Golf Babe

Girls State Golf Recap 2023 | Feature Story | Izzy Rothen

For this Story I was the filmer, editor, and interviewer. I talked with Makenzie Kelso and Claire Sullivan on their back to back state golf 6A championships.

Two weeks ago the lady Ravens golf team headed out to Emporia to compete in a 6A state tournament looking to grab their second State title now let’s see how they prepared mentally and physically for the big competition um after Winning State last year we really had the goal

Of coming back and winning again um so I think we were super motivated to compete well throughout like the preseason and then into our league tournaments um I think just being motivated to compete and just experiencing all the last moments that we had together as a team our practices there’s two kind of

Practices that we normally do it’s like playing and then like uh working on like our individual like short game um range and pting so um I think like being able to decide what when to do what is the biggest thing um playing when we need to

Learn how to score and we need to get in that competitive mindset after preparing for the competition the girls went and ready to compete and led by five five Strokes after the first day by remaining focused and having some fun along the way tried not to think about like the

Scores uh we went into day two as it was like it was a single day tournament if we win day two we didn’t have to worry about the first day so I think just taking two days of separate tournaments and winning day two um it was definitely

A little tricky like we were a little nervous going into the second day cuz we knew that like Manhattan and shy Mission East could compete well the next day but I think we knew knew that we had it in us to play well and that if we kind of

Stayed focused throughout the round and just persevered through each hole that we would come out on top with the girls Focus staying strong throughout the second day of competition they ended up coming away with the amazing feat of back-to-back state titles I was very excited um I there was a lot of emotions

Like I was sad that it was over but I was excited that we had repeated I honestly like couldn’t believe it cuz I that was our goal we worked so hard for since like the very first day of practice and to do it back to back was just like the most realreal

Feeling a huge congrats to the girls golf team with their back-to-back state titles and all they’ve accomplished over the last two seasons continue to make Raven Nation proud girls this has been Izzy roin from The Raven Network

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