The World’s GREATEST Golf COACH FIXES MY Swing – Live Lesson

Matt Fryer Golf takes a lesson from Todays Golfer Top 20 instructor and one of the most experienced golf coaches in the world Adrian Fryer, having worked with all level of golfers from beginners to tour pros to fix his golf swing.

More info on Adrian Fryer here:

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Hi I’m Matt Fryer, welcome to my channel MattFryerGolf. This YouTube channel is to help you play better golf and love the game even more!

I specialise in golf lessons, golf club news and other entertaining golf content.

I you want to play better golf I cover all topics in my golf lessons such as, how to fix your slice, fix your hook, help you drive the golf ball longer, hit your irons consistently , master your shortgame and hole more putts.
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So we come down to Liverpool Golf Center because in the red has not been going well I’ve been scoring and playing pretty horrifically and this is one of three lessons that I’m hopefully going to be taking with three different coaches on three different aspects to help me get the game better we’re here

At Liverpool Golf Center because that’s the home to Adrien frier my dad who’s been looking after my golf swing for God the last 10 15 years now I’ve not had many lessons in the last year or so I’ve not really practiced much but we’re going to go in there I’ve got two

Or three issues that I want to solve I want to come away being able to have an idea of something actually have an idea of what I want to do because on the golf course at the minute I feel very lost and I’m just trying a million and one

Different things on every different hole trying to find an answer and actually having no structure so hopefully we can get into the range now we can get a little bit of structure in our lesson we’re going to play the lesson out as a full lesson basically so you’ll

Understand the process of start to finish you’ll hopefully pick some wisdom up from it and um things that might relate to your game at home and things that might not but ultimately hopefully you’ll take some nuggets that will help you and I get fix so let’s head in and

See if we can solve this golf swing hello hello how are we okay I’m good you yeah I need you to fix me all right fix me fix me fix me is it that bad I think I’ve got three issues that I want solving um because the play out on

Course is a bit wishy-washy and I haven’t got any real Direction I don’t think I think I go to every round I had a little little feeling maybe six months ago that I stuck with and worked I’ve Got a Feeling with driver M which I had

From Troy having another when I have my fitting with him which I seem to be driving it better but when it comes to like my I am player the stats actually don’t say that I’m too bad so when what’s the shot pattern so shot patterns

A little bit here and there so I hit pulls I hit two I feel I get two slicey with my longa clubs to four five six I see too like I try leak it right more yeah I try and hit a cup but I hit a um a slice or a push slice

Sometimes um I hit 55% of greens last year 10% right 9% % left 21% short which I think is one of my other issues is my strike I remember when I was playing all the time I would like consider myself a good Striker as where now it’s toy it’s

Healy I don’t think I’m compressing it enough um so D like my direction my starting line I would say my strike and then I think it all comes back to actually my setup cuz I stand over every shot and question where I am right with with my shoulders relative to my

Feet I feel I’m short I feel I’m short and the next thing I’ll Stand open and I feel I’m way open so then I do this and I don’t have an idea yeah you need to those are my three dilemas yeah if you stood over it with that lack of

Confidence that doesn’t help does it because you’ve not proven to yourself the pattern of shots no I’ve not got need some evidence I need a I need a a feeling that I’d take away I need to remedy my strike and I want to see a cons well want to work towards a

Consistent tight little fade but but saying that I hate when I hit little like knockdown punch drawers into wind I’m not bad at those like I can get those going but I do hit pull pull hooks as well with that sometimes so there’s no no remedy where do you want me to

Start do you want to hit 79 you going to loosen up with that you agree with that yeah yeah I mean my my my gut reaction tells me and and kind of historically knowing you swing my gut reaction and we’ll we we’ll have to look at the numbers and and

See you historically we know you’re a little strong we know you can get a little shot we know you can steepen it slightly then shallow it yeah and for me and I’m not put my head on the line here but to me it sounds like your pass’s

Probably pretty good but you leave the face open so the push Fades yeah you know and obviously the bigger the club the straighter the face yeah the more that’s going to yeah curve a little bit right you’ll pay for it more with a long iron also if you tend to do this you

Lift the shaft up probably hit them you know m strike it can be healing toey of course that loses distance and and if you you open the face up you’re adding a bit of Loft yeah Dynamic Loft so you leave it short right which your stats

Suggest it also to me suggests that when you try to hit it from the inside and hook it that actually feels more comfortable to you but then you’ve got to manage the face and if you over rotate the face or the face is a bit too

Much of the path obviously you then miss it way left you know so we do need to establish whether these shots that are missing right are more because the face is too open you know any any any dispersion on the shot any curvature on the ball is that differential between

The face and the path isn’t it yeah but it depends where that path’s aiming if you’re getting the path more left and the face a little less left you know you’ll cut them onto Target obviously you’ll move onto Target but if you’re leaving that face too open or healing it

And towing it you know that’s going to affect the gear effect and just H it offline but let’s let’s set up first will we see yeah see the see the yellow flag yeah I’m going that one in the middle that’s our Target so I mean whether you want to work him

Just off the edge of that Clubhouse and back great and just just hit a few and I’ll CH I’ll chip some and then hit so that’s Prime examp sample in the uh in the grass that’s gone 20 yards so even now I’m questioning my shoulders straight your alignment is yet

Yeah there’s a good example bit heavy bit left pull and even that’s just a chippy 7 o strikes all over the place toe slap but straight I think even with like my long like when you look at seven 789 I think my proximity is like 60 ft yeah as an average which

Obviously isn’t great and then with a W like even with like when I’m pitching from 100 yards one one 100 to 130 I’m like 45 ft I hit I hit some great ones but also hit some just pure crap that’s the heel right that’s your Healy one isn’t it you’ve literally got

Them all here we’ve not had a good one yet I think with me like historically I relied on timing whenever felt I was timing it well I’d hid it great regardless of what was going on I could just manage everything as where now I feel like my rhythm and my timing’s gone

But because everything’s a little little bit better M it’s not as bad but I stand over it like questioning and then then straight away my rhythm’s out of the the window not actually hit one on target here yet did you feel you release that one a bit earlier then that was a bit

Heavy wasn’t it just yeah I don’t the honest answer I don’t really know anymore mhm I stand and there’s that much going on like a question my shoulders and I take it away and I think oh that’s inside then I’m not shifted like one week my thought will be try and

Feel left like driving my left down to push up then next week I feel like right I’m going to hinge it more on the way back week after I’m thinking right just get that left shoulder open cuz it feels like I’m like this then it’s like oh

Change your grip I could go through probably all those swing thoughts in the space of 18 holes instead of saying like your feeling is to you know H I think two three years ago we had a lesson and it was like hinge it and like hold I

Took away from it and I was like yeah I think I think it’s all gone what you’re suffering from is no different than many of your subscribers you know you’re exposed to all the different information out there and you what I call solution hopping there’s a good shot yeah going

To do that I’ll try this I’ll try that I’ll try the other well that was a zero path there you can see Zero face you know that was a very neutral golf swing they’re very rare that you better take a picture of that that’s one 1.2 on ours

Yeah oh yeah okay what right just SL out into out yeah he’s measuring at a slightly different point isn’t it but it’s pretty pretty neutral isn’t it but going back to what I was saying Your solution happening you know there’s two things in in in golf for for lessons in

General there’s one thing knowing about the golf swing yeah and then there’s the other thing knowing about your swing yeah and then you may have had a feeling if we went on tour tomorrow and on the practice ground one week we could tell we could tell players to do yeah players

To do X system and because they’re talented they could do it and a week later we could tell them to do y and they could probably still do it but at least they’re trying to do something each time and repeat it what you’re doing is just jumping from feeling to

Feeling to feeling we’re not a great lot of evidence of well so you need to get a little bit of a pattern going now of course that feeling golf is you know we talk about wanting to be consistent we do but we also want to be flexible ie you do need

To be able to hit draws you do need to hit Fades but you should be able to stand here with some block practice and hit some standard shots and think right that’s my fade feel this this is the one I can do and that’s why your proximity

Is So Random because You’ not you know your dispersion pattern is is varied you’re not thinking well if I leak it you know I’m getting this simple pattern and all the evidence is for all your viewers all the evidence is out there with books like you know great books

Like this just digressing but the four foundations John sh scratch player that tells people about their expectations what is realistic because you know like you were saying about how far you’re hitting it yeah those are those are key things your expectation but we need to get you more consistent that’s for sure

With a feeling um definitely I think that it all the like the foundations for me is that setup as soon as I question that I don’t hit a good shot yeah I can’t I can’t stand over it and that probably that last swing was the first

One where I didn’t like when I stand to a like my left shoulder mhm feels like it’s like this I just didn’t look at that then and then hit made a good swing all the other ones I look down and sort of see a bit close catch this and then

I’m like right you know instinctively I’m trying to fix it on the way through okay so what what do I do here where where am I well my my what’s the observation on the setup my my take on if you just take your setup for me please yeah um couple

Of little tips and again this may help you viewers if you take your address position yeah obviously it depends on on on um what shape you’re hitting doesn’t it but if you’re going to be hitting a fade which excuse me the far left flag at the end of the range far left right

Okay so we’re not aligned to the m there are we no we’re slightly L than that which is probably a good thing to do cuz it’s so let’s hypothetically say you’re going to try and fade this ball just slightly onto Target yeah you’re going to know that you want your Arc ideally

To aim or you can a swing Direction slightly left don’t you yeah so you certainly don’t want to be closed if you’re trying to trying to fade it so from a a feeli point of view we all know that we parallel and so on yeah visualize two Plum Bobs if you had two

Plum Bobs dropping from your shoulders yeah I want those dropping here now what would happen with you traditionally you’d get a little bit here but it’s not a great idea aiming your shoulders right and trying to swing left yeah that that feels just let go yeah yeah yeah that’s

Normal for me now we get into tilts of course anybody so far right of the target yeah exactly and anybody with a stronger grip will tend to rotate the left and tilt this way so you got to watch where you Center of your chest is

You might have to feel a bit more on top of it and less tilted of course with the driver that’s different but yeah you’ll feel a bit that way a touch more at a dress okay so two Plum Bobs which is more of a f yeah two Plum Bobs yeah is

That square now yeah your that feels should just address it please take set up and you do your Plum Plum Bobs okay and if I may honestly my shoulders here now walk away stand behind that’s closed yeah so you’re still a hair closed don’t you do you

Know what that felt like you let’s just put that back for me for one sec yeah that felt like over here yeah felt that felt like that to me yeah you felt you felt this way high in your right shoulder and left yeah but you want to

Get here you see now the downside it’s good for again some of your viewers that if you want to tilt this way and get on the inside of it great the more you have spine tilt this way and more underneath if you want to fade it get get a little

Bit more on top of it with your chest so how do I so I take that setup feeling to C how do I not over overdo it well again it’s all monitor yeah you’ve got to monitor it feel it you you might that’s good there yeah don’t that’s it

No more wow wow wow wow yeah yeah and my feet square yeah you’re parallel here now just so just just just stay there and don’t forget you want to be parallel left so let go with that now walk away oh oh yeah and that is left isn’t it yeah

It said the red flag yeah yeah just inside the left flag you want the red flag you want to be because just going back to parallel if I was if the cameraman Joe was the Target that would be the club face that would be your feet parallel you don’t the big

Problem we know most amateur they try and aim their body body and feet at the Target well you don’t you aim parallel to your target just like when you’re putting you know your feet don’t aim at the hole they aim parallel to it so that’s the first thing we’ve got to get

Right yeah is that good that’s good there let’s get a video of that then let’s hit one and oh good shot great shot no okay I think we’re done yeah so but obviously what you’ve got to do you know you don’t have the luxury of your

Camera on the course it’s all feel I do you’re yeah you’re going to have to police yourself and and literally you know with anybody you’re playing with check check your alignment see where you are relative for the shot you’re hitting this is all contextual you’re going to

Be hitting a dra going try and hit a draw back nor you’re going to hit a bigger fade yeah you’re going to be a little bit more close so experimentation I would say got be cont you know what shot you’re trying to hit but for me there your path was just

A hair left which is what we’re trying to achieve angle of attack 4.7 perfect launch angle good spin right all good good good am I aming Square again there now yeah let’s have a look yeah that’s perfect now perfect and again just doing your Plum boops you

Know you see where you are yeah here honestly it feels like I’m aiming a good 150 yards left probably for how long you’ve been aiming a big right yeah yeah cuz I probably change it for a hole and then it doesn’t work like you say you

Come come and have a look here come and have a look you can just see you know I know on video and then you spine tilts I don’t want you to get two on top of it with that chest obviously cuz you could get a little bit steeper or yeah yeah

What have you but but that that setup there posture angles all normal pretty tidy aren’t they yeah you know I would say they’re all nice and neutral you’re nice and balanced what was it can you put uh one of before up good back swing position I like that back swing position

There this is where you’ve got to watch you don’t get too steep cuz often you might steepen the shaft a little you know get that shaft back down close to its original Shaft plane yeah I still feel here you throw it you see you see the face rotation yeah you know to me

That’s a little bit of a draw motion yeah definitely like and that’s why I believe you get closed number one with your your upper body yeah your path will be straight or right and you’ll have the face right which we can see and that’s when you hit that big push fade it’s not

A genuine fade where you’re com in right across and you pass way left no never get never get like a you know pass way left you’re more of a push fader or leak it as soon as you have that ball right of the you know from um uh a um coaching

Coaching perspective but also from a launch monitor perspective that as soon as you have that club face if if if this was your target line as soon as you get that path right yeah so from from so from a d-plane perspective that Ball’s going to leak way right is it you’ve got

To have the the path left and the face left but just the face not quite as left okay whoops easy sloppy slow yeah and I may just want to have a quick look at that one I think I need to start hitting them a bit quicker yeah yeah they’re a bit

Too warmy up shots got a strike yeah not far okay so so again the face is a little closed for me there you see so neutral path face left on that one yeah neutral path face left but what I see when I’m watching you’re just from a

Without any technology yeah when I watch you on your YouTube and so on I definitely see you guiding your irons a bit you don’t look like you really commit to it to me hard enough you know you always look like you’re just trying

To fudge it a bit on some of the some of the better shot to have hit have been like a right M this six sign needs to go 190 195 a bit more like B it feels snappier like tighter rhythm is probably way players different I’d probably

Classify my play myself as a player where I’d take a club extra and I can kind of cozy in hit it softer but I think for you that’s not ideal because what happens when I see in your swing you’ll just get here Flippy and the hands will go away and rotate away what

I want you to do now let’s assume we’ve got the setup something like yeah yeah and when I look at your takeaway and so on and the the path and the shape of your back swing you’re pretty tidy yeah yeah what I definitely want you to do is

I need to work harder on your pivot so your angles are being pulled yes so the angles you’ve created with your chest sorry with your wrists and lever system here MH these are being dragged along yeah for longer so it’s almost for you it’s feel like you’re dragging the

Heel a little and leaving the toe behind and feeling like you’re getting the shaft yeah wiping it and feeling the shaft down low here you will get this way your hands will go away from your body yeah you’ve got strong always had a bit of a strongest right hand so it

Flips over see a lot of rotation in the face here if you look at the likes of Adam Scott and so on you’ll see the face is really quiet here on the way through you know it’s almost open or held up so they releas AIT yeah a bit of an

Extension this way rather than rolling over there they extend some of them this way depends again on the shot to hit if he’s hitting a drawer he’ll let it go a bit more but I’d like you to feel that your body is being a lot more Dynamic

Dragging your arms would that help with the the pression feeling is that going to get you yeah get you on top of it the pass down and left but I want you to start that ball a little bit more left with the face just a hair open so the

Ball just leaks back on target what I don’t want you to do is start it online or straight and then the face be even more open It Go starts right then going right does that make sense yeah yeah but as I say when I watch you on YouTube all

The time I always feel it doesn’t look like you’re giving it any you know even if you’re hitting a little three4 shot you should still will be more aggressive yeah so if I may keep hold of it what I’m suggesting to you is that these angles now work this harder pivot you

Know fire your body your body is going quicker yeah and doing this way yeah and you’re you’re over here exactly so you’re going to have a more leveler turn should we call it yeah cuz all with everybody in golf you’ve got to get the tilts and turns right yeah and and and

That could be Dustin Johnson or you or me you know some some players go steep in the the back swing and then underneath others players will go shallower and steeper yeah you know so you see what fleetwood’s do and say where he’s more underneath it you know

And may need to turn more levels quicker if you like you definitely I think stall with your body and throw your arms away so you’ve got to keep your body moving a little longer arms mys you’ve got to work your body harder and quicker for longer through impact So you you’re being more

Aggressive and to you it will feel like the handle if I put this here it’ll feel like exactly you’ll feel like the handle’s low and left so your face rotation will be quieter good it okay and that ball will go to Target oh yes I guarantee

It go on turn hard left same back swing hard left oh wow great shot and that actually looked like you gave it a bit there then not much movement on it a little pulley but yeah you had the you just match the face and path you had the path

1.5 left face 1.5 you just hit straight P you just need to feel that face is held a bit more quiet drag the heel through Square dress feels wildly open up level it perfect right come on hard left turn left let your body that’s better good that’s

Perfect that was lovely 10 foot how did that feel felt like I was going to pipe that then did it but the strike was really solid yeah good feels like I’m doing this yeah it will feel like you you’re coming left that little bit just stopped and

Just flipped that didn’t you yeah I just mistimed oh just a paor swing get back on the bike ride again delete that one up turn not this yeah not that but just if you if if I may just jump on there a sec so we’re talking about sequencing here and timing so

Everybody’s golf swing’s got a shape yeah so we’ve got to control the shapes so the path of the club we’ve got to control what the face is doing through impact yeah yeah but we’ve all got to control the sequence so just like those tilts and turns some players too tilty

Some more turny but if you can think of the component parts you’ve got a club head your hands and your body let’s say in simple terms it’s a bit like a kid’s roundabout or an old record player if you had a kid on the outside of the

Roundabout one halfway up and one in the middle and they were all going round they’re all going around at the same RPMs same revolutions per minute yeah so what’s happening in a golf swing is these are all moving at the same RPMs but of course the club head’s got 20 ft

To go yeah well the body’s only got 6 6 or8 in so this is a smaller axis of rotation so this is accelerating but they’re all moving together so you’ve got to keep this timing the feeling and it’s a feeling of the club Head Hands and Body all together through the ball

Now as I say I believe in your case decent back swing you go here and then you TR to a because you’re not committed and you’re not sure about what you’re trying to do and then we get a lot of this these stall yeah and that that

Makes that club face pretty difficult to control now nobody on the planet tiger Rory anybody can totally guarantee the club face their paths are pretty very stable and they can they can shift the path obviously it will they can feel a bit inside or a bit outside but the the

The the the trick for all of us is managing that face rotation yeah and sequencing it so you dump all that power and get maximum Club spe and thrust the right moment I definitely feel for you you you definitely stall on this a little bit and that’s why I want you to

Keep the engine let’s call this the engine and this the transmission you know you want to keep the engine going so if I put the club in my tummy here and did this that’s my body and the club working in harmony isn’t it that’s why

My arms look longer here as I say I see you on YouTube and you’re going oh please go straight you know you don’t you’re not saying right I’m making you go I’m going to I’m going to John Jacobs years ago I think he said something to me and he

Said you don’t swing The Club at the ball you hit the ball to the Target which you know seems a simple statement but you you could just get preoccupied with hitting the club at the ball rather actually hitting the ball to theg to the Target and and you want to drive it more

And that’s why when you said about being more aggressive sometimes yeah but I want you to be more aggressive here as well as yeah with the hands does that make sense but the arms almost feels like swing it three quarters at full Pace yeah yeah and I definitely

Want you to be feeling keep hold of it that your body and the club through here are working together so I want you to look longer in your arm see this yeah you know you don’t see any tour players with narrow arms not I’m a flop shot

Yeah you know so I want you wider I want you feeling more extension okay with your body more more aggressive bang that’s it oh that was stretchy feel that you get your arms away from your body or your hands away from your chest okay old another old saying was separate the

Heads so separating the heads is getting the club head further from your head yeah you know get those not this so come on drive drive it hard with your body and get those arms away let get some stability that’s it and um you know your Club head speed

Jumping up to a couple of miles an hour there straight away 94 that and and that’s maybe I think what Chris had said to you in your tailor made fitting you know don’t hit don’t just tap it stop it yeah I do think you going back to going out with a plan on

The golf course that was a great strike that was ripped down the top they’re all doing a similar thing as well now yeah they’re not yeah they’re more stable was I don’t know what your path is say now how to Wi one degree yeah exactly I’ve got you

Kind of half a degree so and and a neutral Club fac and right out of the button 92 mph 180 carry yeah I’ve got you 179 with a range ball with a range ball yeah range perfect that feels snappier feels tight hit the flag hit hit the nearly hit the

Flag yeah Club speeds up look at the strike as well come here actually found the middle of the golf club not this bit and not this bit yeah let’s just clarify where we’re at so we don’t get lost because what you need ultimately for your next YouTube

Sessions and you going out you want some clarity you want to you know I always say to my students if you want to go to tesos tomorrow or you want people say I want to be more consistent but if you want to go to SSB tomorrow you need to know how you got

There yesterday so you you know you need to know that route it’s no use just turning up and trying to find a different way so you you know if you want to produce good golf shots you need to know the formula that produces them so you can use it again tomorrow you’ve

Got a root map set up you know yeah so I would say don’t feel this feel a bit more that way should down it feels this way to left should down and open yeah definitely yeah through the golf ball I’m feeling that I’m turning level yeah and separating the heads yeah definitely

But under and bringing them in correct but I’m going to just clarify a couple of things for you if I may yeah so first of all as you say again assuming you’re trying to hit a little fade yeah with that set up yeah this is like stock yeah your stock standard

Stock shot which you do need to do some block practice to get this nailed down then we can talk about yeah practice is this this I don’t know if it’s over I’m not sure but um apparently it makes you quite good so you need to sort the setup

Out as you say Your Plum Bobs or feeling less yeah underne a little bit more on top of it within region obviously the’re bigger the club if I’m going to try and hit a draw go back to that feeling yeah yeah and just just again for your viewers you know there spine tilting

Golf because you play a silly game where one hand’s on the club below the other but with your wedge there’s less spine still than a driver because of where the ball is you know you’ve got further to reach with your right side for a longer Club un less with a shorter Club so

Those spine tilts vary subtly so you got to watch that so next thing your back swing I’m pretty good I’m pretty comfortable with for you it might feel more out less in you know but don’t forget if you’ve had your shoulders this way immediately throws the club a little

Bit inside so that you your your alignment can so so if I’ve got my shoulders correct for stock the CL should feel in front of me yeah it’ll feel a bit more out and in front of you it’s influencing the path isn’t it but in the down swing definitely you’re

Going to feel that the The Arc is going more lower and lefter for a right-handed player yeah yeah um that said from a science point of view or a launch monitor point of view we know you need need maybe say your path 4 deg left with your face only two degrees left yeah

Yeah yeah that Ball’s going to leak on target I believe you’ve been having your path more neutral right cuz you you’ve been shot here coming this way a fade from Point yeah exactly and that’s why you’re not too bad at as you say hitting the draw shot because you you’re naturally coming

From the inside then it’s just a question of managing the face but you probably overturn those a little bit but so that that’s number one thing now just going back to separating the heads and and and what your hands are doing on the way through this help my start line cuz

I feel like the setup we’ve got and a strike So you you’re going to feel that you’re starting at a hir more left aren’t you yeah you know whether you pick you know you know like we all pick maybe a short Mark or something but I’ll

Often ask a student to HIIT the ball over a particular point or start the ball which may not be your target it’s going to be left of your target isn’t it yeah in your case so you might pick your target line when you’re you’re picking your shot and then

You’ve got to think right I want to start the ball left of that don’t you yeah if you’re going to fade it back onto Target you don’t want to start it over your miss it right makes sense yes yeah now from a point of view of your body as

I say don’t misconstrue what I said sep that you could argue that’s separating the heads but unfortunately the path’s going this way yeah I want your Club head your hand path and your tummy to all feel like they move in the same direction I feel separate the heads with

A bit of stretch yeah bit of stretch bit of extension in the arms and the tummy and I also definitely as I said to you I want your motor I want your body doing more I don’t want you just wafting your arms past it yeah you know now again from a

Your viewers point point of view and in in in my daily life for players who are too aggressive with the body and not squaring the club face coming across it and slicing it watch the lesson in Reverse do what Matt fr’s doing stay back wait with your body and release

Your hands and feel that you’re going to swing to the right and rotate it over so as I said it’s all contextual yeah you know if you if you’re struggling with a slice yeah I want you to feel the opposite you’ve got to get the arms and

Clubs going more okay but in your case you need to keep your body and I want to see you on YouTube I want to see you even if you’re hitting a little three quter pitch sort of thing you can go bang and finish committed you know okay

Some shots you’re going to just FL but I want more aggression from the body you know to you it’ll feel like you’re doing a bit of a Tommy Fleetwood impression going through the ball in terms of quite quite aggressive with your turn through and for me to take away and practice

Then mhm in terms of a a drill or I think for me I’ve got a a feeling now from a setup that’s 100% clear to me I’ve got a feeling of what I want to do sort of post impact feeling here a little bit more as opposed to this what

In terms of a right this is going to get my ball going out here and and and fading what I’m a yeah I mean obviously if you if you’ve got your technology that you can see where you where you your start line is and how much curve

You see on the ball and and where it finishes relative to the Target haven’t you you know now whether you hypothetically we know that your shots often finish a bit short right let’s say when you’re hitting the poor ones yeah so you want to be it I would accept or

Suggest that when you’re practicing the next few times if you just hit some straight bullet left straight pulls that’s fine because that tells me you’re getting on top swinging left and the face is just a bit Square the you know so yeah yeah so you just maybe just hit

A few pulls yeah but it but when you’re practicing from a point of view of simulating game like conditions yeah there’s two or three things you can do I think it was Scott Percy on a podcast he talked about something you know austral I think he’s Australian but US tour play

Played US tour he was talking about doing practice drills so for example if that yellow flag was our Target yes he’d hit four balls and he would make sure with the first four balls that he’d start them left they’d curve to Target but they wouldn’t miss it to the right

Okay so they’d be’ be left to Target but moving on to the Target to have a goal when I’m practice have a goal practice but then he would do the opposite he would hit somewhere he starts them right and moves them onto Target but that doesn’t over so they don’t cross the

Target line are you with me yes so when you’re practicing on and you can see it on your software you don’t want the ball to finish on your on your fade ones right of the target line do you no you want it to move onto the target line as

Long as it’s moving left to right exactly now it’s all degrees of how much you do that it’s bub were eting out there and bringing it back yeah so he he’d do both that would be part of his pre-shot rout practice he’d hit some left he’d hit some right and then he’d

Try and hit two or three dead straight through the gate you know sort of thing but in your case you can think well I’ve got my target line yeah yeah which we assume is where your target is yeah yeah and then you’ve got your your start line

Where you’re going to start the ball aren you and move it back does that make sense so you’re going to feel like you’re starting the ball left of your target line between those two balls so this will be my drill here just yeah yeah and again your

Rehearsal pivot peel this way so your handle feels lower doesn’t it yeah this probably feels a little quieter the club face yeah it’s not gone away from you yeah here and flipped over and you you’re not you you you’ll get this way underneath yeah you know I did actually

Have some when I was at for ladies the other day I literally had a feeling I was doing this yeah high right shoulder more level turn through theall had a few better shots straight after it mhm sort of know what I’m doing right and commit to this one come

On no no it wasn’t your best strike it was a little off the bottom yeah but if you look at the shot pattern it did everything you wanted it to do started left curve back to Target you’re a little late on it perhaps so you just your low point would have probably been

A bit here you hit you thinned it on the way down not quite got that it’s just left of the flag that bucket even that I don’t think you’re committed to that no just a little bit you didn’t you didn’t commit it looked like you guided it swing

Hard see that one you dropped your Club speed’s gone down 89 turn the body the body to pull the arms that’s it it’s alien I want your engine i’ like your engine moving quicker and harder the arms are going to get carried along a good

Bad yeah 6 foot but yeah nearly a shank I think it’s just you never going to get it straight away are it’s just sinking it up I think I just feel a little bit like that goes and I’m goes no no it’s time for us to throw yeah yeah no I mean

You’re you’re you’re definitely making yourself more aggressive with your body but you’ve got to get those matchups you’ve got to get them all even hitting some three4 shots at that Snappy Pace yeah don’t mind that get the feel you in yeah as long as you as long as those

Components as long as this and this are working to keep keep body moving working together yeah you know that’s it yeah so you got to as I say keep the engine moving think of the horse pulling the cars nearly you know there there’s various kind of analogies metaphors but

If the horse is pulling the car running down the road and then the horse sticks the anchors on the car over or you’ve got the book on the parcel shelf of the car and you stick the your brakes onap that book’s going through the window

Well if your body just stalls a bit too early yeah you know you’ll flip it keep the body turning don’t get me wrong again the scientist watching all the the swing nerds we’ll say well the body does slow down of course it does so basically your maximum hand speeds here kind of

You know or so from the ball because your hands and all these components slow down so the club can yeah you pass the energy down the links into the club head so when you see these super slow motion footage of Rory or anybody in the ball

It looks like the feet stop it looks like everything stops momentarily well they are slowing down to dump the energy into the dump the energy into the club head but as a feeling that was great as a feeling you’ve got to feel that you keep moving

That was better that was a good swing when I get it right I feel as well that I’m like a foot taller taller yeah because you’re going into extension aren’t you yeah you go into extension you you know basically you got your little bit of side bend your rotation

And then ex right okay I think I’ve got an idea of what I need so you will feel taller because you’re you’re using your body a little bit more that’s you know and to to to quote the great Jack Nicholas you know when he was said well

How do you fade it Jack he said well it’s simple I just don’t let the toe overtake the heel you know how simple is that I just don’t let the toe overtake the heel through impact obviously if the toe overtakes the heel again for you for

Your viewers many of them need the toe to overtake the heel more to get a bit of shape or a bit of draw yeah as a feeling but you want to feel that you drag the heel of the club but you’re dragging it with this which is dragging

Your hands we dragging the shaft okay take two more so it’ll feel that the heal of your club’s dragging this way yeah and the face is the hair open good come on turn hard extend nice strike little bit open so then you overcook the face there you

See but I don’t mind that I think you’ll you’ll see that occasionally because you just overdid It Strike so much better though more solid yeah yeah it is right on the button aren’t they yeah yeah actually get in the middle he says he Shanks it down the

Target a bit necky T I mean yeah fraction but you’re 2.6 left there with the face two left but it was necky you can see so if you’re going to what you’re going to do if you’re necking it pull hands in slightly Pull It in slightly yeah so again from your

Um viewers point of view practicing the impact location have a great flight super shot one yeah that was perfect that was Bob on wasn’t it right out of the button dead straight yeah and strike location obviously people underestimate um how good the best players in the world are and you know

Obviously software now allows us to see it but you look at Tiger Strike location it’s like that you know more 50p your haven’t got a big dubloon for yours you got 2 coin up separate the heads with a bit of stretch that was a great strike rip that leave on the best one

Eh well thank you for that I’ve got a good idea of what I need to be doing no so pleasure as always well thank you so you’ve got to obviously you’re going to have to hit the range and when I see you on YouTube I don’t want you seeing you

Just just wating it I do want to see maybe even a more aggressive practice swing yeah you know like you said you’re you’re probably better thinking right I’ve got to force this club little bit downwind or something from pin but you’ve got to think right I’m going to

Make a more aggressive practice swing and I’m going to move this quicker yeah and you might feel like you’re doing a bit of an Alex noren you might feel that your hands are a bit low and left for you you know and assuming you’re hitting

A fade now just a caveat word of caution if you get that way too much with a driver yeah driver obviously you’re going to be cutting it because you know you’re pegging it up and you might have to get bit more inside so that’s where

It is movable this yeah you know and we we’ll have to visit that but but at the moment let’s try and get these iron shots something like yeah you know and a bit more consistent guys I hope youve enjoyed that lesson hope you’ve managed to pick a few Pearls of Wisdom out of

There go follow Adrian on all his socials and we’ll see you in the next lesson very soon


  1. I would definitely see your dad for lessons, if only I did live in Birmingham. Any advice on how to find a good pga instructor ?

  2. Just started the video and already I can see it's value. Completely open and honest, thanks Fryer's for the process.

  3. Good lesson. Whatever you pay him, whether it's a pint of beer or finger of scotch, you owe him double for putting up with you. 😃
    IMO, it would be advantageous to learn how to shift weight and turn the corner.

  4. Love your content Matt but what would you have advised a pupil that came to you with similar issues? Why can’t you video yourself and analyse yourself?

  5. At 8:45 Matt hits it perfectly because he was swinging while listening to his dad talk, therefore Matt's mind was distracted and preventing him from engaging all the swing thoughts… mechanics are sound. Too many swing thoughts… "Clear Cache".😂

  6. Hope you at least treated your dad to a steak dinner. Great Lesson, I think if I were in the UK he'd be my coach.

  7. Matt you must have picked up your dry sense of humor from your mom? Just kidding but for real, your dad sure knows his stuff

  8. This is actually great. For those of us who haven’t had lessons, it’s cool to see what it looks like from beginning to end. Makes me actually want to get one. Papa Aid comin’ to Canada any time soon?

  9. As I listen to your Dad and his comments, I wonder if you fell so much in love with your new driver swing that you decided to use it for your whole bag. Seems like whenever we find the solution to our driver, the irons go to pot and vice versa. Golf is a crazy game!!

  10. Matt got down in the ditch with the rest of us & needed some help climbing out. Trying to swing your way out of a protracted slump is tough, getting guidance from a Jedi is huge.

  11. Great video Matt. Both my boys have lessons from your dad, they have both become really good golfers thanks to the work he has done with them. Keep up the practice. Someone once said the more I practice the better I get.

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