How To Turn Off Your Arms For An Effortless Golf Swing

In this video Forbes featured instructor Eric Cogorno is joined by Golf Digest Top 50 coach Erika Larkin to show you how to “turn off your arms” during the golf swing.

This counter-intuitive approach to the swing is the KEY to Erika’s ultra-high success rate with over 50,000 amateur students.

And it’s how she’s helped players who have been battling against their swing for years or decades… develop a smooth, automatic, true-swinging motion that’s right for their unique physicality.

Join Erika and Learn the #1 swing-fix sequence…That turns your forced, unnatural swing…Into an effortless, automatic, true-swinging motion…

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Hey guys Eric agoro here with performance golf with Miss Erica alarin in today’s video we’re going to be talking about how you can get that effortless golf swing that we all want how to turn your arms off Eric and I are going to show you three keys that you

Can use very easily in your own swing to get rid of all that tension to get your golf swing more natural easy and effortless out on the golf course Erica I’m going to hop over here if we can talk through some of these pieces here I watched through uh some of your videos

Right with the true swing that you put together which was awesome by the way side note and one of the first things that I heard you talking about that I’d like to communicate with them are those three things that you showed us right in

The video uh that I think is so cool and I actually like to try it a little bit myself as well how we turn the arms off how we start to feel the weight of the club head and then how grip pressure plays a role in all that these are so

Such important fundamentals because it really sets the tone for how the golfer is going to be moving in their swing once the club is actually in motion and also how we get the club into motion without manipulating it from start to finish that’s where natural motion comes

From that’s where fluidity comes from so first thing I like to do with uh students is to really get them to feel like they’re taking some tension out of their arms and get the idea that their arms can move as followers and not as Leaders that’s where we’re going to like

Free up and take away some of that manipulation so just simply standing with your arms like this if you think about shutting off the tension in your arms and almost like taking a breath out as you do it those arms will fall really heavy against your body and you realize

How much weight your arms actually carry you a lot of that meat and Bone I mean that just hangs so when you kind of get an experience of that dead weight as your arms are falling even if you do it in golf posture you really get a sense

Of how much your arms can swing with just gravity being the main Force that’s pulling them down so letting your arms fall as opposed to making them fall or stopping them intentionally to come to rest really letting go and letting that tension out is a little bit mental but a

Lot physical and that you have to be willing to to let your arms fall let your arms follow what the Natural Forces want to influence them to do so that’s kind of step one yeah um from there when your arms are relaxed and they truly are are more following your body motion then

Your body’s got to get moving right um so we really want to get the body to understand its basic movement to then get those arms swinging at which point too the arms and the club unit together are going to be in motion so one next

Thing that we’re going to do is flip the club upside down just to get a feel for the weight of the club just like we felt the weight of our arms so if you hold the club upside down you’ll realize it feels completely weightless there’s nothing to feel at the bottom of the

Grip end but when you flip it back around and start to swing it after you’ve experienced that all of a sudden it’s like oh yeah there’s the weight of the club and now I already remember what the weight of my arms felt like as they were hanging and falling and Swinging so

There’s a there’s a heaviness to that whole unit that all of a sudden comes to life and brings awareness to the golfer that there’s this unit of the arms and the weight of the club those two things together that we want to get into Motion in the middle of those two things are

The hands so the hands need to be just the attachment piece we can be really handsfree in the golf s these are just the clamps on the club just the Connecting Point and the wrist being really unlocked and free now we can really make the unit of the arms in

The club almost one piece as if it was just like a long piece of rope coming out of our shoulders and all the way out to the bottom of the club head which obviously carries the most weight so we want that really relaxed Loosey Goosey feeling and meanwhile what’s energizing

That whole unit to move is the body not the arms yeah I know in some of the videos you talked a little bit about like the dog and the tail analogy which I think was pretty pretty good I love it I didn’t come up with that coach Bill

Straw came up with that he always said the dog wags the tail the tail doesn’t Wag the Dog right so I mean just having that mental picture of you your body being kind of the main torso piece of the dog and the tail is just that extra unit that’s wagging behind that’s the

Kind of feel and imagery we want to create so that we can really maintain that fluidity throughout our swing that’s having that really armsfree handsfree sensation in your swing to me that’s a true swing I love that let’s flipflop Erica for a second I want to

Try some of that myself and I think when we coach right and people come in to see us I don’t remember the last time I said to someone like hey you look too relaxed like your arms look like they’re almost too soft right you need to increase your

Tension yep and so when you’re watching this video right odds are either right now or at some point in time you’ve experienced that when you’re on the core and it’s like you’re putting so much effort into your swing and you’re getting very little out of it what this

Is all about for my perspective and listening to Erica is putting almost as little effort as possible and getting the maximum out of that and I think that a lot of the golfers learning how to turn their arms off yep right and having the body lead the way does that so when

When someone’s working through this and I imagine you know we would see a lot of the same thing let’s say they’re up there and you might have this in your swing you know the shoulders are 10 the arms are real tight big time yeah and you might have this over the ball

Where you’re like even a little nervous to like hit right so they might be in this phase one of letting the arms fall y forever or for quite a while yeah reminding themselves to unrug their shoulders take a deep breath and really feeling that heaviness posture also

Plays a role here because if you’re in poor posture and poor balance sometimes that initiates tension to begin with because the arms can’t hang in front of your body naturally so you know having that good hip hinge and bending forward enough actually creates space for the

Arms to fall in front of the body this is this in of itself is a fundamental that layers into why we have to get into a good posture to have a chance for our arms to hang in front of us if you’re not in that posture if your weight’s not

In the right place your arms can’t hang they can’t swing they can’t just be relaxed and move and have space to move in front of your body too yeah you’re in trouble before you even start yeah so like even there I could see my like want

To like stop my arms versus just letting them yes stop that little key point of likea I’d be interested for you when you’re watching this try this yourself and have your arms up and just start to let them fall and and let them go what a difference is that little phrase you

Mentioned versus me like I want to just stop them real quick so even I want to just hit one just with that sensation Erica just the feel of the arms so I’m like I’m assuming I’m doing that a couple times I’m getting a sense of that

I’m feeling the arms soft here first let me just hit a little uh eight iron out here with that first things first so I’m going to try and retain that same arm sort of turned off feel that I have when I let him drop and that felt pretty easy and

Effortless certainly not tension over the golf ball and so once I get a hang of that I’d have you’d have them okay I’m going to turn this upside down still feel the arms pretty soft and get a sense of the club head moving right with

My arms being soft I can even feel me wantan to like control that right away keep the arms soft yeah Eric when you flip that club back upside down right side up I guess I should say right yeah I want to start now all a sudden yeah do you feel immediately how much

The weight of the club stands out to your awareness so when that heaviness you know hangs away from you the difference in where the weight and the center of mass of the club is in space that in and of itself kind of acts like weight on the end of the Rope wanting to

Pull our arms naturally to these straight long wide positions that everyone’s trying to create they’re trying to force that WID you know we you just want to let the arms the slack comes out of the arms naturally if you allow the weight of the of the club and

The weight of your arms to to swing yeah and we’re going to talk more on that extension part too I want to hit on that as we go I so the point of doing it this way and feeling it light is so that when you turn it over then I really feel the

Weight of it yes that’s the whole point exactly so now as I put those together I’m still feeling the arms soft right I’m still feeling these more like off right but now I’m feeling that same thing but I’m aware of the weight of the club head moving

Yeah can you feel the weight of the club carving a nice wide big circle around you I feel it kind of like up over my trail shoulder kind of threw over my lead shoulder arms are soft yeah that felt really yeah I could see really low tension in your arms as a

Coach when I’m watching somebody swing I can immediately see where their tension lives you I can see that moment they’re grabbing onto the club I mean for some people some golfers they’re so vascular you can almost see their veins like popping out of arms as they’re gripping

The club here or up here you can almost just it just you can see it I can see it totally um so if as the golfer tapping into asking yourself like can I feel where that tension is living in me is it in my upper body is it in my hands where

Am I carrying that tension and and relieve it let go relax it totally you can and so many golfers will come in you might be this person too you’re over the ball and you have like eight different swing thoughts or maybe you’re not sure even how to get going I think this isn’t

Always an easy place to come back to right yes so as I’m doing this the last point with grip pressure the arms feel off I’m feeling them swinging down I feel the weight of the club head and you might have a student do like five or 10

Or reps like that just to kind of feel it yes then from a grip pressure perspective um I don’t want to give away some of what they can see in the program but I think we’re trying to live somewhere kind of in the middle yes not

Quite out a zero we’re not at all the way at a 10 yeah we’re sort of in the low digit somewhere probably yeah I mean there are many many different grip Styles and positions that work for people but pressure-wise you know having a good connection to the club to your

Point a medium grip pressure is key but we don’t want to be pinching the club with any particular fingers thumbs you know we just just keep it constant um consistent as well throughout the swing so there’s not a moment where all of a sudden you do increase that pressure

Right so a very much I call it cruise control like you set the grip pressure in the beginning and just let it ride the same way throughout you’re not I’m not increasing that at any point in time I’m keeping that pressure okay that’s cool so whatever I start at I stay at

Yes and I would assume as you have golfers go through this when they’re feeling the arms loose and uh they’re feeling the weight of the club head probably some of that grip pressure will come as a byproduct of doing those two well yes sometimes yeah definitely when

The when you start to turn off your arms you can then uh by way of doing that essentially help yourself turn off your your hands more from wanting to manipulate so much but I’ll go back to the idea too that the body needs to get this whole dead arm unit into motion

Right so if you don’t move your body then how is the club supposed to start swinging I think that’s how we’re going to be able to maintain that constant G pressure in the relaxed arms is is really and maybe we’ll get into this in

Our next videos is how do we what are we supposed to then do with our Engine with our body to get this unit of the arm swinging so that we don’t get suckered into using arms and hands to lift the club and to hit at the ball that’s what

We’re trying to avoid we’re trying to avoid that tendency to manipulate and hit at the ball and we will talk about more of that as we go if you guys want to watch that that’ll be in our next video obviously if the arms are turned

Off something’s got to be on to be able to do right you’ll hit the ball I’m going to hit one more uh here ER go so the arms are soft right my arms feel off I can feel the weight of the club head my grip pressure if I had to put a

Number on it’s probably in that like 4ish range and I’m going to keep that four the whole way arms feel off and gosh keeping the grip pressure that’s such a go we’ll maybe do a whole video on that but whatever grip pressure you start with keeping that the whole

Time that is a lovely tip in and of itself so three keys right um when you guys are doing this turning the arms off feeling that first drw I love that you can do that forever do it at home do it at the range do it on the golf course

Turn the club head upside down so that when you swing normal you can feel number two feel the weight of the club head keep your grip pressure somewhere in that middle range and keep it the whole time Eric Goro Erica Lin I’m going to tell you a little bit more about how

You can get Erica’s new program the true swing next all right guys hopefully you enjoyed today’s videos I had a blast doing those with Erica like I mentioned her true swing sequence I think is awesome I watched all the videos and they were absolutely killer not only do

You get an unbelievable deal I mean 47 bucks for that come on but you get unbelievable bonuses as well there’s her onc course program you get unlimited swing reviews so Erica and her team can guide you through step by step this entire process that’s ridiculous and also her mental game program and live

Q&A and not only do you get all of that included with the program you also get a 365 day money back guarantee so there’s literally no risk here for you to try this I’m telling you you’re going to love it we’re going to put the link and

The first link in the description down below you won’t regret trying it out


  1. I've seen a lot of videos where relaxed arms were taught. But I've never seen anyone explain how they start their take away by keeping the hands in front of the chest, and I've never seen anyone explain how you keep the arms straight and extended, in both cases without reintroducing tension.

  2. I totally subscribe to this swing philosophy. I've been watching Dan Martin's videos and using his Swing Pro for months (golf grip, rope and padded cylinder), as well as well as watching Erika's videos the last few weeks, and I have practiced and practiced these swing concepts. However I've run into some issues with the club face not squaring up an impact. The club head tends to roll over too much and I'm putting a lot of right to left spin on it as a right-handed player or I just leave the club face open and push it. I think the pushing part may be a bit of tension setting in, but I can't quite figure out how to keep the club face from rolling over when my arms are totally relaxed and just letting the ball get in the way

  3. This is just the worst golf advice ever for the amateur golfer. Turn off the hands and arms that responsible for 80% of your power and accuracy and just hit the ball with your hip lol. Just the worst

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