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Arlington Supercross 2024 Review – Whiskey Throttle + MX Vice Collab

The MX Vice SMX Review Show returns with Brad Wheeler, Ed Stratmann and Jeff Beaver (Whiskey Throttle Editor), as they review a thrilling Arlington.

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All right welcome everybody to our latest MX Vice SMX review Show podcast as we talk all things Arlington from what was a fascinating weekend of action firstly thank you on for listening and supporting the site we really appreciate it we’d also like to thank our sponsors

In fly racing Fox Scott and whole shop M homes as well as even strikes for all their incredible support as without them NS would obviously be possible all right for this episode we have another whiskey throttle times MX Vice collab as I’m joined by whiskey throttle editor at

Large Jeff Beaver firstly how’s life and thank for joining us mate looked like a good one in Arlington yeah man it was a it was a great weekend a very long one I walked in the door where I’m staying five minutes ago I got up at uh I’ve already

Got a 12-h hour day in and it’s noon West Coast time in the United States so uh got I got three hours sleep after a very epic day and uh yeah it was an absolute blast so uh I think my ass left some skid marks across the gravel when I

Walked from my truck to my door but uh I’m good we’re going to bang out a podcast and I’m going to snooze for a couple hours oh mate yeah Che for joining us sounds like massive weekend for you and we’re also joined by MX Vice tester Brad wheeler so how’s life and

Thanks for joining us too mate uh yeah it’s not too bad could possibly have been a lot better um I was saying earlier that uh yeah I was supposed to be in Florida about now uh for the Triumph launch but um yeah basically I’ll give you a brief synopsis of what’s

Happened in the past week I am filled in like an online application to renew my passport cuz it runs out in July I didn’t have any pending trips until sort of May time so thought I get it done um yeah sent my old passport back weekly on

Thursday got a phone call on Friday from the guys at Triumph saying yeah doing the Triumph launch um sorry it’s a little bit last minute uh it’s in Florida next Sunday are you available um you’re not really going to say no so just said yeah and just sort of

Preempted that might not have a passport so don’t book a flight yet uh so yeah rang his rang her yeah his Majesty’s Passport office about 700 times in the week trying to get the passport back um yeah after several emails several phone calls uh on Friday they sure admit to be

Back on Saturday um yeah watch the post when walk down the road on Saturday hand me my post with no passport so yeah pretty cheesed off about the whole situation um but they said they’ll be doing a UK launch in marchish time so we’ll get on that one and yeah just yeah

Should have sent the pass should have renewed my passport earlier like my wife suggested but so partly my fault but mainly his Majesty’s pass passport offic his fault but he you’re not going to hear the end of that one you’re not going to hear the end of that one from

Your wife bro you better write that down it is a real kick in the teeth I mean not very not many not very often you get a chance to ride a a brand new machine not let alone a a new model from a manufacturer but a brand new manufacturer as well

So yeah I mean hopefully they’ll bring out a 450 and uh maybe the ducatti launch as well so maying cross Harley Harley Davidson make a bike as well or something I had that thought recently and I was hoping that Harley would do something but I just don’t see it

Dude yeah I don’t know I it could be wrong but I I I that would be rad if Harley built a bike they’d sell millions of them just from all the old fat guys with beard bellies and handlebar mustaches that wanted to be cool yeah I I don’t see any I think I

Think if you see another brand it’ll be like an older brand that’s come back like maker or Kiva you know something like that maybe yeah yeah it’s pretty good place for the sport isn’t it there’s like people W to get back into it which is awesome mate

So hopefully yeah the Triumph test you can get to the one in the UK and Europe mate cuz uh yeah that’s a bit of a disaster for you but yeah hopefully you never know is it possible it could come tomorrow the passport but we’ll we’ll keep the eyes peeled mate hopefully you

Make it there somehow so but yeah on to the racing and I’ll start with you Jeff obviously being there and then Brad can have his thoughts afterwards I guess we’ll start with Faulkner’s crash just devastating for you know such a great Rider he’s been through so much

Adversity in his career it’s been quite a long career now already and he’s had so much disaster he’s had so many wins as well so many good moments but everyone sort of was hoping for the best PR for the best when he went down then and thankfully his dad’s sort of posted

An update this morning saying that his scan and his head came back good fractured L3 and L4 in the back no surgery on that one that’s going to heal on its own also a broken scapula which will heal on its own so no surgery needed I guess in the grand game of

Things how nasty that crash was probably the best we could hope for but we hope to see him back out there as soon as possible and you know getting those wins again so how was it from you mate it would have been pretty tense moments on the floor in

Arlington yeah I mean qualifying everything was great and uh I don’t know if you guys caught it or if they showed it on the TV broadcast I’ll probably watch that and doze off here after we get done but uh V had a a similar crash in the same spot and McAdoo almost ate

It uh over the same jump same thing I think the only thing to save backa do is he’s real tall and lanky and his his natural suspension you know his legs kind of soaked it up uh forkner uh he just got slapped by his bike and

Went flying and it just sucked man I mean if you think about it he won every race he entered up to you know both Heats and his main Detroit you know he won the Heat at Detroit the main at Detroit he Ron his Heat last night I

Mean he was on he was on fire you know hammerer got uh fastest qualifier which was freaking rad we’ll talk about that later but uh you know he he still looked great all night you know and and there was just a Vibe around him I I talked to

Him at the truck he he was just super good mood you know uh we talked about one of his other gnarly events uh at wuga last year when he uh chees graded himself in his rear tire and uh you know I asked him what they did with that

Jersey and he said off boxes framing it up and like can to put it up at the thing and I was like dude that was just you’re a Savage for that one you know and he just kind of smiled and just gave him a fist bump but he his uh his his

Mental state of mind he just he looked like he was on top of the world man and uh me and Bruce were talking about this on the drive back from the airport just a few minutes ago like you know it’s not like he was riding around in six seventh

Place and then he ate and oh you know there goes four orer crashing again no it was nothing like that the dude was aame top of the world just ready to go it just suck because I think the whole industry was ready to see Austin do its thing you

Know and um we all all kind of wanted uh um see him win you know and and just do good and I I don’t know it the whole thing was frustrating I didn’t see the wreck itself uh he was was um over on the Rhythm Lane after the

Start and I was in the center by the pylons and I heard the crowd just go nuts and I looked over and I could see the Alpine Stars guys sprinting like the whole crew ran so you knew something bad happened and then two seconds later I

Turn around and I see Degan pop up in the air and his his green lights were on I was like oh crap Austin went down hope it’s not bad and then they were over there for a while so you know it wasn’t good but yeah it just kind of took the

Wind out of the night you know and he knowing that he got hurt that bad yeah your thoughts on the whole thing Brad just before we sort of transition to your thoughts just get some stats from Paul P who’s just sent these through the Arlington stat attack you can check that

Out online but yeah obviously the most consistent lap times while he was racing Faulkner only had 1.41 seconds between his fastest and slowest so it just shows how well he was going and he had the fastest lap time of the main event ahead of heus and so LED 16 laps it was all

Trending in a fine direction for him to keep up the momentum until it wasn’t wasn’t it Brad yeah he looked he looked really good just sort of like real like in a neutral position on the bike wasn’t sort of overriding it like over the front over the back he was real sort of

Yeah Central on the bike letting the bike move underneath him where it needed to and yeah just sort of hitting his marks and things are going things are going really well and then um yeah it looked like he just sort of um I mean the guys seemed like they were clipping

The the edge of that table like all night really but it just seemed like he clipped it a little bit too much and it chucked his weight forward and then his his left hand come off and then yeah obviously hit that next that next take

Off and yeah shot him off to the right and yeah real slap onto the concrete which yeah pretty brutal but um they did they did so I did see a picture and a video of him sort of walking off slight slightly aided but obviously con

And um bit with it so yeah I think I think I read some that his his dad said like his one of his contact lenses came out or something halfway through the main event or something so I mean I don’t know if that would that played a

Part in it I don’t know how bad his vision is without his contact but um yeah just yeah I mean it’s just a a mistake just one of those things that happens in Supercross is just a unforgiving sport you make a a little judgment error and it can bite you in

The ass and uh but yeah I mean hopefully it’s nothing too serious and um we s we obviously he’s probably going to miss a few rounds but hopefully we see him back before the end of the end of the Supercross season fingers crossed because um yeah I don’t think anyone can

Argue that he was he was the best guy really up until that point like Jeff said he won both his Heats in the main he nailed starts and yeah looked just looking like the forner really that we saw in 2019 minus the um just the it was

Just less erratic just looked much more in control but um yeah as it is it’s why we line up each week is anything can happen so yeah but britz got the red plate so who who would have thought that the best C50 Supercross rider in the

World was a Brett there you go yeah we’ll sort of touch on him later his great ride to come back through the field after a rough start but just put yourself in the position I guess to be there and he’s sort of with all the Carnage going around him it’s pretty

Cool to see ancy doing that continuing his excellent sort of Rec and Supercross Resurgence he’s been great so obviously we’ll start with you on the Degan sort of topic as well Jeff obviously so much Fan Fair and always something going on around Dean and he obviously got that

Win and did the ghost ride and a lot of people the fans are just so divisive on his character and the comments and the way he holds himself obviously he made that comment saying he put the pressure on forner and you know all of them come

Out and drives for and against him but pretty impressive ride he’s an absolute weapon on a dirt bike and really showed no signs of those injuries he’s got that sort of killer mindset and sort of puts on that really sort of staunch sort of persona that he just like looks ready

For action and ready for any sort of fight but yeah the fitness looked good the riding was solid he said he was ready to sort of engage in a jeel with forner he felt that he was catching him so would have been pretty cool if we got

To see that in the dying stages of the race but yeah Degan pretty impressive mate how is it from your perspective to the fans in Dallas love him or hate him or both oh the the fans absolutely loved him I mean I mean short of AP he got the

Biggest Ovation uh I mean I think right now he’s probably the biggest draw in the sport I mean especially after the the win last night I I think Daytona is going to go absolutely Bonkers when he comes out um I mean he’s he’s got the

World by the balls right now and um yeah I mean hey he says things he’s a he’s a showman uh he’s just like his dad he he’s gonna stir the pot a little bit and uh you know in the press conference last night he says hey you know I got my fans

Who support me and my haters who motivate me you know basically kind of the gist of what he said I mean he he knows what’s up he’s he’s he’s great at the Mind Games uh I didn’t happen to catch what he said on the podium um but

Uh it’s kind of hard to hear what they’re saying it’s so echoey down there on the floor right with the all the mics and everything so I didn’t quite catch what he said but uh and I was talking to his mechanic a lot of that time but uh

Yeah he you know he he he plays the game and man he looked good um he ran it up in on Austin in one of the heat races but he kept it super clean you know um I really really wish that we could have seen that battle uh come to a head

Because I think they would have both kept it clean I I think D Degan he he wants to beat people but he wants beat people clean you know and uh he’s not afraid to stuff a wheel in there but he’s not going to send you into the

Cheap seats either you know um I it it would have been epic but I guess we’ll never know uh at least this year uh with uh what his dad put out I mean that’s going to take time to heal the season’s going to be over before

He’s good to go um I mean Rhino’s probably got some crazy hippie that he can do but but I mean I just I don’t see it coming back from that that quick you know I mean Seth had those compression fractures after SMX and it

Took him a while to get back on the bike and just I think that’s one of those things you got to let heal up but I think Austin will be back I I don’t think uh he’s gonna go out like that um you know I was talking to one of the PC

Guys today at the airport and he says hey he’s come back from worth and yeah he has you know when he took that handlebar to the gut and what I think he lost his spleen or something but uh you know he had an internal injury that was

Pretty gnarly and he came back from that so couple crack ver yeah that’s bad and but it’s all it’s all bone fractures at the end of the day and don’t require surgery he’ll heal up good he’s just going to be in a lot of pain for a

Couple weeks and but we haven’t seen the last of them and hopefully he can get healed up and get dialed and come back for outdoors because his his racing was just awesome to watch I mean he was fast is you know the fast AF you know he was

He was on it and uh wish him nothing but the best and hope he gets back uh sooner than later and uh um I think his mental game’s pretty tough I don’t think it’s gonna really destroy him I think he’ll he’ll use it as a tool to even be harder

Than he was this time when he came back I just hope the Stars line for him and we can get a full season out of him to where he has a base to build off of you you know cuz they all talk about you know the injuries just you need that

Base to build off of and come back and and and get your confidence up and and um and just start laying some wood down and get comfortable and and seat time and and you know do it kind of I I wonder because I’ve never ridden at that

Level like when you have so much time off the bike is there things you know you can do and then you just go to do them but your timing’s off a little bit does some of that have to play into it I don’t don’t know and and maybe Brad can

Speak to that because he rides at a much higher level than I ever have but you know is is that kind of a contributing factor when you’ve been off so long and you’ve been at a level before do you start getting comfortable and and going

After uh moves on the track and then it bites you I I don’t know I don’t I don’t think he made a mistake I think it was just a uh you were playing with fractions of inches and it just caught them you know I mean it it caught V it

Caught uh McAdoo and almost got McAdoo so I don’t think it was just necessarily a uh Austin made a mistake I just think uh it it was just one of those things where the fractions of inches got him yeah um yeah I think it I mean these

Guys are so in tune with their with their bikes and the way they ride like things just they’re just like second naturee you just like breathe into them um but yeah I think with you have a lot of time off it’s it’s not that they

Can’t do it anymore just um the I guess this the speed that your brain tells you to do it down to like you actually doing it is slightly delayed to what it would be if you’re constantly riding that level um but yeah I don’t think his

Crash can be attributed to to that I think it was yeah just purely just a like you said just a fraction out and Yeah bit him in the ass but um I mean yeah Hayden um I hold my hands up not I’m not a massive not a massive danger boy fan I

I’ve got no issues with him really just not a big fan but you you got to respect the hell out of the kid um the way he rides he he rides with a lot of heart he he’s aggressive he’s you can tell he’s put the put the work in he’s not FL like

Flagging at the end of the races and yeah I mean he’ll he’ll race you hard he’ll race you he’ll race you fair for the most part I mean um he had a little run in uh with was it forner in the heat race and but I don’t have an issue with

It I mean you’re out there to you’re out there to win whether it’s a heat race or not and I think um yeah I’d have done the same thing if you can get in there and rub elbows with someone and throw them off the game then it get in

There do it and I um but I I don’t have an issue with the way he rises the podium interviews that they get me I just I mean um I I’ll give you a brief um Lowdown of what he said Jeff you said didn’t hear

It but um pretty sure at one point he he sort of said his little piece about how the race went and then it was just like like a welcome to the danger zone baby and uh I mean I don’t know I don’t know if the crowd heard it or got into it but

What there was no crowd noise picked up on the mic it was just dead and uh then he really doubled down with the horns and the the tongue through through the horns like I just wanted to die at that point I was just like just like hom Simpson backing into

The bushes it was uh yeah it was um a bit sickening to listen to but um I mean like he’s like you said he’s he’s a showman just like his old man so I mean some people love it I I i’ I’d rather not have to listen to it but um I mean

Yeah you got to respect the kid the the effort has been put in you can tell by the way he rides it’s um it’s energetic and uh yeah he lays it all out there so yeah and like congrats to him for getting his first Supercross win um and

Yeah the ghost ride I think I think it’s awesome I mean if if you’re if you’re good enough to be part of a family where you’ve got like your old man’s won a won a Supercross race and like he’s done something this sort of stood the test of

Time and uh you get that opportunity to do something similar you you run with it because it’s just one of those things um I think he did the right thing by not doing it over the Finish double um probably would have been a bit sketchy

So I think um yeah it was a smart move on his part to finish the race and then just sort of do it over that little step on step off but um yeah just uh trying to like if for example like uh um hack

Can Caris sto for the the beer in the mo if uh if he had a had a son that had a massive lead at GP you bet your ass he’s going to stop for a beer it’s uh it’s just one of those things like the ghost

The ghost ride is is um it’s like renowned with the Degan name so um yeah he got his win done the ghost ride and I think uh his fans will lap it up but um we can we can move on but yeah congrats to him and uh yeah it was obviously a

Good rebound after his first round where he had a bit of a bit of a so yeah yeah it’s always exciting racing and pretty unpredictable the 250s and it was good to see madoo getting on the Box in this one obviously great rid the last rounds efforts where Jeff was sort of

Documented it and had a pretty balls out photo of him there mate but it was good to see him boun back and he’s right up there in terms of the title contenders for sure he’s a great Rider really fast and you know he’s one that likes to lay

It all on the line as well and VR really impressive effort there you feel like that was a really great ride should give him a lot of confidence and he’s sort of coming along quite nicely in Supercross and after that huge crash he recovered pretty well to get that Podium even

Though you know he probably wouldn’t have got it without Faulkner’s incident but yeah that’s his first podium in Supercross and I guess wi will be on the cards for him next class is pretty open so you start with your thoughts on madoo and V mate because they were pretty

Impressive weren’t they yeah um hey when I was at the press conference Cameron come walking in and that was the first time I’d seen him like walking around uh you know just just all over the place yesterday and he’s he’s uh he the berries aren’t uh they’re not ripe yet

They’re still pretty green uh he’s uh he’s he’s pretty sore and and freaking Jace mcalpin oh God that guy’s comedy yeah him and I were pretty much the only guys in the press conference and then everybody else was virtual and he just he he he had you know how jaay has his

Way of saying it’s just it’s smooth funny as and you know and I followed up a question but he brought up the he’s like oh I’m not going to talk about the berries and then he totally went into the berries and talking about how I could get him a plug with

Manscaped and you know how how nice his plums were and I’m like dude really come on man I’m trying to like keep it between the lines here on on the Feld uh press conference you’re talking about his plums I even made a comment on like

Man how do I follow that one dude you know and uh uh but yeah he he you could tell he he’s still uh he he he tore some things he tore some skin down there he had a bleeder so it’s still bugging him a little bit then I I guess he banged up

His knee pretty good so the fact that his balls uh uh went through a meat grinder and then he smacked his knee real good and then still came back and got on a Podium I mean the the the kid’s a warrior you know he uh anybody rides

Around naked uh in front of the whole world and on TV uh and then with a knee that’s mangled and his nut sack torn apart and then can come back a couple a couple weeks later and and uh Podium yeah the dude’s Savage uh I mean he he

Had like the world’s worst highlight reel hook on your bike flip a couple years ago I think that was in Atlanta and he came back and raced to Maine yeah which was pretty sketchy but the dude does not know how to quit I mean I think

He’s right up there with Degan or any of those guys when it comes to being being a Savage he’s just a quiet Savage you know what I mean but the dude’s got no quit in him so that was rad and yeah v um you know I I’m I I make no uh qualms

That I’m a big Seth fan and uh you know I was like come on go go go was and when V pass him I damn it you know I wanted to get him on the box and uh uh talk to him in the press conference but we we’ll

Get there you know but I was stoked for real because hey man that’s pretty rad what they said it was was his 12th 12th attempt at uh racing and he’s already on the box so that was pretty cool um I was gonna ask him a question in the press

Conference and then I just I don’t know my brain was pretty shut off I I asked something of Dean and then Dan kind of wrapped up the press conference and I probably could have said hey hold on I got something for V but my brain was uh

Pretty much a pile of Mo but I wanted to ask him you know hey you know now that you’ve made the podium what was your plan coming in did you guys have an exp did you set a goal of being on the podium by X round or was this just a

Learning year you know kind of continuation you know what what were your thoughts uh I I wish I would have asked him that question but uh Gart asked him a couple questions from veroo asked him a question but Tom was pretty sore and I I don’t think he was

Too upset not to do a lot of talking I think he wanted to get the hell out of there and go to bed uh he he he looked like a whoop puppy so but yeah uh I think uh he he showed some speed in his riding last night I think he stepped up

His game pretty good and and Marva marva’s on our whiskey throttle show uh recently and uh he was talking about working with Val all and like last year he was just going to the races with him well this year he’s like working with him working with him so I think there’s

Going to be some definite improvements there and uh you know Marv was a real crafty eracer and super super fast I think you’re going to see a lot of that uh transfer into V and and morph’s riding style and um you’re going to see some technique in him in the coming

Weeks that we didn’t see last year or you know may not have expected but I think he’s gonna he’s going to hurt some feelings here coming up pretty quick you know the the dude’s a world champion for a reason and uh I’m stoked to just see it because you know with forkner out

We’re going to need somebody who can get up there besides McAdoo and hammerer that and uh and your your boy over there Max that can hurt some feelings you know we want to be like the 450 class where nobody knows who’s going to win you know so I I think it’s absolutely

Fantastic what he did yeah it’s good for um good for Tom get his first Podium he was so close um like his first round last year um just sort of tips over in that turn in in Houston but um yeah good for him to get his first Podium he moved up pass Seth

Um yeah Seth made a bit of charge towards the end closed the Gap right in but um yeah just a little bit too late um yeah I mean obviously it wouldn’t have happened had for not crashed but um yeah if in buts candies in nuts um yeah

And obviously Max didn’t really get the start he wanted sort of got into a bit of a back and forth pierce the the gist I got from just watching the timing screen didn’t actually show any of it but they seem to be going backwards and forwards a lot on

The on the timing screen so I think that might have slowed him up a little bit I think maybe he could have got um could have got to fifth um but still he’s got the points lead and yeah listening to his interview after the race he seemed seemed pretty

Happy with his riding seems happy on the bike and I think uh a comfortable Max Hy is a a Max Hy that can do some damage especially with one of the top guys going out now it’s one less guy that he’s he’s got to contend with and I mean

Degan is not Dean’s still like not even second in the points he’s still he’s still Fifth and still seven points down so not obviously not a massive Gap but it’s uh something to play with I think Max will be good at owner um I think that I think that track

Sort of Suits him a little bit with being a little bit softer and Sandy and not not so wide open I think that will play into his favor um so yeah I think rim for I think R for a good year I think obviously that first turn crash at

R one is really sort of spiced the spiced the championship up with because I think I think Degan and and madoo are are quicker than Max so it’s it’s good um that they’ve got to try and make up points and he’s just got to sort of uh

Try and maintain but obviously it’s uh there still there’s still some racing left to go so you can’t just uh um maintain too much he’s still going to have to go out and beat him heads up at some point so yeah I think we’re in for

A a good good remaining East 250 East Series yeah well said mate any final thoughts before we jump into the 450 class Jeff or Brad obviously hammerer getting fourth was excellent Pierce Brown fifth really talented Rider he was on your sight laap podcast last week on Whiskey throttle wasn’t he and he really

Had some cool things to say everything’s coming together and sun should be sort of battling for podiums and wins his feelings so super talented Rider so once he pieces it all together gets a really nice start he should be up there shouldn’t he mate yeah I mean Pierce is

Great and Pierce you know he doesn’t have quite the uh rough road that like forer’s had but he’s had a rough road too you you know with injuries and stuff like that and we’ve never even really really got to see his stuff and so uh getting a

Fifth last night and he he’s stepping up his game and I think he’s at the point in his career and his writing that he he now has a taste of what he needs to do and and um you know the heat race win uh recently and I I think he he’s got all

The components to to squeak out of a race win and be up there and be of the guys I just think he’s just got to do a little more polishing and he’ll be right there um get his starts and run up front and I think uh he’ll be one of the main

Contenders I mean he’s a great guy great personality uh Ripper on a bike he’s just he’s almost there and I I think he’ll get there I think we’ll see it before the season’s over you know and uh Seth uh I don’t know what happened in

The main I don’t know if just Tom was just faster or if Seth uh um got tired I I don’t know I haven’t looked at the lap times or anything like that to kind of figure out if he does anybody know if his lap times fell off did he stay

Consistent or did Tom just run him down you know Tom Tom was on a heater you know pissed off little French guy uh probably hard to beat you know um you know I I don’t know what happened there but I I really want to see Seth’s stuff

Uh him getting P1 was freaking rad um I think he was eight and eighth in the first qualifying then he won and then uh did real good in the in the in the heat race uh got a third I think in the heat race and then was running third for a

While in the main you know and I was like come on buddy you can do it you can do it but I think he’ll get there I want to see him get his uh next win um I think it’ll be good for his uh confidence and uh you know he he’s come

Back from a real long road too it’s you know at PC man I don’t know what the ju guu is over there but it’s just like man they’ve just got the worst luck the last couple years so I’m praying knock on wood that uh that’s over now and the

Rest of the boys uh East and West can finish it out and um and show their best stuff and just really I want everybody to just walk away healthy and you know we we had a decimated 450 field last year and I don’t want to see the 250

Field end up like that this year you know I’m just kind of hope that’s the end of it and we can we can have some badass racing through October that’s what I hope yeah before we go to the 450s did did anyone see the heat two of the 250s

It was absolute Mayhem for the last transfer spot between uh Hardy Munoz Brock papy and um Linville yeah hell those three were just going at it like Hardy caught him up made the pass and then lynville just like tees him off sends him over into the whoops and he like doubles back

From the wops onto the track it was Mayhem it was the best bit of racing I’ve seen in ages and like I mean Hardy’s like full send all the time and like props to him he that section where um forkner at he did the same thing

But just like in pure Hardy fashion just fully rode it out as just it was unbelievable it was anyone who’s not anyone who skips the heat races just watch the main events is and map it because that was the best bit of racing I’ve seen in a while that is worth going

Back and watching I’m tempted to like watch it in a minute again just for entertainment and also I forgot to say on degan’s Podium interview he was talking about um for’s crash and just yeah just like talking about like the pressure getting to him and it was just

Like H mate like B just L Spar out on the floor like give him give him some credit it was like listening to Ivan Drago talk about Apollo Creed just like I saw that he dies he dies yeah exactly it’s like Jesus dude it’s like just say yeah he was riding he

Was riding really well but it’s it’s tough out there and then just leave it that he just kept kept sort of beating him but yeah I mean you got to love the 250 class absolutely there’s a little bit in experience yeah absolutely and quick shout out to shock as well tied for

Third in the points after his eighth place really cool to see him holding his own at the moment and that Club MX switch has just been ideal for him and obviously on the Cooper web start with you Jeff obviously you asked him some great questions in that press conference

Mate you were holding your own there yourself and yeah he was sort of struggling all night wasn’t he but he I guess put himself in position to get that win he loves Texas and believe that say first race win in almost a year as well so pretty impressive he turned his

Fortunes around on the night and I guess back East definitely ominous signs for the rest of the field and he’s a mindset guy and obviously he said he wasn’t feeling so great and the team sort of instilled him that he’s a really bad dude on the dirt bike and he can do

Whatever sort he need that little bit of a perk up and it definitely worked and must be pretty fascinating under that St Yamaha truck with you got Degan toac web there’s so many Heavy Hitters with really strong mindset so how was it from you mate how good was web and obviously

Toat you can talk on as well yeah web web um web was was on it yesterday and you know I still think Jet’s a click above everybody else Jet’s just Jet’s beating himself you know he’s you know he’s uh got a little bit of James

Stewart in him you know he he’s kind of doing some cow type typ type stuff he’s just Crasher win right and he needs to probably stay off those tough blocks give him a little little more leeway because he he just keeps uh see I think

That’s what I saw kind of clip one again and uh he just flirts with disaster a little too much and uh you know I think he’ll reel that in but you know web if you make a mistake Webb’s going to be there to mop it up and uh yeah I think

It was rad to see him just get a straight up win um you know he got the overall at the triple crown and and so that’s number two on the year but it kind of you know that’s why I asked him in the press conference it kind of

Reminds me of the 21 season where it was okay but it wasn’t great and then all of a sudden he just you know he’s like a diesel engine you know Diesel doesn’t run so great when it’s cold in the morning but once you get that some

Running and going get out you know it’s just going to keep pulling you know and I think he’s just getting ahead of steam so uh this feels a lot like the 21 season for me with Coupe uh I just I think he’s gonna depending on how

Daytona goes for him if he ends up on the box and Daytona I think everybody ought to really uh be a little worried um if if Tomac and and Jetson just make him look silly and AP goes out there and and has a great race and he doesn’t make the box at Bay

Uh dous the Flames a little bit but if if he ends up on the box at Daytona I think it’s a bad sign for everybody else because uh don’t let that guy get comfortable because he’ll kick your ass you know he’s a he’s an gnarly little

Dude he’s uh what does Degan say he’s got the dog in him so um he’ll get after it and then uh Tomac uh that was nice to see Tomac come back you know he said he fought arm pump pretty bad at Detroit uh said it was pulling the bike

Down and and um you know just kind of kicking the out of him and uh boy that that heat race with him and AP God that man you should have seen that live in person those guys were going so fast it it was just silly be being five feet

From them as they came over that uh the finish line and then hit that little table on Deal uh across the start streak dude they were going so fast it was just it was silly I just jaw on the floor I think I was forgetting to take pictures

You know half the time because I was just watching I was like oh my god dude these guys are like warp speed right now you know they were moving so that was great to see him and then you know uh in the press conference uh Jace asked him

About oh he’s just so damn loud on that bike and and Jason was right man you could hear tomat coming through the crowd he was just getting it and getting it and I think if he had a couple more laps he that would could you imagine him

And his own teammate just going at it neither one of them was going to give each other an inch you know they’re uh I think they’d race each other pretty clean whether they were on the same team or not but that would that would have been an alltime battle for a couple laps

I think if if it would have just happened a little earlier but in the press conference he was like hey man you know somebody asked it was beast mode he goes well I didn’t go backwards this time and I was coming through the pack

So yeah I’d say so you know so I think maybe we got a little taste of the beast mode coming back and uh you know uh he said that those comments uh about being the old guy you know they they didn’t sit well and I that sometimes the old

Guy’s gotta kind of come back and remind the young guy that he’s the young guy well we all know who that jab was at so it was kind of all right here it comes it’s building you know so I think next week in Daytona is going to be freaking

Epic because we all know Jets uh pretty formidable outdoors and that’s the house that Tomac built so and web’s in there and can’t forget about AP ap’s riding like a mad man I I think we’re GNA have a a wild night in Daytona I think the those guys show some good stuff this

Weekend and I think it’s all going to come to a head next weekend yeah I think um T that’s the I think that’s the first time I think we’ve really seen uh true beast mode from toac since like 2017 I think just um yeah the dude was just absolutely ripping like

That section through the sand he was just everyone was sort of like slowing up to get on that inside Burman he was just railing the outside carrying so much speed out the sand um yeah just like two to three second a lap quicker constantly than everyone else like yeah

I think another lap or two he was going to be um right on web’s ass like this was it was it was going to be on um so yeah I think to come from wherever he was like 11th or something up to up to second is pretty phenomenal and um yeah

Like you said on the podium he was he sounded feisty like this thing he’s he’s back in this thing he fully believes that so yeah I mean head of Daytona I mean the dude’s just unbelievable at Daytona anyway um so yeah I mean I was ready to kind of write

Him off this year I think it I think uh I was ready call him done but after watching that and then heading to daytonia and hearing him on the on the podium um yeah this thing’s this thing’s fully on Jet’s going to need to really iron out these wrinkles that he’s um

He’s thrown away a lot of not a lot of points but he’s thrown away a fair amount of points now which could like really play Vital at the end of this year I mean he’s lost lost seven points like right there last night just a stupid little mistake on his own um I

Mean the the freeze thing on the last lap um I don’t really put that up to it just a racing incident he he saw Gap he was going for it and just one of those things he clipp Vince’s back wheel don’t think that was Vince’s fault wasn’t

Really Jet’s fault it was just a racing thing and uh yeah web as well obviously the first obviously won the the triple crme but didn’t actually win win one of the races so this last his first win and yeah another guy you don’t really want to be giving confidence to um I think

Even though he uh even though he only won well not only won cuz jet crashed but even though he only got past jet cuz he crashed he was still right there like it wasn’t jet was down for what six seconds really six seven seconds at most so he was still right

There and sometimes when you’re not feeling 100% you put yourself in position where you can capitalize if if something like that does happen so yeah I think uh this thing has just um just got just got a lot SP ier for the next uh 10 Rounds or however many rounds

We’ve got left and um I think it’s a shame about Rox and mookie coming together I think it’s uh those three I think are going to start to break away in the points um like to M webin and Jet um even though pleaser is is third and seon’s fourth I think seon’s really

Not on the pace it doesn’t look nowhere near as good as what he did on that Honda he just looks he kind of looks like duny did when he first moved to the KTM um in 2012 like doesn’t look bad but doesn’t have that pace um that the front

Boys have got um I think I think to’s feeling comfortable again so I think we’re going to see it between Lawrence web and toak down the stretch yeah it’s going to be fascinating mate well said and obviously interesting stats from Paul py obviously jet lawren

LED 23 of the laps in that main event and web obviously capitalized he only LED four and jets actually LED 41% of all main event laps this year on 71 which is 44 more than anyone else so it just shows what you were saying Jeff he’s sort of beating himself isn’t he

Mate and obviously under the fastest lap times luren ston Cooper best average lap time web toac pleaser and obviously most consistent lap times pleaser web and Justin Cooper who’s just sort of simmering under the surface of those Heavy Hitters doing some really great rides and obviously we got to touch on

AP in Texas like you said so well in the press conference Jeff the cowboy landed on the podium in Texas which was certainly fitting so another consistent night for him on the podium again you know he’s actually what I opposed to seon who’s probably still suffering the

Effects of that little injury there but yeah pleaser loving the bike loving the team just Lov him sort of being comfortable and up there every race he’s sort of a contender every time isn’t he mate so it’s really cool to see pleaser and I bet the fans loved him there too

Yeah when he got when he came in for opening ceremonies it was Unreal dude uh the crowd just went bananas you know like I said like the Beatles walk in the building and uh he he uh he’s he’s just riding a wave right now that I don’t

Think anybody else is riding I don’t even think degan’s riding that wave and I think I think the fans um getting behind him like they are I think a guy like that I think it pumps him up and you know I kind of touched on that in the

Press conference because I just I like to see people’s reactions you can tell really how how much it of the truth is in there and and I got what I wanted I think that man he he wakes up in the morning and he eats breathes and sleeps

The cowboy and he loves that the people love him and it it inspires him and gives him his confidence to go out there and do what he’s doing and uh and I think then then that I think reflects in his writing you know so um he he uh he’s

Just killing it you know so I I couldn’t have been happier for him and yeah I mean Cowboys got to get on the podium in Texas I think there’s laws against that you know might have been hanging or something I don’t know it is Texas yeah

I think um yeah AP in the heat race that that battle had going with um with Tobak or some else I mean you could see the track was just absolutely Prime they were laying down some heaters like the speed they were carrying in some places was Unreal that that step on step off

After the Finish just like it was just a great they like just on and off in in a blink of an eye um and yeah I think uh what did what did AP end up he ended up third in the main yeah so again another example of when things aren’t maybe

Possibly going your way in the main event you put yourself in the in the right positions and um if it’s your your year you things things tend to fall your way and yeah AP again ends up on the box and finds himself just seven points off the off the points lead again so

Um I mean he’s he’s riding in the heat race I I said to I said to my wife I said I think I think he’s probably like the second best guy um after jet in the heat race obviously after watching the main event is feel a little bit

Different now but um he’s still still seems to be one of the like the quickest the quickest out there I mean mookie showed incredible speed in the heat race that um that three-way battle between Anderson Jet and and mie was was a great bit of racing and uh yeah I mean the the

TW for pass that jet put on the pair of them was pretty pretty spectacular I mean mie mie ended up getting B by them but or B by jet but just uh yeah yeah it was pretty there to be fair overall the whole the whole night there was some

There was some good racing not just in the main event but in the heat races as well like some good clean racing I think the track really really lent itself to um like clean passes you know not just like have to run in and T-Bone the

Person into the cheap seats so I hope we get some more tracks like that really cuz um I think the the racing was really good all night and I like Hunter Lawrence again a pretty pretty quiet Main Event really um was up like sort of sat there third at the start and yeah

Put in some solid laps to begin with and ended up Fifth which I’m pretty sure is his best result of the year uh so I think yeah and I think a Podium is on the cards for Hunter give some things fall his way uh I think he’s um I think he’s

Capable of getting on that box now which um probably wouldn’t have said after the first three rounds I think he’s sort of uh started to find that that um confidence that he had that we saw at Paris so hopefully he can build from this Fifth and yeah going into Daytona a

Previous 250 winner there so I think um yeah maybe even Dayton puts it puts it up on the box yeah the championship stacking up so well obviously there’s just eight points between the top four and there’s less than 20 points between the top seven so there 450 classes just given the fans

And given all our sort of media types really great action to talk about and to watch and it’s just yeah like you said mate the racing from the Heats to the lcq to the mains has just been absolutely awesome and yeah you feel with Hunter he was just sort of stuck

With ap most of the race they was sort of having their battle for a large chunk and then he obviously made a few mistakes and but yeah they sort of longer races and he’s adapting to everything new with the bike and the series so yeah that was pretty cool and

Just your thoughts on sexon too Jeff obviously he must be still struggling a bit cuz that was sort of you know sixth is solid enough he’s still in the fight but just didn’t look like the usual Chase even though he started the day fasting qualifying and then fourth in

The heat so any thoughts on him and how good was it to see Muki have some flashes of that electric speed as well even though the main event didn’t go to plan he’s definitely sort of looked like he had his mojo back there didn’t he

Yeah yeah he’s got flashes of it I don’t know if it’s a if it’s a bike thing or just uh you know hitting the ground a couple times if there’s something uh maybe tweaked or bothering him that nobody knows about and he’s just playing

It close to the chest uh I don’t I don’t know but you know it was great to see and the guy’s uh fan line is a mile long you know signing autographs and all that stuff so all is well there you know he seems just happy and same old mookie so

Uh I think it’s just another thing coming back from injuries and getting the rust off I just think the the level has gotten so damn high that uh boy you can be one of the best in the world and and just struggle horribly if you’re just not ra on the razor’s Edge

You know it’s just kind of speaks to how gnarly the sport is you know it’s uh it it’s it’s just crazy and boggles my mind you know that a guy like mooki is getting ninth you know and he’s just on you know so fast and a badass and

Seon yeah I think he’s probably just uh uh dealing with that arm thing you know it’s probably better than it was but yeah he didn’t look uh like he was on fire and um Championship uh racing uh contention you know he was he was kind of just executing right and salvaging points is

What it looked like he just was not on fire out there and hey you know but hey you know you win your championships on your bad days too and he’s still in it so good on him yeah Brad any thoughts on seon and mooki and obviously Christian

Craig withdrew from the event with that injury just sort of aggravating it struggling so yeah a bit of a mixed fortunes for the huskys teams this year that’s for sure obviously R.J is holding the for in his division but yeah it’s been tough for those 450 guys hasn’t it

Yeah obviously a real blow for Craig going out with the with the elbow injury um mookie showed some good flashes obviously that heat race um but again again in the main event things just don’t seem to to go his way I mean you don’t get the start you put yourself in

Situations where bad things can happen so it’s I mean it’s if he get if he can get out the gate then he’s obviously got the speed to run there but you you get these bad starts and yeah you put yourself in positions for bad things to

Happen so I mean you start behind freezy it’s like me you’re up against it to begin with so I mean not anything not that it free had anything to do with mie but it’s just another thing you got to try and contend with um so yeah just

Yeah obviously I mean he knows he needs to get better starts nothing he probably hasn’t been told or nothing he hasn’t thought about himself but that’s um I think that’s purely where the the the main cruxs of his problems are coming from the fact that he’s starting in that

Mayhem that is sort of like that seventh 15th pack um he needs to get like a top five start and break away with the front boys um and yeah seon like I said earlier I think he’s kind kind of reminds me of dunie when he first moved

To KTM in 2012 just um doesn’t look bad doesn’t look spectacular just sort of yeah log in the laps if it comes to him it comes to him but he’s not really forcing the issue you’re not seeing any blistering lap times or uh anything to write home about he just sort of yeah

Out there um like a data test track just putting in laps lap after lap after lap and I mean sometimes that’s enough to win the championship but I think this year you you need to have the speed that speed as well and I think um that speed that he had on the

Honda last year just isn’t there at the moment for whatever reason but um yeah just I mean yeah like I said he doesn’t it’s not like he’s awful by any means I mean he’s got a he’s he’s had the red plate and he’s he’s up there it’s just

Nothing um I don’t look at him and think yeah he’s uh he’s he’s going to be in this right the way to the end I I feel like he’s just purely in it because everyone else has been so up and down over these first few rounds but I think

In a minute you’re going to see that level off and you’re going to see um like jet toat web sort of consistently be in that top five and they’re going to start breaking away in the points and um yeah that’s when you’re really going to see seon just sort of

Um fall off the back and yeah just the year or just sort of get away from him I think I mean I don’t I could be totally wrong I don’t know what he’s going through I know he’s suffering from a bit of an injury as well so that could have

Something something to do with it but yeah just obviously from watching from the from the comfort of my living room um where it’s very easy to criticize um he just doesn’t like he’s got that intensity that he had on the Honda for whatever reason yeah it’s certainly going to be

Interesting to see how his season plays out and yeah maybe you would have expected a bit more after that sort of week break to sort of get himself fit and primed but yeah Daytona is going to be a great one like you’ve all said and

As we close this one off Lads any final thoughts obviously military appreciation round Jeff the bikes were looking pretty cool there’s some great stuff there to see the fans must have had a really nice show there from the teams that got involved in it and just whiskey throttle

Mate you Lads are crushing the content obviously the PS Brown podcast the M podcast all excellent stuff so how’s the week looking ahead VI and the lads and just give us a little rundown any final thoughts well uh some of us were actually able to make it to the Triumph

Thing this week so that a little dig at Brad but no we’re gonna I just wanted to rub it in a little bit is this your is this your knife is this your knife in my back yeah oh yes no that’s not a knife that’s a dagger a oh what an

Sorry I couldn’t resist that was funny um yeah so ping and those guys are down there covering it we’ve got a special guest Rider because uh Dave isn’t able to ride right now um because of his hand or whatever is got going on there so uh

Guys stay tuned it’s going to be pretty epic uh when we drop that um and uh then we got the arena cross stuff coming up on the East Coast for Daytona and then of course Daytona Supercross and that’s when our boy Jacob’s going to hop in

There and start doing some of the east coast feed stuff and uh uh so it’ be a little bit of shift in uh who’s out there in the field uh but logistically you know America’s a big place and uh boy if we got somebody in the east coast

That’s pretty awesome and Jacobs dropped some rad edits uh he did uh the Yamaha off-road launch up in uh the Carolinas last week and his stuff came out cool go check it out on our YouTube and uh I’m going back to work and uh I don’t think

I’m going to be able to weasle my way out of any uh more work to go to a race uh it’s just not in the cards until Seattle but yeah you know sometimes I guess I got to go be an adult and uh go

Do my job so I can go do more racing is the way I look at it and uh yeah kind of where we’re at right now and Bruce did a a uh a GP today uh the Dunlop kind of sponsored a team Race so we’ll have that

Coming out and that’s for that new um uh what is that the allterrain 82 I think is what they call it the the new off-road TIR so we’ll have a little review coming on that and I’m going to post that up to Whiskey throttle uh Instagram here in a few minutes and then

Uh yeah just just kind of keep trucking man and uh we uh we’ve got a a industry dual sport ride segment we’re doing with our uh Australian brand bikes the uh we got a KTM 350 exf and a husky 501 uh the fc501 which are just rad bikes so much

Fun if you guys haven’t uh done any dual sport riding go out and check those out um you know so we’re going to have that that episode uh of a for the ride that’s going to be a series premiere we’re dropping here pretty quick so uh we’re

Just uh Trucking along and uh doing our thing and uh trying to bring some rad content out there and uh we’ll tag you boys up uh when we get that uh try and fried in there and some First Impressions uh we just uh did some First Impressions on the beta we were the

First ones to ride the beta 450 and uh we made a quick little edit on that and we’re going to get some more time on that thing here in the next couple weeks so a lot of cool stuff coming out on the new bikes uh it’s it’s exciting times

And uh hopefully uh we have passports and we can get over and go to go to the Ducati launch and meet Brad over there and uh and uh go have some fun uh that’d be pretty rading man I hope I’m free when that comes out because uh I have

Passport will travel that would be epic to go see the Ducati stand yeah I’m uh I’m going to be applying for several passports and several CI have a backup copy yeah in the coming week J yeah yeah so I will be whatever test is next I’ll be there whether it’s a

Ducatti or uh a Triumph 50 I’ll uh I’ll be there yeah lad been a great podcast again thanks again for taking the time and yeah obviously like to thank our sponsors in Fly R Fox Scott and H shot M homes as well as even strikes for all their incredible support as without them

That would be possible all right thanks again Lads and all the best for the rest of the week it should be a good one yeah thanks man thanks for having me on man and uh yeah let’s catch up after the next round of Daytona man that’ll be

Some great stuff to talk about I I think that race is going to be all time absolutely well said have a good one cheers dud


  1. Deegan moved up 11 spots ! Had a feeling the championship wasn’t over yet! Sad to see Faulkner go out like that but figured it was coming,just not that soon!

  2. I'm a huge Deegan fan but I get the feeling he's trying to take on the bad boy role. The villain but forcing it. I hope he just lets everything happen naturally. Hope Folkner is good

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