Golf Players

The PGA TOUR has an ENORMOUS Problem on their Hands

With rumors flying about a potential $950 million deal for Rory McIlory, and Anthony Kim set to make his return with LIV Golf, the PGA TOUR is in trouble if they can’t come up with an answer to LIV’s advancements soon.

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Could this really be happening the one guy we thought would never go to live Rory maroy someone who said he would rather retire than play for live now sees the possibility of the tables turning an interview that just came out with his ex agent shed some light on

What could be a massive deal for Rory to make the jump and that’s not the only big news we also have some recent quotes directly from Greg Norman saying he’s still actively pursuing Hideki Matsuyama and we’ve got Anthony Kim curiosity abounds around this guy him possibly playing for Live this week this very

Coming week and on top of all that we had a major snub of John ROM by Tiger Woods Mike there is so much going on this week oh yeah it is crazy so let’s start right with the top and talk about about this Rory maoy thing um we’re

Going to read some of the quotes because we now living let’s admit it we’re living in a world where and especially I think when John ROM happened we started to understand that all bets are off literally Anything Could Happen absolutely and whereas I would never I’ll be honest with you I would never

Even take this seriously as a possibility a couple of months ago yeah I agree now you got to take everything seriously exactly cuz you never know what might happen and and I think what gives this strength and the reason why we have to take this seriously I still

Want you guys weigh in in the comments let us know is this just you know just floating ideas and just for the idea of headlines or is this something that’s actually possible but what really drives that for me is that Rory he changed his tone and one thing that’s undeniable he

Changed his tone dramatically a lot and that largely happened after John Ram um we saw him talking about you know Ryder Cup rules need to be changed now all that stuff yep exactly and a general acceptance of the guys uh he he walked a lot back of saying how he did you know

He couldn’t he he even apologized for being a little bit too quick to judge guys who went over to live and then on top of all that you know words are one thing and actions are another he resigned his position you know on the PGA tour policy board as the player

Director yeah right you know what does that mean right I wonder I’m like I’m saying like is this a possibility of someone’s in his ear maybe it’s his team his manager agent whatever it is saying like listen let’s not ever close the door on something that can be so

Lucrative for you and something that maybe maybe big yeah you know maybe start the the the reverse talk you know campaign now you know don’t just shut it out maybe that’s what he’s doing it could very well be and also what we’ve seen recently from Rory in the last

Month or so is a lot of indications that he wants the game to become more Global he talked about it it being similar to to some things like in the ukuk with the Premier League in in soccer or as they call it football you know him wanting

That it it sounds more and more like the live model and you get to wondering like you know what does this mean so let’s talk about the the quotes first so this this came from Roy’s former agent now this is important it is not his current agent of big difference big difference

But there’s no denying that this is somebody who has a a very intimate knowledge of Rory of the way that Rory thinks and you can see that in some of these quotes um but he also undoubtedly has been following Rory’s career very closely and there’s no denying he’s

Still plugged in I’m sure here you most of what we’ve seen from the leaks in in Twitter and otherwise have been from guys who are living in that Circle in the inside inner circle with the players so this is Andrew uh chubby Chandler and what he said is and he starts off by

Saying Rory is not shy and having an opinion and not slow to apologize if he got that wrong when he turned Pro in 2008 we sat on a bench at Glenn Eagles and I had Rory telling me that the Ridder cup meant nothing at all to him

It’s just it was just an exhibition ma match I’m here to win Majors there’s nobody bigger into the Ryder Cup speaking today than Rory maroy we mentioned this here on the podcast before that showed Rory’s first ability to make a 180 and I don’t think Rory

Hides that right he doesn’t you know in some of the interviews and some of the the Press that led up to the previous Ryder Cup MH we saw that evolution of Rory yeah you know did he’s an evolving personality he he came out and at

Arguably at the time he was young he was a kid but for him to come out and say that the Ryder Cup didn’t mean anything and then now the emotion we’ve seen from Rory after the Ryder Cup the tears Ryder Cup means almost everything to him it

Seems that way for him yeah right actually in all this conversation about them needing to change rules now that Ron went over he wants to make sure that that Ridder cup Legacy stays in attacked because you know he’s at the top of that Ridder Cup team he is the creat he’s the

Face of it absolutely and he knows that so I mean yeah no doubt man so this if nothing else what we’re building here as we get through these quotes is is showing that Rory is the type of guy who will change his mind a uh he’s he’s

Evolving character but on top of that he will he will come out with it he’ll apologize and in a large way we saw that we saw that when he changed his rhetoric towards Liv recently where he said you know I apologize for judging these guys too quickly they are making their

Decisions for their own reasons so moving on you know continuing those quotes from the interview his former agent said Rory is of the ilk that he’ll say something because he likes to have an opinion but he’s quite happy to apologize for it and that’s uh and that’s what he’s done so again idea

Setting the stage Rory may say one thing and then he may change his mind apolog oliz come out with something different move on but here as we get to the real good part you know and this is where it’s really started to turn some some heads he said if you were being cynical

You might say he’s going to sign for about 750 million pounds so that’s over $800 million US dollars in a month’s time with Liv because he’s Paving the way uh that Liv’s okay now where as it wasn’t wow yeah that’s huge there’s a lot to unpack there because not only is

It it would be the biggest signing massive amount of money on top of that I thought it was interesting that he put those words there in a month’s time yeah like putting almost a timeline on it and what else is happening in a month’s time AA Augusta but also April is the new

Framework deadline m is there going to be an agreement and as part of that Rory’s like you know the two come together like could this really happen like whereas I originally saw the headline I thought thought no chance right as I’m kind of like thinking about

This I’m like you never know yeah I mean I I think still isn’t there how’s he going to get over the this gripe with Norman like is Norman have to be out for him to sign over there well there’s here’s an interesting thing we got a quote from Norman too Norman is also

Dramatically softened on Rory I see that yeah let me tell you what Rory uh what Norman said and and this this leads into what we’re going to talk about in a minute with Matsuyama he was Greg Norman was was I I’ll give you get you that quotee in a second where Greg was

Talking about still actively pursuing Matsuyama but as part of that he was talking about his his basic business decision- making is is largely taking the emotion out of it and just forgetting like what was said and the personalities so what he said about Rory he said this is just this quote is just

From just a few days ago he said when Rory missed out in the 2011 Masters when he hit that Wayward t-shot on 10 I sent him a message of support after afterwards because I felt his pain and he responded and if Rory wins this year’s Masters I’ll say congratulations

On achieving the grand slam right the that sport that Sport and that sportsmanship that’s the humility of the game that’s me that’s how I would do it right yeah so he’s again he is softening his position and this is not the only thing he said that’s kind of softened

That position but it does build that idea what if what if Rory wins the Grand Slam at the master and then after that now you know he’s got his Masters cuz one thing that you got to hold on to for Rory Rory wants that grand slam right if Rory was to go

Over to live now he he because he hasn’t won a major in some time he doesn’t have that nice exemption pile he does not so what’s going to happen is if the there’s not a deal for official world golf rankings Rory is going to start to Tumble like

All the other guys down the official world golf rankings we saw a bunch of Live players playing an Asian Tour event this past weekend just trying to get back up those rankings I that’s one thing I don’t think Rory would ever jeopardize yeah I agree with that I

Can’t see Rory going to live and losing out on his ability to keep chasing that Green Jacket MH however Rory wins the green jacket this year and Greg Norman and the powers that be it live put $800 million in front of him wow yeah wow is right so kind of

Continuing on with that interview um Rory’s Rory’s ex agent he said who knows he doesn’t need the 750 million pounds but it’s odd what he’s done and I’m sure it’s a possibility if he does it or not I don’t know but if Rah can do it then

Most guys can do it and we said that recently we said Rah really was the game changer he’s the one who as soon as he went guys like Rory started to change their tone and it became less of a stigma and it is true if Rah can do it

Because we we would similar to Rory we would have be sitting here a year ago and never thinking Ram’s going to go yeah then he did I think the PJ tour has an enormous problem on their hands I just do I just see this forget about

Rory right now I’m just looking at the current like past couple weeks current week coming up you got the Mexico open then you got the cognizant classic the fields are getting lighter the names aren’t as great I don’t even know who won in Mexico nap don’t even know who he

Is right but let me ask you this if Rory does go to live and Matt suyama goes to live which we’re going to talk about in a sec is it lights out for PGA Tour weekly events forget about the major it becomes a great question and and what I

I’m seeing here is I’m two sided on this watching the PGA Tour events for the last couple weeks I found it incredibly entertaining to see young like no doubt huge I mean the story we had this past week of of a guy who went from being a

Security guard bouncer two years ago to winning on the PG tour big personality all that stuff I like where we’re headed in a certain way where we now have the the tour and these nons Signature Events opens up the pathway for new storylines new exciting individuals however where I

Think we’re definitely starting to split that tour is you have your your Signature Events where everybody’s going to show up and your non- Signature Events where it’s just going to be hard to pull the big household names right I wonder if we’re going to run into an eventual merger between these two where

B basically it it just becomes like a list of like big big events non- major events on either tour and how they Shuffle those guys around and the other ones that are not so big you’re going to see these up and cominging names yeah I really don’t know but there’s no doubt

That the PGA Tour has to be nervous about this and now keep in mind this is just one person’s opinion here but same type of thing from you know his former agent he said he talked specifically about Jay and he said how Jay Monahan

Has a job I have no idea he’s managed to hang out to dry the whole of the PGA Tour who went to live and the whole of the PGA Tour who didn’t go to live but he’s still there it’s frightening yeah and I think that speaks to largely what

You’re kind of saying it’s like PJ Tor could be in trouble but he’s got a solid point there you know he the way that Dej has has really handled this yeah has created a a tough scenario for both the guys who did and didn’t go and and

Rory’s on that side it didn’t go Rory’s a guy who who backed the PGA Tour stood there as their poster boy and really came out of it with nothing yeah empty-handed MH so I want you guys to weigh in in the comments um let us know like is this something is something

Starting to stir here do you think is a realm of possibility because I think we live in a world now of a of a news cycle where there’s almost nothing that there’s no coming back from yeah you know what I mean and in a in a guy like

Rory who has a before apologized and said hey I spoke wrong about the Ridder cup now I feel differently MH and Rah and changing his tone you know people were on ROM for what a week or two for his change of tone and then that kind of

Fizzled away y right I could see no different Rory be like okay for $800 million I can live with the grief for two weeks of everyone saying I’m a hypocrite and then I’ll move on and then I’ll move on yeah who knows yep so I

Don’t I don’t give it a huge chance I think that this is definitely a large point of speculation but I think it’s enough good points being made that it’s worth the discussion yeah I mean and also I mean even outside of Rory even if another big name wins at Augusta I got

To think they they could be a large Target for a large bag of money you know what I mean yeah just a uh I don’t know one of these not really popular guys but not really no namers one of these in the middle of the packs like uh Charlie

Hoffman I don’t know I’m just throwing a name out of the blue but you know what I mean if that guy ends up winning at Augusta he could see 200 million thrown at him it’s crazy how they’re still going after these guys to bring him over

Um but I want to know is why have they not yet signed Matsuyama why is he not left it’s a great question and and if nothing else what we’ve we’ve shown is that with this pending framework agreement being solidified XYZ the tour that out of the two of them

That hasn’t taken their foot off the pedal is live mhm you know making these possible rumor Mills and you know possible money that’s sitting on the table for Rory and now Matsuyama so let’s let’s get into that for a quick second so and before you dive into Matsuyama just eer this was

Eerie Neeman won at the Genesis and then shortly after signed with Liv Matsuyama just woned the Genesis yeah so I’m curious and on top of that now we saw again this melding and this softening Neiman gets an invite to the Masters yep right and that showed that there was another pathway that the

Masters is as they said in their own words they’re looking for winners of big International you know yeah events uh there was I believe was Australia you know it’s you you win in these other EV so there’s other Pathways in so as much as we said that even with Rory yeah

There could be other Pathways into the majors running out he’s a 2021 Masters winner so 2026 Masters always in for master he’ll have forever you know that I think it’s a 5 to 10 year exemption based on the different other right so but yes it proves the point that um live

Is not stopping in their in their pursuit of big names they’re not just comfortable obviously to just rest where they are and wait for the agreement so matama obviously had his his recent Big Win we’ve also seen that Liv has been largely P pursuing a very International

Audience um it’s even hard for us in some ways being here in the states to speak of it because we don’t even necessarily see how big it is overseas and that’s why I love what you guys give us that take in the comments a lot of you who are watching from overseas and

Kind of let us know even like watchability like we struggle with watchability here when I talked about traditional broadcast no doubt but it’s bigger in other areas dude he’s huge in Japan right opening that that market over there so this is what he said um Greg Norman was asked about that and he

Said and he’s upfront about it you got to you got to give him that credit he’s very upfront he said we’ve been trying to get Hideki matu Yama over to live golf I don’t mind admitting that when Hideki won speaking of the Genesis Invitational in La what’s the first

Thing I did I said congratulations hii I’m proud of you mate so yeah he’s staying in his year he’s a Salesman right we know that about that’s his job that’s his job start off with something nice before you hit him with the sales pit is to recruit these guys so I I have

No doubt that there are guys who are sitting there with consistent offerings but yes I mean this again where where’s the tip Tipping Point for us where is it where we keep saying if he goes is that is that the the nail in the coffin is

That the nail I think Liv is very quietly playing a much longer game and looking to slowly add and add and add and and you guys agree with me or disagree with me in the comments I’d love to hear this but I think if Hideki does go he is deserving of exactly what

John ROM got just because John ROM for Spain is Hadi for Japan they’re both major winners they’re both on the top of their game they’re both Superstars yeah I don’t think Rah is any better for the play I just think they both deserve the same amount I think if Dei goes he

Should get 600 I think if you’re thinking of it as a business play and the fact of what he does for opening up that Japanese market then I think he’s Ram’s won more and stuff but he’s worth that pul but we also I mean we got a lot

More here to dive into we still got to talk about Anthony Kim which is another thing that’s going to bring curiosity and eyeballs over to the live event that’s coming up this week um and also this where it’s not all roses as much as it seems like they’re all coming

Together there’s still indications that it’s not and and this and this John ROM Tiger Wood snub is kind of evidence of that so let’s do a quick word from our sponsors then dive into both those topics guys if you’ve been following along you know we’ve been using ripstick

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The hydro series go check out the entire lineup of the hydro series at all right so Rory obviously was is the big attention getter right now with this recent interview that kind of broke the internet but the other big thing of course and this has been a

Building thing is Anthony Kim So been waiting a decade absolutely and and and rumors of Liv have been going on this is not shortlived short lived for Liv there you go uh a year at least a year people have been talking about this um so just

Kind of like bringing you up to speed on this and if anybody who’s kind of missed it or maybe newer to the game and because his career I mean really he’s been out of the game for a decade now um but when Anthony Kim first came out he

Was one of the hottest things young player uh you know compared immediately with with uh with tigers early records you know winning twice in a season he was he was also a big personality the big belt buckle that that garnered a lot of uh but the unfortunate reality was he you know he

Suffered an injury um we saw a number of withdrawals uh from from different events and he just kind of disappeared from there it’s never been fully confirmed but it’s been highly speculated and and really kind of investigatively looked into um is that it’s very possible that he took a uh an

Insurance policy payout that required him to stay out of the game and the idea there was that it was a career ending injury and the payouts been speculating anywhere from10 to $20 million as part of that being career-ending it meant that he could no longer participate on the PGA tour now

Remember the PGA Tour although lucrative wasn’t nearly as lucrative back in those days you know he won an event he took home a million bucks right so 10 to20 million one-time payout or maybe it was over time but regardless that guaranteed payout would be even more attractive in those days because he

Would have meant he would had win a lot more times on tour to make that same amount of money and who knows other than him and his doctors what his performance would have been right since then though it’s kind of reached Rockstar status there’s been Anthony Kim’s spottings um

I got like the internet’s favorite player I got think he can make millions on uh interview rights first interview right it’s possible because like everyone wants to know the story what happened to you 10 years ago obviously he’s not gonna maybe talk about he may never talk about that everyone’s

Probably chomping to get him on as an interview but that’s just it like Li again where him potentially going to live is going to be a huge Plus on their side because the curiosity is so high like I said almost easy to call him like the internet’s favorite golfer it’s just

Been so much speculation and things like that now we’re what we’re seeing is that he’s now 38 years old um I don’t know the status of the injury there’s been just some people seeing him playing practice rounds he’s he’s largely kept he’s been actually done a fantastic job of keeping

All his personal life and anything like that really out of the spotlight for as much attention we haven’t seen anyone you know track him down on a golf course filming his swing right yeah so it’s like there’s the Curiosity Factor alone that people may tune in so what he’s

Going to be doing he’s now 38 years old now so he’s not an old man you know um but he’s going to be playing it’s a what they’re calling a wild card deal um and so I don’t know what that means the team format and everything else I just don’t

Know how that they’re going to fit him in I don’t know either he’s not on a team officially but he could rotate in for someone who’s injured maybe that’s it maybe there’s somebody on a team that’s going to sit out I honestly don’t know and I I would think we’d have a

Little bit more information by now given the fact that he’s supposed to play as soon as this Friday right um but I think if nothing else what it will do for Liv is it’ll get more of those curiosity clicks there’s lots of people undeniably and like I said we we appreciate

Everyone’s opinion on both sides there’s some people who say I’m never going to tune into to live and I won’t and I won’t I won’t well maybe some part portion of that population will be like well now I got to see this Anthony Kim I

Got to turn it on um and that talks to the idea we’ve been saying of of live just keep going after names that could potentially get people to tune in um but you know what and again this is just from different sources and what we heard is like two different sources had told

Sports illustrator that he is set to join the 54 player field for at least three events this season interesting so it’s like what does it mean like what’s this wild what that stuff but it makes me wonder like and again things that we can only speculate on but you you kind

Of passes the um the litmus test of like logic that could be one being Liv did not exist when that whatever that policy that career- ending policy was written mhm the PGA Tour was the top tour the main professional tour the tour he played on right is it written in that

That he could not play in the PGA Tour or is it that he can’t play in professional golf right right because if the PGA Tour is spelled out well live didn’t exist back then yeah this could be the ultimate loophole in his in his policy right the other thing that it

Could be is that his deal with Liv which has the the deepest Pockets thanks to you know their backing of from the PF maybe it’s just a money decision that 10 or 20 million whatever it was at the time is nothing compared to what he could potentially make now at live right

Yeah now I mean it wasn’t a lot of money if you think about it he he took 10 if it was 10 million over 10 years could easily all that money could be gone by now it could have be spent if he didn’t you know whatever whatever and that’s

Part of the the great Allure exactly because there’s been speculation that it was more money and then he invested it wisely and he doesn’t have to worry about money anymore yeah right none of us know none of us know but that’s what said but Liv is also kind of his only

Pathway because other than some sponsors exemptions you know he’s no longer he can’t just walk back onto the PGA Tour yeah I mean I think he let his medical exemption Go I mean things over a decade that falls away right you know you don’t just have the opportunity to just pop

Back in So Liv might be his only pathway back and it might be his smartest it might be the most brilliant thing he’s ever done if if it if it was that if he ended up getting that much money and he just kind of invested it wisely then all

Of a sudden if that money’s either winding down or not now 10 years has gone by and he gets another bag sets him up again right who knows yeah maybe maybe that money has been paid out exhausted and now it’s like but again 10 might be nothing you you know you see

These guys just being on a winning team they’re taking home two3 million in a week exactly you know you you know what be the first question I would ask Anthony Kim if he was on this show what’s that what did you do for the last

10 years what is a day in the life did you go surfing did you go did you work at the local Walmart like what did you do right because he also he keeps his personal life so tight to the vest we don’t know if he’s married he has kids

Maybe he just hanging out buying belt buckles we don’t know but so there’s there’s another one that like it it remains to be seen But if he does ultimately Tee It Up yeah like we think he’s going to I I have to think that that’s going to have more people pushed

Into the Liv product because they’re like I got to see this and I think that’s what Liv is trying to create are these I got to see it events I got to see John ROM’s first t- shot y you know with his new team under a different flag

Yeah you know I have to see Roy mroy the guy said never want to go go if those things come to fruition but like I said it’s not all roses right there is still a certain degree here of what feels like possibly anim so this is just kind of broke over the

Weekend and John ROM had revealed according to nuclear Golf and some other sources John ROM had revealed that he reached out to Tiger Woods following his move to live and was ghosted did they say what he reached out for no response he he doesn’t say maybe it was an olive

Branch maybe it was to say directly without now remember tiger is now the one who is starting to assume that role that Rory had with the player Advisory board with him being helping and leading up those negotiations maybe Rah was reaching out to say hey let’s talk about these ongoing negotiations who knows

Tiger from what we hear from the guys has always been the one who’s kind of been very supportive of all these guys and get back to them and so it it doesn’t seem like tiger is one to it seems like it’s a standout event at least in rah’s condition to to be

Ghosted Yeah by him and it just makes you wonder was was was Tiger a little bit salty at the idea of like hey you you left us so again as much as it seems like they’re coming together and and there’s a lot of guys too that could

Take this like the last thing they want to do is get on Tiger’s bad side yeah I feel like you cross tiger there’s no going back right yeah especially from the PGA Tour where and has his his growing position there and his growing position with you know tgl don’t

Forget that’s thing to keep in mind I could see some some friction there he bailed because because ultimately tiger in the tgl like he you know Rah was set to be one of the faces over there no doubt no doubt right and now by making that move under the current thing

Because the tgl does have its partnership with the PGA Tour and as the current rules stand now these could be changed you’re you know if you’re suspended from the PGA Tour because of your move you can’t play in the tgl either right so maybe that was a big motivation there

For Tiger to just well he’s going to see him in a month at dinner at Augusta I’ll ask him you why’ you ghost me man by the way I think I think that dinner like remember last year how like it was like filled in show up and all stuff yeah I

Think all that is gone I think everyone’s going to be there I don’t think there’s anyone on live who’s going to be afraid to show up let’s that way I think Phil will be back rah’s going to be there you know you got sheffler on

One side Rah on another you got hii that he’s so question you got tiger there to be a fly play to be a fly on the wall in that room yeah cuz you’ve got how many live guys in there Bubba Sergio hi um hii wow jump in the gun there um yeah

You just put him on Li I just put him on Li he’s there now and at least Rah at least three I can count yeah so yeah yeah I mean you got you got a pretty significant representation whereas in the duh where in the past it would have

Been like you know just Phil and and and DJ like it’s slowly starting to slowly going to be a half live in the champions type of thing as the years go by some of those guys kind of die off there’s kind of old guys there right well and then

Like you’ll have like you said tiger sitting there right and it’s it’s it remains to be seen we I mean we’ll keep an eye on it but regardless it just shows that this is an evolving um unfolding story with these constant twists and turns and to a certain extent

I just want to find out what this agreement is and almost put us all out of our misery of of constantly trying to speculate what it is what it is and what’s going to be uh but this is the big headline Grabber has been the whole thing with Rory

There’s no denying that almost a billion dollars is big head turning amount of money so what do you guys think waiting in the comments is this something real or is this just you know Rory’s ex agent speculating and stirring the pot if nothing else like I said it it shows the

Possibility for something to happen that we never thought would happen before so big stuff we’ll continue to watch it make sure you subscribe wherever you get your podcast we’ll see you in the next one


  1. LIV might be better for the players, but it just sucks to watch. I’m sorry, but it’s not intriguing. The players are great, but the product is crap.

  2. With the addition of Rhams team they included 2 wildcards so that groupings are still in threes… The wildcards cannot win team prizes but they can win the individual prize…

  3. Everything will settle down and evolve over the next 2 years with the tours combining one way or another, my advice would be to take the money while you can because it will not be available for ever, you will regret it if you don't. Take the cash Rory.

  4. Personally, I think everyone has a price, Rory is no different. Whatever your view it’s a job and people change jobs or get headhunted and will always go for more money. For me golf is now totally disjointed and boring.

  5. Even if Rory join LIV and tumbles in rankings, that shouldn't be a problem in a year or two's time.
    If the Majors live by OWGR, they will die with the OWGR. OWGR rankings are irrelevant as it is and if Majors abide by that and ignore LIV players, the Majors stand a very good chance to fade into just 4 more PGA Elevated Events…

  6. Rahm has been a better golf player than Rory in the last few years, plus he is much younger than Rory, he got around $600M signing with LIV, I predict Rory will may get around $400-500M range , but not $950M by any means!.

  7. I do not frankly know why you guys are doing so much noise with the possible Rory's departure. He is a very good player but never gotten at the kind of playing level that Tiger had in his prime. Look, Rory has not done much in his last 2 PGA tour events. The PGA tour competition is getting harder and harder like never before, and there are more and more excellent players in the pipeline eager and ready to play in the PGA tour.

  8. Problems with LIV: No tradition, no history, no pressure to make the cut or keep your card, not playing famous classic courses like Pebble Beach, etc., basically just a hobby for some Saudi oil princes, could collapse at any moment (like some other Saudi pet projects), not a massive contributor to charities like the PGA tour, just creating even more division and controversy, unnecessary since there already was a world tour called the DP World Tour.

  9. Tiger Woods is washed. He only went to the Genesis to soft launch his rip off clothing and apparel (he copied the Great White Shark). Woods is and always been about himself. Not the GOAT and never will be. Rory's great but he has to break free from Woods who has just used Rory's adulation to manipulate him.

  10. Hoffman for 200? Finau and Clark wanted 100 each and LIV said no. Hideki, who was offered around 700 at the beginning didn't go out of loyalty to Jay (what the Japanese are known for), the PGA Tour, and the Japanese PGA. If Hideki goes to LIV, he will get the Iron Heads and Srixon will buy a large portion of that team. Hideki has a HUGE Asian market impact. Remember, Rory spoke to Yassir earlier in the year/end of last year, then he turns 180. If he goes, he will go if he believes in the project of LIV, Yassir, the PIF, and Greg and where golf is going. Along with being thrown under the bus by Jay and potentially Tiger. He already "sold out" for the middle east before (i.e. the UAE), so why wouldn't he do it again.

  11. Wilcard Spots: Two more spots to make an attempt at wat the OWGR wants for field size, individuals contracted by the league

  12. if AK wanted to go back to the PGAT, they would have him back so fast. Rumor has it they were asking him not to play with LIV by the tour. He will pay next to nothing back to his insurance company. He took that payout over lost career earnings if that payout exists. As we know, the tour's purses have dramatically increased, therefore the policy that "was" paid out is pennies in comparison to what he would have earned if he just kept his card/sponsors/etc

  13. Nah ex agent wanted 5min of fame & news grabbed his world,m and its some "big news"-like Ronaldo's ex agent would say he will go to Barcelona..BS..

  14. What do I think?
    Regarding the Masters past champions…’old guys dying off’ is a pretty disrespectful comment coming from this channel!!

  15. Rory pulled his role as players director, is because Monahan threw him under the bus, when Monahan allowed the arabs in.
    Why shouldn't he change is views when his side broadsided him, I really think the arabs are going to run everything, and perhaps the pga tour will be no more and all the majors carry on along Ryder cup under a new directorship

  16. If Rory does leave it’ll be because he was embarrassed by Jay as the sacrificial lamb. But, he does want the green jacket.

  17. Rory laughter at the question in the presser Wednesday. He says the guy is just trying to sell books. Yeah Rory can say he was too quick to judge bc of people positioning and family stains. But he still thinks Liv is crap. But he can agree that making golf more global isn’t a bad thing: it’s just controlling interests that make it hard. Like the broadcast casting. … he’s been in the policy board: he sees what’s coming. It’s not Liv. But it’s a unification in another way. Not LIV. And his interests in TGL and Tigers relationship

  18. Shame on you guys for not knowing who Knapp is. If all you care about is Knapp how are you going to have stars in the future. when in 10 years your “big names” are going to age out! Get a clue

  19. Rory knows that PGA stabbed him in the back and if PGA join with LIV then he will be a part of it but miss out on
    $ millions. He will join LIV.

  20. LIV created a world that cares ONLY about Money. Trophies and prestige is over. And became evident that the Superstars don't care about the fans. And some people think that this is good. So sad.

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