Callaway Paradym Ai Smoke HL Hybrids –

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So all too often I hear that golf is hard and we yearn for golf clubs that make the game easy to play but do we really there are without doubt options out there to simplify aspects of the game launch the ball easier add distance and just make the game more fun but they

Generally come with one unavoidable caveat stigma today I’m going to present to you a set of golf clubs which will bring infinite Joy reduce stress and make the game a whole lot easier to play but IR relevant of all the positives that we might highlight you still won’t use them because of

Stigma these are the new Callaway AI smoke hybrids a little bit of the old AI face technology some nice shaping and throwing some tungsten front and low and you have a very playable hybrid which is potentially a replacement for your long ions now nothing new there I hear you

Say you’re right because we always assume hybrids to be Replacements to our three and four irons or at a stretch the more open-minded might even dip into a five hybrid but how many average golfers would benefit from more hybrids than irons in their golf bag I would suggest

Maybe more than care to acknowledge the fact you see this lineup of hybrids is available from a 4 to an eight and I guarantee will make golf easier for any golfers quick point to note the use of the word guarantee is for dramatic effect and will not be recognized in a court of

Law right now adjustability is key with any club in the bag to be quite honest with you and if you’re spending a premium fee which you are going with these and adjust ail is a must because what it allows you to do although we’ve got a lot of options we’re going four

Through to eight hybrid potentially just to be able to tweak those a little bit The Loft that is and uh make sure that every Gap fits nicely and certainly down this longer end I think that that’s where you can make a few tweaks and make sure the gaps in yardage distance

Certainly apply so don’t forget when we get down the longer end of the bag a lot of us don’t generate enough Club head speed to recognize a yardage difference between perhaps the the four and five in this case but having that adjustability can tweak things a little you might

Shift in this one more towards that three hybrid and make sure your bag fully works for you and that adjustability is key for me so just pull that one down a little bit down the left and very come very much off of a heel strike and I always

Say in these reviews it’s really important to see how a club performs when we’re not out of the center what was interesting for me there was no curvature one way or the other it was a straight it was a pull out the left hand side it stayed there we still got lots

And lots of distance and the one thing I’ve been impressed with with the AI smoke range is that that’s what they’ve sort of talked about a lot Callaway is making sure we’re getting ball speeds across the club face that’s again a major important part and I’m pretty much

Sure that that’s exactly what they’ve been well that’s they’ve achieved it well that was a better one cuz it’s my favorite golf hole on the 11th wasn’t happy with that pull to the left but you’re seeing ball flight superb when struck out the middle and uh well that’s

Position a but to be honest with you I’m loving these things already I’m Keen to point out that this is the HL lineup from Callaway which is a crucially important fact they have weaker LS than the standard lineup and this will help massively with high launching ball

Flight today’s video is sponsored by our friends at Hot golf the online golf retailer for all major brands and if you want new golf gear then please support us by supporting them that’s a nice hybrid which is uh a handy little one to have if you well if you if your confidence game

Has gone with a wedge in hand in and around the greens I reckon these can do a a bit of a job for you even in that kind of situation the interesting thing with the hybrids as well for me is they always got a tendency and I don’t know about

You is to sort of close them off and turn them to their left um not that’s not happening and I think it’s one of the things that not just with these I just think that hybrids of late have just got something uh whether it’s the balance the way the club is balanced and

Weighted that perimeter waiting is just making sure that uh well that doesn’t happen so most of the shots I’ve hit have had sort of zero curvature but maybe more importantly are not those ones with that closed face that go all of a sudden straight left cuz that’s the

Thing that worries me with hybrids just like choke down a little bit of an a iron just the way you’d play uh with a regular Club in your bag but just perhaps less effort required and just let the club do its thing that’s the bit

Of the short end you’ve just got to have a little bit of confidence and faith that the Loft on the club face will do the thing because you look down and there’s probably this thing going on your head a bit of a bit of an argument

In your head saying well I’ve got a big bulky Club me handy this is going to go a long way because that’s what we associate these clubs with so it’s just a bit of a changing mindset and we can’t ignore just how good these things look either whilst I wasn’t overly keen on

The AI smoke driver Graphics I’m super impressed by the look on these hybrids visually appealing but also ooze a bit of quality build the blue weight Port looks great off the dark gray body matched up with a decent head cover and these are a good looking Club in the bag

The one thing it’s hard to be positive about is the price tag which will no doubt annoy many but the reality is £299 is the price point of highend hybrids right now thought that was going to go in definitely got to learn that this little short game stuff is it’s got a

Bit of Fizz in the face so you just got to that’s a shot the more you practice it the more you’re going to get used to just you know distance control but it gets you out of those situations which could be a real difficult one when

You’ve got not a lot of bounce on your club and a very tight lie that can often be a nervy stab so still I think i’ take that we’re trying to make these uh reviews as simplified as possible so we’ll leave it there I’ve hit plenty of

Shots and uh got to say right throughout the bag each one of these hybrids has performed exceptionally well there’s a couple of things that need to change and it’s a mentality thing first of all we’ve used the word stigma that’s the first thing that you’ve got to uh well

Get over because like it allia there’s a lot of people just won’t put a bag of hybrids together because of that alone the second thing is you’ve got to then allow your mentality to play an8 hybrid when you’re so used to be playing an A tiing and trust me that’s a very

Different sort of mentality when stood over the ball so again you need to sort of change the mindset a little and buite into that concept but overall these are really really good performing clubs to be honest with you some of the best hybrids I’ve tried this HL version

Especially is there to assist get that ball Airborne they they do exactly what hybrids are designed to do and in my opinion that’s make the game a little bit easier for plenty of golfers who struggle with that side of the game so if you are interested it’s an expensive

Way of doing it cuz these clubs do not come cheap but you can put a set together of maybe a four even a five through to eight hybrid and I reckon a lot of you would see a lot of benefits within this type of setup in your bag

Anyway that’s me done an amazing morning at Sunny wallacy Golf Club thanks for having us thanks for watching and I’ll see you all soon


  1. Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt über die Fülle an Weisheiten, die in diesem Thread geteilt werden. Es ist, als würde man auf einen Schatz an Wissen stoßen.🌺

  2. Ego is THE BIGGEST hurdle that these clubs face in gaining more acceptance from golfers. Easily 60% of ALL golfers could use hybrids AT LEAST down to the 5 hybrid…..80% could and should go down to a 7 hybrid. I am a 4.7 handicap and removed my my 3 & 4 irons and replaced with a hybrid and a 7 wood. On some courses I even remove my 5 iron and put a 5 hybrid in my bag because it offers more forgiveness and flexibility depending upon the lies you get. My longer hybrids have more tunability in them so I can set them up to be able to play them into the wind (knock down shots) like my irons – but also are much more efficient at delivering the clubhead to the ball resulting in better shots overall. I am currently testing out a few 9 woods too and have been extremely impressed with how accurate they are compared to my shorter irons from 180yd and less.

  3. I carry 18, 24 and 28 degree hybrids in a 12 club bag. I stopped caring about stigma since noticing that I could not get one more ointment, vitamin or prescription medicine inside my medicine cabinet. Its all about function and ease of use now. I found with hybrids they work best for me if I hold off the swing finish a bit.

  4. I have a 4 hybrid through the 6 hybrid in my golf bag. I have found that they are easier to use and I also carry a 7wood and 4wood. I did not like hybrids that much when I was in my late 30s and I did not know how to hit them correctly either. As I reached my mid 40s and now into my late 50s near my 60th year I understood how they could and how I have benefitted from using them. The addition of the 7wood was a game changer as well.

  5. I had a set of Rife hybrids, I was a 21 HC! With these clubs o got down to 12! Yes the lads took piss to start with..but I reminded them when I beat um!😂 now using normal irons and feel I wouldn't be the player I am today without the confidence the Rife gave me! And the Smoke hybrids look really nice.

  6. I was a hybrid snob preferred long irons. But picked up a u505. My god. First shot I was flabbergasted. So easy to hit

  7. I've added a 7h and 5h instead of playing long irons. Then my bag is only 7, 8, 9, pw, gw, sw, lob. It works for me. I totally respect if other players don't like it. It works for me! 🙂

  8. Beautiful golf course and an amazing blue sky. Hybrids can make a golfers life easier. I do use a 4 hybrid for long Par 3 holes. Other than that I still my P 790 irons a lot. As we get older it might make sense to add to some hybrids to the bag. The price is one thing but golfers in general don’t mind investing in equipment that will improve the game. Your new channel content is just perfect to me. It’s nice to see new golf courses and have a bit of information on new gadgets. Please keep cracking. Your viewers love what you do. Stay safe Andy. 😊😊😊🇩🇪

  9. I'm a 10 handicap. I carry a callaway paradym 7 wood and 24⁰ 5 hybrid (based on the advice of this channel).
    I use the 7 wood from decent fairway lies into long par 4s/5s and the hybrid for long par 3s and heavy rough.
    don't let ego stop you playing your best..

  10. Ego is the enemy of good golf. I have 3-5 as hybrids and will be moving into a 6 hybrid when my shallow cavity 6 iron becomes a bit much to launch. Why make the game harder? 😀

  11. Once iron club speed drops below 75-80mph you generally lose landing angle and green stopping power so anything above 6 or 7 iron depending on loft strength stops being functional and is best replaced with hybrids and fairway woods.

  12. I play rogue st max os 4-8 hybrid and bought a 9 & pw hybrid from eleven shot 39 points off whites & a hcp of 8.9 best thing I did

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