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Clay Ballard

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Now there’s one thing that almost every single player does dead wrong when they’re hitting the three-wood off the tee they tea it up way too high almost like you would a driver and on a driver you hit up on it a little bit now with a three-wood part of the consistency is

Coming from hitting down on it I’m going to te up pretty low and I like to take even just a hair of a divot or at least just brush the grass even when I’m hitting it off the tea like this so I’ve got it teed up pretty low here one thing

That that helps with is when I’m making contact on the face I want the contact to be higher on the face to get that ball to launch high with low spin so it goes a long way if I hit it a little thin 3-wood really just doesn’t go very

Far so if you want it to be consistent with your 3-wood and you want it to get pretty good distance nobody wants to give up 6070 yards off the te byting a 3-wood you want it to go pretty far you’ve got to hit it on the top half of

The face so te it fairly low


  1. Just remember, the only weeds you want in your life are the ones helping you hit those long straight shots off the tee! 🌿⛳😄

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