Can Charlie Woods help save the PGA Tour or is LIV the only option left? Let me know who you think will be the future of golf down in the comments!

Jee oh my goodness time get fil


  1. Once he gets that swing tempo down pat, hes gonna be dangerous. Hes swinging for the fences.

  2. Just because hes tiger son hes not tiger he wont be like tiger unless he have the key..

    The key. Tiger lost it too when people starts to accept black man in golf…

    The key is to fight the world to accept him as a man of black play golf and be the best..

    He fought uphill battle which he thinks the world did not accept him and that is when the key will come.

    The key is lost. Lets see if tigers son will get the key.

  3. It'll be on Liv tour, cause the PGA is sinking faster than the Titanic. What happens when you have a joke of a commissioner

  4. He’s not his dad, but don’t say he isn’t amazing at golf. How many 15-year-olds do you know that our a +3 handicap??? 🤔

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