognizant Classic – Tranquilo Sports

In this episode of the Tranquilo Sports Talk, powered by Stay Tranquilo, we recap the experience at the Cognizant Classic, on media days and what to expect in this years tournament.

0:00 – intro
1:05 – Cognizant Classic media recap
6:20 – Why TOUR players are elite
8:00 – PGA National Course & Bear Trap Expectations
19:30 – FL Tournament Stretch
22:45 – Best part of Media Day at The Cognizant
24:30 – LIVE Q&A
28:00 – POOCH Q&A

We may have a lot going on but it all makes sense it all makes sense trust me some wine to to wake us up wake us up to bring us back down just get leveled you know yeah you understand I I recommend you try it out looking for a sweet spot

We’re looking for the perfect Sweet Spot cigars are hitting I mean what what what a day what a day what a day what a day come on what a day what a Day What is up everybody we are in a different setting because we are currently at the cogent classic and and uh this is where we’re staying we got a nice little setup that we put together here today we um had a long day today long day long day today but it was a

Freaking epic day today it was awesome yeah worth it we got to you know do our media coverage like we kind of alluded to in the last episode and get a little bit of the back behind the scenes of practice rounds you know some player interviews got to send

A press conference this guy got a question in today yeah come on shout out Daniel Berger to Berg and we got in a little player interview today with our guy Chase Johnson so stay tuned for that we got an awesome little segment coming

Out of that but it was a it was a great day today really good day today we are a little tired um to say the least so we’re going to make this one a little bit of a shorter one today uh really just do a recap of what went down today

In the experience itself I think it was an awesome experience and we’re definitely extremely blessed and happy to be able to do this I mean it’s it’s a it’s once in A- lifetime opportunity hyp pathetically not everyone gets that to do what we were able to do today so it

Was pretty cool but yeah it was pretty freaking awesome it was pretty freaking awesome um yeah I mean the course looked beautiful too uh and just being able to walk around and seeing all these guys like obviously they practicing for the big event this weekend and and you know

All of them are taking like two three balls like each hole you’re getting you’re getting a lot of shots in like you’re you’re seeing a lot of shots and we had some pretty unprecedented access like we had we got we got to witness the bear trap get to see a couple guys play

That hole and then also go to like in behind the ropes in the driving range and the butting green like we’re right here like I’m right here and Andre is Rory maroy like you know what I mean we had some pretty we had some pretty cool coverage there so that was pretty sweet

And then the the the press conference is cool we had our own you know official like St Dy little like little thing on on the table and yeah it was pretty surreal so it was pretty it was a good time cool you watch it on TV and you’re

Like okay you don’t really like understand maybe how it all works and kind of what it looks like but yeah we were in the thick of it and uh if you turn on PGA Tour live you’ll probably hear David’s voice in one of these questions bur honestly it’s pretty cool

It’s pretty cool and it’s and you also see like how like how big of a production it is and like how many people it takes to put these events together and like all the behind the scenes of like you know just in the media room alone how many people are in

There that just working for the PGA to make sure everything’s like going smoothly so yeah um it was pretty pretty prettyy sick it was cool I mean we had there was guys cutting the grass there was the guys setting up this the grand stands it it’s a fullblown operation and

You know props to all the people involved in all of that even the people handling the media side of things like that’s a whole monster itself so you know it’s cool to see it on that day you know Tuesday Wednesday the all the players are out there practicing they’re

Getting their reps in they’re you know they’re getting their feel for the greens they’re getting their feel for certain shots that where they made Miss and you know playing every scenario basically yeah and they’re placing like different whole locations too so like yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz you know

Thursday through Sunday you know for those that may not know Thursday through Sunday it’s a different whole location on every Green so you know what you get on Thursday is different than Friday and when you get Saturday and Sunday all different which you can hit the same t-

Shot four days in a row and you’re going to have a different second shot every single time so plus conditions all that stuff so there what was interesting to me and before you know maybe before we get into that because I I do want to turn into the cognizant I do want to

Take a little magic M yeah bump to get the to get the energy high as we transition into our little juice face you got a need a little p this episode boom BR these never get old they’re good they’re good they’re solid little magic mine shout out magic M some

Padone cigars yeah we may have a lot going on but it all makes sense it all makes sense trust me yeah yeah yeah some wine to to wake us up wake us up to bring us back down just get leveled you know yeah you understand I I recommend

You try it out we’re looking for a sweet spot we’re looking for the perfect Sweet Spot cigars are hitting I mean what what what a day what a day what a day a day come on what a day Pooch what a day behind the camera Pooch super humbling being out there bro

It was you find out how good these [ __ ] people are oh no no these guys are freaks guys are the best of the best and like like I don’t know we l to say bro but we saw like amazing we saw an amazing shot and like it was just

So that shot was insane he just went to the hole and like picked it uping from 140 y out the bunker after hitting three shots from every single side of that Fairway and just holding that out like if nothing happened and right before that happened we were saying how hard it

Was to even get that ball close to the pin based off that location on the Green slope all around the hole and he out of the bunker bunker bunker front side and he was hitting it out of the bunker I mean it was nuts they’re they’re one of

A kind uh type of golfers there is going in that’s we is going in even if you’re ranked 165 on the tour you’re disgusting you’re disgusting it’s it’s it’s crazy to watch them play I think we made a good point a lot of these guys are huge

Dude massive like like tall like I mean 62 plus yeah big guys real long you don’t see that you see them on TV their swing speed’s crazy they’re there working with their coaches I mean it’s there’s a reason why they are I mean the guy we heard it today they they’re playing 18

Holes pretty much three days in a row giving themselves maybe one day of rest going into the tournament and they walk it they don’t take walk thing and and what we learned today it’s a long walk like we walked we walked from 10 to 16 and it felt like we walked for seven

Days the the course though let’s talk a little bit about the course the course is beautiful like I had never been to this event the only event I’ve been to um is the Arnold Palmer so hour and a half away from Miami it’s really not

That bad of Drive easy to get to and dud it’s nice like and and they’ve made some changes which was alluded to a lot in a lot of I want get I do want to get into that um but I mean the course is in prein Condition it’s like it it’s it’s

Cool like you see courses like that and you’re like D I just want to like play this every single time this is like what an ideal Golf Course is and it looks awesome it looks ready for a great weekend it really does it really does it it looks Min condition of exactly what

The players would want out of this tournament every you know the the the reputation out of this tournament is that it’s very difficult you know I I don’t know for exactly what historically scores are here but they don’t go very low here that stretch obviously of the

Bear trap is very difficult but outside of that I mean we were looking at 14 that hole today where where we saw the hole out that was that’s not an easy hole based off depending where that pin location front pin location maybe not so bad but where we saw it today in that

Middle that can create a lot of problems for players and that back pin location is a nightmare because you have there’s so much water on that course so much so much water you hit one bad shot off the te off your second shot even off a chip

Out of the bunker you could be rolling into water anywhere there’s water all over that course and all it takes is one shot and it could derail your rounds 100% a three- shot lead I feel like is not safe there well a lot of the time we

Saw it saw burger burger two years ago and he spoke about it today in his press conference um he you don’t you’re not safe with the five stroke lead there no because anything at the bear even like the whole you’re were talking about is right before the you have to deal with

That then go to the bear trap and the bear trap is like notorious three of some of the hardest uh you know really proba one of the hardest stretch of holes but like the setup is sick like the stadiums right at at the greens dude the it’s first off you’ve

Got the one on 15 that part three cool little setup we were there for a bit today yeah and then you’ve got the big stadium for 16 and 17 which is sick like iconic 16’s dope you have a hard dog leg right you have water alongside which got

Killed today three times we almost got smacked by by three straight drives couple drives one I mean I’m talking about we were 5 Seconds after leaving our spot we would have got a nailed that hit dead center of the sidewalk but you got water all along the right side then

You got a hard dog like right and the whole green is surrounded by bunkers yeah plus Miss right you got all the water yeah so it’s like you got to hit two perfect shots to have a chance at a birdie there yeah I don’t and you have

That bunker on the left side of the Fairway too so it’s like very narrow Fairway you got water to your right you got bunker right around the distance where these guys want to carry the ball you carry a little short your second shot’s straight over the water yeah it’s

It’s it’s a tough course it’s tough but it it seems to have been made slightly easier right like they’ve that’s what it seems based off what we heard so they they’ve made they’ve converted whole 10 which was a par four initially they’ve turned it into a par five and we did see

A few guys playing that hole today and you could see how that hole is significantly easier being looks like they get a tough four oh yeah it’s a tough it’s long it’s it seems to be relatively straight up but the thing is it’s got a [ __ ] ton of bunkers all over

The place there so you miss pretty much anywhere off the green you’re in sand and then based again based off pin location I think pin location is a big factor on these greens they’re not very wide they’re more like narrow and long and they have a lot of slope to them

That you can you can miss that second shot cuz now you’re laying three in a bunker whereas you got to hit a hell of a bunker shot to get up and down for a part so now now these guys can have be maybe a little bit more aggressive with

That second shot um I mean we saw today a couple guys were there and I don’t I can’t see how that hole is averaging overpar it seems like there’s going to be a lot of birdies there and I don’t know exactly what hole it was but which

Is a great way to segue into the back nine too 100% you need a little yeah momentum a little like what our magic mine is you know to us I forgot what hole it was but they were they were talking today how they even removed some

Bunkers um I forgot what hole it was um oh it was like six burger said it today I I didn’t hear what hole he was mentioning but they did on one hole remove two bunkers which obviously you remove bunkers it’s going to make that hole easier so so it seems

Like they’ve done some little things to like you know make it the thing is the reput like we were saying the reputation is very difficult and it’s been hard to get to get players to commit to this obviously you have a stretch of big tournaments coming up but we know

There’s a lot of golfers that live in this area you want to be able to pull as many as you can pretty stacked field it should well that’s what I’m saying it should be it should be an easy one to get people to because like I said

There’s a lot of people who live here a lot of PGA players and everyone’s coming to Florida at this time of the year exact or at least the East Coast this is probably the most stacked that it’s been in a long time like you’ve got you’ve

Got some Heavy Hitters here um I mean we saw a bunch of them today there’s a lot of them we didn’t even see like we didn’t see Ricky we didn’t see Matthis Patrick today but they’re playing in it OB cam no camoo um we we got we got Rory I mean we

Saw Sho um the FedEx comper right now yeah and then we got nap who who won last week um we did get yeah we chis Kirk who’s fourth in FedEx and defending champ so there’s a lot of like ton plus we got the Dunlap who you know the

Amateur that won earlier in the year um you know I think this is his second tournament after after the win and Chase Johnson and we got Chase Johnson I mean dude there there’s a ton of story lines you know I mean and that’s I think that’s the beauty of it obviously you

Always want the stack field it’s always going to enhance the the the competitive nature of the tournament and it’s going to make it one of those things obviously where the fans love it but the players thrive in those environments you know they like they love that level of competition they love that atmosphere

And they love to be able to compete against each other but you have all these amazing story lines in between like a Chase Johnson like a Dunlap even a guy like um who won last week ATP nap yeah you know you have all these names out there butti uh you know

All all these kind of like hidden stuff in between the lines that are not the big names right now that are storylines that those guys are in contention and you’re like holy [ __ ] a lot of young guys a lot of young guys a lot of young

Guys a lot of young guys so it’s it makes the dynamic of these tournaments that much more interesting and based the way we saw I mean it looks like they’re expecting a big turnout this weekend I think they are I think they’re expecting this to be one of

Their bigger turnouts um that this tournament’s seen in a bit I mean there’re set up there’s Hospitality tents and stands on almost every hole at least a back nine we didn’t see much of the front um The Back N stack we saw a whole one and that was pretty much it

Almost everywhere you go you’ve got STS Back N was just pretty much every hole which yeah I mean no it’s it’s a sweet little setup like I’m genely excited for stadiums are impressive 16 the is it six no yeah 16 right the part three yeah yeah yeah yeah

It gives me like waste man no no yeah 17 17 yeah that’s what I thought 1 17 gives me like Waste Management 16 stand alongside the whole the whole thing you got the big one like right where they and then it goes all along the left side

Of the of the of the t- shop basically it’s so first year of the all the way around to the back of the green the first year it’s called cognizant it’s the first year of the Florida tournament I mean they want to get it right they want to get it right kickoff these

Florida tournaments and like you know they’re able to bring a good field they know that this tournament has struggled in the past and they they have to keep it alive and they have to keep it well because it is a great location you I mean you can’t you can’t be a beautiful

Course they have like 150 Escalades on standby to it’s crazy well um when we were sitting in that one press conference with the guy that won the award today oh yeah I mean he he made the point that like 15 years ago you couldn’t even give away tickets because

No one wanted to come yeah so you know like it struggled it’s and I didn’t know this it started in for Lauderdale yeah and then they moved up here up north and obviously I think that’s helped it but I think this tournament is is gaining that

Momentum again um and it it helps like Rory didn’t have to commit to this CH to commit to it you know so those little things make a big difference and uh I I mean dude I think it’s going to be set to be a a hell of a weekend I think it’s

Still going to be be relatively challenging but enough where these guys can be maybe a little bit more aggressive and I do think that maybe we see a little bit lower scores but I generally think it’s anybody’s tournament this weekend for sure for sure I mean you’ve got you got Rory

Obviously the favorite but yeah but there’s like there’s a lot of guys that can take this there’s a lot of guys to like Shane Low’s played here in the past very well there’s a lot of like I mean Shane’s won here one here was in the playoff last year he’s playing in this

Tournament um obviously Kirk again past winter I mean watching it you can tell there’s some guys that have like know the M yeah they know there’s some guys from up and comers too we we saw a couple today so that you know we’re taking know you know representation in

The young well I so basically who’s on the Latino side who’s representing is you have Camilo you have aaria naria you have George scampo and then you have Jonathan Vegas so there’s not a huge representation out there right now but you got four guys um all that have

To makes up some some room I think Nico is the highest ranked right now on the FedEx um but all those guys now like now is their time to make that move like if there’s a time I didn’t know Jonathan Vegas was Jonathan Vegas is is yeah yeah

Is he he Isa not Colombian yeah I have to look it up I forget what he is but he’s yeah he he’s he’s hispanic too he’s another Hispanic goer so there’s a couple on the on the is one of the featured uh featured one of the featured

Groups yeah is he who’s he playing with he’s playing with um Shane I think and no no Camilo’s with Shane that’s what he’s talking about cam oh no no I was talking about uh Jonathan Vegas oh oh no no no yeah Camilo’s in a feature group this weekend he’s with he’s with

Shane and he’s with uh is it no not Rory it’s um another big name I forget who pav pavon who’s ranked number one in the FedEx right now yeah so that’s a great group right there um great again this is why we do what we do

It’s a great opportunity him for him you know to use a spot obviously Camilo’s been on the tour now for a while people know who he is he’s been very successful in his career but it is interesting to see how do you play amongst those guys you know Shane’s obviously going to

Bring attention pavan’s generating attention considering he’s a number one guy right now does he stay hot you know it’s a it’s a long season you know I mean these these FedEx Cup obviously pavan’s done a great job setting him up for Success the rest of the year you

Know like he’s in a great that’s they have to do you have to take advantage of these early tournaments you know coming up get especially with the elevated events and Majors like I know these guys start finding their you got exactly you got to build that momentum and and OB

See take that forward and build a name for yourself like for example like nap nap uh who won last week he’s someone who has an interesting story he’s got he’s top 10 now but he’s got interesting story and you can see how he plays like you can almost see like a future star

For this guy he’s made he made big enough of a name and impact last week right um so that’s somebody 100% to keep an eye on this week too because it’s like you know first time not he’s not defending but he’s you know first time coming off a win obviously right and um

See how he react you like to see him be competitive in this type of tournament so you know there’s a lot of things there’s a lot of them yeah no a lot a lot of stories uh to monitor this weekend and uh I do think it’s it’s going to be a

Hell of a tournament we got to see it up close and personal today so in Florida coming up and then yeah yeah you got Arie coming up then you got players and then you got valpar which valpar is that tournament that is almost like that Flex tournament where how did I play in

Players how did I play an Arnold if I didn’t play well I got to get another one under my belt before obviously ma the Masters right so vpar is one of those sneaky tournaments too that guys know that they need to maybe get an extra round in um or an extra tournament

In like of that competitiveness and make up FedEx points try to find something before also qualify and then ex and the qualifying for you know for especially for the younger guys to qualify for I mean this is the last obviously Arnold Palmer next weekend right this is the

Last event for those guys to qualify for the even Puerto Rico open is a big one because whoever can win that one has a chance to qualify for some tournaments they qualify for the players I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure they would qualify the players um if they win that

So no so it’s it’s it’s the next big four weeks and this is kind of the Catalyst Florida swing is awesome the Florida swing is is the collection I mean this course is sick but you got you know Arn’s really cool too historic and the players is historic and it’s like

Like back to back to back just Heavy Hitters of you know really cool golf courses and different obviously it’s a huge change from the California swing now you’re going to Bermuda grass and like um you know it’s just the the fact that you have to play you know different

Style here too and it’s hot as hell gorgeous day but you can see like I’m probably no you’re going to get burned as hell like you know mean I’m like the most tan that I’ve probably ever been on this episode but yeah it was hot it was

Hotday got hot um but also wind there like it picks up like it’s Pi well that was the thing that that I was telling Pooch was the guys on Thursday and Friday cuz they alternate you know morning and afternoon tea time so you tea off Thursday morning you tea off

Friday afternoon you tea off Friday afternoon you tea off Thursday morning you got to take care you got to take advantage of the morning tea times CU afternoons are going to get windy out here yeah even the locals know even the guy that we met like that has has his

Backyard faces like whole 15 he’s like yeah the wind picks up in the afternoon yeah yeah no they all know they all know the afternoon it’s like awkward especially this time of the year when’s going to pick up in the afternoon which obviously is just going to make the

Course that much more difficult it’s going to be hard to get the ball to stay where you want wanted to stay um whereas morning you you have an opportunity to go lower right so curious to see how Thursday those early tea times do those guys take advantage we know that a

Couple of those guys are going to tea off really early 6 you know you’re talking about late 6:00 a.m. early 7 a.m. those guys got to go off out they want a chance I feel like you got to start off hot Thursday morning and Friday morning for sure you got to get

Advantage of those early better conditions um mhm especially in a tournament that’s become this stack now so yeah no it’s going to be fun we’ll see it’ll be a good time it’ll be a good time um I’m going to get my phone we’re going to do a quick little live I see uh

See if we got some questions coming in today we had uh a lot of people hitting us up today but U as I set this up what was your what was your favorite moment of today like what was like the big the big thing um probably two big things I’m

Just going to put it right here is that is that fun yeah let [ __ ] all right two big things for me uh one being able to be in the press conferences and being able to ask question what do you think should I just put it right here you just do it there

So you have access to the questions and you can ask any that come in you can be like yeah um but it’s the fact that we were in the press conferences and the fact that you know we were able to ask questions and actually you know be a

Part of it like it wasn’t just like oh you have to sit there and just like be quiet we were able to like engage which is cool and then the fact that we had the access to going you know on the putting green and the driving range uh

And like we’re like this close to these guys the driving the driving range was [ __ ] dope bro teeing off launching like it was sick it was cool the access that we had today was pretty impressive so those would be my that would probably be my favorite uh part just because it’s

Something that you can’t just normally do yeah so yeah um I would say my favorite portion of today was the interview with Chase yeah just being able to do something like that cool guy um the sleeve question portion was [ __ ] dope yeah he like that was dope

That was dope you uh you crushed it with the questions of the Harry Potter and some of the other question I won’t say too mucho yeah but you you did a badass job with that and I I think that was cool to see him engage and then he whips

Out dud the scard and I was like dude we’ll see yeah yeah people will see that that was got us so we have a couple people trickling in here see if they want to ask any questions see if they want to ask any questions um let’s see you got your

Brother that joined Val joined we got Jason here we got V we got Dy golf um Dan Dan wants to know how’s how’s Rory looking Rory was looking pretty big I’ll tell you that Rory Rory was pretty Jack and he was crushing the ball um he coming off

His his victory at the match um uh he looked I mean he looked good uh but Rory hasn’t been in that form uh in a bit so curious to see how he plays I mean he hasn’t played this tournament in a while he’s obviously coming back to play this

Year for a reason yeah he’s obviously comfortable here he’s won before and he’s been a runner up another time so and listen we’ll be we’ll we’re going to be in his press conference tomorrow so I guess we’ll have more information tomorrow we’re getting we’re getting questions Rory’s a bum the match

Um then we got ‘s no I’ll tell you that much no no no look I I I do like Rory but I understand the controversy behind Rory so but we won’t get into that but um let’s see what else can we get a golf pool for

This yeah we’re doing a golf we’re doing a golf we’re doing a golf yeah we’re do we’re doing a golf Jason we got a gol we’re we’re doing we’re doing golf for cognizant favorite part of our day I think we we alluded to that I think it’s you know the player interviews getting

Access to behind the scenes stuff I think that was that was dope um we had uh yeah I mean we got up close and and uh and and personal I think we got to see everyone that we hypothetically thought we were going to see um we saw

Shane we saw Rory we saw a gorillo we saw not gillo he go he go he go G’s G’s a man I want to meet him so bad um they want to know if we have any questions lined up for Rory I don’t think we have

Any questions lined up for Rory we got to get one though we have to we we want it’s gonna be hard to get Rory’s gonna be the hardest one to get a question in because I’m sure everyone’s gonna have a question for we should try to see if

Possible we’ll try to get we’ll try to get some in for Rory that would be elite if we can get a question got one in for Burger today and as I asked asked him about uh cron uh so we got we got a question that came in for Rory are you

Going to are you going to choke another Masters Rory from Danny um I’m going ask him that yeah that’s a good one that’s a good one um yeah I mean it is going to be tough I mean I I would love to get questions in

Obi for him but the one is is the the winner of the Mexican open oh we have we have him first thing in the morning tomorrow he’s uh bright and early would love to see what we can get in there um that that could be a cool little

Questionnaire that we can get in he’s a big cigar guy too uh apparently sh drone yeah he he’s a big guy so you know we got to we got to we got to get creative with these questions for sure and then we got our boy camoo which is representing the the Colombians out

There yeah and see what what what questions we got him we have line we do got questions lined up for him so that’s that should be exciting but yeah I mean that’s I think that’s it in terms of the press stuff but yeah um let’s see

Anybody uh am I a cigar guy of course I’m a cigar guy Y show them show show we got a we got a little no not definitely not a melatonin guy wine and wine and cigars um but yeah any anything else we want to talk about on the on the Pod

Today I had fun yeah I had a good time I’m tired as hell but I had a good time what was pooch’s favorite moment today oh man me too uh honestly like on my side of like the things like the production and like the way it goes honestly I respected like

Their care in terms of dealing with like the players in terms of like the media like respecting the players and also respecting like our time like I felt like you know they were there to help us with whatever we had you know they’re helping you know they’re very good with

Accommodating us you know giving us our spaces you know setting us up and I don’t know bro for me as an am like as someone relatively new to golf dude like being able to appreciate like that like area not not even the love just like

Seeing golf in that light like in a real profession never watch it I like you watch football practice basketball practice but seeing a golf practice and the way these guys could just dict bro the amount of swings that they’re putting I mean they like what you said they they were taking two shots

For every shot that they maybe three least at least from every situation one from the bunker one from the Fairway one from the rough like they were playing every scenario to know they play probably like three rounds in one round dead ass and then the guy and they’re

Putting 17 times the same guy that you know he holded out from 141 I mean that guy was practicing and he’s like he just the way the ball just went exactly where he wanted to go every time these guys are insane these guys are literally insane like they just show why they are

Professionals and why we play at killing the measi you know yeah we got um a question another question from Dan beill beay Hill or PGA ah um I have to go I I do have to go Bay Hill um just cuz it’s so legendary and it was my first ever uh event and

It’s but again like I also saw Bay Hill packed and and you know and what Jason no oh no um but yeah I probably lean B Hill a little bit but again I haven’t seen I would love to see this this tournament in full I mean we only really

Saw a few holes today and it was gorgeous though only saw most of the back nine and whole one that was it um I’m not gonna even read Jason’s question give me one give me one uh you want Jason’s question give me one of

Them no no no I gave you one but no now they’re going crazy uh Biden’s disaster night in the Michigan primary oh no all right never mind never mind Navaro Navaro go heat and then thoughts on what’s going on in Gaza no okay um let’s see let me see what else

We else we got anything else here no that’s that of the serious golf questions coming in right now um but yeah no it it was dope to see everyone uh in in their in their true form getting ready for for for this week I got a question for you guys yes ask

Did going to this event and you know seeing it from the lens of the PJ didn’t meet your expectations of what you thought it was going to be that’s a great question it it exceeded it for me to be honest um at least in terms of

Like I didn’t know what type of access we were going to get and we pretty much had like free reign for the most part so I thought it was pretty cool it was dope I mean they they Dan we answered that question already Dave said uh beill um and then

Gave his explanation I don’t know but um didn’t it meet my expectations it did and it didn’t I would say you know I would have liked to get certain interviews in yeah you know but outside of that I do think it did exceed my expectations in terms of I

Didn’t think we were going to be able to walk on a driving range or anything like that like that that part I didn’t get to see I didn’t think we were going to be able to get up and close and personal the thing that did exceed my

Expectations the most was the access to the Press Room like that was sick yeah the fact that we had our own state name brand on the table like yeah watching you know watching a couple interviews come in we got our new merch we got our new merch which yeah we got

We got a you know there it is let’s see show Dave there with the merch we’re going to be dropping that soon um but it was dope we were walking around you know repping repping the brand repping you know what what we stand for and and it was cool to see

Because outside of us was NBC Sports and PGA Tour like that was it yeah and maybe some like local local news stations you know any any like things like that but it was that I think that portion of it was like the thing that really you know

Took me over the top I was like wow like this is this is legit legit not anybody just comes in there and does this and I think that’s the thing to take away yeah um I got I got second one is coming in so when we interviewed Chase mhm I

Feel like on top of you know him maybe not being interviewed that day we were his first interview to day I feel like he enjoyed the questions we had because it wasn’t so much about the golf game and everything like this it was fun it was about him that’s what they’re

Getting asked all the time you think do you think the PGA is lacking that personality that shows like you know instead of just a professional game it’s like the fun parts of the game as well they they are and they know it too which is why they’re reaching out to people

Like us you know we we’ve had the conversations with them and and the biggest thing is like we’re relying on third party content vendors content networks to ultimately be that voice you know where maybe we lack because they know at the end of the day their bread

And butter is like show me Rory show me the winners show me the guys in contention we want to know the X and is and O because everyone at the end of the day wants to know X’s and O’s right but everything else after that too is just

Additive and it’s things that people care about and it’s also things that players want to know talk about you know they want to almost be a little bit disconnected about the game you know they they play 24/7 they’re always around it they’re getting asked the same questions all the time what’s your

Mindset what’s your expectation how’s the course playing how’s this how’s that right that you ask them a little bit of personal questions that you’re able to get out of them that you know they have they have a little fun of it I do think the PGA knows that but you know I mean

You you can add to that too but I do think they do know and I think that’s why they ask for you know people like us to kind of help out with that yeah I agree I don’t really have too much to add uh yeah yeah it’s mainly they’re I

Mean they’re obviously a professional league and uh you know they you know their core their main audience before really probably like a few years ago are really like like hard-nosed like like you know older guys who like really do like you know are not like you know

Asking like stupid questions or like fun questions like like uh like we we able to mix in a couple fun ones with Chase and so they do rely on people like you know content crators and and outside sources for that yeah um so yeah I think

That I think that’s why we’re here so fire and one other question came in it looks like did you Hackle some of the guys at the range Dave threw Dave threw a couple golf balls at these guys God no uh that’s the quickest way to get kicked

Out of I think first tournament and we were going to get knock out of yeah they they they saw us and and first off we we were like outside the the thing for a second we’re like I think we can go in here and then we just kind of just

Started walking in we walking on the it was like kind of unreal like are we even allowed to even be here and I I didn’t I didn’t believe it until I saw the pee and I’m like wait we got pee on our badge we can go in here and I mean dude

We saw everything Rory was right there you Shane all these guys and they were there dude these guys crush the ball though seeing them at the range it sounded like a gun range it like a legit gun range with the divits is what’s so impressive divots flying everywhere the

The courses like that practice area is [ __ ] sick each player have their own track man like and then you were saying like the practice balls is all like you want to hit Prov v1s you can hit prov1 you want to hit callaways you can hit call you can hit whatever your ball is

They got even other clubs I if you want to change your clubs like to practice with like they literally have every Club there yeah dude they’re they’re there altering the angles of your Club if you’re not liking the way something feels they have guys there altering

Their stuff I mean we saw all the trucks lined up up Titus was there pxg G Callaway Nike and you name it every major brand every major vendor was there like a training truck where I think you can go in and actually like receive like some sort of like it’s like a training

Area for like these yeah I mean they’re there they’re there to try clubs whoever is new if you got any other questions let us know we’re going to wrap up soon but yeah I mean the the the big thing is like they’re there to figure their [ __ ]

Out you know and if there’s something that they couldn’t figure out last week they’re able to figure out this week so I think that’s that’s something that was that was cool too but let me see here no I don’t think we got any more questions goeat

Nice hell yeah go heat go the heat are playing the cats are playing did Reinhardt score Andre never uses the top button on his poos facts I’m a three buttons down kind of guy a Miami and me got a little sunburn yeah I got a little burnt today I’m a little

Toasted je Jesse knows about that Miami Heat uh um shout on stoies and Bogies by the way we appreciate you we’re smoking a little padone right now um we have your your tea holders out here and we got the Cigar Case inside but um yeah I think today was awesome bro today was

Awesome we’re excited for this weekend it’s going to be a good turnout um and yeah we’ll see we got another big day tomorrow so we guys keep you posted and next week we’re going to drop a lot of what what went down this week so you

Guys will see all of that as soon as we get access to it yeah and uh should probably also be seeing our attempt at a simulator oh yeah yeah we played we played the back n in this course so you guys will be seeing that uh you’ll be

Seeing that too but uh yeah lot of a lot of exciting stuff this week yeah all right boys well I think that wraps it up for today um again hell of a day hell of a day hell of a week we’re excited for for the content to drop and yeah we will

See you guys next week probably back in our in our home station yeah yeah our little little pun break for the week yeah all right guys later Peace

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