Learn what CAUSES Early Extension? How to Fix Early Extension and a Driver Drill to feel the fix to get your golf swing where it should be. Most golfers lose distance and accuracy because the extend early in the golf swing. This video will fix that and have you hitting the golf ball further and straighter than before.

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Filmed at: https://www.peeblesgolfclub.com

Right we’re on today we’re talking about early extension Frankie Jack who’s a member of the YouTube channel he asked me if I would create content for him personally for him for early extension if you’re a member of the YouTube channel I will meet your request too so early extension that was causing Frankie

Problems let’s get right into that then so firstly what is La extension La extension is standing up through impact La extension is standing up through impact your hips go towards the golf ball hips towards the ball that can open Club face lifts the handle of the golf

Club up we get high handle we are in trouble nobody on tour very little players on tour have early extension so very little players on tour you will see coming into impact they moving this direction move the hips towards the golf ball now I’ve done drills in the past on early

Extension up the top smother or cover that golf ball more there’s lots of good content out there but it’s actually not many not much content has explained why do people a extend what causes the early extension it’s all very well explaining what a extension is it’s all very well

Giving a drill to prevent a extension but if we knew what caused it in the first place then perhaps we could save it from happening that is probably the most sensible thing I’ve said on this channel okay so that camera might be moving slightly today it’s very very

Windy we’re in Scotland it’s February we have to deal with that so dealing with that and dealing with removing LX exension so making sure that we do not pump our hips towards the golf ball through impact what causes the fault in the first place what causes that well

Think about how the golf club’s hinged when the club comes back we get to here we create a lovely angle between lead arm and Club shaft lovely angle and then the way down that angle is maintained as the body turns through staying in your postural position and your posture

Positions there nice Bend nice nice Bend nice Bend that’s posture that’s there there’s no extension what happens if the angles are wrong though this angle I’ve created here between lead arm and shaft what happens if I am unable to maintain that angle to start my down

Swing well well that in my experience is the common fault losing that angle early on something has to give hips have to go forward you need to make room you have to make room for impact now so flanker Jack I’ve just Sor I’ve just read your

Name I think I said Frankie Jack at the start apologies flanker Jack what a name that’s that’s class so flanker Jack if you’re doing this at the top of your gol swing you get your Club into a great position there and then from there you release this angle too

Early then look what has to happen you’re up here you’ve released it so now you’re going to dump it into the ground you’re going to dump the club into the ground the only way to prevent dumping into the ground is St standing up to make the room so stand up to make the

Room hips go towards golf ball flanker Jack can’t believe I got the name wrong sorry there maybe I another they coming down making room to get in here and of course we make room in here hips go forward handle goes up face then points out to the

Right handle goes up face then points out to the right look at that just some lift handle up the face points to the right slice that’s called face aim tilt so the angle at the top of the golf swing to start the down swing has to be

Maintained we have to create it in the back swing obviously we create it we maintain the angle between lead arm and Club shaft stay in our postal position and then from there we just turn through now that sounds too easy but that’s exactly what’s happening up to the top maintain

The angle there you’ll see now if I if I let go of my lead arm you can see there how this right Trail elbow has got in front of the trail hip okay now if I’ve thrown this away from here there that’s not happening in

Here when I’m in there you can see there there now my butt’s gone backwards or it’s not gone forwards and I turn through I stay my postural position guys on tour feel as though tiger used to do drills on this feel as though they’re back go their butt goes outwards to get

To the top then feels on the way down their butt goes back Justin Rose butt goes back out towards or away from the golf ball there and through so a combination of feeling that angle being held and the butt going backwards is going to remove remove the early

Extension but you have to exaggerate it so so much I mean so so much you have to he holding on butt goes back there and then from there I have to trust I’m going to make contact with the golf ball sorry that was a green keeper just

Going past there you have to trust you’re going to make contact with that that golf ball initially you might not but you lose your L extension film it film you missing the golf ball but watch your angles look how you’ve maintained those postural angles through impact

And yeah nobody wants to miss the golf ball but initially if that’s what it takes for you to hold the angle keep your butt away from the golf ball and if you miss the golf ball that’s fine so I’ve hit that pretty clean but I knew my butt was not good

Towards the golf ball there hold the angle better better this is the same yes with driver there’s one other thing now that I’ve mentioned driver let me Chuck this in here let me just hit one more it’s class hold on take your driver and watch this so

Take your driver take the face of your driver place it against your chest when that goes against the chest take your address position now I’ve got a tail the shaft sticking out between my legs if I was to early extend that would disappear chest’s gone up butt’s gone in so drills

There imagine the angle this angle you’ve created here imagine that hold on to look at that there there there there’s no a extension from there then you release so you’ve gone left bend on the way back right bending the way down extension post impact so I’m here I’ve got left Bend

I’ve moved to Target I’ve gone right Bend and then from there I extend up face on I go left Bend move to Target right Bend extension that is good use your driver for the drill then as we know from there it’s all feels it’s all feels that there left Bend right

Bend it’s good that’s going to hit the tractor no it’s not good left Bend into right Bend cre the angle at the top between lead arm and shaft maintaining it on the way down staying your postal position as you turn through so we know what a extension is standing up hips towards

The golf ball we know what the main cause is is that dumping the club having to stand up make room and the fix for it we know it’s hold the angle up the top hold the angle butt goes backwards and through now it’s easy to do easy to feel that using the driver

As your drill and then on the golf shot trying to repeat how did it feel with a driver between my legs I felt as I was there great there felt good there was no a extension my butt was traveling in this direction or at least that’s how it felt flanker

Jack thanks very much for um the request of this video it’s been really good I hope everyone with a extension has benefited from this I’ve enjoyed making this video and as mentioned before if you’re a member of the YouTube channel you can give me requests and I will

Create a video specific to the needs of your golf swing I’ll see you in my next video bye-bye


  1. Great lesson .. wouldn’t it also be if you drop the club on the way down and add a squat should keep out early extension ..
    Amazing with the driver wow that works

  2. Thanks Steve. Great video as usual. I’ve always equated early extension to premature ejaculation. It just doesn’t leave you satisfied with the end result. However fixing early extension is easier than the other one (so I’m told). 😬

  3. First class Steve . I’m
    Really struggling with keeping my lead arm straight in back swing and hinge . Looking for best drills . I know it doesn’t need to be poker straight but it’s collapsing even when I’m really focusing on it . Could grip be impacting also ? Could you do a vid please ?

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