This is helping so many golfers right now!!! You need to listen up to this new move that will 100% keep you so much more connected through the backswing, this is something that I have struggled with in the past and know that a lot of my golf clients have too. In this short and simple golf lesson here on YouTube Top 50 coach Alex Elliott PGA teaches you the secret to connection in the backswing. By keeping the body, arms and hands in line with each other, you can create a more consistent golf swing, sounds simple right? But how you do you actually achieve this consistently, we need a drill that is going to work ALL THE TIME because once connected, any golfer can simply rotate and the club face will strike the back of the ball time after time, meaning we add distance, we drop shots, we strike the golf ball longer, straighter, reduce our handicap…. the benefits are endless.

This drill has helped so many golfers of all different abilities, I have had so many different questions on the channel about backswing connection, wrists in the golf swing, backswing tips, improving connection in the backswing, backswing tips with driver, backswing tips with irons, secret connection , connection tips, backswing connection, the secret to connection in the backswing, arm connection in golf swing, arms together in golf swing, arms in golf swing, golf tips for beginners driving, golf tips driving straight, connection in the golf swing… you get the gist!!

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You have to check this for me in your golf swing you can’t just be in that back swing moving those arms we’ve got to have great connection if we’re looking for consistency good strike and some better distance now to do this you’ve got to take your right hand for a

Right-handed golfer completely out of it and this will just be your left hand for a left-handed golfer now I want you to think of these tips as just simple little tweaks that are all designed to help you improve and make long lasting improvements think about it we all don’t

Have much time to practice so having a little bit of a tweak here and there is going to make all of the difference so the big question is well what are we looking for well this is overall what we’re going to achieve in this video but I’ve got four simple little steps for

You to integrate it into your swing what we’re looking for these checkpoints halfway back you’ll notice how I’ve kept that connection with this triangle the club head is sort of on the hand are just outside and as I set this golf club left wrist nice and flat left arm nice

And straight and this end of the club is pointing somewhere down to the golf ball so these are the positions we’re looking for now at first glance you might think well Alex why are they important but they’re important to help you deliver the club consistently with every single

One of them so before we get into these four simple steps you might be wondering where do I get all these ideas these videos well they’re from you I owed by you the viewers and the whole idea of this channel is to help you improve now

I saw plenty of comments on my live stream all about the takeaway how do I set the wrists that’s exactly why I’ve done this video now if you want to get involved simply subscribe turn the Bell that way you never miss out on me answering your question so just pop your

Question about your golf swing down below and I’ll be sure to help you out so let’s get into stage one I’ve got my 79 just to let you know what club I am using here and I have placed my ball out in front of me and then a golf club

Roughly one two Club heads away from my toes this is all stage one of four I’ve got that position here now we’ve got to get this idea of how this club moves away with great connection now I said take this right hand out of it and the reason is right we’re all right-handed

So it wants to do a lot we like want to get some power in there and I tend to see these sort of actions as a result I am well and truly guilty of this so this is a great checkpoint for me what I want you to do is first

Stage right hand off it completely put it in your pocket hook it under like I’ve done here whatever you feel is best for you I appreciate some people might prefer this some people might prefer this or in your pocket so I’m going to put mine in my pocket I want you to get

The sensation at stage one here that your left hand and look at this on player cam just runs down that golf club just runs down that golf club now if you look at this to achieve that I can’t do this I can’t lose connection I’ve got to get it

Moving all as a unit so I really encourage you at stage one just to practice this for me what that does is it keeps the hands in the middle of the chest look at that actually quite like that idea keeping the finger in the middle there starting by running the

Club down the golf club on the floor now hopefully so far you’ve really getting to grips with what we’re saying here getting a bit more connection think about it you’re starting to use the bigger muscles now the second stage now two or four we need to understand how

This right arm works now we want it to be sort of the silent sleeper in this back swing we don’t want it taking over so conveniently my club just drops on the floor so we’ll leave it there for the time being I want you to get your

Right arm into that give blood position and then just move your palm over so that’s how you’d sort of grip that golf club and it’s sort of in that position now to be pushed away by the back of that left arm rather than pulled away

With the right now I like to give people a sensation so this is what I really feel get your arm hooked in as I have there for to show you that this is stage two I’ve got it all hooked in there just have some feelings of getting that to

The top you notice my elbow is a bit more in front of my chest just have that idea and that feeling of where it is there that is what we’re looking for so if I brought a golf club in here now again this is just still stage two stage three we’re going to

Start hitting some but I give blood Palm over and I get that sensation I’m pushing away through here so it gets that club exactly into that right position for me to set it right here I’ve already got that arm starting to fold and roll okay let’s get into Stage

Stage three and by the way at stage four I’ve got like a it’s what I call it like a a sudden check it’s something that you can just do to make sure you’re doing this right and you’ve not got these elbows working all over the place so

What I want you to do now is hit some shots and this is the swing thought to do this keep the elbows the same distance apart look if I keep the same distance apart throughout the whole back swing where do the arms stay I stay connected as soon as they get further

Apart I lose that connection which is something we’ve got to avoid so watch me hit one away here just softly same distance back and through if you just look I mean that felt brilliant very little effort but look how good that just flew now we’re on to stage four the

Final part of this video and hopefully you’re really starting to get those ideas to take into your swing and I call this the sudden check because we need to know on our own are we doing this right so to do this it’s really quite easy all

You’re going to do is make a back swing and suddenly just think okay on a few of them just pause so look pause now if I turn and drop my arms down the idea is they come back to where we started and they fall in the middle if however you

Do this pause turn and drop your arms down they fall to your right you know you’ve got too deep and equally if you got them out here you pause and you drop down they fall to your left you’ve not got them deep enough so that is a sudden

Check I want you to throw in there drawing your practice session just so you know if you’re doing it right thanks so much for watching and don’t forget to subscribe to the channel


  1. Who’s going to be trying this out when you next play? DON’T forget to ask away here in comments if you have any questions about the video

  2. Fantastic Drills Alex 👏💪. Had a quick question about width of the stance . I'm almost 60 is it a big problem if your stance has less width than what most golf instructions recommend? Hope you have some advice on this subject . Love your instruction videos great help I'm sure to many golfers round the world 👍👍🫶

  3. Hi Alex love your videos. Could you do one for how you adapt you swing for different lies? Hitting the ball on the course is so different to the range. Thanks

  4. An excellent four stage video Alex on staying connected in the golf swing! I have always liked the idea of a triangular (shoulders, arms, club) set up and this is what I use. It definitely helps one to stay connected in the very beginning of a one piece takeaway. Thinking of the back of the left arm and the upward fold of the right arm moving the club in the takeaway is one that I will remember. The setting of the wrists (flat left wrist, bent back right wrist) is what I do. All Good Alex! I think I'm going to archive this video for future viewing!!!

  5. What is your best advice on people who have high anxiety and first T jitters.. How do you calm your mind to just relax and let it happen

  6. Really like that last step with the check. Going to try that for sure. I'm right handed golfer that is left handed, so I struggle with the right elbow position and having that hand flat like I'm holding a pizza pan.

  7. As an right handed ex-hockey player, its the opposite. All my power is developed entirely by my right wrist. I often practice one handed with my right arm only. The left arm is just along for the ride. Keep it straight, wrist loose and free. Right wrist does all the talking. Best way to practice is off the golf course and on the table football table.

  8. Alex, first off, I love your videos. I am naturally right handed. If I use one arm, it’s all my right. I eat, write, wipe right handed . As soon as I put two hands on something, I’m left handed. I golf, hit a baseball and play hockey left handed. I’m not sure which hand power comes from as I hit a golf ball as far or farther than most of the people I golf with who are right hand dominant. I do believe Phil Mickelson has the same right/left issue as me and he’s did ok. I also think it may help me as far as eye dominance setting up left handed but being right eye dominant. I guess what I’m getting at is the right hand really the power source in a right handed swing as my left hand is way weaker than my right if I was to throw a punch, yet I can hit a golf ball or baseball as far as someone who hits right handed and is right handed, as I don’t feel my weaker left hand causes me any distance issues. Just a thought. Maybe the power comes from other areas of the swing.

  9. Thank you Alex for another very beneficial video. I noticed someone asked about hitting different lyes. That would be a good idea for us duffers!

  10. one of my local courses has a forced carry on the first tee. I've topped it onto the swamp a couple times, so the last two times I played, I compensated by knocking it past the next tee box.

  11. You always give the best tips because of the fact that your tips are easy to implement into our swings with the drills. Keep up the good work

  12. Hi Alex, would this be the same technique for the woods as well as the irons? Thanks for the videos 😊👍

  13. As an over 70 golfer with reduced neck mobility I have enabled better shoulder turn by allowing my head to turn toward my trail side. A lot of younger golfers do. Watch where the bill of their caps points in transition. I don’t need to think about what my arms are doing.

  14. Great tips Alex. It really feels good to me swinging the club in the house.
    Definitely will try this out next time on the range!

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