If you’ve ever wondered why they can’t keep making drivers lighter and lighter every year. Here’s what goes into it…

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Now in this driver particularly they’ve changed the way they do the carbon fiber and the problem with carbon fiber in the past is you have this really light material and the advantage of carbon fiber is you make something that’s super super light that way you can take the

Extra weight that you saved put it in other parts of the head that would increase the moment of inertia thei the problem with it is you have to have a lip that it binds to you have to have epoxy you have to have other things

That add weight that it kind of ends up washing out once you use a carbon fiber ping has found a way now to wrap it all the way around and make it save a significant amount of weight that they could put other places in the driver and that’s what’s really increased thei for

This one in particular from the top to bottom so the 10K you say well if the legal limit’s 5900 where’s the 10K even coming from that’s the Heel To Toe forgiveness which 5900 is the max plus the top to bottom forgiveness so if I

Hit one low on the face or high on the face is it going to be more forgiving there

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