Golf Players

Financial Fore-play? Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers Talk SSG’s PGA Tour Investment in Episode 19

Iconic golf legends, Peter Kostis and Gary McCord, are back with a new episode of their hit YouTube series and Podcast, “Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers”. In yet another emergency Tour news show, the guys discuss the why’s, the what’s and the maybe’s of the Strategic Sports Group’s potential $3 Billion investment into the new, “for profit” PGA Tour Enterprise and how it affects the PIF and LIV agreement. Help your game with a great lesson from Coach Kostis to help us control our bodies to make our swing, and game, more consistent. And we have a report from the annual PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando from producer Mike Abram with a peek at the golf industry’s big event.

With their no-filters insight, irreverent humor and unparalleled understanding of the game, Peter and Gary share their perspective, Coach Kostis gives lessons and drills in every one of our episodes as well as never-before-told stories from Peter & Gary…remember to subscribe (it’s free!) like and share with your golf buddies. Kostis & McCord Off Their Rockers is made possible by the generous support of sponsors, including Swing U and the Swing U app, go to recognized as the premier golf app in the industry and when you enter code ROCKERS2024 you’ll receive 40% off a one year subscription to SwingU Pro or Plus subscription! Foresight Sports, creators of the #1 launch monitor on the PGA Tour, the Quad Pro, and cutting-edge simulators, including the Sim-in-a-Box visit Bonos’s Bar B Q, with their amazing smoked meats and sauces, and for more on their franchising opportunities go to LAB Golf, creators of the revolutionary and tour-winning LAB putters, known for their unmatched stability through impact, congratulations to Grayson Murray on his first win at the Sony Open in Hawaii he was using a LAB Golf Link1 Putter. Peter and Gary love reading your comments on the show and appreciate all the subscribers, likes, and sharing the YouTube show. They invite viewers to follow them on social media, listen to the audio podcast on Apple, Spotify, iHeart Podcasts and visit their website at for more news and info. For sponsorship inquiries or potential guest appearances, please contact Mike Abram at or call 805-748-5557.

Two two of the most iconic voices in golf are back to save the day and ready to entertain in their newly weekly video podcast costus and mcord Off Their Rockers yes we’re back this is Costas and mccort Off Their Rockers Mike Abram your co-host producer producer from the

Golf agency and so glad to be here today trying to get to the bottom of what is going on in the world of golf it seems like it’s never ending to figure out what’s happening now with the SSG investment into the PGA Tour how does that affect the tour how does that

Affect live in the PGA Tour and what is it going to do for the world of golf with Peter with Gary today they’re going to break it down when you like subscribe and share this YouTube channel and podcast with your golfing buddies we love to hear from you and we love the

Support that you give to our sponsors swingu and the amazing swingu app the best app in golf go to swing and use promo code rockers 2024 to get 40% off your first year of swingu Plus or Pro forite Sports and their quad Pro and quad Max launch monitor number one on

The PGA tour incredible technology as well as their simulators which are Cutting Edge lab Golf and their gamechanging technology with a tour winning lab Golf Putters check out labg this new twist with the SST investing money in the PGA Tour what is does that mean for the tour what does

That mean for the players and what does that mean with live are we going to get the best players in the world playing together more or not Peter what say you so my first question is yeah how many emergency podcasts do we have to have before it’s no longer an emergency it’s

Just the new Norm I mean it’s like every time we turn around there’s something new that’s chaotic and changing and and like the golf world is upside down right we kind of lost our uh plot as far as golf golf let’s hit a shot wow that was

A nice shot you’re playing well no no no we have to go through the business the manal business part of it every week seems like something’s coming up so take it Peter what do you think uh what’s going on we got a big INF infusion of

Gas through SSG just a just just a quick recap we had uh piff and live golf was no bueno per J Onan they they’re evil we’re not going to do anything with them June 6th uh change my mind we’re going to we’re going to merge somehow we don’t know how

But it’ll be done by December which didn’t happen now it’s going to be done by the basts which probably won’t happen who knows and in the meantime they go out and they they get a group of uh billionaires SSG um to come in commit to a a billion in a half dollars

Initially possibly another billion and a half dollars in certain uh things are met certain criteria and they value the PGA tour at 12 billion doll which that in of itself is a podcast but whatever um and so now by going to SSG the PGA Tour thinks they’ve financially strengthened their

Position for their players but oh by the way you still have yaser and piff and live over here on the other side and I can’t imagine that they’re really happy about this occurrence I’m I right now I’m I’m studying the heck out of acronyms because it’s PGA it’s live it’s piff

It’s SSG what pretty soon pretty soon just going to put them in the waser and see what comes out um but yeah it’s it’s a uh uh in the in the overall scheme of things um the Saudis want to play they want to play golf they want to insert

Themselves into a vertical integration in this business model by their way in um we are trying to fend that off um we being the PG we being the PGA another acronym PGA Tour um and I mean it gets down to the point that we’re we’re we’re

Trying to to not get in a pissing contest with somebody that could buy us out tomorrow what’s in his left front pocket okay number one you not going to win that deal and I’m I’m talking about I’m talking about the uh uh the PF fund run by yaser 700 billion AR what 12

Billion you said something like that we get 1 billion in revenues we are minuscule the pj2 minuscule and we’re trying to fight these guys that are huge you can see what they’re doing they’re buying they’re buying they’re buying they’re going to try to buy their way

In I think this whole thing a lot of this revolves around the fact that the Saudis now the another acronym the doj Department of Justice they’re going to look as soon as if we went with them right away what’s going to happen if we

If we go to to the pif and yaser the Saudis what happens they’re going to sit back and go wait a minute hold it take a long look yeah but that’s that was premeditated by the tour going to their their lobbyists and saying uh is there

Any way way that you can you can prevent this from happening right I mean it wasn’t the whole thing isn’t kosher it isn’t above board right and there’s there’s enough people that don’t like the Saudis in this deal up in Congress and and the Senate are going to go wait

Not so fast and by the way again deep get deep into this there’s a good chance we would lose our 51 C6 that that is that is a charitable tour that we run nonprofit and if they took that away we’d be like I think baseball lost it in 200 7 the NFL lost

It in 2015 they were the same way and they lost it so all of our tournaments if they did that like we’re here in Scottsdale the Phoenix Open is next week that would be a franchise bought by somebody here in probably Thunderbirds they operate it and dependently they invite who they

Want to play in it they operate it independently that’s kind of how the scenario would go which gets really interesting because now you’ve lost all concept of unity when you’ve got there’s 4 46 tournaments for the year right now all of a sudden you got 46 different

Entities running it how they want how what have we got 46 tournaments Now 46 how many of those are I don’t even know if this is a word franchisable I mean how how many of those would somebody really and what do they have to pay for the right to the

Franchise yeah and I think my conspiracy theory is that’s exactly why the why the uh um the um the Strategic Sports uh group SSG is involved they do things for profit they’re all billionaires they understand that they run what they run franchises I just think that around this

Whole thing is this whole sh there going to be Dynam what prevents yaso and piff from coming in and buying up the franchise yeah they could they could buy one two five they could buy any of them why I mean why didn’t they buy the DP

Tour it doesn’t seem like it’s made it any clear we know that no it’s just you guys are members at Whisper rock Whisper rock has dozens of PGA Tour members DP members now live members as well what do you hear on the Range what do you hear

In the grill room from these tour without disclosing names but what do you hear from the tour members about what the heck’s going on the last couple days there’s um okay let’s go over this simply 1968 the PGA Tour was part of the PGA of America two different deals and

The boys broke off in 1968 and formed their own tour of players that was a situation that existed um there were 60 guys exempt in this deal so it was it was a very close Market a very a capitalistic Market of small and then in 1983 the all exempt tour came and it

Expanded expanded out to 125 more guys available to make money so forth now with Liv coming in and 48 guys playing and all of a sudden we had to show more power top players playing everywhere they’ve reduced it now to the top 50 or exempt all the big tournaments and

Everything else so we’ve gone back now to capitalism socialism under the uh all exempt tour back okay so there’s been a jua position and when you do that those guys from 51 on that are sitting there looking at the tour going wait wait a

Minute let me do the math here to get in the top 50 there’s eight tournaments played for 20 million and more and I’m playing for 7 million okay how am I going to get into that top 50 boy you better play your ass off to do that so

Now you’ve got the guys at the end of the food chain going wait wait wait what about us yeah and that’s that’s what I hear a lot at the Rock from those guys that are at that end of the food chain in fact they’ve they’ve already signed a

Um a letter to the to the tour going we want more information uh guys from anywhere from I think it’s one 131 on the money list down yeah I I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if they don’t unionize but that’s the next move also also what I’m hearing with this

Latest move the investment of the1 and a half billion dollars yeah yaser put out a very thoughtful well scripted statement about growing the game of golf and whatnot that that’s the public um uh presentation that he wanted to make my sources say however he is not happy with this

And the comment was something to the effect of okay if they want to play this way it’s going to be John ROM times 10 times 10 so now I ask you now I ask you we’ve seen Rory make 180 degree change in his thinking about this whole situation commissioner kind of the same

Thing and and so now what happens if if by some stretch of the imagination Yasha picks off Rory or he picks off Scotty sheffler or he picks off another half a dozen of the PGA tour’s best people the players are their product the tour has two products their players and the

Quality of their TV production to the viewers and we know that they don’t give a about the quality of the TV production they they’re you’re a viewer the hell with you I don’t care we’re going to put commercials on you’re going to take it you’re going to like it if

You don’t like it don’t watch I don’t care right yep and so now if they don’t if they don’t have if they lose 25 of the top 50 players players in the world what’s left and what’s the value going to be for SSG I mean these guys are smart guys John

Henry runs it who not only has run the Red Sox successfully he was a smart guy he was a smart guy he’s got the Red Sox dfl the last two years I’m withholding judgment on and Tom Warner and the whole Red Sox organization so anyway that’s another

Story Sor sorry about that folks yeah thank you but there’s so much going on with with that you think there’s got to be some plan that we’re not hearing about that there’s a reason they’re investing this there’s a reason do they want does SSG want the money from piff

The money from the Saudis to come into tour does that help them what’s your opinion on that well if it’s for-profit which they’re in that’s what they do for living and it’s called PGA or Enterprise right that is the for-profit it’s a for-profit entity and and the way the

Original deal was set up the PGA tour what is a nonprofit okay and then they were going to give the rights in this in this um merger if you want to call it with um with the Saudis and piff that contract said all it was was

You guys do what you do for profit piff but piff gets the first right of refusal for any business deal comes to the PGA Tour okay any business deal they get right or first refusal you don’t go to somebody else you go to them first contractually and they say yes or no

Into this deal they operate separately they would operate their tours separately everything else but there would be there would be some kind of merger in the business plan and the business plan now seems I keep hearing for-profit MH SSG for-profit okay those guys have made their living and they’re

Billionaires because they’re for profit I can’t think of any other reason unless it goes the tour goes to franchisees I mean that’s if they have this grand plan where you now own a franchise I asked I had a tournament director um we sat down the other day uh with

Some boys that have have talk to uh and do business with with uh uh MBS and and um and I asked him about it and his company was big on the tour huge and ask him all these questions about it I said if you right now were offered a

Franchise to buy in the city your company is in would you do it he said yes no question so now you could take these but for how much and and no that’s all seems to be it’s it’s not that you’re going to obviously that’s going to be negotiated right and it’s going to

Be a NE there’s so many things that are involved with that with the what’s the TV this you know what this it’s mass chaos it just it just came to me it was San Antonio yeah yeah several years back I I believe it was Kevin n is Kevin Na

The one that made 16 in that hole yes right yeah part five so he hit a lost in the woods he got he hit a t-shot in the yeah right now at that point he had a decision to make mhm get out do I do I

Do I go back to the tea take my penalty and hit another one and and get on with my life or do I not he elected not to and he hit it more in the and more in this sh and 16 shots later he HS out he’s out of the tournament right and

That’s exactly what I feel like about this whole thing is that they had this point in time where they could have gone back to the tea ret it and and played out from there and had a much lower score than a 16 MH but now no that now

They’re in the middle of this they’re they’re they’re taking drops they’re hitting balls they they’re whatever that it’s unplayable lie after unplayable lie every time we come on it’s an unplayable lie something new something different something weird we talked on the last show about uh I asked the question

Should Jay Monahan be fired I’m gonna frame it differently now that we know a little bit more we still don’t know much but is Jay Monahan closer to resurrecting his commissionership or being fired after what just happened with SSG the last few days well I mean my opinion I there’s too much chaos

Right now for any any sanity to rain in this whole deal I mean all of a sudden you fire him the middle is still I think he’s going to last I think he’s got to be real tired he’s already he’s already taken a leave of absence for whatever uh

Then the co and then dealing with this and everything else if it’s me okay boys I’m out of here I’m done with this he’s got a group coming in that if you want to find somebody to run it look in that group SSG just look look at that group

They’ve done it they’ve been there they’ve done it on the highest stage um and I that’s my opinion I I don’t I I don’t think he can get back the players I think the players are are are yeah you can see already when they added tiger to

The deal yeah we’ve always had in the board there’s always been four player directors and four independent guys and then the commissioner okay now we’ve got more players in another guy so it’s five so it’s gone to the player side as far as the votes concerned where you have

More representation anything else I think the players know they want to get more in control of this deal which then begs the question they got the big boys covered in it’s no longer hey what do you think we do uh tiger do you think we do uh you cannot have the inmates

Running the Asylum that is not going to work well there other there’s other way didn’t work and the other guys were running it and tell you what’s going to happen is I think look Monahan may see this through to some conclusion whatever that may be but he doesn’t last in my

Opinion and and because the disgruntled players from you know 131 to 200 or whatever number you come up with uh they’re they’re going to ask for a full disclosure of finances or whatever and they’re going to find out the tour has been paying less than 40% 39 roughly

39% of their total income TV income whatever to the players and the players are their product they’re their Capital they’re their product and that they’ve been getting 39% and then by any stretch of the imagination it should never ever be less than 50% but probably closer to

60 or 65% and when those players that are trying to unionize find out that Monahan’s making 16 to 18 million finin was making over 20 you know that that bureaucracy that is pdra is going to be under assault because they’re going to see money going there

When it should be going to them it’s you know and just what you’re saying right now is everything wrong about what’s going on people want to watch golf they don’t give a about who’s making what you guys have already got your private airplanes you’ve got your big houses in three different cities you’ve

Got all of this what the hell are you guys doing we just want to watch golf we want to see it we want to look at Pebble Beach we want to see the ocean and quit doing all the political and here’s what it’s going to come down to

Here’s what it’s going to come the only way this thing exists there is going to be a merger of some kind between Liv and the PJ tour there’s going to be 8 to 10 tournaments worldwide that both tours play together those are going to be for

Probably $30 million you got to get in the top 75 on the world golf rankings P time out I don’t want to hear world golf rankings the World Golf Ranking is the only way to take the seven voting members of the world of the O wgr and

Put it together do these tournaments you go back everybody gets a ranking whatever the system I don’t give a what it is and you figure out who are the 75 best players in the world of all the leagues and put them put them 10

Times 8 to 10 times a year then the four majors and they go back and play in their individual tours and they gain points to try to get in the top 75 and then you’ve got continuity you’ve got you’ve got a marketing situation where you can take

The best players in the world and see how they go against each other right now we’ve fractionalized it they’re all going different directions we’re not going to see ROM we’re not going to see pling speed or Scotty Sheffer we’re not going to see any of that age of 10 times

A year it’s going to be it’s going to be one of the great writer cup deals of all time cuz one side hates the other side I think marketing wise and television wise I I got to get a team together and and do a television package go we I want

Those I want those tournaments to it’s going to be worldwide yeah that that’ll be it that’s that’s the only place it can go we can’t fractionalize the talent that’s out there because as you know there’s only one guy that every remov the needle a little bit to give you an idea last

Week at San Diego okay they got a one rating on a Sunday Peter a one rating it when we were doing television technically it was a Saturday but still it was it was Saturday the last day we got a we got we would get on Sunday we’d

Get 22 to 26 around in there and there’s especially that event because it was Tiger was there all the time and yeah and it was good but they got a one and that and the conference championships got 50 million over 50 million both so there there

Is gap between who you are and who you perceive you are to get money to the guys that really get the money okay and we’re trying to get up to that level there we have no product at this point and this this is where Monahan screwed the players a second time because to

Your point initially the players on the PGA tour played for trophies they played for history they played for their legacy they played for major championships and and they were The Virtuous ones right yeah and everybody else they were chasing the money okay now he

He makes the deal or tries to make the deal with with piff and now he’s coming back around and he’s trying to keep his players by using money the elevated events and everything else and now the Public’s P perception of what’s going on on is these guys really aren’t playing for trophies they

Really aren’t playing for legacy they’re playing for money they’re money grubbing players just like the other ones they’re no different and so Monahan’s throwing the players under the bus a second time by making people realize that you know what the only way they’re going to stay

Is if I give them more money that they’re money hungry and and you you can’t keep your players happy if you keep throwing them under the bus it’s not possible and you can’t out bid the other side no you can’t get to your point about the pissing contest when

When is this going to end a friend of ours texted us this morning and he said when is this going to end I said well it’s a full-blown pissing contest right now and in either Jay or yaser is gonna run out of piss and I don’t think it’s

Going to be not not going to be the 700 million both of you yeah collectively two of you name me the top five players on the official world golf rankings right now the top five top five okay fing ROM’s out well no ROM’s still in there is first Rory’s what fourth um I

Think Windam Clark’s like fifth we got no I don’t think he’s in the top five this is what’s going to happen neither of you know who the top NE neither do I I’m not I’m not throwing you guys under I’m just saying do you know to your

Point we know sheffer’s one Rory can get to number one this week if he wins but he can Victor hin top Mak yeah Victor H Max okay vict might be anyway there’s your problem we have we’re trying to sell the sport and we have really no one

That people passionately want to tune in and watch they don’t want to do it I mean tiger was it okay that’s a once in Millennial or Millennia situation and okay he did it now we’re trying to put these guys in we get some good players and all of a

Sudden the live tours got all the guys they got all the Pirates they got all the guys that that are mouthy they all the guys that had background stories everything else and if you if you look at our tour now it’s very vanilla of nice guys really good guys but there’s

Nothing we have no John daes we have no total idiots out there having fun smoking cigarettes and hitting at 340 we don’t have those guys uh they’re all in the gym doing their deals so we need we got we got a product here we’re trying

To sell but you tell me what the product is it’s the it’s the PGA T what is it it was fractionalized it was players of high moral standards who were playing for trophies and Legacy and history and that’s gone by the boards that’s that’s that doesn’t exist anymore

So now everybody’s playing for money let’s get that out on the table and now let’s let’s get a solution of some sort and co-commissioner uh costus and mcord let’s just get the best players in the world together 10 times maybe I I don’t think it’s that difficult I really don’t

You shorten the PGA Tour do that you shorten the PGA Tour whatever they will Mar march to August MH then you go and you and you run the the live tournaments the team you have auctions you make it you make it worldwide you have auctions for players you form teams each year uh

Gambling betting and they play for 12 weeks whatever and then you got the corn fairy tour let them play January February and get it done I mean it it it doesn’t seem that difficult other than the fact that the PGA Tour wants to maintain its Monopoly on golf that’s the stumbling

Block when I was on the board 100 years ago 110 110 years ago our our leader at that point said we were talking about that about the tour how many tournaments are we going to play in and I I I’m guessing at that point it was 30 something 32 33

And I remember on a board me he stood up and he goes guys here’s the deal listen to me closely he said we have got to occupy every week of the year because as soon as we leave one vacant someone’s going to come in and throw a tournament

With our players and they’re going to they’re going to sell real estate which they did that was the tour model at that point 100 years ago when I was there was the fact that these developers would come in with their Real Estate Golf Course and they sign a three-year deal

Yeah okay and you go in they you got naal television on your golf course on your development they get in for 3 years for H anything sell it out and then they’d always leave and that’s when our commissioner at that point went okay enough of that enough of that we were a

Part of that because if you remember the in the mid 90s CBS lost the NFL contract to Fox nobody ever thought that would happen it happened and so what did we end up doing we did all the what they call the Silly Season golf events and

They came up with them whether it was the shark shootout or the whatever and and we had all these Silly Season events and then the commissioner says Whoa okay there’s a market for this stuff it needs to be under the tour umbrella we can’t let that person make money and not us

These are our players and and that’s where the the whole 46 weeks a year you know was born yeah well I will say you this I love golf I mean golf has been my life professionally especially but also personally for a very long time and I am

About fed up to here with all this and this whole thing I mean I just I’ve had it right I mean I’m I view myself since we left CBS I view myself as a as a viewer advocate for the viewers at home to get the best quality TV

Production that they could have so they enjoy watching golf so they want to go out and play golf more by by watching an exciting tournament they want to go see a tournament more and we’re not talking about golf anymore golf is is like fifth on the list and and I’ve had it that’s

Optimistic I I I just I’m done that’s it you’re done so we’re not talking about this anymore so for me I think these two would be the perfect commissioners of worldwide golf if you agree write it in the comments below keep drinking we all

Want to see we all want to see more golf better golf the best players in the world don’t go away cost usim aord off the rockers we’ll be right back we’ve got a great lesson from coach cus and we’ve got a little insight into the coolest thing the PGA show it’s where

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Remaking the game visit our website kasas subscribe to our YouTube channel or podcast and follow us on social media at cus mcord Off Their Rockers now it’s time for Coach cus Peter gives us some great tips to help our games golf is all about the ability to

Control the movement of your body and match it up with the movement of your hands and arms to do that you have to be able to control what I call your center of gravity now it’s basically a spot about 4 inches below your belly button

Right in the middle of your body if you visualize a tennis ball baseball softball whatever in the middle there what we’d like to do when we start making our golf swing we don’t want this thing sliding high and up there then going down low and coming back up we

Certainly don’t want it coming high and going laterally on the forward swing we’d like to turn around that and around that from takeaway to impact now that’s going to be a little bit of lateral movement in there but we want to minimize it so I have a drill called The

Penguin drill that I love to do because it allows me the opportunity to get a sense of is my center of gravity rising and lowering is it sliding back and forth or am I just rotating so what I do I will set up to the golf ball put my heels together toes out

Hence the name penguin drill and I get my knees out so my knees are pretty much normal width apart now from here I want to learn to the hands and turn the body drop rotate stay flat footed and learn what it’s like to keep your center of gravity in a stationary rotary

Position you’ll feel the ability of your hips to rotate better you’ll feel your head staying quieter and eventually you can go to bigger swings and you’ll get the feeling of a lot more pressure on your right leg you know a lot is made of the Sneed squat in in

Golf instruction where Sam used to get up here and then he would get down here and You’ almost look like he squatted with his knees he wasn’t so much squatting with his knees as he was keeping pressure in the right thigh and the right knee that’s what you get with

The penguin drill it forces you to stay back here and rotate around you can’t slide because you’ll come off your heel too soon so the key to getting the lower body working correctly to support the rotation of your center of gravity is keeping pressure in the right leg longer in the downswing penguin

Drill hinge it drop and rotate you’ll feel a lot more pressure on the inside of your right leg take that pressure apply it in your regular golf swing it’ll help you be more consistent stick around more cesm mord Off Their Rockers in just a minute imagine a putter that will

Actually transform your game introducing lab Golf Putters the revealer shows how the lab keeps the putter face Square through impact unlike any other putter lab is the hottest putter in professional golf with multiple Global victories in 2023 including the PGA Tour lab breaks the mold with better science

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Follow us on social media at casus mcord Off Their Rockers now let’s get back to casus and mord Off Their Rockers with Peter and Gary welcome back Costa some Accord Off Their Rockers and on the stools and on a stool now I wish I could Rock a little bit uh

Speaking of rocking we just had the uh the Big Show show the big PGA Merchandise Show in Orlando um where I 10, 500,000 square feet of of space that every Gadget in the world every golf related deal it’s it’s quite a quite a picnic if you go

There I’ve been once and I was claustrophobic people just bouncing off you and everything else and that’s the only time I’ve gone have you been back to the thing okay this in our in our retirement State you you think back to stuff that’s happened

To you I so freaking old I went to one of the first PGA shows what it wasn’t even called the PGA show it was in Palm Beach Gardens a guy named Ernie Sabre who who was uh Hall of Famer in terms of s selling golf stuff right it was in a

Field in Palm Beach Gardens and the vendors came he got them all together they drove up with their cars unpacked the trunks Trunks and they put up a table it’s like a flea market what year 71 72 71 yeah and so and and then it was

Dusty as all hell whatever then all of a sudden you know South Florida in in the winter time yeah boom thunderstorms then everybody scramble the TR down again So eventually they figured out you know if we’re going to do this we better do it inside huh and and so it’s to see what

It’s grown to today is is absolutely phenomenal but you know you’re right I used to love going to see all the mom and pop operations where they would come up with teaching AIDS or you know different kinds of tees or different kinds of whatevers well we want to give

You a little peek of what exactly happened at the PGA Merchandise Show but Peter and I not going being elderly uh we were going to go we’re going to send the younger guy not much younger um but he’s the producer and director we can basically tell him what to do Mike where

Are you am I in heaven for a golfer yes this is heaven it’s the PGA show 2024 Orlando Florida at the Orange County Convention Center over 1 million square fet of everything golf we’re here give you a little insight into what’s going to be the newest latest and greatest thing you’re going

To need in the world of golf everything from the latest Callaway AI smoke driver to the new vogi wedges to incred ible Tech that can help your game the new foresight quad Max every little item of apparel shoes golf carts food drinks it’s all here in Orlando I’m here at the foresight Sports Booth with Tim Gillis of foresight Sports we know we love the quad Pro the gc3 Peter’s got one in his man cave but they got something new they said is better they said it’s the best Tim what do you got here what’s new in launch

Monitors Mike it’s the year the GC quad Max so what we’ve done is we’ve taken the GC quad Y which is the industry strandard for launch monitors number one on the PGA tour number one on the PGA tour number one amongst the club manufacturers just about anybody and

Everybody sure and what we’ve done is we’ve added features to it that do a bunch of different things that people have been clamoring for we’re able to customize the screen okay it’s now a touchcreen instead of a push button screen oh so it makes it a lot easier to

Navigate a lot easier to do things one of the Fantastic functions of the new GC quad Max is speed training so you can program it and say I am learning to swing the club faster and there’s a unit in here that helps the teacher get you

To swing your golf club faster and help you train we all want to swing faster oh God yeah go faster mcord needs to swing faster Peter can’t help him Canmore Peter can do it Gary needs little more speed well that’s what Peter should teach him then right yeah so I mean

Those are the key features to it if you’re a club Builder or you’re doing Club fittings there’s some features in it that allow you to customize the screen to show your customers what is going on or if there’s some information that you want them not to see you can

Hide that information so if you have somebody that’s really a a a questionable person and wants to waste your time asking you a bunch of okay bad questions you can take that information off of there and avoid that all right um so yeah I didn’t want to be derogatory

Much so um but those are the main features it’s a little bit lighter it’s got a newer case to it it’s got a battery that lasts 30% longer looks great and it’s it’s going to take how long do that battery last 9 to 10 hours

That’s a lot of that’s a lot of balls if you’re yeah if you’re teaching that long on the Range you’re going to sleep well that night for sure so speed training easier to use more functional screen instead of push button lighter long battery tell us just real quick run down

All the features that the quad Max what can it do what does it measure for you it measures all your golf ball information so it’s going to show your launch angle your ball speed yep what we call curvature or the Equator of the ball we’re the only ones that can see

The equator and what that does is it refines how much that ball curves right to left or left to right okay we’re also going to show you your Peak angle your I’m sorry your Peak height your descent angle your Club impact point and all different facilities that people need to

Get Improvement or fitting in in instruction so whatever you use it for if you’re a teacher if you’re a player that wants to get better learn from what your ball is doing and not guess actually know actually measure Yeah we actually take pictures of everything including the club face and nobody else

Does that a lot of people use predictability models to see some of that data but we’re the only ones that independently measure the golf ball and the golf club and give you that feedback on a cons consistent and accurate basis foresight Sports on The Cutting Edge of golf technology and helping teachers

Golfers know more and play better than anyone Else I’ve run into an old friend open Champion Ridder cup hero and a phenomenal announcer besides being a great golfer now trying to do uh PGA Champions Tour try to make his way out there Justin Leonard Justin great to see you again thank you you too Justin and I

I produced a golf tournament with the ESPN that Justin uh played in with Tom Kite lost in a playoff to Steve pton Craig out back in 1995 yep was quite an event we had a a great time and one of the best stars do you remember we we were about 6 miles

From the US military base and to go over there to sign autographs for the soldiers uh the general said you guys don’t want to you guys don’t want to drive over during rush hour on a Friday night so right so you know in the middle of Soul Korea put us on two Blackhawk

Helicopters took off from the golf course landed at the base amazing um I I remember the 18th Fairway was some kind of uphill par for dog leg right and over to the left was a very small training base for the South Korean military and I look over there we’re playing a golf

Tournament and 40 yards from me is a a young member of the South Korean military army crawling through the bushes and there’s a guy with a parachute and a fan strapped to his back flying around as an observer I guess trying to spot this guy or I don’t know

What was going on but holy cow I was in Soul Korea I had no idea what was going on but it was really a fun trip it was a great event and in fact on the helicopter uh Tom Kite was next to me we had helmets on and C units and Steve

Pate was right here and he’s drinking a Bud Light and the young Soldier says uh Mr P sir you can’t drink on the on the helicopter and so p goes finishes it I hand Steve a Sharpie and he signs it and gives the empty Bud Light can to the kid

But lot of fun but we’re here at the golf forever Booth you’re an endorser you used golf forever and I got to try it yesterday I in 10 minutes I felt like I had an unbelievable workout Y what does golf forever what has it shown you about your swing in your game that’s

Most important does it help most with speed endurance or flexibility what do you think does the best and how does that help your game I I think it really helps all three um you know I I’ve been able to from my time with the PG tour

Had access to like the best trainers in the world when it comes to the game of golf and now with golf forever through Dr Jeremy James the founder you know we’re able to provide that same level of training to anybody who’s willing to put a little money into their golf game and

Invest some time the cool thing it’s totally mobile I I travel with our swing trainer I throw it in my golf bag um you know the workouts are all on your phone you go through this program and everything is Tailor Made For The Individual um and then you know now that

We’ve got guys like Zach Johnson and Ryan Palmer world number one Scotty she using our program using the swing train I mean I’m I’m more than just an endorser like I I’m you know I’m an investor a contributor I was in from day one and to see the scale of where we are

Now compared to where we were five or six years ago um it’s been incredible it’s been a fun adventure so as good as it is for your game and tour Pros best players in the world yeah I got to imagine some of the testimonials that you’ve been getting from average golfers

Regular golfers it’s got to help dramatically for someone like me who’s trying not to lose distance as we get older it it it does and you know players our age tend to lose flexibility they lose distance through you know we’re able to defeat time or at least

Challenge it quite a bit with golfer ever and that like now at at 51 years old I’m hitting the ball further than I ever have in the course of my career and I know technology plays a part in that but it’s not just driver like I’m

Hitting my 8 n iron 10 yard further than I was 10 or 15 years ago and there’s maybe a little bit of golf ball it’s the same irons I’ve used the same loss and everything but it’s just I think from very specific and focused training um

I’m able to hit the ball further and I think everybody should be able to yeah that’s great Justin’s made available a couple golf forever units for you Peter and Gary we’re going to bring them back we’re going to work on them together get stronger get more flexible and maybe hit

It a little bit farther Justin appreciate it of course so good luck out there we look forward to seeing you Soon thanks so much for watching today’s episode of Costas and McCord Off Their Rockers again trying to bring a little common sense and Clarity into the World of Golf we all want to see the best players in the world playing golf we all want to talk about Golf and not about

This business that’s going on we appreciate your support give some comments below any thoughts that you have the guys love reading them and remember to support our great sponsors swingu and the amazing swingu app the best app in golf go to and use promo code rockers 2024 to get 40% off

Your first year of swingu Plus or Pro foresight Sports and their quad Pro and quad Max launch monitor number one on the PGA tour incredible technology as well as their simulators which are cutting edge lab Golf and their gamechanging technology with the tour winning lab Golf Putters check out labg for more information and Bono barbecue with smoked meat sauces and an incredible franchise opportunity check it out at Bonos franchise make sure you like subscribe and share and hit that notification button right below so you don’t miss an upcoming episode of cism mord off rockers we’ve got some great ones coming

Up in 2024 so until next time Mike Abram the third wheel in this crazy group of caim mord Off Their Rockers we’ll see you again real soon


  1. I love Garys Idea on how to have 8-10 tournaments that all tours play on courses all over the world, and then have 2-3 other tours they all go back to and everyone collecting would golf points !!

  2. We want to watch golf is correct. Leave Saudi alone, govt will shut them down if we just ask. I don’t miss guys that went to LIV

  3. SSG is just gutting the tour for profit… they have no intention of doing anything with the pga tour. Just brokering the sale of pga tour assets to the PIF/LIV

  4. Let’s be real, Jay Monahan’s leave of absence was 1000% fake. He’s a coward that can’t be allowed to run the tour

  5. Golfers have been playing for money for a very long time…otherwise they all would have remained amateurs playing for the love of the game!

  6. How long do you guys think before the TV bosses are cornered by the shareholders because their station is not broadcasting golf tournaments with stronger fields and more influential golfers (the needle-movers on LIV) which will give more value to their Advertisers….?

  7. While I appreciate hearing the inside scoop on combining the golf tours, I was happy to hear you getting back to anecdotes and golf tips until there’s an actual agreement on the new setup. Thanks, fellas!

  8. Tired of a liar named Jay Monahan. I haven't watched anything on the PGA tour since this started. I did watch the LIV tournament in Mexico. Excellent golf! And there was a 19 year old closing his round with 5 birdies. Another potential source for PIF recruitment.

    ALl players should play in ANY event. If I were PIF I'd recruit the top players in Asia, India, Europe and pick up 12 "name" PGA players each year. Then I'd tell the PGA to stick it.

    McCord sounds like the old old man trying to hold on to the system.

  9. I love you guys, you get right to the point and talk about exactly what is going down. I have always felt that if the PGA keeps refusing to work with LIV, LIV would keep taking the PGA's best players away. PGA better find a way for the tours to work together or they are SUNK. Personally, I don't watch the PGA anymore. LIV is so fun to watch, and has most of the best players, why watch anything else?

  10. The moment the PGA cancelled the tournament at Trump’s course was the last time I ever watched a PGA event. F the PGA!

  11. I hope someone can come up with a format for television that would decrease the amount of commercials. It’s becoming unwatchable, unless you record it and fast forward. Formula One and World Cup football have somehow managed to do that successfully. The “playing through” thing is a joke.

  12. Great insight and opinions, really good. My two cents from overseas – tournaments called Waste Management – really – I thought they wanted have legacy – Colonial, Greensboro…..lastly I have watched the LIV golf (free on Youtube in Scotland) on my TV and now really enjoy the 54 holes shotgun start with lots of golf shown, also the team element has started to make a difference – with all 4 players counting on last day the team result shifts all the way to the end. I like the Dp World and PGA coverage when I need a wee nap!!

  13. Great point Peter. The pga players are criticizing the Liv players for playing for money when the pga is infusing a group to provide more money for their players. So they are also playing for more money. It’s become more of that instead of playing for the trophy or legacy, except for the majors. If the pga doesn’t do this, then their players will leave the tour for Liv and MORE MONEY. He’s right, they should have re teed and worked it out with PIF, one partner and made it work. SSG will have a new, different agenda and complicate the whole issue and open up cans of worms. Keep hitting your ball out of the woods.

  14. The PGA tour will not survive thanks to Monahan. Great analogy by Peter about going back to the tee or shooting a 16.

  15. Take this for what it's worth, which is not much. Every acronym is an abbreviation, not every abbreviation is an acronym. An acronym is a pronouncable word, such as, PIF. PGA in not pronouncable. SCUBA is another example of an acronym. Who cares is a legitimate question.

  16. the point is this has been brought on because of the pga tour's greed, wanting all control over the players, even their names and all marketing rights were the tours how many other board members were making in excess of nearly 20 million dollars a year like monaham through sponsors and tv deals that the players were never a part of, phil was right all along seeing the pga tour board filling their own pockets first and foremost and u can bet where a large chuck of SSG's investment money will end up, monaham said saudi money is dirty yet when offered some he took it just like SSG's money now he's taking some of that as well, should be inline to double his Remuneration next financial year, 20 million dollars a year plus bonuses to run a non profit organisation thats laughable

  17. All I can say is I dearly miss the Kostis swing analysis and the McCord humor and insights into the game — love to hear your golf voices. You guys were the best. I don't give a damn about LIV Golf and their Mickey Mouse format — this is and always will be an individual game of guts and will. Look at the the players that left-pretty much all d'bags and I don't miss any of them. LIV Golf has no feeder tour, no place to pull players from other than the PGA TOUR–and that's about to come to a halt. Eventually Phil and the old players will be gone and the talent will saturate–LIV will die on the vine. The PGA needs to be strong and not let those defectors back – don't need them to succeed.

  18. What would be the downside/negatives to a franchise system for tournaments? I'm picturing free agents who've honed their skills earning the privilege of playing in the events that they choose. If there's no market for that, then so be it. If golf-loving investors see it as a risk worth taking, then let them compete for viewership. Or, if some folks are just so crazy rich – for whatever reason (Saudi oil, for example) and choose to be patrons for golfing "artists", then, why not? Fans also get to vote with their feet and dollars. Sounds like the TV/cable/streaming bidness is getting right interesting these days. Way over my head.

    My sense is that the Monahan types who revel in "controlling", practically *owning*, these hard working, risk taking, talented golfers are now about to get what they deserve. Just watched a nice Rahm interview. Says he'd love to continue to enter and play in PGA Tour events. Has Monahan considered simply allowing that to happen? Does LIV control what their players can do during their off weeks?

    Gary and Peter will get it figured out. 🙂

  19. Throughout all these discussions about PIF, SSG, World Tour, PGA schedule changes, nobody has explained how a sustainable business model is being developed to support bigger prize funds, private jets etc. PGA Tour sponsors balk at the costs, others walk away, PIF have throw billions at an unsustainable model in a niche sport with low TV viewing audiences. The only way for this to work is ‘growing the game’ and I have seen precious little details on that. There is a day of reckoning coming for the men’s sport……

  20. it’s a ploy. PGA basically sells to SSG for 1.5 billion. They give that money to the players that remained LOYAL. Then they sell to the PIF for 3 billion and SSG just doubled their money.

  21. If either side was smart, they'd hire these guys for their telecasts. Both PGAT and LIV are not good products anymore. Peter and Gary would make one of them worth watching.

  22. The whole grow the game is bs. If you want growth, offer free beginner lessons and trial rounds. Most courses I play it's already hard to get out and lay. Just throwing more money at the top pros is not a real solution. My opinion it's just a way to increase the purses.

  23. Not sure I want to tell my buddies about Kostis lessons I might lose money. Oh ok I’ll just learn to play better 😝. If McCord ever comes thru KC and his caddy still has clubs for sale tell him to give me a shout. Really enjoyed talking to Gary when he played the senior tour

  24. Don’t agree fellas… I don’t think the players today started as money grubbers… BUT the exploitation of the PGA PLAYERS by the PGA has built so much resentment that it has now lost that sense of ‘honour’ ALL OF THIS IS WHAT INEVITABLY HAPPENS WHEN A MONOPOLY IS LEFT UNCHECKED.. Sick of the PGA .. TOXXIC MONOPOLY

  25. WHY is SSG investing billions in a watered down PGA tour , unless they know all the best players on LIV will play on signature events.

  26. Can't believe Monahan is still hanging on. He should have been long gone. Guess he's not going to fire himself. What a racket.

  27. Golf should’ve skipped the Netflix thing. Only further revealed what privileged, thin-skinned babies these players really are.

  28. Even "amateur" golf was always about the money. Jack and Arnie created the "Tour" to get more money for the "draws" (themselves) and less for the "drones" (PGA pros). To compete with LIV, the Tour needs more money because they are NOT a profitable enterprise (by definition). Running out of cash in a business that eats cash and has a revenue stream that barely meets outflow, leads to bankruptcy. The SSG will throw pocket change their way as a sort of "poison pill" financial maneuver. The PIF will support LIV and make the PGA into a feeder tour for them. When the top 54 golfers in the world are all in LIV, then they will have achieved their obvious goal.

  29. The money SSG gave to the Tour players is nothing more than a tax write off . Top it off the Top 36 players end up with about 70% of the money doled out by SSG. The rest of the players get the scraps. The folks in the Senate who don’t like the Saudis for some reason Love the Ukraine.

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