Golf Players

2024 Indiana State Masters-Finals

The 2024 Indiana State Masters LIVE from Championship Lanes in Anderson Indiana

E I know test test e e I’ve already talked e Warm up assignment on there so whoever is scheduled on the left lane start your game on the left lane you’re on the right lane all right welcome everyone to Savage bowling TV’s presentation of the Indiana Masters here from Championship Lanes in Anderson Indiana match play beginning to get

Started here Scott Gilmore Mike Alby PB Hall of Famer Hall of Fame of everything Mike Alby Chad Lester once again in our broadcast Booth our production and engineer and uh he’ll chime in here when necessary uh with his commentary too as well and Mike um what a again another exciting day of match

Play here top 32 will Bowl single game double eliminations and uh we got some great matches right here in front of us we’re on uh Lanes right behind s and8 and the championship pair today will be 9 and 10 looks like uh several Bowlers made good

Use of their practice time and are lined up and ready to start and uh these are the survivalist here uh they did a great job of uh getting enough and and some of them bowled really well well let’s look at matches here in front of us number one seed Zack Weidman

Will be taking on the 32 seed Cameron Binger and uh Colton Lily taking on defending Champion Clint million here on 7 and8 9 of 10 Ryan Spear and Chris safearth uh Dwayne Burton is taking on I gotta look I got a look everything’s spread out here we’ll get

You other matches James Sutton taking on Joey quis uh chrisos Mike Banker taking on uh number 31 seed Stephanie stocksdale Kyle Weedman the number four seed taking on Jimmy Cook Clifford Dukes the five seed taking on 28 seed Jordan Bryant number six seed Jeremy Adler taking on 27 seed Jason stillw seven

Seed Ben Coldwell taking on 26 seed Cory deck uh Quinton craw taking on Dwayne Burton here uh on uh 11 and 12 Chris henkins number 10 seed taking on 23 seed Deon maulo 11 seed TJ Schmidt taking on 22 seed Gene Perez 12 seed Rob girdley

Taking on 21 seed Jacob Wright Brad slay ball taking on Jacob Boler Scott SCH bayy Maverick Trevor proov bill hiber are your other matches here and we’re using uh we’re going to have 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 you’ll see 13 14 15 16 to as

Well from your matches and uh again sit back enjoy the Masters here match play and it doesn’t get any better than this uh no one game match uh double elimination goes pretty quickly and uh it’s easy to get caught up in a whirlwind if you’re out there bowling

Because you just kind of got to take your time and and uh take it one frame at a time you don’t want to get caught in a rut and uh find yourself sitting sitting out after two matches again want to thank our sponsors for the weekend brands of Brunswick for their latest

Releases and product information like them on Facebook at Brunswick Bing or go to Brunswick and big4 Soxs find your pair at a pro shop near you or at big4 all right Colton Lily has his hands full with the defending Champion Clint million and what could be a really good

Match here on five and six Cameron Binger who made a deep run a few years ago at the Indiana scratch classic is taking on the number one seed Zack Wyman who came off a really difficult set of circumstances at the US Open he was the only bowler plus after qualifying that

Didn’t make the top 24 wow and what was amazing too Mike was the fact that he was plus 10 the SEC the the bowler below him in 38th was minus 31 there was 41 pins between him and the next spot and uh boy the being the only guy plus and

Not making it that’s just really tough well obviously u bwell in a in a very demanding condition there at the US Open and and uh Zach has been a a good solid player on tour and just needs to get a few breaks to get get back in there and

Get those shows going again and uh I’m sure we’ll see him do that right Brad slay ball there with coming in light leaving the 210 they’re down on 15 and 16 and Cameron Binger open there in the second frame and now Zach Weidman stepping up here in the six we’re off

Camera here he’s going your thing Mike yeah he just got that one in a little bit left to Target and just broke a little earlier than he wanted but broke the broke the split down 610 just got to fill them up well um here’s a little

Thing I want to share with you here uh as soon as I get it all figured out I’ll share this information with you here shortly but uh I want to I want to give you something that you might find pretty interesting all right I’m in I’m intrigued already you right there yes

All right there are currently out of the 32 Bowlers that are bowling in this round or in this top 32 eight are former Purdue college Bowlers how about that I bet you can’t give me the IU Bowlers either can you do you know if they even exist um I

I I I could but that’s pretty that’s a very good because Purdue has always been solid uh as a Collegiate bowling team and and done a great job through the years and I know you’re alumni there so yeah yeah Ryan spear is a current College

Bowler I’m sure if I had time I knew you weren’t run left-handed because that that didn’t make any sense what I I I’m left-handed I think with the right side of my brain right I don’t know what how that no that that is that’s quite exciting so the odds are we

Are going to have Pur Purdue uh finalist somewhere along the way here you could have a head-to-head Purdue match um I I you know I was impressed uh Zack Weidman TJ Schmidt and Jacob Wright all came in today wearing a little bit of gold and black and white uh our Purdue colors big

Game this afternoon 1:00 if you’re interested if if it goes the booth goes dead for about couple hours yeah if it gets like last two minutes of the game and it’s close all of a sudden Chad and Scott could be disappeared no big game against West son this afternoon a lot of

Great sports on TV hang out with us all day today as well uh Indiana Masters you got an unbelievable Us open at Woodland bow with maybe arguably the the best top five in step ladder maybe in PBA history we don’t know you know your era had some really talented players I don’t know

Yeah I you know I’ve slept since then so I would can’t remember but but yeah you can’t beat uh 80 some titles and 20 some majors and uh but especially guys that are there’s not like there’s one that’s kind of on the end of their career or anything you’re

These guys are all in their Prime so yeah it’s going to be a great one today well and and even belmo in our interview with him had made a comment you know I don’t he he was like social media don’t kill me I don’t know looking back in

Time if there was a show that had uh Pete Weber Walter Ray you um Parker bone you know all in the same show you know because the number of titles amongst those few Norm Duke another one the number of titles amongst those would be as astronomical right um I mean you have

A couple right I think yeah I don’t if they fall off after so many years I don’t H every time I see someone get a double I think oh they’re going to line up and then boy it doesn’t take much to put yourself back in Peril here well you know you your opponent

Opens and then you have a double and you think you’re in great shape and then you turn turn around and make a mistake and you open right after that but yeah it’s like well take this morning you know we got we had the practice and and they re

Old and they’re fresh again and we had two Bowlers on each lane this time and and uh so not quite getting as much carry down and movement and so uh all these things are a little bit different it doesn’t take much to change that

Angle yeah and and uh a lot of guys here too you know get accustomed to uh uh the lane play and then you rerun him and then Jeff lets him sit for about 15 minutes 15 minutes so let that oil settle in right which is a good call

Yeah and uh then we’re ready to go so a lot of people wonder why there’s a little bit of a break between the last Lane running before us getting started that’s why you let that oil set in and uh Kel tells you 15 to 20 minutes and

Then bam you’re ready to go and they did start on the high end earlier so to get the the lanes done and and keep keep the tournament moving which was a good plan as well [Applause] ah thank you always you know a lot of these Bowlers I don’t know uh steu I

Appreciate it we’ll make sure we I’m a huge stickler for pronunciation here and getting guys names pronunciated right I appreciate the the uh comment in our chat room hey if you’re in the chat uh oh Ryan spear no longer in college did not know that I know he was bowling in

The ITC championships uh not too long ago uh last year I believe um bowling with uh Nate stubler and a really good team I believe um but yeah uh and then Doug Weedman appreciate you tuning in as Kyle and Jimmy yes cook bowling one another and uh if you have any

Information or want to share some stuff uh let us know we we always appreciate you know unfortunately Mike we just we don’t know everything about everyone right so it’s always nice to know a little bit more information than what we get uh uh we’d love to have the

Opportunity to talk with every player before this tournament starts but we don’t have nine or 10 hours to conduct uh no we’re right here we’re limited uh viewing to see you know the the Bowers more towards the highend so uh but no we do appreciate any information that uh

That we don’t have we see in the chat and here and thank you for that as well and Ryan spear with a another strike here on Lane 10 and uh he’s built himself a 20 pin lead over Chris safearth and Colton Lily there with a oopsy

Here gutter on Lane eight now after resp spotting the eight pin Zack Weidman looking to spare here in the fourth down one that’s why you know Zach’s a leader there coming into this it’s tough you know all the pins are gone so it’s just a one game total pin match

Here anybody can win and Quinton Craig is taking on Dwayne Burton and Dwayne Burton a former our past winner I believe here of the Indiana Masters and uh you know big announcement uh this week as Jeff Circle uh let us know that uh next year is the 25th anniversary of the Indiana

Masters so look for some exciting news for next year’s tournament let’s see uh I I would imagine the Indiana State USBC and Jeff have some things up their sleeve I’m sure and we look forward to broadcasting the 25th anniversary of the Indiana Masters here next year yeah

That’s an exciting number oh yeah those in the chat letting us know Cameron Binger a uh former IU player we won’t hold that against C ceron um boy back in my day in the late ’90s uh when I bll for Purdue uh IU and Purdue had some was a good rivalry there

Were some really talented players Nick hogland was one that bowled Jeff Clark uh Jack lafy uh Lee Johnson I mean some really talented players were on IU’s team back in the late 90s and I knew you knew some IU players oh I knew it oh yeah a lot of

Great Talent came out of the Bloomington program and uh we had some good talent too uh obviously yeah still do yeah Andy doll Ed smaglick uh Ed a real talented player now lives out in I believe moved or lives out west now um so yeah tons of talented players Zack whitean TJ Schmidt

A former Player of the Year Chris Saar another one that really talented who’s bowling right now so tons of talent coming out of both programs and um always good to see the Rivalry still there and uh now they have the big 10 championships for uh the college bowling

Uh season to which is exciting yeah fun fact here is uh the head coach of the IU bowling team is a Purdue Alum B on the Purdue bowling team how does that happened Z singer yeah that first year he you know he came to our tournament at

The bo Amer classic it’s like how does it feel to wear the IU on your so yeah what does it feel like to go to the dark side yeah but he’s trying to turn that around and and uh he’s brought back the Big 10 championships in bowling

So little split screen here for you on 56 and uh nine and 10 and Cameron Binger coming up a little bit High there leaving the six pin and uh real tight match here on five and six and uh interesting to see Zach throwing uh urethane he finished his qualifying Squad throwing a radical

Hitter playing way in and um so you would think the lanes would be kind of similar but you know when you rerun you know Mike what happens to these Lanes when you rerun them five six times throughout the course of the weekend yeah cuz they don’t get totally

Clean every time so uh there’s always some some sort of little buildup out there but that’s that’s why you know uh Jeff does what he does and lets it sit for 15 minutes and things like those things to try to make it as consistent from Squad to Squad as possible but as

You know all the bowlers have different equipment they play in different parts of the lane in different squads so it it’s it’s always unique each Squad is unique in itself looks like a lot of players just kind of feeling things out here right uh and of course we don’t always throw it

The same either yeah and Chris afor really struggling here early as Zack Weidman on a strike leaves a solid nine and uh Clint million here with a couple of doubles and an open in the third he’s got a lead here of about 22 pins throwing it well throwing it very well

And uh looking to repeat here at the Indiana Masters comes in high 610 and his 22 pin lead drops to 20 just like that with Colton LLY working on a strike big spare there on the uh 310 for Chris Saar he’s just trying to stop the bleeding here still a tight game he’s

Down about 32 here as Ryan spear working on a spare in the sixth in the seventh frame so a lot going on here thanks again for watching here on Savage bowling TV hey Adam uh Rob girtley bowled for IU as well like to know that thank you uh Paxton for the

Information and again tell us where you’re from if you have any questions again I always say Mike has all the answers so feel free to I don’t know that’s going to be the thing you little stocks little uh yeah oh my good I’m like a weatherman

I’m right 25% of the time well it PS to be that way right maybe and you and you can still get paid you yeah I know some good weatherman all right now we’re looking at Jacob brigh here on Lane 14 and real tight match here just a 10

Pin game between these two as he’s taking on Rob gley and that’s Brad slay ball right next to him on 15 and 16 bowling Jacob Boler and hey here’s a cool thing we want to thank the uh the folks from Lane talk uh we talked with uh met with them

On Friday of the US Open week and um they’re helping us out here with uh providing some scoring on each pair so uh really want to thank them at Lane talk and really cool feature where we can kind of you know you can basically get scoring in almost any Bowling Center

That’s uh out there and you can you know if you’re wanting to find out what your your league buddies are doing on a certain pair you can find that out so uh really really want to thank the folks from Lane talk for helping us out this weekend too as

Well uh doton uh has a question for you Mike if you could pick a fiveman team you being one of the five uh who would it be if you could bowl a team event with Five Guys you being one of what’s your other four well I mean I I think uh being

Nostalgic for myself I mean give me Dick Weber Don Carter and Earl Anthony and uh maybe Mark BR there you go I think it uh you know I did bowl a little bit in the a when Earl and Mark were around but uh you know it uh I

Think it’d be nice to it’s like that when you get that question you know who would you like to have dinner with you know that that’s kind of a a bowling thing for that the team the fiveman team would be would be really cool now if you could pick four guys from this

Era who would that be oh wow um obviously you got to put belmo in and uh you know Simonson’s unbelievable with what he can do uh Kyle troop just continues to to do what what he needs to do to get there and is in play uh you

Know left left wise I mean Jer I mean I he’s phenomenal I love watching him bowl and and the stuff he does but uh I’ll tell you what coming up C but in ranks you know let me hook up with uh you know

As far as on a team let me let me do the youngsters and do Ryan Barnes and uh Justin bone and and Brandon bone I mean I mean my goodness gracious unbelievable and then watching this week at the US Open uh was it uh I’m trying to think of

The 17y old I know there’s twins but the one that made match play was it uh Jordan yes yeah that’s Anthony Jordan’s kids Anthony Jordan’s a heck of a player out of Illinois and uh yeah both Landon and Griffin twins yes twins 17 years old um Juniors High School juniors and

Phenomenal play yeah and Griffin uh Griffin just missed it you know so um and he’s a one-hander and and and Landon’s a two-handed yeah so yeah uh quite impressed with uh with them uh this week at the US Open but uh you know last couple weeks I mean we’ve seen uh

The youth show show what they can do it’s unbelievable well we’re getting down to the crunch frames here Mike on five and six we have a three- pin game between Zach widman and Cameron Binger uh Zach holding the three- pin lead stepping up here in the ninth frame uh trying to set

Himself up for the 10th Frame obviously right now uh Zach kind of controls his own destiny and uh but still a lot to be done here but you’re getting to the tail end of that game uh Clint million opened in the seventh but he still has a 24 pin lead over Colton

Lily these are the these are the games that uh who can perform in the ninth and 10th oh are going to be the ones that uh are going to have the day that they can have the day cuz you need to perform in the end oh great strike there from Zack

Wyman great shot he’s had that lane he’s had that lane every other time ah you familiar with a Tim mud from Greenfield indana very much so yes yeah they’re in the they’re in the chat here oh very nice they say hello Tim good to hear from you again yeah Tim goes way

Back that means you go way back oh I definitely go way back yeah I mean I started a tour in 1979 so is there any way we can recreate one of the outfits you wore from one of the no like I mean like live I still have them

Well you’re a bowling nostalgic I mean you collect a lot of things and I still have all my youth bowling shirts and all that the teen Travelers and all that stuff still have those and I have some tour tour shirts you know from winds anyway nothing like what they are today

Are they no not at all the sublimation process has changed the whole game yeah and it’s really kind of cool because it incorporates kind of your personality they’re cool yeah very cool all right uh looking around here Quinton Craig [Applause] uh looks like he might be

Uh trailing in his match really tight as uh Cameron bowling just missed a single pin spare in the ninth to give Zach a little bit of air in the lungs and Clint million there with a spare in the ninth but Colton Lily now forced to throw some strikes

Here now Brooklyn there doesn’t go for Cameron he leaves a 10 pin looks like Zach’s going to escape a with a win there and now Ryan spear way ahead of way out in front of Chris safearth you got 13 of 14 here scoring is from 13 and 14 so you got Jacob right

Here on the left lane wow great shot by Colton he can strike out for for 187 Mike that would really put some pressure yeah put some pressure on I mean let’s face it I mean a Mark’s not a give me here oh Dwayne Burton just goes right through the face

And Quinton Craig in great shape now here to advance in the winners bracket here in match number one real tight match here oh comes in high leaves a six pin and uh Jacob bowling Rob girdley Rob with a double here so nobody in this round’s going to

Be knocked out yet but they’re one game closer to that if they’re not in the if they lose this match check that Jacob had the first one in the 10th could have struck out for 202 spare here 191 that’s going to force Rob to get the first two in the

10th to defeat Jacob Wright sure a frustrating game here for Chris Saar just couldn’t get anything going against Ryan spear that’s going to be enough for Zach to advance Cameron finishes with 167 Big Shot here for Colton Lily oh comes in high yet thought that had a

Chance for a minute there and boy it just snapped real hard on the back end for Colton Ming Rob girdley gets the first one here in the 10 we got a chance for a tie here Mike uh strike to win any anything less than nine Jacob Wright wins his match nine

Spare we have a tie we’ll leave it right here on 13 of 14 171 for Colton Lily Clint million just needs to keep it on the lane and I think Zack weyman’s probably just glad to get off five and six right now so Ryan spear wins Zack widman wins

Clint million looks like he could win oh that’s way outright and Jacob Wright’s going to win little quick with the feet and just um missed the hit and boy it’s just shot right through the hook Point yeah once it gets out there to like five or six

Late it’s going to stay out there recing it’s going to it’s kind of like the black hole just sucks it right in yeah it just shoots just sucks it right to the outside Point yep probably that counts probably more than I thought he was going to get when I saw

It yeah he was lucky to get four just shows you just how tough it is you know if he’s probably Mike if he’s probably two boards left of that that might be light pocket that’s just how tough they are out here Quinton Craig going to wrap up his oh he’s going

To split in the tent but I think he’s got enough over ready up he’s comfortably in he’s going to defeat Dwayne Burton Jacob wri defeats Rob girdley and it’s just one of those where you’re again you’re just trying to survive in advance and stay in that Winter’s bracket

Yeah yeah we didn’t see it’s funny you know watching the round earlier this morning you know a little more practice on them a little more little more Bowlers out there trying different things and so here a little bit less with with the practice and so things haven’t quite developed for him but uh

This this first match was definitely a at least in our eyesight here was a match of survival exactly but everybody’s still in now we got we started a losers bracket so we’ve got half the field going to the loser bracket and I believe every round from here on

Out we’re losing people right that’s right now after this next round you’re going to drop eight guys you’ll have 24 left after two rounds the winners will sit out after two rounds for a round and then we’ll catch the losers bracket back up so we have an even amount and then

They’ll Bowl again and then the winners will have another buy at some point so it’s important to stay in that Winners bracket long as you lot you’re bowling a lot less games and you want to be that person that they have to beat you twice at the

End yes and Clint Million last year stayed in that we was undefeated and uh you know it’s just hard to beat somebody twice yeah and um again round match round number one under uh in the books uh we want to thank our sponsors Mike Al’s Arrowhead bow bowling games Billiards birthday parties

Corporate events and more what are you waiting for Arrowhead and A1 Automotive keep your vehicle running like new a1car and again if you’re looking to bowl all right it looks like round one that uh Jeff’s going to talk here but if you’re looking to Bowl events throughout

The state of Indiana the Indiana State USBC hosts numerous events throughout the state go to Indiana State 1st through April 21st at Pro Bowl West and thunderbow in Fort Wayne the youth Masters and queens will take place April 27th and 28th the senior championships guys over 50 can head to

Evansville this year from April 5th through May 5th and the Indiana Queens which will be broadcasted live here on Savage bowling TV will be right here at Championship Lanes in Anderson on March 2nd if you would like to enter one of these events or learn more there are

Entry forms all online at Indiana State USB one other big event for the USBC is our Scholarship Golf scramble on June 29th in Indianapolis at the Saddlebrook Golf Course if you’d like to learn more about that uh you can go to Indiana State uh on Indiana State USBC their website

We also have coming up we’re going to learn who’s going to be in the 2024 Hall of Fame class here probably another month or two uh a lot of great uh candidates out there if you’d like to see who’s on the Hall of Fame list uh uh

For nomination you can see that on their website too as well and and Mike you know all about being on that Hall of Fame and always something great to be proud of right yeah exciting time to see who gets in gets in and then of course

Uh gets the Award presented to him a little bit later and uh yeah it’s always a wonderful time to uh relive somebody’s career gives them an opportunity to reflect and and enjoy that evening all right we got a losers bracket match here on five and six between Colton ly and Dwayne Burton

Winners bracket match in front of us great one here Ryan Spear and Zack Weidman and uh Clint million and uh I believe Quint and Craig are on 9 and 10 and then a losers bracket match here between Cameron bowling and uh Chris safearth on 11 and 12 and Kyle Weedman

And Jacob Wright I believe are bowling on third no it can’t be on 13th uh we’ll see who’s uh but Kyle Weedman is bowling on uh 13 and 14 uh see who he’s taking on him might be Brad slay ball I believe not sure if that’s a winner or a loser’s match we’ll

Find out as soon as we can and uh course Zack wman starts with an open frame here big five yeah big five to start with and uh boy what a what a draw here to get uh you know tournament leader Zack Weidman and all of a sudden draws Ryan spear in match

Number two and it’s probably the same thing Ryan Spear’s thinking hey how did I get this draw yeah well and you get to a certain point and you’re bowling someone like you said in the semi-final round you’re getting the best of the the weekend right here yeah just you would

Like to see these two guys I’m sure would like to seen another round or two before they had to find find each other yeah they they’d like to have bow each other after the buy maybe right the Winter’s bre Y and that’s the thing right now is you have all the

Participants are still in so all 32 guys still bowling and girls we have one lady still in Stephanie stogsdill down way down on the high end of the house they’re spread around all over the place nice shot by Quinton Craig very nice he starts out with the first two

Here against defending champ Clint million who started out with an open frame boy and the single pin misses are so critical well we still see them too it’s just uh yeah it’s hard to have that little bit of uh concentration laps oh 24810 for Ryan

Spear and this is the other thing too as we talked about previously the first 10 or 12 lanes are pretty tricky uh they’re a little tighter especially tighter down Lane and uh you know when you’re drawing your your your pairs for your matches a lot of guys wanted to be more

Down you know 1920 on down because a little more friction a lot of the bigger scores came from that end of the house and uh you know now you’re trying to in the winner bracket down here you’re trying to survive through your matches but we’ve saw some good scores down here

This morning very good there was that one game we had I don’t know five or six uh front fives and things like that so I think you’ll see that coming up here but uh until they get to that point you know it’s Battle of survival here at the

Moment and right now you’re just looking to to find a place where you can make a good shot and not pay the premium penalty of a five count or a six count lot more pressure too right now if you’re in that losers bracket because you lose one more and you’re each ball

Yeah each Ball’s a little more pressure packed for sure you’re on your way home oh and four through the middle yeah boy he just started out with the first two four through the middle just can’t get anything going it’s like a lot lot of uh changing of equipment coming down before a few

Players down here which makes sense looking for something a little bit different than what they’re currently finding Jacob Bri off to the right of your screen he’s in a Winner’s bracket match on 15 and 16 looks like he might be taking on Cliff Dukes no see far getting five of that count

Leaving nine unfortunately but almost made a good run at picking that one up but he did start with a double but boy that’s a tough count to get on that double yeah not much worse than that four count and just think how hard it is to

Go and get a four count through the the center of the pins but he’s a seasoned player I mean once if if he can figure it out here in the next few frames I mean he’s going to be fine cuz he can run with it well and and

You know one thing is it’s challenging pattern you guys are going to end up making some mistakes you assume if they don’t you got to tip your cap right but you’re not going to lose a match on one open yeah and you just when you’re in that losers bracket you don’t have too

Many of those those little errors to to play with there that ball certainly broke early for Ryan spear yeah Dwayne Burton uh 2010 it looks like and getting some information shot 300 and 299 on the same day I wasn’t sure we had a 300 in the in the Masters

But I know a lot has changed from the early years once Jeff kind of took over the event we’ve had more of a uh more of a difficult pattern where scoring those type of numbers were much more difficult back in the early daysand demanded a little more shot making at times and in

The early days it went to the cities that were or that were hosting the state tournament it kind of kicked off the state tournament the weekend before and now we’re here in Anderson every year and why would you change when you’re 440 uh Bowlers good track record very

Good track record 334 unique Bowlers I mean why would you ever want to move anything here and Clint million after is opened goes three in a row as Dave smart continues to support the bowlers in the state and and also now the a national PBA stop coming here in a few weeks be

Exciting as well all right Ryan spear here Lane seven spare working great shot there pretty important to know your equipment so when you need to make a change you don’t want you don’t have time to sit here and fish for a bowling ball you you better know the one you’re

Going to is one you need to throw yeah it’s there’s enough guess work going on at this point yeah you got to have at least an idea what’s what it’s going to do for you and then you got to throw it the way you know how to throw

It that coming in oh good break good break the 69 falling kind of late there leaving just the 47 and looks like he’s trying to play that spot where the urethane Hooks and then stops and yeah it’s just real important how smooth you are at the

Bottom of the Swing if you catch it a little extra and get a little extra lift to it or a little extra turn it a little early the ball’s going to looks like it’s breaking loose but yeah good break breaking that down just leaving the four and

Seven and he makes his spare he’s in another tight one well and the one thing that does when you’re in tight matches after tight matches that really wears on stress level right but your confidence level goes up if you come out on top right yeah yeah if you come on top

Right now Quinton Craig open in the third strike and he goes across Brooklyn way on the corner of your screen leads the five pin he is behind his match to Clint million well right after that 45 by Chris safearth he doubled up and uh has retaken the lead in his match by six

Pins and there’s a three bagger so again you you just got to you can’t Panic right there’s a lot can happen in in 10 frames on it’s amazing how many times Mike you you see somebody start out with the front four or five and they shoot

188 191 yeah it’s easy if you lose if you drop your guard or lose a little bit of concentration you can pay the penalty on a on an errant shot and it can be multiple ones in a row real quick and then you panic and you miss an easy

Spare and then by the time you look up you got three out of four opens and yeah it’s so important to be sharp with your game so you know you’re at least making good shots with it and Cameron bowling are coming up high ooh 710 six fell

Late oh great ball change here from Ryan spear I think that ball hit so good I think all the pins went off at the same time that was a great shot back to back I think they were shots leaning backwards when they saw the ball heading down they were they were already

Anticipating yeah that’s one of those textbook videos you watch you know Dwayne Burton with the strike here Cameron Binger makes the 710 that’s pretty impressive and and a big shot you know you can bounce pins around here at uh Championship Lanes just saw the replay

Uh of that here are our uh when I’m watching The Stream it’s about a what a 3 4 second delay I believe and uh just saw that again and uh boy let’s see if that kind of shifts any momentum into Cameron’s Direction here he’s going to step up on the left lane

Here and he misses a headpin right he’s just doesn’t have the ball reaction he’s looking for and then when you’re not throwing it solid yeah doing a lot of thinking it’s tough to really get comfortable and get loose and and throw consistent shots he’s fighting it though

Trying to keep himself in it is there in that losers bracket loser goes home in this one and Chris Saar just trying to I don’t want to say exercise some demons but he just hasn’t had a lot of luck in the match play portion of this such a

Solid player and uh you know it’d be nice to see some good things go his way and and uh he was kind of doing what you always practice Mike he’s sitting down in his chair looking straight down to the floor he doesn’t want to see anything and um and uh he’s focused on

One thing and that’s throwing a great shot well he’s kind of figured that out at this point he just had that one four through the middle but everything else has been a strike yeah Colton Lily with the double now in the seventh well after this round Los or winners will get a

Buy great double there by Weidman that’s the thing too when your Ryan Spear and your opponent is Zack Weidman one thing you know he’s not going to probably do is make too many mistakes right you’re going to have to go earn yeah he’s he’s back back on it now that was two good

Really good shots ESP that last one seem to give it a little bit of room but boy you got that ball to snap that six into that 10 great shot again we’re talking about a gentleman that really had about as bad of a break as you can at the US Open

Being the only guy plus not to make the advancers round and uh when you look at the patterns they bowled on and he bowled 24 games on three different patterns and eight games a piece and you come away plus that’s that is some phenomenal bowling ah hooked up just a little bit

Early it wasn’t far off all right 97 in the fifth he’s got a four pin lead on Ryan spear now an open frame for Dwayne Burton here in the seventh remember they’re in a losers bracket match here him and Colton Lou now Colton uh can take the lead here in the eighth frame

Now Zach Weidman here trying to make the spare off to the left side of your screen and he does now Ryan spear back on the offense here in the seventh frame working on a spare in the six 93 and the third down four late stages of their match too here

We’re getting into the eighth frames here on all of our matches here in front of us off to the far left your screen Dwayne Burton with a strike great shot in the eighth now Ryan spear here on Lane eight comes in light fortunate to leave just the

28 Quinton Craig trying to make the uh 310 here to stay in his match against Clint Millian he do like it and he misses it big trouble now for Clinton boy and Clinton million you know one last year you know he’s riding some confidence coming into this

Week he’s going to be a tough out yeah he’s look good from the start really and Cameron Bolinger with another open frame and he is in big trouble yeah he needs to strike out the ninth and 10th the 190s and just kind of he’s going to

Need some help and uh I’m not sure sear is is uh looking like he’s going to give help out here he’s been pretty well lined up now yeah he’s staring at 210 21 Pace here Cameron needs a strike here in the ninth just to kind of get

Chris to think a little bit about hey I’m not out of it yeah I think it’s a it’s close to lock out if he doesn’t strike on this one tell there’s a lot of been a lot of tight matches these first two matches and Jacob brigh with a 28 as

Well there’s a strike for Cameron now Ryan spear here in front of us on Lane seven trailing by six comes in light four pin almost I thought he got enough of that H pin to get that four but think almost went up instead of into the fort and Colton Lily

Flags the head pin right that’s still a pretty tight match he’s still ahead if he spares now back to- back open frames for Quint and Craig and he’s in trouble but he’s in the Winner’s bracket he’s still got he still got a life Left Right Y and

Uh Chris Saar coming in high leaving a kind of a tricky spare here Mike the 39 he almost missed the headpin on the left I think it’s that’s a tough spare yeah it’s far from over that’s that strike in the nin did a lot for for the psyche of it’s certainly

Both players yeah it didn’t take the heat off it added some now Zach Weidman here in the eighth comes in light oh good shot he lik he liked it yep good shot Zach uh has won this event way back in 2020 way back right yeah that was a while ago a lot of

Things have happened since 2020 yeah and then Kevin mun won it right after for that the following year so a lot of great great young Talent has won this event you look at the banners up there you have Schmidt Weidman Perez cook mun tacket The Who Sanders The Who’s Who of

Bowlers here in the state of Indiana for a long time have Stak their claim at either the Masters or the scratch classic oh great shot by Zach big double all right we’re going to uh conclude this round and then uh winners will have a break and I’m going to walk

Around leave you guys in the booth by yourselves I think you’ll be all right right the game’s not starting yet is it o what time is it uh almost is it really yeah 1:00 oh wow um and then we’ll try to get some interviews with the uh uh

Advancers in the winners bracket and then we’ll uh get some updates from the losers bracket and Dwayne Burton is going to win his match two big strikes there in the ninth and the first one in the 10th to lock out Colton Lily he’s going to be in the

Two teens most Colton can shoot is 209 oh and that’s going to be some trouble there for Ryan spear but not over yet he still strike out make this spare strike out for 197 yeah Zack wean just would need a mark That’s not always a given nope Stranger Things Can Happen Chris Safar

Shooting 220 he’ll Advance into the next round and great finish for Dwayne Burton yeah he’s got a good look there do it really well that game even with Colton LLY put in a little bit of a rally there and he he fought a back off with uh actually looks like he’s

Going to strike out for 227 oh Clint million’s going to advance all Spear’s going to need to put put up a couple strikes here in the tent to make it interesting he’s not been able to really get lined up yet on this one solid weekend though for Colton Lily I

Mean you think about 334 unique Bowlers and you’re in the top 32 um that’s pretty darn good if you ask me top 10% very good of the field nothing to uh you’re going to be a little disappointed because we’re all competitive we want to win but uh still

A great weekend for Colton lily as well for Cameron Binger but look up Mike and Clint million has a four bagger and uh I’m telling you he is going to be a tough out here again now Ryan spear looking to strike here in the 10th to put any pressure on

Zack Weidman there’s one moved inside a little bit probably jumped in about another five or six boards to the left interesting for me good move there yeah interesting for me that was my better move too as well was to move right but it wasn’t one or two it was five or six

And you know for us lefties it’s unusual for us to have to play anything right of third Arrow you know on some of these patterns because we just don’t have the traffic yeah now Ryan spear to put any pressure on Zach needs it gets it boy Beau shot

Beautiful boy the power these kids can put on the ball the pins just have no chance it’s a Fluid Power too it’s it’s nice and smooth at the bottom of the swing and looks good oh and finishes out with three that was an interesting way to do that but well you know

That’s Zach is going to have to mark here in the tent I believe [Applause] yep so you never know you put pressure on your opponent and uh beautiful shot that’s about as good a mark as you’re going to get right there there Nice Shot Zack Weidman advances into the Winner’s bracket he’ll

Be undefeated and uh we have a few more matches going on on 13 14 15 and 16 and all the way down this is Cliff Dukes on Lane 15 looks like he’s got a double working here and that’s a three bagger got 112 in the seventh and Brad slay ball going in high

And I’m not sure what his opponent has but those look like two pretty low scores yeah it’s a battle yeah he spares strikes he’s going to be in the 160s and it looks like Mike that might be enough to advance yeah you know those games are out there you just you hopefully match

Up with somebody else that has this same issue that’s right and a Brooklyn strike there one more and he’ll be looks like he’ll be somewhere around 212 yeah that’s a good score on this oh and Brad opens in the 10th 153 and I don’t think that’s

Enough I can’t quite make it out it looks like it could be a tie but I can’t tell for sure or either lost by two or it’s a tie a tie that’s a tie oh my goodness 153 to 153 well you know the fill ball the on

The 3610 you got the three and a 10 so it was amazing he got got lucky to get two there yeah exactly we’ll keep it right here for that ninth and 10 frame roll well well and all the rounds come to a stop until everyone is finished so

There will be a little bit of a Down some downtime here as they finish out this match to see who advanc ances and I believe that’s a losers bracket match oh wow that’ll make it more exciting yeah if it is I mean that’s even and and

Uh Kyle Weedman I think got eight in his Phill shot nothing like shooting 153 and have a chance to win right yeah and Jeff Circle our tournament director on the scene handling the rollof yeah and I’m not sure uh I’m not sure if this is a winners or a losers bracket match either

Way it’s going to have some tension Phil here in this uh last couple here ky Weedman with his first shot ninth and 10th Frame rolloff nice shot oh bad break s nice shot Seven yeah he threw that nice well Jacob Wright still bowling in his

Match and I think uh he might have lost I don’t know to Cliff Dukes that was 15 and 16 didn’t quite see what Jacob’s score was everybody’s done but the roll off here almost exact same shot these two guys are just mirroring one another it’s one thing that it’s really kind of

Nice is all rounds must be 100% done before the next round starts so everyone’s on the same yeah somebody can’t try to get an advantage and and putting some heat on somebody by getting quick bowling here so yeah it’s a good good decision by the tournament director

Well we’re going to take a look well Trevor perov is setting his stuff down on one and two on the practice fair so he’s undefeated we know Zack Weidman and Clint million is undefeated there’ll be four undefeated Bowlers in this round actually check that there should be eight should be eight undefeated

Bowlers in this round now 10th Frame here first ball oh good shot there from Brad so now Kyle Weedman must match everything that Brad does here now if he were to get a bad a bad shot here with low count then maybe not necessary but uh this is

A big shot here for Brad because then he forces Kyle to do everything that he’s done in his 10 frame so here we go second ball in the 10 frame rollof here they tied at 153 comes in light well they don’t look like it cuz they look like they’re

Fairly fairly lined up yeah 35 there important to get the spare cuz anything less than a strike here for Kyle Brad would advance so at least he’s made Kyle get the first one in the 10th you know if Kyle were to go strike spare we’re going to go on

Again possible ort cover here good spare not an easy spare on this yeah I was going to say yeah that that so many ways to miss easily yeah chop that either direction now Kyle to must strike here to stay alive double wins but he has to get the first one

Here oh oh great shot I thought it might have been out the Just a Touch too far but boy it was a good shot and one thing Kyle for a small stature that he is he’s always been able to get yeah he looks really good release yeah solid rotation on the

Ball and he needed every bit of that to take out the four pin and now for the win strike to win anything less than a strike he has to spare oh my goodness now he’s given himself ouch a very tough leave this is why it was important for Brad to pick up that

Spare of his in the fill because now Kyle Weedman must make this for another ninth and 10th Frame roll off this to tie and Brad slay ball advances by one pin tough break there for Kyle but that’ll conclude round number two here at the Indiana Masters we’ll take a

Short little break and Mike and Chad will be in the broadcast Booth with you and I’m going to go out and about and get some interviews and uh talk to the gentlemen that have advanced in the winners bracket and then we’ll get some coverage of matches in round number

Four as you guys call the action in round number three guys we’ll be right back after this here on Savage bowling TV once everybody’s to their pair you can begin so e all right we’re back had to get our couple cameras uh realigned so we can capture uh some matches and I believe

Scott has somebody for an interview go ahead Scott yeah I’m down here uh just behind 11 and 12 with uh Zach Weidman and um Zach you find yourself in the Winter’s bracket again uh tough match there with with Ryan spear uh you were able to throw great shots there in the 10th

Frame uh you’re coming off uh a a really a good week at the US Open I know it came up a little bit short but uh you’re pulling once again really well here at the Masters thanks yeah this is like a kind of similar to the US Open where they’re

They’re not easy so it’s like a grinder mentality which I’ve had a whole week of practice with that so I’m just trying to catch a double here or there and uh really just stay out of trouble that’s why I’m sticking with the urethane and trying to shoot 190 to two te and I

Think that’ll win a lot of matches well you know how important it is to stay in the Winner’s bracket uh a lot of less lot of less wear and tear on the body after you’ve already bowled 24 games and then tons of practice at Woodland Bowl all week yeah yeah winning those first

Two is I feel like very important cuz you you get that buy and then you you get deep into the bracket early on if you lose that first match it’s a long road coming out of the losers bracket and uh you know you started your

Two matches here on the low end of the house uh what have you seen this weekend uh the difference between the low to the high end for me the lowend hooks a little earlier which depending on what you’re throwing sometimes makes your ball hook more it actually could make it

Burn up and hook less make it look like the back ends are really tight for me the high end ball gets to the front part of the lane a lot easier and uh you a more down Lane reaction depending on the ball you’re throwing like I said now you

Going to take a little break here I know you guys have a buy are you going to try to stay loose maybe throw a couple of frames here during this match or you going to just sit tight yeah got us a little snack to try to just keep the

Body fueled and then yeah I’ll go down and throw some shots probably try a couple balls just to kind of see if I can get comfortable playing in hooking it with reactive if I need to um but for right now I think the urethane is going

To be winning a lot of matches all right best of luck thanks Scot all right Zack weitman everyone look out for him he’s a a champion pass champion and back in 2020 and he’s looking to be a two-time winner here all right I’m pressing buttons and keeping busy and see where Scott

Goes all right run round one first outs first out yeah first outs uh this is positions 25 through 32 in no particular order so Bowlers who were eliminated with Jason Stillwell Cameron Binger Colton Lily Billy Hibbard Devon Millo bayy Maverick Rob Gridley and Kyle Weedman yeah a

Couple big surprises there for me yeah for sure uh you know obviously bayy Maverick has a surprise to be out and then Billy Hibert who we watched in front of us this morning who looked looked pretty 79 the last game of the second semifinal yeah things didn’t go

Well for them but uh great tournament for for all the first eight out because uh they worked very hard to get where they were very demanding condition and uh just wasn’t able to come through in the match play part hey hey guys um I know Chad

You said you’re going to watch for what my camera is if I happen to end up in the bar and you see a TV screen just don’t go my way you know the pretty game started here but that’s what he meant no we’re going to try to get some more

Interviews here with some guys and uh yeah stay tuned once again nothing but uh the the winners are out this round so the uh Winter’s bracket they get a break they can practice if they’d like uh looks like a few of the the guys here in the winners bracket are taking advantage of

That and uh once again uh all the matches here loser and you you lose the match and you’re out um it’s a surpris to see Gene Perez here in the losers bracket as well for me but uh for sure uh he’s s a tough match here with Jacob Wright

Already all right guys I got uh I I I was able to snag Clint here Clint million the defending champ Champion you you find yourself once again In the Heat of the mix right the heat of the battle you’re undefeated here after two matches uh man you’re riding the what they would

Call the proverbial heater right here at the Masters defending Champion uh you feel right at home here and comfortable as of right now I do uh I’d like to make some more spares uh that’s not been going very well but strikes are falling so that’s what I really need uh how are

You attacking I mean your your scores are are really good consistent how are you attacking this pattern um I’m throwing a little bit bigger piece this year uh got a little bit shine on it uh just trying to trap the pocket um try not to lose that and like

Get a five count or something like that and kind of leaking the ball a little bit more than I want to so now you got to be riding a wave of confidence again right uh how cool for you would it be to be a back-to-back Champion which has

Never been done here at the Masters it would be uh it’d be great it’d be a real honor um there’s been some really great Bowlers there’s some great Bowlers here today um and to compete and you know take home the title will be great now

You get a little bit of a buy here you going to try to warm up here late in this round to stay loose oh definitely I’m getting old so I definitely need that all right best of luck Clint thank you all right Clint million there we

Guys look out for he’s going to be a tough out guys yeah look looking good in the defend defending department so far yeah looking great we’re looking here at uh 7 and8 it’s Jeremy Adler and uh who’s he buing I didn’t see who that was oh look we

Have a advancement chart doesn’t have bowler names I think is it Bryant Jordan were bow he’s bowling yeah I didn’t catch who it was I think it’s Brian Brian Jordan I Believe then just off to our right is Jean Perez and Jacob Wright on 11 and

12 all right uh I’m down here on one and two the practice pair for the uh eight guys that are undefeated and I uh snagg Scott SCH here and uh Scott man you’ve had some pretty good success here in the past few years here at the Indiana Masters you find yourself after two

Matches undefeated uh how important would it be for you to walk out of here with a uh Masters Championship oh well uh it’d be uh you know this is one of the biggest events in uh the state of Indiana one of the the best tournaments

Uh around uh they used to be an amazing tournament the Lafayette open that used to give this one a run but uh this is a very prestigious event um this uh a win here would be uh you know immeasurable in emotions and excitement so trying to

Keep that in check uh match to match and catching these tough competitors is uh you know going to be a test every match now you know how are you attacking uh this has been a very challenging Lane pattern how are you attacking it uh each match

Um My Success up till now has been urethane uh I think that might be starting to go away so I’m going to have to uh make some adjustments uh going forward I think but uh for now it’s been a urethane IQ 78 has been been money

Right now for me now I know you’re good buddies with a past champion John verbit who you know bowling pretty well at the PVA 50 uh be kind of cool to match your your your your pal there with a wi with the win here right yeah absolutely uh

I’m keeping tabs on him over there uh I don’t know if he’s keeping tabs on me but we’ve exchanged a few messages beforehand wishing each other luck so I hope he comes out of there with the win and then maybe I can do the same thing

All right best of luck Scott thank you very much all right Scott small ladies and gentlemen back here on 11 and 12 with the Jacob Wright Jean Perez match neither player can strike so far that’s a spare best for sure if I’m right these are all elimination yes matches right y we’re on

Round three all the winners are practicing oh Jacob Flags a 10 pin there I don’t think you want to give Jean too much too much room there to uh win this one oh even though he’s not striking right now there he could he certainly can find it yep hey guys I’m

Going to sneak in here I uh was able to get a guy here that’s still in the Winter’s bracket who’s been MIA here in some of these events batting a little bit of an injury but uh snag Jimmy Cook and uh Jimmy uh it’s been a while since

We’ve seen you I know you’ve been hurt and kind of getting out here a little bit early from your injury and some success here got a couple of banners on these uh uh masking units but the Masters is missing you got a couple of scratch Classics win how uh how would

You like to uh add another one here on on this with the championship at the Masters ideally that that’s what the goal is you know we come in here you’re bowling some of the best Bowlers or all the best Bowlers in the state um we would definitely want one from the

Center uh Mike Al Center has been very good to me and I’m gracious but I’d like to get one here at Dave Smalls too how are you attacking I know it’s been tough to really post High consistent scoring how are you attacking him this morning uh the spare balls been really

Good except for one uh single pin that is probably the most important ball at any of these tournaments um people just don’t realize how important spares are and then also you got to get a ball that you can control the 1 three or sometimes the one two three where you can make

Makeable spares not splits now it’s you got to be patient here but obviously important to stay in that Winter’s bracket right it’s a lot less games and somebody’s got the little blue placard on their little rearview mirror I need less games for sure all right best of luck Jimmy thank you guys

All right Jimmy Cook everyone yeah as we saw there Jean struck but then he come back into six and just chopped to 247 so leaving the door back open yeah neither player looks very comfortable there Jacob Orin on that pair looks very comfortable you know you can always tell when they they’re

They’re at the bottom of the Swing you want to grab it a little bit cuz you’re you know it just not it’s not going to come back a lot yeah so they don’t look real comfortable or confident at this point and that’s that’s most of the problems when you get in a condition

Like this where it’s that difficult you lose that confidence at the bottom of your swing for sure and you try to help it a little bit well especially when you know if you hit it too much it’s going to hook you don’t hit it enough just

Going to go dead straight got to get that happy medium or not even quite yeah it’s just so really sensitive you have to have a real good lack of memory here you you know you want to be able to just each each shot you want to throw it and

Not remember if you had trouble with the frame before you just got to once it’s out of your hand move on to the next one as you watch Jacob right missed the hip pin there to the left yeah not only that that that’s a tough one you leave

All of them instead of the one the 136 the 13610 all right guys grabbed one more of these undefeated players this is Chris henkins from Evansville Chris uh man what’s it like to be in the midst or in the hunt for a uh Indiana Masters Championship here undefeated after two

Games I always look forward to coming here every year and uh last year I got I got whacked in the first round by a big game so I mean it’s it’s nice to stay on the winter side and and kind of be able to breathe a little bit you know I’m

Came in here wanted to just finish higher than what I did last year and I’ve already accomplished that so now I’m I’m on the house money now so how are you uh you know we’ve talked to a lot of the guys uh scoring has been difficult all weekend how are you

Attacking this and with Su success obviously being undefeated um I mean it’s it’s you got to you got to have your launch angles right and and one of my big things is just trying to stay really down at the line to get it through the heads to keep it on line to

The 40ft mark and and if you do that and can just hold the one three pocket you know anything can happen if you just just get there how big would a how big would a championship a a State title here at the matches be for you I mean

It’s I’ve always wanted to chase a dream of bowling and I had to when I was younger I had to quit for work and I came back to it a few years back tended in my bicep a few years ago and I hurt my back last year so I mean that’s

Something I’ve been chasing and it would mean a lot that you know to chase that dream all right best of luck thank you all right Chris henkins everyone you see with Jordan Brighton with his shot there on Lane seven Jeremy Adler up here on the approach on Lane eight working on an

Open frames 99 in the sixth it looks like needs to fill some frames yeah it it looks it’s pretty I haven’t seen the the the big games here we’ve not been seen too many of the years once match play started we’ve just not seen the big games yet a little bit

Of nerves maybe it doesn’t take much you know to make it look very difficult yeah and is leaves a 46 yeah Jeremy another another tough shot there all right guys I’m down here uh on the warm-up here for the undefeated players and uh no one has traveled

Farther to bow in the Indiana Masters than Trevor perov he’s from Juno Alaska bold for Purdue University and now lives in Indianapolis and Trevor um God this has got to be pretty exciting to not only be in the hunt but uh you’ve got two wins and you’re undefeated here at

The Masters yeah uh it’s been been pretty fun just been throwing one shot at a time kind of deal uh trying to have fun now how are you uh playing these lanes are you uh throwing urethane or are you in the reactive yeah so I’m throwing urethane I’m kind of around

Second arrow with my black widow urethane um I noticed yesterday I was by game two having a little trouble getting through the head so I’ve just been given a little air time from the start just to make sure I can clear that and uh keep in the pocket for a little bit longer

And figure out something else for later how cool for you would it be to be someone originally from Alaska to come in here uh and claim a state championship here especially at the most prestigious event the Indiana Masters oh I mean it would I mean it would be

Amazing I just been putting in a lot of work these last couple years bowling for Purdue and just trying to get better and bowling these tournaments uh it would mean a lot it would mean it would mean an incredible amount all right best of luck driver yeah thank you so much all

Right pretty cool story here guys a young kid from Juno Alaska goes to school at PR University and now lives in Indianapolis and here he is in the winners bracket of the Indiana Masters well we saw Ryan Burton do the same thing at the scratch classic he’s clear from California went to Purdue

Wins the scratch classic and um yeah great player yeah great player you know Purdue’s turned out some as we said earlier some pretty good Bowlers the last few years Jee Perez kind of took a got a good break and got a Brooklyn for a double and then opponent opens up and so

That one’s starting to open up big time here as that match is almost over it is all right someone that he’s just so thrilled to talk to me here this morning uh he was trying to run away and hide uh but Cliff Duke’s here and uh uh Cliff

You’re you’re kind of one of the Season veterans around here right uh uh but uh you’re in here with the young kids on a real tough pattern you got to be happy uh to be on the undefeated side of things after two rounds yeah I’m very happy uh very glad to be

Here it’s a very very tough shot it’s mentally grinding out here execution is number one obviously as you just mentioned uh scoring Pace very low uh 200 at a premium how are you attacking this Lane pattern uh I’m trying to create a little bit angle on the front end of the the

Pattern and not let it get away from me on the back end of the pattern just trying to make sure I’m not going side to side with it too much more you know front to back I know it’s it’s hard sometimes not to put the cart before the

Horse but still a lot of bowling left but uh uh just to get this far over 334 unique uh Bowlers at this event this year and here you are in the final 24 got to be exciting oh very exciting I don’t show excitement too much but you know um but I’m very thr

Well best of luck uh as you get ready to bowl in this next round all right thank you all right Cliff Dukes everyone all right Jee Perez match looks like it’s pretty much in hand uh for him yeah he still didn’t look very comfortable but he’s going to get enough

Enough to get through it and that’s all you want to do in this and then in front of us here uh it’s about over with as well Jeremy Adler can strike out for 177 here in the ninth and 10th and he’s going to need everyone and a lot of help

So he’s on three opens in a row looks like he made a ball change and that didn’t look too good ball just yeah I mean it’s like it looked good on the left lane looked good going down then the back end it just really double timed

On the back end took him out of play so uh that should that should do it for him Jeremy Adler will tournament will end on this round Jordan Bryant will move on Scot who you got well the last guy he he was hiding I had to go find him but

Uh pretty familiar face here at the Indiana Masters TJ Schmidt a 2017 and 2022 winner I mean what is it with you and Anderson and Championship lanes and the Masters I mean it seems like every year you’re right here in the thick of things and here you are undefeated this year

After coming off a win just two years ago yeah I’m just comfortable with the place um it suits my game typically they’re very tough they’re very flat and I’m able to get left and create a little bit more Mis room than other people have um depending on the year uh you know my

Look is different than other people’s they able to stay clean um and you know what helps is I feel like I have that Target on my back and so people press a little bit I just was in a grind with Jeremy Adler uh 168 153 on a pair where we just kept giving

It back to each other um he opened the last three frames and I was able to stay clean the last couple um but yeah it’s just it’s just a grind just at this point trying to move away from the the the traction and where everybody else is

Playing and just trying to make good shots now you know we commented before this uh before the match play started eight Purdue players former Purdue and uh participating how cool is that to see some of guys that you’ve been bold uh college with too as well still on the

Hunt yeah no it’s awesome it’s a a testament to Scott Savage Doug Weedman and the Purdue program and you know seeing some of the new guys come out and Bowl um you know we’ve and we’ve all stayed close I mean there’s group texts that we still have with the Purdue guys

And um yeah it’s it’s fun to see well you’re looking to become the first three-time winner of the Masters which to me is just an incredible feat uh I know you got to be patient here but how cool would that be I mean incredibly cool I mean with with how the last match

Went I am focusing 100% on this very first shot of the next match because it it’s going to be a Grind from here on out they’re not getting any easier um I doubt anyone’s looks are going to get any better so it it’s going to be 2 as a

Great game from here on out all right best of luck thank you all right TJ Schmidt a two-time winner here and actually looking to get his fourth Banner here on the masking units he’s got one from the scratch classic too as well so look out for

Him yeah to win three of these in this this format that’s hard quite impressive impressive yeah I mean obviously oh was Jee Perez uh shoot 191 and beat Jacob Wright with 157 so Jacob Wright will end and then in front of us we’ve got uh Jordan Bryant shooting 196

And Jeremy Adler with a 143 so Jeremy’s uh tournament ends but hey great uh great tournament to be still in and a great tournament to be in the match play period so good job to those Bowlers and a St a looks like we got two matches still finishing up

Yeah looks like it’s way down there uh 15 and 16 maybe I think I can get that yeah both players are pretty much in their final shot um looks like Quinton Craig is going to win his game over Ben Coldwell well that was interesting about

Jeremy I mean 160 to 150 but those are great to get get away with and keep going sometimes that’s especially a player of his talent I mean that’s kind of where they start to take off from there well you know that that tie we have TI wean like you shoot 153 and you

Tie how fortunate do you feel to get another chance yes I mean after that performance like I if I’m shooting 153 I’m thinking I’m going home yeah yeah and most of the time you would be the man with the large stick there Scott’s trying to put the camera

On us but it’s up to me the rather I’m going to switch it to that good call yeah good call good call well you know I just wanted to show how good I thought he was taking selfies I didn’t know what he was doing Chad

Still has this hoodie on it must be cold in here you know I do want to I do want to give a little shout out to uh uh Brad canoy at canoy apparel for uh giving us uh some new apparel this weekend and uh I want to thank him and coming up here

Pretty soon pretty exciting announcements for us Chad and Mike we’re working out uh uh a deal with high five gear they’re going to be our official appar provider um so we’re looking forward to uh uh getting some new stuff from uh high five and U again if you uh are

Interested in getting it uh uh yourself looking like a bowler hey look up high five gear so but guys uh pretty exciting some real tight matches it’s always interesting to hear from the uh winners uh but uh as you know there’s a lot of bowling left here this weekend still

So anything can you know you could be undefeated and all of a sudden you blink and you’re out right yeah it doesn’t take much it doesn’t take much yeah for sure it’s it’s good for these guys to be able to go down in the practice pair and work some stuff out if they’re

Struggling too um sounds like they all have a theory though they all they all have the way they’re playing them and it’s it’s similar but uh it’s it’s a matter of shot making today that’s right well now the winners are going to come back in and uh with the advancer

The losers that advanced in that past round and uh but now you’re getting to really the part of the of the tournament where not a lot of guys are left and uh especially in that Winners bracket if you can advance here you’re in the semifinals you’re only two matches away

From being in the championship match guys that’s right and we’re also going to see the pace of play slow down once we get to these later rounds well and you got some more yeah some pretty strong players that are still uh in the Winter’s bracket so it’ll be quite interesting who comes out

Of that uh that battle that’s right a lot of talent a lot of experience and uh have had success in this tournament all righty let’s begin the third round here see Ryan spear picking up a backpack and head to the locker room back there but I don’t know if he’s out

Or just going back for another piece of equipment if he’s out that’s a that’s one who was having some success here today Scott take it away I see you got a special guest I uh kind of snuck into the tournament office here and grabbed Brian nunning and uh he kind of spearheads a

Lot of uh things for the Indiana State USBC and obviously Savage bowling TV has a lot to be thankful for because he kind of got us going here with uh live streaming all the Indiana State USBC events and uh Brian you have to be uh absolutely ecstatic with another great

Turnout here but so many cool things coming up for the Indiana State USB talk to us about a lot of things that you have going on sure i’ be happy to first let me uh say you know this piece here what Jeff does and the team does here is

Just absolutely amazing all right uh the staff that runs this thing is it’s just impeccable and it’s the best term at a around right um our board of directors right we do a lot of lot of strategic planning and the live streaming has come out of that strategic planning for years

So really crudles to the entire board for for what they do here in the state of Indiana so happy to run this event happy to have the live streaming um two years in a row now solded out event right we need to figure out how we keep

Growing where do we go next right so that’ll be our next things we’ll be looking at now you got the uh Open Championship the women Championship coming up a lot of things going on uh tell them a little bit about how you can find out on entry forms and uh where we

Need to go to get some more guys and girls signed up for these events yeah sure so reach out on our um website it’s Indiana State I know there’s a lot more than just bowling going on you got the Hall of Fame you got the jambur you got all

Kinds of things coming up here uh a lot of cool things in the state that a lot of people don’t know about yeah sure um the Hall of Fame we’ve got our ballots out right now we’re going to be selecting uh six people to go into the

Hall of Fame this year and that’ll be at the end of June at the Aro meeting um scholarships right this uh Association gives out a ton of money to kids and all of our youth tournaments uh but we’ve got three main scholarships that we give out those uh applications will du March

31st so take a look at our website again Indiana stateus um and if you got a kid bowling get them into our our scholarship well one last thing too you know bowling and golf go hand in hand a lot of guys that bowl golf in the

Summertime you you also have a big uh a golf event coming up here in June as well yeah so that’s key for our scholarship program we raised money that was started by the gentleman that’s even behind us here in the room here Mike or Patrick helped get that kicked off

Several years ago it’s been growing um so we have that on Saturday the last weekend of June to our annual meeting weekend um if you got put a team together and come out and support our scholarship fundraising um we’d love to have you well Brian we appreciate all

That you do for the state of Indiana and and obviously our partnership with you guys with Savage bowling TV and uh keep up the great work and we look forward to uh hearing those entries grow every year in all of your events much appreciated Scott thanks all right Brian nunning everyone

Thank you Brian boy it’s always great to hear from Brian and uh all the good things that the USBC state does for bowling here and uh great partnership along with the bowling Proprietors and uh just we’re very very fortunate here in Indiana for all of our associations

And what they do for us yeah and that’s when they you know this is right here is why they won an award a couple years ago uh for the best association the Excellence award I believe it’s what it’s called it is and uh they continue to be Forward Thinking

And um you know this tournament shows shows shows it too yeah they could probably win it every year I tell you the truth that they just uh they uh continued it to excel taking a look at Lanes five and six here this is Cliff Dukes and uh Jimmy Cook right yeah

Yep Jimmy’s to strike spare and Cliff is up on working on a spare in the second frame almost roll yeah that I thought he threw it really well looked like was on the right part of the lane and it just uh just went a little long as all but uh

Yeah thought it was a good shot guys I’m down here on 33 and 34 Joey chrisos taking on Jean Perez and Jean backto back opens here in the second and third frame and Joey with the front three stepping up here on Lane 33 in the fourth frame yeah we watched Jean

Down here by us uh this last round and uh last match and uh he just he didn’t look very comfortable but he shot 191 and was able to to win that one but he just did not look comfortable then either yeah he would nail a couple

Strikes you know it looked good and then it was just like it’s either out or in yeah either high or light some shots looked like he had no clue some shots it looked like yeah he had a clue so and that’s not him that’s that’s the condition dictating that he didn’t look

Very comfortable yeah some look at him be like these guys aren’t that good well they’re that good well they’re just bling on a really hard condition yeah it’s just the shot making is important and uh it’s probably the the biggest Factor today yeah well both guys using

Urethane the same ball the IQ 78 and Jean doesn’t have the same look that Joey does Joey struck in the fourth and now Jean just went four through the face and he’s staring at three opens here in the first four frames and he’s in big trouble yeah and he’s in the loser

Bracket so one one of them’s got to go right yeah unfortunately you uh this is a tough part of it cuz everybody wants to win oh and he makes the spare wow that’s a tough one tough spare to get that we’ll keep updated here on that match but we’re going to slide things

Over here to 29 and 30 as Stephanie stogsdill is still in the this event she’s the last standing female and uh here she is stepping up on the right lane lane 30 working on a strike in the second third frame and she gets the strike there so

An early double she’s taking on Quinton Craig she’s done a really good job of shot making I tell you what this morning uh to get it to actually just get the match play through that double in the 10th Frame and uh so she she’s been shot making all

Weekend yeah Jean Perez just off to my right just went through the face and left the uh 4710 and he just opened in the fifth he has got four splits in a row now Stephanie here double fourth frame left lane here oh comes in light almost with the

Weber wall wall shot but leads the seven pin gave it a chance she was she had to gave it every ride to get that third strike well Mike and as you know you’re just trying to control the pocket and if you do that all day and you leave single

Pins those spares aren’t as difficult you keep throwing clean frames and you’re going to have a good chance to advance in your match yeah make your opponent have to double to get around you yep you just keep filling frames we got Zach uh Zack Weedman down here with a couple opens

Already yeah staying out of trouble is not the easiest thing to do no and if you’re trying to stay out of trouble you’re asking for trouble yeah yeah yeah well we got Chris henkins thrown two strikes and five frames but three wide open splits pretty much in in the other three

Middle big match down there for you guys too Zack Wyman Clint million some heavy weights down right absolutely Cliff just fired a strike after one o he’s got one open or yeah Cliff’s got head one open 44 in the third with a strike up and looks like

Zach has 51 in the fourth so it’s a it’s close but uh Zach’s having a little strouble getting lined up Quinton comes across the headpin leaving just to five he’s clean through three looking to stay clean pretty close match here Stephanie’s got a 12 pin lead through three

Frames we’ll try to walk around here and sneak in on some more matches here on the high end of the House Trevor down here parav is is that how you pronounced his last name perov Trevor Trevor Has uh got clean with three in a row so that’s one of the

Better games we’ve seen down on this end Scott you got another another match going on down there yeah we’re down here on 25 and six James Sutton taking on Jordan Bryant here this is a losers bracket match Mr Sutton with a double runs it out throws a great shot out there a

Little farther right than I’ve seen a lot of them yeah that’s about where Joey C konos is playing uh with urethane he’s he’s poing it up uh somewhere around board 8 n playing lot of speed yeah a lot of speed that ball looked pretty darn good though wasn’t much a doubt yeah Jordan

Bryant defeated Jeremy Adler in the previous round to advance to this one yeah he shot 196 or seven I believe uh 196 to 143 over Jeremy well he’s working on an open frame in the fifth he went Double Split strike split so he’s trying to stay on the strike train

Here per se here he is in the sixth frame great shot there yeah that’ll work looks like right in front of here Trevor Has a uh pretty good lead on Chris henkins oh Chris knocked out the four and the 10 I think the four fell left to the right

It looked like it was going to leave that look at all the circles yeah so far so he’s like not another one and we got Jimmy Cook and Clifford Clifford dues yeah and they’re going to be looks almost dead even here shortly unless uh Clifford can

Pick up that 6710 he’s working on right now yeah he’s been playing with all spars until this shot yeah all right down here with the Chris safearth match here 21 and 22 and got a pretty tight match here uh Chris with 124 in the six with a strike in the

Seventh and now came in high and left the 610 oh and he chops the six straight back well we we can declare Trevor perov the winner in this match already with uh three frames to go he’s doing a really good job just keeping the ball in front of him and

Keeping it simple he had three in a row earlier and he got a lucky with a with a little bit of a break but he also picked up the six was it the 3679 yeah uh to start the match too which was a great spare to start Jimmy goes Brooklyn

Swisser strike for the double for the double yeah that’ll work hey you take him how you can get him with this condition yeah so that’ll put him ahead in this match against Clifford Dukes well Cory deck down here in a dog fight with Chris safe and had a double working

In the 67th and just left the uh 369 not an easy spare here whatsoever anytime you got the sleeper in the back on this pattern spares are tough yeah you just don’t know what the ball’s going to do when you’re trying to hook it a little bit at the spare and he just

Chopped the 39 off leaving the six and we have a one pin game here on 21- 22 in the losers bracket Cory Deck with a one pin lead on Chris safearth entering the ninth frame Jimmy Cook down here with the three bagger Cliff’s going to have to find a

Way to strike to stay in this match and we got a big match Z Zack Weedman has yet to throw a double and looks like he’s going to be down around I would say he’s down about 15 pins or so yeah I’ve got it up now yeah neither neither one of the

Players are striking down there so yeah it uh it’s a tough match and it’s a winners match winners bracket match so somebody’s going to advance on this tough tough match for sure oh wow got that seven out there 710 Cliff he’s he’s a little bit lost

Down here on five and six yeah oh my yeah 1 12710 yeah that’s a tough spare remember remember guys what we talked about those first 10 lanes are super tricky yes and 9 and 10 in that Championship pair it’s going to be dark here for a while at some point uh

They’re going to save as much of it they as they can here for the championship round but uh right here on 2122 Chris saart down one working in the ninth frame here right lane yeah and it looks like this will be the last round that 9 and 10 is used until the championship

Match which would be nice because we know these can get pretty ugly as time goes on cord Dukes missed missed all those the one 12710 missed all no six miss or seven miss it says only now Chris Chris safe EXC me need a scoring change I think yeah he got 6

Z Chris Safar here with the 3610 guys in the ninth frame okay oh and he oh he missed it op again in the ninth frame you can really see the frustration for Chris here Cherry picks the six off the 10 and then leaves the three off the 3610 two makeable

Spares now he is going to be forced here to double somehow in the 10th Frame to put any pressure on Cory here in his 10th Frame all right we have the round three eliminated eliminations Ben calwell Brad slay ball Dwayne Burton Jacob balls Jacob Wright Jeremy Adler

Mike benart and Ryan spear were all eliminated the last round so still some pretty big names eliminated that round as well but there’s a lot of big names still left Clint million just opened missing a Spare the 3610 missing that Mike how many Mike how many times

Have we talked about spares just in critical situations especially the that are makeable when you miss those it’s just so hard to come back with a double to make up for that open frame yeah it’s just uh it’s easy to do though those those ones that have if it’s tough

Enough to pick up the single pens is but then you look at the ones that got one two or three with it then makes it even more difficult cuz that chop is there for sure I don’t know if is anybody using plastic balls anymore for

Spares a few I was going to say it’ be probably the best bet on some of these yeah at least you know it’s going to fade a little now Chris struck in the field ball to finish with 181 that’s going to force Cory deck here to Mark in the 10th to

Advance Zach trying to capitalize on that open and leaves himself out there yeah a spare that’s difficult 257 he’s right up he’s right up there yeah he got right quick to shoot this one oh wow getting only seven he didn’t even think about that either no he was quick real quick with

That I kind of wonder if that led to him missing the spare hey guys he strike out for 165 yeah this one’s not over little quick update right here on the safearth deck match uh Cory comes in almost crosses a head pin leaves just the six he needs to make

It to win if he misses it we have a ninth and 10th Frame roll off oh looks good and he makes it to advance here so unfortunately another run here at the Masters for Chris safearth comes to probably what for him is a frustrating finish but uh nonetheless

Another good year for Chris here always in contention in match play here at the Masters Zach’s coming this way to try to grab a new ball looks like for that ball in the T he strikes here shoot uh 155 I think Clint the Millions on on the

170 Pace right high 170s but can go out he’s got a strike in the ninth so he’s protecting himself there with count but all right uh I’ve made my way back down here to 29 and 30 the Clinton Craig and Stephanie stogsdill match coming down to the ninth and 10th Frame Quinton

Here with a wash out in the ninth after a three bagger Stephanie has oh and he makes it and Stephanie has strikes in the sixth seventh and eighth wow and I just looked over to my left and James Sutton just chopped a spare to finish with 187 and James Jordan Bryant now can

Double in the 10th to win his match a lot of drama down here on the highend guys and with that shot there uh Zach loses this match goes to the elimination bracket yeah Clint million kind of he’s he’ll take that one going yeah yeah and then down here on five and six

It’s Jimmy Cook’s got a pretty big lead he’s up he’s up almost 30 so and guys Jordan just tripped the 10 pin extrem extremely late as Stephanie just opened in the ninth frame she’s got 190 it’s just a two- pin game in this match with her and Quinton Craig now

Jordan Bryant needs this and four or five excuse me six I’ll get it right at some point he needs a strike and six to defeat James Sutton here Cliff down here he’s trying all he can to just to get lined up and he hits the pocket and just leaves a 710

Yeah oh my goodness we heard him cheering down there yeah that was a Brooklyn and Stephanie goes in high and leaves the 610 guys there’s we got two extremely close matches coming down to the 10th Frame down here both in the losers bracket tough ending for James Sutton’s

Day but he still needs six pins guys you never know we have seen four hey Scott this next round we’re going to need your camera quite a bit uh looks like all the matches are 15 and 16 on down yeah James looking ahead Sutton goes down 191 to 187 Jordan Bryant moves

On guys also Joey Kronos defeated uh Jean Perez his day is done too I’m going to get right over here to the finish of the STS still in Craig match yeah I could be wrong about where Bowers are about bowling the next round guys guys uh we have a great opportunity

Here for a tie a double here in the 10th for Quinton and he’ll Advance Stephanie finished with a really solid game guys 210 with only one open yeah that’s that a one about anywhere any of these matches I’ve seen around us down here Scott what pair are you on I’m down

Here on 29 and 30 all righty now Quinton Craig oh he gets the first one not over yet guys any Mark now wins if he gets nine in two balls here he wins so it’s a lot as you know it is so easy to get a six or seven count

Here he’s very loose down there it looks like well he’s talking away he’s very comfortable yeah they’re having a good time down here that’s enough that is enough we’ve seen a lot of shots but uh Quinton threw five or four out of of five shots were

Strikes so he earned this win but uh he’s going to defeat Stephanie here with a spare 212 to 210 a tough loss for Stephanie but a great tournament for her her M she was a last standing female here in the Masters and uh uh still a

Great weekend but I’m sure she’s got to be a little disappointed back down here to watch the conclusion of the Jimmy Cook Cliff dues Dukes match Jimmy’s got 2011 left in the 10 I’m sure he’s going to try to see if he can figure something out here just

To in case he gets back to this pair he had three in a row in the middle but he left a 2810 which kind of I think might have uh fooled him a little bit but let’s see what he does here in the 10th good Loft he’s in deep oh that

Grabbed yeah I think he was uh looking at something different to see what’s going to happen I don’t think he wants to do that again up quickly to finish this one out move on to the next round yeah yep F just never got this pair no no

Breaks no I mean just he paid the penalty every shot that uh happened to be I’ll tell you but he’s still in the tournament he’s off to the losers bracket but still uh has life in this one and Jimmy Cook stays in the winers bracket is this uh is there the winners

Out for a break here or no that’s what I’m trying to figure out yeah kind of lost track of where we’re at here on a rotation sheet uh I think you’re I think you’re right it is I believe so I think the next round is all elimination yeah

Matches all right Jimmy Cook moves on 187 to 14 41 Jeff Circle the tournament director coming out not ready to make his announcements we’re moving right yeah it’s especially with you know the scores being lower it’s not like they’re throwing a lot of stri yes all righty those of you that are still

In elimination bracket you report to your starting Lanes as soon as you’re both there get your matches started you’re Jeff Circle making the announcement so we’ll have one camera in play here I believe 15 and 16 and everything else is way down at the other end so we’ll rely on Scott on that

We’ll put him on a split screen yeah back down here on 27 and 28 I will say this it is much cooler is it on this end of the house than it is where you guys are at wow would not have guessed because of the kitchen being down there you would

Think it’d be a little warmer mhm I don’t know if somebody’s had the doors open here for an hour or two but uh it’s a lot cooler down here yeah I got the uh Scott SCH Quinton Craig uh match here on 27 to 28 and Joey chrisos and Chris

Henkins here on uh 23 and 24 we’ll try to get coverage on both Scott starts off with a 10 pin spare and now Quinton stepping up in his first ball not many guys left right we’re getting down to winding down to the final few we’re only one round away from the

Finals of the winners bracket yeah what is there four left yeah the next the next round will be the semifinals of the winners bracket and then things are moving right along here at the Masters all right we’re off next round steal your pen mik sure now Quinton Craig down here starts

Off with the double and immediately puts some pressure on Scott SCH I talked to Scott in between rounds he lost to TJ Schmidt and said he just couldn’t get the urethane working at all and then just didn’t really know where to go from there he has made an adjustment the ball

Changed he’s moved way left he did leave a 10 pin his first shot here he is frame number two it comes in light you know Mike it’s really hard to go from playing two totally different types of balls but then he’s playing a totally different part of the than he’s played all

Morning yeah open frame there for Scott in the second yeah that’s a tough one that a double wood that direction that’s a tough one yeah your opponent starts out with the first two and you go spare open and immediately down 20 pins great shot there from Chris henkins

I’ll tell you what he threw it great down here just man he just did not have the right angle Ian started out with like three or four splits out of five frames and it just you know the game got away from him but he had a good I I thought he rolled

It well he really looked good throwing it now CLI strikes there hopefully he you know can put that match behind him and focus on this one looks like our defending Champion still alive down here on one and two practicing Clint million live and well in the winners bracket yeah yeah think

About this guys uh so is TJ Schmidt uhhuh and he’s always a threat I mean a two-time winner that’s looking to become the first three-time winner MH yeah it was a couple years ago it’s like you you weren’t sure about how it was going for

Him and then all of a sudden boy he just figured it out the right at the end and man I remember that and made shots to to do it Scott I’ll I’ll let you know uh produ up by two at halftime all right all right you know I

Had the game recorded but you know I figured it’s it’s it’s going to be hard to uh not know the score here right I’m saving you a trip to the bar to look I appreciate that no problem yeah it might not come out all right Joey Joey K here guys with

The front three fourth frame here on Lane 23 oh wow and he’s throwing that i78 and he’s making it look real good playing right up the lane laying it down somewhere around 10 getting it out to about 7 and uh he’s got the pocket in full control right now yeah it looked

Like this morning right in front of us this morning look that way e I’m telling you we got ourselves a heck of a match down here between Chris henkins and Joey chrisos I mean right now the there’s been to a total of nine shots and there’s been seven strikes

Wow it’s a great comeback by Chris henkins cuz he shot such a a tough game down here you know to come back and just start firing down there that’s great hard to do now Joey Joey here with the working in the fifth frame all strikes here so

Far Nice Shot lots of power there at the bottom of that r he’s looking at a 30 pin lead and here Chris henkins is only missed twice and he’s thinking in most matches he would have a lead here and he’s down 30 Cliff went High left

To 610 it looks like yeah I can’t tell if there’s anything left on the other side of that or no no it doesn’t look like it oh five pin no three pin he missed way left and ball barely hung on to just just kind of barely touched the headpin

There that’s the thing if you set it in and short it’s going to hook immediately broke it down and and Zack Weidman here on 2019 and 20 he’s front four here working in the fifth frame he’s still throwing urethane too yeah that last pair him and uh Clint

Million hit that that was just a tough one yeah it was I don’t know if they had a double either one either one of them yeah no I don’t think so oh and Joey just flagged the the the three pin what uh what pair was that uh match on guys you’re talking

About the dkes 15 and yeah right there 13 or 140 or 15 and 16 probably 15 and 16 yeah 15 and 16 is where Zach was last time right yeah know uh did Clifford bow um that was down Jim Cook right that was five and six and six that pair is tough

Yeah that’s what I’m saying those first m eight n Lanes pretty tough yeah oh Chris gets a great break with a Brooklyn in the sixth is that a double or no I can’t tell that’s a three bagger oh wow that’s a big that’s a big one then especially after the Miss Yeah by

Joey that’s been that’s been a little bit of an issue with Joey here he’s missed some easy spares after big strings remember guys that uh in the two game qualifier here to get into the match play portion remember he was on a nice little run in

Front of us and he had that terrible break of the 10 pin sliding over into almost the five pin spot and then he missed it yeah oh almost a pocket 710 there yeah that that would not make you very happy and after all of that Chris has cut this deficit down to

Just eight pins here with a mark in the seventh Chris Chris has got a real solid game guys both of these players do yeah he he rolls it really well Cory deck he just keeps keeps advancing just keeps advancing right in there under the under the

Radar yeah I mean he’s someone we’re not talking about yeah Qui yeah quietly shots like that I mean that’s a simple game plan fire it toward the head yeah keep the speed up and keep it online yeah I think Angie call it for Raina some water

Yes I was uh waiting for you to say a plate of cookies knowing you Chad I was already off we going to tell you that I was already offered a plate of cookies and I said no you did what oh they offered me they didn’t offer the table so I didn’t know I

Didn’t know if they were going to still show up here yeah I I find that hard to believe Mike he turned down a plate of cookies I I had five yesterday oh and it comes and the story comes down wait five plates or just five

God oh you know we were here 14 hours yesterday yeah I I paced myself yeah and thank you so much to to Angie and Dave small and everybody here at Championship lanes and Anderson that just uh continued to uh support the industry here and and it’s always great

To come here and and uh we’re going to be here some more got some great more tournaments coming up that they’re hosting and uh always look forward to seeing everybody here two weeks from this weekend back for the high school we’ll be leaving as the PBA loads in two

Weeks from that we’ll be here for the Queens yeah yeah it’s going to be exciting times here in uh Anderson we’re going to be here quite a bit y basically almost every other week it March 9th will be in cooko for the high school all state tournament and

Then that pretty much gives us a break after that until you know the May June time frame so have a big one we’re still in uh it’s in Indiana this year right yeah indana Kentucky Allstars is June 8th I believe it is it’s at Strike Force Lanes yeah

That’s uh Zack weyman’s Home Center oh yep oh very nice that’s where the their Pro Shop is we’ll give a shout out to top score Bowling Pro Shop Luke mat Zack White me Luke you know I have to give him a shout out he does a heck of a job drilling all my

Equipment and uh it’s amazing guys you know just watching Joey kriso here he was in full control yeah through five frames hadn’t missed right and he throws a little shaky shot in the six and he misses a real easy spare and then he leaves the rail the next frame and now

He comes in a little bit light it’s amazing how you can be in full control just make one little mistake and now it gets you thinking yeah and your opponent can help you think you know they if they’re putting some strikes together too yeah it only takes one open before your

Stress level just skyrockets and then you’re if you’re watching the scoreboard is better not to watch but but uh it’s hard to do hard to do especially when you’re making silly mistakes and missing easy spares and your stress goes up yeah just those little lapses those little mental lapses all it takes yeah

He just made another critical mistake here on the spare he gets the ball way out and uh wraps the two pin around the four for another open frame here in the eighth and now Chris henkins has a chance here to step up in the eighth and Ninth and take full control of this

Match o comes in high just didn’t get through the the mid part there and broke a little too soon you know we always talk about Mike your opponent opens a couple of times you know you feel like oh I can relax a little bit this pattern is just so hard

To to really just allow yourself to relax there is no safe place to play it out there best game plan is make the best shot you can and and have a and don’t have a long memory if something happens well and I’m looking over here at the Quinton Craig and Scott schal

Match and Scott really struggling guys he has three opens no strikes 95 in the seventh Quinton Craig though he started out with a double when he went back to back opens he’s got 101 in the six so really it’s just a 20 24 25 pin game here and neither neither guy has much

Working here on 27 and 8 we’ve seen a lot of those matches today where just uh it’s survival great break there coming in a little high was Chris was able to trip out the 47 for a strike and guys it’s a thre pin lead Now for Chris henkins now he just P the

Ninth Chris yes he just pull the ninth so now it’s really important here for Joey to collect your collect yourself forget about the last couple of frames and focus here as the old cliche one shot at a time ninth frame you can definitely tell guys he’s a little rattled here and it’s really

Self-d doing here he’s just missed a couple of real easy spares and I know you’re thinking to yourself I should have a 20 plus pin lead and now I’m behind that didn’t sound good wow I thought no yeah I thought that was right where he wanted it but yeah that looked

Really good off the hand that’s what I thought and it just hit a and just never hooked five count wash out he’s got to make this still far from over yet because you never assume the double on this on this pattern uh but right now he’s got to

Fill this though he’s got to make it yeah Chris henkins on a 217 pace so with a Mark here Joey could still shoot 224 but it’s also important not to to lose too many pins in count hey Scott where we on on the Zach widman match oh and that’s what he just

Did trying to go for it now you really put yourself in a position where now you just got to hope to get the first two and now your opponent just has to Mark here in the 10th Frame it’s just amazing guys how quick a match can

Turn Joey with the front five to start this match looked in full control misses one easy spare and it’s just all fell apart yeah just when you think he’s comfortable or you’re you know you’re comfortable after throwing several strikes things can change in an instant yeah guys and he

Just fouled did he oh he did oh gosh he I saw him look down yeah he he got a strike and he just fouled oh and that’s go that is pretty much going to do it going to do it now at this point even with a spare strike Chris Hankins just has

To keep it on the keep it behind the foul line unfortunately and I’m going to say the steam inside Joey’s head is full boarded coming out the ears right now he’s going to do he’s going to do the best thing guys and he’s just going to take a

Walk what I’m telling you right now Chris has a really good look down on this end of the house and uh unfortunately these guys are all going to be going left yeah down your way yeah Zack weyman’s going to advance on into the losers bracket and we’re going to take a quick

Look here now on 27 and 28 the Quinton Craig Scott SCH match it’s not over yet it’s just a 12 pin game going here into the ninth frame neither player has much of anything here working Quinton Quinton working on an open in the eighth just has 127 but has a 12pin

Lead oh and he gets the strike there sure did hey you know we’re going to have to train these guys to not run them out the direction of the camera you know we’re going to have to have a we might have to have a meeting here before these tournaments start say

Hey guys you got to look where the C camera’s positioned at and you got to walk it out the other [Laughter] way all right all right humor aside here guys this is a really big shot he can pretty much lock the door here in advance anything less than a strike Scott SCH

Has a slim chance here slight chance here oh seven count luckily for him he’s on a strike so pin count not really hurt there if he marks and throws nine he shuts Scott SCH out look at the match we have here on 15 and 16 Cliff might end up winning

This if I’m looking at the score correctly Cory’s finished with the 180 yeah he’s shooting 20 though oh Cliff’s going to move on yeah oh my goodness he just opened in the 10th gosh really surprised guys how he shot at that he had the one 27 and he threw plastic straight at the

Onew normally Mike you would try to hook across that and have the ball take out the seven the his plastic ball went straight back he left the seven now Scott SCH could win this with the dou double we have a chance of a tie here

Guys oh he gets the first one that was a good shot there listen he’s got 135 in the sixth if Scott spares here we have a 155 tie strike here Scott advances remember we’ve already had one roll off today with a 153 score so you just never know you’re never out of one

Here strike to win oh what a great shot shots AOW Scott shamal just needs to keep it behind keep it on the lane and stay behind the foul line and he’ll advance still a heck of a tournament for Quinton Craig guys I’m sure he’ll be disappointed and Scot Maul advances

That’s going to end this round guys I’ll be back your way here in just a few minutes all right going to bring back in the winners for this this next round still a lot of strong players left tournament Jor Jeff Circle will be out in the second to start the next round right

Well it’s just you know it’s just kind of like little concentrations and this and that and it’s just like that’s all it takes on this if you just put a little bit of doubt in your mind I thought you thre a really good shot on

A all right we’re down to eight we have four left in the win’s bracket four left in the elimin so we get those Bowlers to report to their starting Lanes once you’re there get your arrows you can begin your matches those that just lost for the second time if they’ll turn their sheets

In at the tournament office we’ll get you your checks ready just hey welcome back yeah guys man it feels good to sit down wow you you come back you know I’ll be honest with you I’m a little disappointed that I don’t see any uh cookies sitting down here I really

Thought Chad you would I’m looking out for all of us take her up on it oh yeah you’re looking out for all of us new shirt to fit for a while she asks him and he’s looking out for all of us by saying no no no it was actually Jerry

In the tournament office he had whole plate he’s like I was told to give these to you like I don’t want him he Jerry just asked the wrong guy didn’t he he did maybe maybe they’re still in there I’m surprised he was even offering to J CU

He ate so many yesterday he was well he knew I liked them hey it’s nice to see the chat Rolling Along here thanks guys we’re man we’re getting down to um pretty much handful of guys well that’s that’s a pretty strong handful of guys I’ll tell you what there are some

Uh I’m not sure I tell you what you couldn’t you couldn’t go wrong with anyone you pick right now well we got Chris henkins down here on five and six in a losers bracket match where’s his opponent because everybody else already started yeah that’s what I was wondering did somebody not realize they

Were in the losers bracket or didn’t realize they’re starting yeah I would imagine chis is looking around like that has to be uh it has to be Scott SCH that’s yeah well I saw because Jimmy and cook and Clint million are in a Winner’s bracket match right so is TJ and

Trevor yeah Zach’s bowling Cliff Scott SCH has to be the one coming down here to bowl yeah we’re looking at 13 14 he is well you know he’s got to he’s got to take care of the girlfriend back here you know girlfriend pretty talented Aaron Jones Trevor coming up light there leaving that

367 he’s picked a version at up a couple couple rounds ago to start the match off well in Scott’s defense he was coming from all the way down on 29 and 30 and sometimes you just it’s another he think about this guys though he had

To double in the tth just to get to this round so you know he’s still not ready left to get another ball so sometimes you have to have a mental uh uh reset and uh yeah so he’s like hold on stopping by the pro shop and drwing a

Ball oh so they’re on seven and eight I didn’t yeah realize that yeah we got a camera angled in so we got all almost all these matches covered guys we do for at least uh all but the one down at the other end with Clinton his opponent Jimmy yeah Jimmy

Cook even though he’s in the losers bracket guys you you know you still have to think that Zack weyman’s going to have something to say about who wins this Championship he’s already off the front two strikes here and now Scott schal is going to start things

Off on his match with Chris Hankins on seven and eight and TJ Schmidt starts out with the first two and and I’m telling you guys he absolutely loves this Center here’s the thing and I you know how can Scott handle this like you said Mike so important to have something

You know have something figured out early but he’s coming from an end of the house that hooks a lot more much tighter down here yeah sometimes it’s you know you want to you want to just throw the same shot and then read off that but but you got if you got inside

Information that you already knew you’ve already been down here then you’ve got to make a a little bit of a move to to see if that’s it but uh but here’s the thing here’s what I find real interesting you ask everybody they’ll say this end of the house tighter that

End of the house more friction but you just heard Scott say I had a lot more room down there than down here this end of the house at times seems to be playing much tighter now Chris just made a ball change he was throwing I believe a piranha down on uh

The high end of the house and he made a ball change right away without even yeah but I don’t I I think the shot Chris just threw I don’t care what ball he was throwing I don’t think he was bringing it back from where he threw that one

Scott did the same ex exact thing right you didn’t really learn way past the yeah I think this is one thing that why TJ really likes this house and this pattern because you have to play a little more in that’s his aame and both players here with an open but

He’s playing more of a he’s more playing more of the back end he’s just he’s trying to get the ball to a spot down the lane and and uh he can get it to that without sand traps in the way all right round four eliminations were Chris Safar Jean Perez James Sutton and

Stephanie Stockdale she lost that Heartbreaker to Quinton Craig and round five eliminations were Joey chrisos Jordan Bryant Cory deck and Quinton Craig so guys we’re just down to eight Bowlers here of the 32 that began match play and it’s only a little almost 230 here hey the PBA doesn’t start for

Another 90 minutes we’re good right yeah we’re moving right along they did shut the TV off TVs off so we won’t be distracted if they had that plane they didn’t get the Purdue g game on you guys didn’t put the in for that no no we didn’t need to be dist there’s

An interesting and Scott’s recording it so yeah but you know it’s it’s so hard you’re going to find out look Chad’s already blown halftime for me right yeah well and you’re sitting right next to him so if I’m looking at the ESPN app and you look down you’re going to see

It so that’s kind of interesting so of this morning’s qualifier the two game qualifier the only person left out of that 16 is Jimmy Cook very interesting yeah all the rest are people who qualified yesterday mhm well Chris henkins with the spare here in the second now Scott SCH working on

An open frame and Cliff Dukes just opened again that’s a large move right there from Scott Scott small move went way direct from way inside more up the lane and and uh still not there but uh it’s got a makeable spare yeah I wonder if he went back to urethane he started

With something a little more Pearl yeah that looks more like a pitch black of some sort Scott looking good in his high five Jersey we’ll be wearing some of those here soon in the upcoming season as we’ve worked out a deal with high five they’re going to be the

Official apparal provider of savage bowling TV and that’ll be an exciting time for us too as well o and Scott misses way right that is three different angles he’s tried in three shots totally different angles each one of them lucky to I didn’t like any of them yeah I

Don’t think he did either I think he just needs to take a deep breath cuz he’s he’s firing those balls now I’m not sure what the Clint million Jimmy Cook match is but all these other ones here all their opponents guys are way behind uh TJ’s way ahead of Trevor perov and z

Qui way up on Cliff dukes and Scott schal has started out with two of the first three frames with opens and a lot of count loss oh and Cliff Dukes just chopped his spare and he’s got four opens in a row that was a nice shot by Chris henkins beautiful shot

And he a great roll TJ with a 55 pin lead over Trevor perro o and Zach Weidman with five count wash out on it and I mean that’s just what we’ve seen isn’t it somebody comes out four five bagger and then looks like the first time they ever throw thrown a

Ball on that lane it’s like it’s just crazy doesn’t take much to miss great shot there by Trevor yeah he plenty of power to burn on that yeah remember his game said he was trying to give it a little Loft as you know it can’t hook in the

Air all I know is Jimmy Cook has a nine spare right there hey Chad any way just curious any way you can drop in the pair of on jimmies for scoring we won’t won’t can we drop that in underneath or is that a whole

Another I know we can add I can I can add it but it would take the place of the score that’s up there on this current match gotcha just kind of curious if we can follow along I mean we could peek in easily what pair are they on looks like 17 18

Yeah let’s throw it up here so if I don’t know who’s A and B well we can figure that out at some point yeah so there’s 17 18 scores Jimmy just went nine spare strike yeah good shot good shot so he must be a yes I’m going to guess and B is Clint

Million yep so we can just flash that up every once in a while if we want I guess so right now Clint million with a little lead early in their match he’s working on a double we know that oh nice shot there now make it three bagger boy Clint he’s going to be

I told you he’s going to be a tough out well especially if he keeps winning the Winter’s brackets and have to beat him twice be pretty difficult I would think at this point and the way it looks it’s going to be a crash course between 2022 winner and 2023

Winner in the championship final of the winners bracket oh my goodness wow Chris hins solid seven on a double he got lined up pretty quickly though here on this pair but just when you thought Zack wman was in full control he goes open open back to back

In the fifth and sixth frames but he’s already still way ahead and and not getting much pressure from uh yeah Cliff just left a solid tinin there TJ Schmid shooting a 6710 oh almost gave it a ride but he’s in pretty full he’s in pretty much in full control of that match

Great shot hin yeah got a great great shot great look now we’re back here on the Scott SCH Chris henkins match and uh Chad you’re got a lot of work to do don’t you you’re just constantly switching we appreciate that I’m sure all the guys in the chat appreciates

That yeah more switching than usual CU I have to work on a external computer want to thank everybody for watching here on Savage bowling TV as Scott schwall just throws a double want to thank our sponsors uh RT tour experience it’s time for you to invest in your game locations

And pin heads Allstar bowl and Mony Lanes pin heads entertainment center they have it all bowling games birthday parties corporate events and private Suites go to bowl pin and Tim Max Victory Lane Pro Shops don’t settle for anything less than a victory locations inside Roy pin Woodland

Western and Expo in Indianapolis want to thank our sponsors and definitely want to thank the Indiana State USBC for allowing us guys to be a part of such a great and prestigious event here in the state of Indiana TJ Schmid with back toback open another open yeah

Uh 17 18 scores if you guys wanted to okay check that out well Jimmy Cook could get right back in this after Clint million five spare did Jimmy on a double and Jimmy gets an eight count there actually back on we’re back on this okay it you can’t tell I swi got to

Look at the score you got to tell me Chad I thought you see the number switch but I don’t it’s so quick I’m not even looking at that sorry no you’re good oh Jimmy with the double here he can take the lead here with the strike

Oh boy looked like 410 looked like the 410 guys was a strange hit yeah wow four went forward and the Seven went back oh wow great job the 10 went back Chris henkins has a very nice release relase and and power that ball just rolls like a bulldozer through

There oh Trevor proov perov had a chance to get back in this match yeah that was a big shot there that was that the ninth frame looks like it might be little out of my eye range yeah Zach picks up the seven pin well he’s fortunate that Zach is going

Open open that his opponent wasn’t able to do anything in the first five frames yeah exactly good cover there by Trevor off to the right of your corner and Chris hins another guy you the the losers bracket is just going to be a gauntlet of of talent and well Trevor Has

141 in the eighth frame TJ working on a 204 Pace he’s in full control any really Mark here and he’s going to pretty much oh he goes through the face score update 1718 guys right here oo Clint million with six split what is that and it looks like it looks like

It’s the 24810 guys yeah you can see it off to the far right of your screen oh and he misses all of them count was crucial there oh boy he lost six pins guys just in not getting three oo TJ looked at that for a while all right eight

Spare right now even with open open he’s got 174 so any any really good count here Mike and TJ will advance into the finals of the winners bracket oh wow you saw that Mike it was a little in a little yeah kind of cut that one off

Short it wasn’t as smooth as the other ones had been and man 467 well TJ’s going to advance let’s get down here to this match on seven and eight here well Phil of 18 and the 10th for Chris henkins will do it he’s got to Phill

18 you think no big deal right but that’s not a given there is uh 17 and 18 is what we’re looking at on the score on your screen oh yeah Jimmy now in full control yeah 203 really he just needs to keep it on the lane

Stay behind the foul line and he’s going to advance to take on TJ Schmidt for the right to bowl for the title and I believe we’re going to these guys in the Winner’s bracket will take another round out have that over there oh oh broke the four nine down

Yeah well spare here he would have to get eight on his fill as you said Mike has to fill 18 Zack weidman’s going to Advance Boy this next round of the losers bracket is just going to be absolutely unbelievable uhoh oh my goodness oh my goodness wow well Scotch small has an opportunity

To advance here he’s what he had to do a double what he had to do the last round yep needs two and a tenth again Scott finally is caving and bringing up the Purdue game on the laptop yeah we’re about to have a a little bit of a break in action

Here and uh you know sorry Scott taking a rck here on the first one and the 10th he needs the first one and the second one yeah let’s go back to that he’s got change lanes yeah 199 left yeah Chris henkins missing the nine pin in the 10th uh shooting 191 opening the

Ninth and the 10th for Chris henkins he’s got to have it that’s right hook oh great shot he leaves a flat 10 little right just didn’t make the turn and Chris H can take a big sigh of relief right yeah great another great tournament for Scott SCH I believe now residing in Greenfield

Indiana 187 191 187 in that match well that round is complete guys uh yeah and uh Zach’s winning winning easily here on we have 11 and 12 yeah TJ Schmidt Jimmy Cook will Bowl we’ll take a a one round Hiatus they will Bowl for the right to bowl for the title

And Clifford Dukes Scott SCH will be on their way home with but with a great weekend anytime you get this far it’s tough to do it is tough to do uh we got the little one here Scott’s little boy with Aaron Jones waving at us I’m sure one day we’ll see

You out here I don’t know if we’ll be commentating but uh and uh yeah we’re cheating here we’re kind of I couldn’t wait I had to put the game on sorry guys what game’s that I don’t a little pretty Wisconsin well that was a heck of a round I’ll tell you

Every round’s got has had excitement in it every every round there’s somebody doubling a 10th or it’s and the matches were almost almost every match has been unbelievably close I mean it’s really great how many of them have come down to the just the or ninth frames yeah it’s

It’s really been really good it’s been really cool Scott SCH you know with a chance to go backto back rounds with a double and 10th to advance I mean it’s just he did made some of the worst time some of the worst times are when you

Start out with a four or five b because then you get in trouble yeah you thought Zack Weidman was in full control and he goes front four open open it’s just so what two two elimination bracket or two elimination matches left and uh lose two more players after this next

One right yeah we’re going to we’re going to have four in the elimination bracket we’ll lose two of those and then we’ll have two and two two in the winners two in the losers we’re just about three rounds away from uh figuring out who our Championship

Matches got two left in win I guess we could let je explain it absolutely those four will be bowling the match right now two winners have buy this round so if we can get those four elimination bracket Bowers to their Lanes can begin your matches all right before we get underway

Here in this round one again thank our sponsors the brands of Brunswick can’t thank them enough for all they do for the Indiana State USBC and their fundraising efforts uh for the latest releases and product information like them on Facebook at Brunswick bowling or go to Brunswick big four

Socks find your pair at aoop near you or at big4 Mike Al’s Arrowhead Bowl bowling games Billiards birthday parties corporate event corporate events and more what are you waiting for Arrowhead and Mike you been working on the Bowling Center doing some upgrades uh correct me

If I’m wrong putting in some automatic bumpers yeah we we already had them on the outside 10 but uh just making the complete house now 22 Lanes of the uh automatic bumpers and then new capping and all new foul lights yeah and just put in uh redid your game room just last

Year and hard to believe that’s been that long oh no it’s been fast yeah it uh it has been quick and uh you know we still have more plans and uh hopefully to do some more things this summer yeah Clint million starts with a strike so we got Zack Weidman Trevor

Perov on five- six and uh Chris henkins and Clint million on on 13 and 14 so we got split screens running here and uh you’ll see both matches in their entirety right here on Savage bowling TV I see uh Steve Lang making a little appearance here behind us yes always

Good to see Steve great player good guy uh he’s drilled a few balls in his lifetime oh yeah yeah no Steve and I tour in the early 80s yeah always had a lot of fun and and enjoyed ourselves out there and and made the most of it well Zack whitean starts

Off with the strike like he’s done quite a bit this Chris henkins Clint million match could be a really good one here if Chris henkins gets lined up early enough here it uh he can definitely throw some strikes oh Zack goes right through the face for a

467 now keep in mind Mike he had his first match of match play right here and he just sured he just survived it yes yep so I’m sure he wasn’t overly thrilled to well this is the pair that Jimmy Cook come off of and said wow he

Just said he had never knew what the ball was going to do and he shot 191 got out of there and and uh was able to beat Clifford dukes and and uh was more than happy to be off that pair well and think about this 191 when you don’t have any

Idea that’s a heck of a game thinking you have no idea and you’re you’re hoping to shoot 170 yeah 191 still a pretty good score on this regardless now Trevor perov dodged a bullet here right lane working on an open second frame checked up it didn’t uh yeah

Didn’t finish off he was staring thing right yeah he staring at a six count Square in the face and probably fortunate just to have nine just the five pin getting an N count here but easy spare boy and you can just Mike you can feel the oh you said easy Spar and he

Just miss you can feel the tension though you know all these players know getting quieter it’s getting down to the tail end of this tournament y you know and that’s the thing too is as a player you can somewhat see the Finish Line it’s way off in the distance but it’s

You know it’s kind it’s kind of like the the condition that they’re you know they’re Bing you can see it you can see what you need to do with it but boy it’s it’s so difficult to make those good shots just over and over because it’s

Critical that you you get out of the ball cleanly and smoothly and get that ball to your hook point and how much of it like you look at guys like Clint and you look at Zach Weidman in this round Clint you know defending Champion Zach with a

Ton of experience you got to think that they can rely on that experience here to maybe have a little bit of an edge yeah yeah I would think so I mean like I said I think the biggest thing uh here today is having a short memory because you

Know you don’t want to get yourself locked up you know because it’s easy to do if you if you just get that feeling it’s too tough oh good break there for Clinton oh great shot there by Zach yeah pretty shot well he comes back both he’s made

Some good moves Zach’s made some good moves today Zach uh both players strike in the third unfortunately for Trevor he’s got opens in the first and second frame and now Chris henkins here oh 467 you know from the side angle we really obviously couldn’t tell where the

Angle was going to be but uh from where we’re sitting but boy that that Ball’s doing some double time on the back end oh better shot there looks like Zach’s ball on the left lane here rolling a little early yeah I thought that was going to be high and he leaves the four

Pin a little high but uh it uh left that four pin fill in the spare with a four pin see if Chris henkins can come back off that 467 he grabbed a handful there yeah it definitely was thumbed down yeah grabbed a grabbed a mitf they say yeah that ball

Hit the lane and just kicked left a good double there yeah big shot big shot by Trevor puts him right back in the match here he he’s still playing the same game plan as he getting that extra Loft out there you know and Zach’s going to have to figure out this left

Lane and the problem for him too Mike is he’s going to have to finish on that lane oh oh good break there 10 pin Falls late just the three now Clint looking at the 610 oh and he just flagged it Boy you know you get down to this

Stretch who oh my goodness who there’s some pressure out there obviously who can control M explain you know you’ve been in you bowled for the ma most biggest largest events the majors you’re in this situation you’re down to the maybe the the semi-final match or the

Final match how are the nerves at this point and how are you trying to calm yourself well I mean there goes Zach a little high again on the right lane but you know for me it it’s one goes to one of those things where you can’t

Scoreboard watch you can’t I mean it it just adds that much extra pressure to you there’s going to be pressure and you got to have a little pressure because you want to dot the eyes and cross the te’s and finish the ball like you’re supposed to and all those things but

Yeah you’ve you’ve got to have a short memory once it’s out of your hand it’s history you move on and uh but you you just you got to go out there and not every Fram you got to make them the same it’s it’s not you know hey I need this

Strike no you need to strike every time so you just you just work up one shot at a time what are you telling yourself as you’re just you’re not focusing on your opponent but what are you telling yourself are you are you practicing breathing a certain way well your

Pre-shot routine is the key to it all and that that is you know you want to do it the same way every time because that’s what will relax your body um you know for me it was usually uh you know i’ go the ball rousing bag and and wipe

The ball down but then all your thinking is done off the approach all your thinking is done off if you’re still thinking about how you’re going to move or play the lane when you’re stepping up on the approach you’re not going to make a good shot so U I would usually tell

Myself heel toe heel toe which told me to keep my way back on my heels watch my target all the way through till I see the ball Roll by it and that would keep me down on the shot low and long to the floor with my hand see it hit the target

Plenty of time to watch it hit the pins and then once you go into that every time you say that your body then cliche says your you’re in the zone you know it just it becomes every shot seems to be the same then especially when you get down to

This situation here where you got a couple of matches they both mean something whether you’re in or out or you advance towards uh marching towards the title and there’s nobody else Bing but you so you really need especially that to help you navigate this part of the tournament well Chris henkins almost

Left a pocket 710 left just a seven made the spare then shuck and now Trevor perov here just needs to get something going makes the spare now Clint million here all right shot great shot there after the spare now throws a strike and now Trevor finds himself only

After all this Mike he’s only down 12 and he’s got three opens yeah yeah two of them are single pins yeah wow 136 for Trevor there oh crossover that’s a double for Clint million boy what break what a break 13 six for the spare here for Trevor well just got that ball outside

And did did not move nothing is given here and he’s been struggling with spares oh and he misses another one moved in and that that yourth Ball’s just not doing it on the back end so it’s not going to cut across and cover oh and Chris almost tried to go Brooklyn

And just the five pin you can just tell it’s really guys are really struggling with trying to Prime off their hand per right yeah yeah it’s it’s it’s tension time for sure just I mean didn’t he didn’t get that Zach didn’t get that ball too far to the right and it just never

Returned well and he’s have to point now find Zack I think he’s just going to try to keep his angles in front of him and just try to make whatever spare fill those frames yeah fill those frames cuz that way Trevor’s got to got to double and and strike to beat

Him good cover there oh Chris comes in high 361 yep now Zach’s tough Lane here did strike the last time on the left lane pretty shot great shot there and 26 pin lead yeah Chris henkins made the 3610 now Big Shot here for Clint million working on a double

39 Trevor needing strikes oh 4610 well Zach wait what what okay let me ask you this question Mike we’re going to be migrating here to seven and 8 11 and 12 at some point if you’re Zach and you’re in full control at this point when do you start thinking

About hey do I try something different is that in the fill of the 10th Frame to try to get an idea if there’s something Beyond uh your I think if he I think you want that extra shot in a 10th but you know I would I would think he’d want to

Fill first and then but you don’t want to Short Change yourself you definitely want to make sure you get an opportunity to throw that ball or at least another two balls possibly yeah Now’s the Time for sure right yeah you start minute it’s mathematically you’re mathematically the

Winner then it’s time to to do that I know it’s so hard you never want to assume anything right no do not because if you assume it’s going to happen yeah it’s like always I only need eight I’m just going for eight you get seven all right Clint Millian with a couple of

Kind of tough tough ones there yeah loose shots here you know it just showed you just how tough it is and here’s the other thing too Mike you know some guys might be feeling fatigued a little bit mentally and physically right your legs get a little tired long day yeah me I’m

Not even bowling and I’m feeling nervous for some of these guys right yeah I agree it’s been it’s kind of a point in all these years this is one of the most times I think it’s really stuck out that you know it’s really PR pressure here cuz they’re like split just perfectly

Wide of us here and it’s quiet and and you know there’s so many factors you bow obviously in tournaments where there’s a lot of head-to-head competition there’s so many factors in winning these things is so hard to get to this point even and uh when you get

There you just don’t want to lose that opportunity right I think you saw Zach try something different there on that that last shot got in there a little bit deeper and got something that was going to move on the back back end and and looked great yeah looks like he looks

Like he switched to possibly a radical hitter I know he finished qualifying with that ball shot 256 yeah he’s in deeper and opening up and look at that ball yeah and then it that that’ll scare you right there doing that yeah well that’ll make you think just when you think it’s supposed to

Make that corner then it just lays down and but once again you just got to you you you’re getting information here so you just want to make sure you move on from this after you you’ve got that in your bag you know good spare there well another shot

Y Zack wiman’s going to advance into the losers bracket and uh he’ll be in the final four of this tournament and right now it’s yet to be decided uh on this five pin match right here like and uh looks like Chris henkins is behind by five look at the strikes are just so

Hard to get here on 13 and 14 oh great shot oh my goodness and he leaves a stone nine oh my goodness solid weekend though for Trevor perov I’m sure he’s disappointed but you know I’ve failed to to mention when their match started you got uh two former Purdue players bowling one

Another and good cover there and still not over Chris is going to force Clint to Mark in the 10th yeah as we’ve found out that’s not a given no it’s not however boy that stone nine you get a double there and then you force then you force Clint to double in the

10th want to fill this one though oh great shot and he almost leaves a 410 10 Falls late well every pin that didn’t fall is one less that he has to get boy and you could just you know the heart rate picks up yeah the anxiety

Picks up right uh hands sweat a little bit boy we’re not even bowling and I can feel that right that’s right just oh almost a 510 wow well guys yeah that would have been an ugly spare to have to make he’s just going to have to make the five pin guys to

Advance Boy and if you’re wanting to spare something dead in the middle of the lane yeah only one of it I would think so but is uh you’ll take your chances here right he’s going to have 167 he just has to make this oh I’ll tell you what he didn’t hit

It Square in the face no that was a little delay on that one coming in there all he’s got to do is get five and not give me either so here’s the interesting thing Quint and Zach are going to be bowling one another again right didn’t they yeah Bowl each

Other in the Winn’s bracket neither one of them had a double in that match it’s like 170 to 160 or 50 something like that oo and he got six he wins by two oh my goodness 183 to 181 hey guys we’re going to take a a quick timeout we’re going to

Be back we’re going to have the final four competitors we’re going to have two in the winners bracket and two in the losers bracket we’ll be back here with more action of the Indiana Masters here on Savage e all right back here for the next round here at the Indiana Masters and

Uh talking with uh Joey krono Joey K as we always called him because we always had a hard time pronouncing his last name he wants to wanted us to give a big shout out to his co-workers at TK and they covered a conference for him so he could participate here at the Indiana

Masters so we want to give them a shout out appreciate that and uh now we’re down to the finals of the winers bracket the winner advances to the championship match undefeated Jimmy Cook TJ Schmidt here on 11 and 12 oh great shot there and Clint million and Zack Weidman

In the losers bracket the loser of the cook Schmidt match will play the winner of the million Weidman match great shot there by Jimmy Cook now TJ Schmidt with a strike in the first frame looking to double oh comes up high almost trips the 41 out 10 stays that could have been a

Little bit of everything but looked like a good shot from as far as the release goes oh Zach Weidman with a miss right wash out ooh touched it yep that’s all you got to do touched it that’s all you have to do there and Zach taking two off with an open frame and

Look like Clint has gone spare strike yeah they they both have had similar days as it turns out here they are meeting towards the end so it’s kind of kind of a similar deal for both of them looks like Zach’s moved in trying to open it up a little bit went away

From that kind of up the Lane right that’s where the challenge of you know going from urethane to any resin is you just you’re migrating to a totally different part of the lane and then that’s where they say at times Ure thing can be a crutch because when it

Goes away you’re kind of you’re not sure exactly 100% what to do right and for some of these guys if the urethane stays in play Then you like their chances right yeah I think Jimmy’s been in there been inside the whole time though Jimmy Cook as well has been playing kind of deep

And pretty shot yeah boy Jimmy Cook is lined up want to thank everybody for watching here on Savage bowling TV in the chat and uh appreciate that uh Hunter glaze we have Jimmy Cook TJ schmit in the winnner bracket Clint million and Zack Weidman in the losers bracket and and

Uh you have a pretty talented final four group right yeah Clint million just opened up but made a good shot at the spare just wrapped it around you know they talk about history being made at the US Open think of this guys let’s just work this out here Clint million

Looking to become the first ever to win back-to-back Indiana Masters is in the final four Zack Wyman looking to become a uh I believe a three-time or I should say the third person to win two Indiana Masters TJ Schmidt looking for his third Indiana Masters and fourth overall State

Title and Jimmy Cook looking to add the Indiana Masters to his resume after winning the Indiana scratch classic twice regardless history is going to be made here at the Indiana Masters just like it will be this afternoon at the US Open how how is that what a storyline what a storyline

Clint million got a got a tough spare looking at here and 346 s 3467 I think Jeff Circle said it really well too that uh the US Open doesn’t have anything really on the Indiana Masters here right now so yeah he was dead right about that and now TJ Schmidt here oh

Wow you know this is one thing that was a big double there this is what TJ is good at he’s good at floating it through the fronts and really seeing it tip down Lane as Zack Weidman just he didn’t like it off his hand but it looked like it

Was High flush yeah he stuck a little bit there at the fou line look like also want to thank Brian Petri for following along here this afternoon in the chat appreciate that and uh we hope you guys are enjoying the action here at the Indiana Masters before we get too much further

Along I have to do my duty here I want to thank our sponsors A1 Automotive keep your vehicle running like new a1car and RT tour experience it’s time for you to invest in your game locations and pin heads Allstar bowl and Mony Lanes pen heads entertainment

Center they have it all bowling games birthday parties corporate events and private Suites go to bowl at penhe and Tim Max Victory Lane Pro Shops don’t settle for anything less than vict locations inside Royal pen Woodland Western and Expo in Indianapolis also want to thank the Indiana State

USBC for all of their contributions to allow us to get paid to watch some of the best bowling action you’ll see in the state of Indiana well Mike I think they’re going to have you throw out the ceremonial first ball before the championship match are you ready for that

Um yeah no I just want to see I needed about a month and a half notice for that I just wanted to see you throw one out there my stretching regiment going and just wanted to see if you could throw one out there right well as long

As I get out of here with my rotator cuff and my MCL and ACL and all those things I could probably do something oh great shot there by Jimmy nice and smooth Jimmy’s out there just nice and smooth one shot at a time and hey let’s think about this Jimmy cook is coming

Off you know pretty significant foot injury he hasn’t bowled in a while competitively now I don’t know if he’s bowled in leagues or anything like that but competitively he hasn’t bowled in a while he did not bll at the scratch Classic this year or this past year so

Not sure how much bowling Jimmy’s done and here he is in the final four the Indiana masters with a chance he’s one game away from Bowling for the title well and this is the opportunity to force him to lose he has to lose twice if whoever wins this match only has to

To get beaten twice in the final yeah Mike Hannah appreciate the uh kind words and we’re glad you’re watching this afternoon back in Lafayette Jimmy Cook now here in the sixth frame working on a strike tight match just a 10 pin game he can take it

To 20 with a strike here oh my goodness shot oh that Ball’s just flushing right up great shot boy that’s about as much emotion as you’ll see from Jimmy right there with the fist pump me on this Condition it’s kind of tough to uh this demanding of a which a condition which

Is a shot making you know you got to really work on the shot making you get your ex excitedness going too quick and then all a sudden you start hitting up on the ball you want to do anything but that yeah it looks like Zack weidman’s got

A picked up a lead here he doubled now and uh Clint million now with a single pin spare conversion left out there oh my goodness and we about saw that the last time time he had on that lane but he took them both out not this

Time good shot though good shot well and you know guys how just important it is to be that undefeated bowler oh in the final round this is a big deal right here a lot at stake here and it would not be a surprise to see these two going for the title in the

End well the other thing too is not only do you have to beat your opponent twice if you’re not the undefeated bowler but you have to another match just to get back into the championship match so that could be Zack Weidman waiting for you there or the defending Champion Clint

Million so yeah that’s three in a row now I believe for Zach that’s going to give him a about a nine pin lead he can make it 19 here with another strike in the seventh frame far from being over needs to start another string oh no four six7 oh actually Zach now has

A 29 pin lead over Clint million and boy Jimmy Cook probably smelling a little blood in the water right now is he yeah he wants to go get this just one at a time get the next one and then get the next one yeah Nate hick who had a great

Weekend too he made the top 48 uh Nate just posted in our chat room he thinks Jimmy has bowled 12 games in three months how is that you know it’s like you know like we say Mike it’s like riding a bike for some of these guys when you’re just so talented you just

All it is is getting that time set and once you get the timing set it’s well it’s probably making be a little more paying attention to not doing things too quickly and just uh one shot at a time for him out there and he’s certainly

Doing that well I agree with you Nate I talked to Jimmy too as well and this is the tournament that he wants in the worst way good break there got that ball wide and and uh leaving just a one and a two a lot of guys posting in the chat

About Jimmy and how many games he’s bow and everybody’s right on par with the same answer appreciate you guys for the information it’s always nice to know more about these guys and what they’ve gone through and and boy you just appreciate it so much more just how easy

He’s making it look right now and let’s face it when you haven’t bowled much there’s a I mean it’s guys know how to bowl but boy there’s a lot of elements involved into it and that’s just bowling on an easy house pattern this is and it’s the little details that you don’t

Get when you’re away for a while you know being the sharpness and the Small Things the small things at the bottom of your swing you know the accuracy those things but uh Jimmy seems to be having it all under control right here Clint million oh boy it touched the

Nine it did it moved it boy that was a big shot he’s working on a strike here only down 28 that could have cut that deficit to 18 they’re going to need to have that n to have itted yep now Jimmy Cook in full control here in his

Match oh uhoh there there’s the first yeah chank in the armor per se for Jimmy with the it’s makeable make shot well and right now he’s got a 40 pin lead over TJ but you don’t want to give him any opens no no none of none of

These guys you do not want to give them an opening nice shot oh what a cover beautiful beautiful shot yeah I want to give a big shout out to uh Jeff Anderson uh talented left-handed bowler who doesn’t Bowl anymore but uh bowled years ago and uh he’s been helping jmy

Out and uh bend that voice in the ear here as we go and uh boy just when TJ thought he might have a little bit of an opening jimy shuts the door yep yep great spare now Zack Weidman just wanting to throw strikes or fill frames comes in high I

See the 610 hopefully if he’s got help there yeah it’s not yep just the 610 boy break there now TJ oh great shot really know the the unfortunate pocket 710 was a bad that turned the game yeah that turned it and good spare there 26 pin lead for Zack Weidman here as they’re

Approaching the ninth frame Chris White I totally agree with you boiler up big win here for Purdue against Wisconsin on the road sole possession of first place in the Big 10 standings it’s a great day we have two boiler makers in the final four here at the Indiana

Masters two former boiler makers and former player college player of the year and TJ Schmidt a three-time state champion and Zack Weidman a 2020 winner here of the Indiana Masters and he throws a great shot there in the ninth for a strike and basically Clint million to stay

Alive like he’s got a strike he’s got a strike in the ninth and 10th frames yeah that was a big shot the last one when he moved that nine over and didn’t didn’t get it out that would have been a a big double we appreciate everyone following

Us here on Savage bowling TV the official voice and TV provider of the Indiana USBC State events and now Jimmy Cook in full control 165 in the seventh with a spare in the eighth TJ Schmidt if he Strikes Out can only shoot 195 so Jimmy here with any good

Count in this match is over and he’s in the title match oh wait for oh the messenger six pin wrapped around the T but you’re waiting for the headpin to come and pay a visit to the 10 and it misses and Clint million just opened in

The ninth and that’s going to wrap his event up but what a run for the defending Champion yeah and he’s not done yet not done yet well I I wouldn’t be surprised to see him right back here and and he’s going to have a tough match

Um against Zach Weidman but uh it’ll be it’ll be good well Clint million was our defending Champion he’s going to lose this last four you any one of them would not have surprised absolutely I mean what a run for him wins the tournament last year makes it all the way to the

Final four the following year and uh Clint million letting the state of Indiana know that when he shows up at a tournament you’re going to have to consider him one of the favorites when he walks in the door and now Jimmy Cook one win away from from

Adding the Indiana Masters to his resume he’ll advance to the title match and Zack Weidman waiting in the wings for TJ Schmidt in the final of the losers bracket we’re down to our final three here at the Indiana Masters we’ll be back with the finals of the losers

Bracket right here on Savage bowling TV e e all right guys welcome back to Savage bowling TV here we’re down to the final match of the losers bracket and what a losers bracket final it is Scott Gilmore Mike Alby in the broadcast Booth man oh man what a afternoon here in Anderson TJ

Schmidt a two-time winner of the Indiana Masters taking on a 2020 Champion someone named Zack Weidman from Indianapolis and both a both Purdue players former Purdue Bowlers and uh oh TJ starts off with a strike we kind of have similarity in uh Purdue colors here representing the golden black also uh TJ

Wanted me to tell the wife and kids Hello and uh and uh he’s going to try to pull one out for for you guys and uh he’s well on his way here with the strike in the first frame well Zach made the adjustment uh couple rounds ago to kind of get in a

Little deeper and and uh use something a little stronger and uh he’s found the pocket again and uh you know here he is with an opportunity to still win the Indiana State Masters I mean the field all day has been strong but the last eight we had were just unbelievably

Strong with the amount of talent and and credentials they all had it’s it’s uh it’s amazing it’s tough It’s a murderer road to try to get get to the final yeah well you know here’s the interesting thing you know Zach TJ and I we bowl state tournament together we also Bowl

USBC Nationals together and uh these guys bowled at Purdue and here they are bowling one another here for a chance to take on Jimmy Cook for the Masters title now spare in the first second frame here left lane lane seven oh great shot beautiful shot you know and both players

You’re pretty happy as a as a view that both players look like they have a good ball reaction yeah and you know you went from you know it’s it’s not easy to do what Zach did that’s been playing up the lane up the lane up the lane all day

And then all of a sudden you jump in you know probably 10 Deep and and try to try to open the lane up but he’s uh he’s made the adjustment well now TJ strike in the first second frame oh he really got around that ball and it really took some length

2810 you know this this Lane looked to be a little tighter down Lane for Zach as well cuz he kind of left the half 10 and uh now TJ with the 2810 you want to get the count but he’s going to try to give it a shot and send it over

There yep you know I think that’s the right play just take your medicine yeah get your PIN count and uh move on to the next frame and TJ’s been strong all day I mean he’s he’s had a pretty good idea what he wanted to do all day it’s just

You know last match against Jimmy Cook you know he got a a blowout 710 that really killed his momentum and then uh he made a bad shot and uh that was about it I mean he had every opportunity at just uh you know one bad break and one

Bad shot and and Jimmy was strong the whole match beautiful shot power six pin took that 10 out in deep and playing that back strength in the back end waving home to to Mom and the kids and uh what a great shot by TJ all right we’re going to reset here the

Left lane didn’t drop the 10 Zach working on the strike here it’s the big shot to give him add to his lead lead good shot nice and smooth ball working right through the pins good power once again all these are one game matches this is the last round of the

Losers bracket the winner will go on to take Jimmy Cook for the 2024 Indiana State Masters well a big shot here right now for Zack Weidman oh beautiful shot you know and it looks like the left lane is a little better than the right a little sooner

Hooks a little sooner it looks like and you know he gets to finish on that lane now all the pressure back on TJ here he he needs throw two here to to just keep him in eyesight here otherwise Zach’s going to run and hide here in a

Minute this is a big one here get the first one oh he gets it he’s not going away any is he he’s bringing that ball back from a long ways there on the back end we know TJ talked to us a little bit uh last night and one thing that he didn’t

Realize was he hadn’t had his Pap checked in a long time and his access point and all that changed significantly so what when when he thought he was drilling 5in pins he was actually drilling 3-in pins so that means more length right more recovery and uh so now

Uh he went through some new equipment drilled a bunch of stuff with his new Pap and uh he’s seeing a much different Lane reaction and boy it’s showing right here oh good shot great shot he’s always been able to get it back he held serve

So that’s what he’s trying to do is keep keep Zach from running and hiding so um Zach will take it one time one shot at a time here the right lane seems to be going a little bit longer but uh Zach was able to get a strike on it the last

Time so let’s see what he can do on three in a row well and you don’t have time to take a deep breath do you I mean it’s pressure every shot that needs to hook oh it does and he leaves a stone n boy that came that covered some ground on the back

End well here’s the one thing that’s a good way to I don’t know if I could laugh about that but that was a good one well you got two good friends here right that bll a lot together and uh yeah share a lot in common and and uh they

Have a vast amount of respect for one another too as well and you know there’s no doubt that both players want to win and uh they’re executing at a real high level right now yeah they’ve got it uh got it dialed in still an 11 Pin lead though for Zach

Here in the sixth frame but TJ’s got three he working on so oh great shot there well TJ can cut it to a one pin deficit here and just think with that open frame in the second a double here and TJ takes a ninepin lead boy it’s super quiet here in the

Bowling center yeah it makes it even tougher when it’s that quiet oh that’s got a hook oh does it oh my goodness what a break oh wow he rolls the two it looked like 2810 I don’t do that anymore yeah that that traveled some length oh what a break now if you’re if

You’re Zach you really don’t want to be watching that even though you’re good friends because exactly he TJ does that again and I’m not sure you know there’s going to be a whole lot of laughter going on right uh I don’t know we’ll see uh but good friends here bowling one

Another here for the largest scratch singles tournament in the state of Indiana oh who whoa that didn’t I thought for sure that was going to make it back look like the right part of the lane and looked up like everything boy it looked good off his hand and that lane had been

Providing a little bit more hook down Lane than that’s a head scratcher on that one it it certainly looked like it was in the right part of the lane the right speed right everything but just checked up two four all right good cover even though TJ is my double

Partner at state tournament I you know I can’t play favorites here well this this goes Advantage back to Zach um he’s sitting on the strike and he’s got a three- pin lead oh here we go he got all that one oh wow what a shot he has been locked in yeah

Yeah that was a good shot so takes the lead back or adds to his lead well anytime this is Zach’s strength you can get in deep and you can send it right and there’s recovery and friction to the right this is when Zach really is in his wheelhouse and in the

Uh Players Championship that he made the show on that was the same type of thing even though he’s throwing urethane you know he was able to have some free hook there and uh boy we know how well he did on his first two shows bow really really well that’s got a hurry

Oh I think he I think he’ll be okay with that nine pin cuz that was inside his Target and think he was a little worried that it might go through the face yeah it started to roll a little quick but it held up yeah solid nine just another bad

Break but now gives TJ Schmidt an opening get back into this one yeah make your spare 168 in the 7th 12 pin lead he’s still forcing TJ to throw doubles yeah well and and uh Zach is still uh he can strike out in a 10th

It’s all on him to wrapped up if he wants I mean if he can strike out it’s his to win yeah 246 Max score for TJ 248 for Zack Weidman yeah TJ just needs to make sure he can keep the the pressure going here starting with this one here

In the eighth you know and all three players including Jimmy Cook all playing the deep inside angle right now oh great shot yeah pretty shot you know and it’s just you know these are really High tense pressure situations and both guys just look like they’re just bowling

On a Tuesday night doesn’t it y they have answered the Bell you are watching some really quality shot making here at its best at its finest here with these two young players and TJ about on the precipice of potentially doing something no one has ever done and

That is to win three IND Indiana Masters titles ninth frame big one but first he has got to get by the buz all known as Zack Weidman here we go ninth frame oh beautiful shot we have not seen that many solid T today even with those steep angles and things like that we

Just have not seen those boy that was an absolute fantastic shot chis shot can’t let it get away here uh Matt Sanders watching here with us uh yeah Matt was in the booth when TJ was talking about his Pap and and uh yeah it’s a good thing he uh

Redrilled uh drilled some new stuff right Matt uh thanks for watching and great week at the US Open yeah congratulations Matt great job and now Zack Weidman here full control Max score for TJ 228 Zack wman on a 228 Pace that’s got a hook oh messenger

No still in Zach’s hands he can still WP it up in the 10th needs a spare needs aare a spare here shooting a with a spare shooting 227 and TJ has 226 left that’s right all right good cover there well here’s a big one in the first

You know obviously double in a tenth and and uh what is it nine well give him a guaranteed tie but you don’t want to lose count here on this first ball in the 10th that’s right doesn’t opens the door for TJ yeah sure does absolutely yeah he’s looking

He’s thinking nothing but 10 this has been a good L this has been a good Lane for him this has been nothing but 10 back here in his mind he got to push oh broke loose early well well now TJ has chance yeah TJ has it in he it’s his to win

Now but first you know Zach’s got to pick this three three six up first yeah this is you know and as a player you know you think about what he did in the fifth and eighth frames with the stone nine pins he gets one of those and this

Match is all but wrapped up but good spare good he got a great leash for those Bears he’s got that ball that tilts back a a bit and it’s not going to dive or or jump to potentially do the chop but real important here to

Get all 10 here in the 10 this really anything Zach leaves is something that TJ doesn’t have to get well nine is not a given on anything right no if a strike here would force TJ to get the first two and nine to tie to tie or all three in the 10th to

Win big shot here oh and he gets it boy he just Tomahawk the four there yeah you know that’s one of the best 225 games you’re going to see right there great game by Z you you just can’t bow any better you could score better but you just can’t

Bow much better than what he did right there he’d like to have that first one in the 10th back just didn’t execute three and 10 a big order big order but that’s all you you get up there it’s all you can ask for is a chance yeah three

In the 10th and he wins by one you know when you’re trying to be the best this is the spot you want to be in yeah this is all to face Jimmy Cook for the title looks good oh and he gets it it’s like he was a little just a hair softer

On that one that sucker made it right made the turn you got to imagine the kids are at home just cheering as loud as they can for Dad here yeah and uh what a moment here for TJ gets the first one he needs all three here in the 10th to advance how

Big was that eight count for Zach on the first ball in the 10th that’s what really changed yeah the opportunity here for TJ if you go nine spare strike you win the match or you could not win the match but you could force a tie but now must have this

One caught all that one oh and it doesn’t hook it look good off his hand yeah he gave that a little more little more Loft little more hit but it just checked up and TJ Schmidt will his run will end in the final of the losers bracket the title

Match is set Zack Weidman the 2020 winner taking on Jimmy Cook the man looking to add the Indiana Masters to his resume we’ll be back with the title match right here live on Savage bowling TV Whether you build tons of games like I do or League once a week there’s only one choice for me get your pair of big four socks at a pro shop near you or online at big4 two-handed no thumb bowling has made an impact and forever changed the sport of

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Hammerheads be sure to follow all of our social media channels for more Hammer content and upcoming videos on the Envy tour Pearl tell to you sit down for this hello everyone and welcome to Championship Lanes here in Anderson Indiana for the Indiana Masters we’re down to the title match Scott Gilmore

Mike Alby here bringing you all the action and Mike a star studded final here at Championship lanes for the 2024 Masters and let’s talk about the guy qualified in the two seed Zack Weidman who’s looking for his second Master’s title well Zach obviously great players

Had a lot of success or some success on the national tour but uh here he is again the number one seed going in after qualifying today which last time he won in 2020 I believe it was uh he was the same position was the number one seed

But he had to come through the losers bracket today to get there well he’s going to take on a guy who’s not only undefeated but he’s hungry for his first Masters title and that is Indianapolis native Jimmy Cook he’s got two wins here in the state but it comes from a

Different tournament the Indiana scratch classic yeah he won twice 2012 and what was it 2020 won the Indiana uh scratch classic again so uh he needs this one this is the one he doesn’t have uh and he is the only person that qualified in today’s qualifier to get there the only

One left and uh but he’s the number one seed he has to be beaten twice by Zach so uh you know the last eight guys was the murderers road now we’re down to the top two and these two guys either one could win either one deserves to win

It’s a tossup how critical as we go to the championship pair on Lanes 9 and 10 they haven’t been bowled on for a while how critical is it to get lined up right away because no practice shots on the on the championship pair no it’s going to

Be huge those first two shots that first frame and second frame are going to be their first two shots basically practice balls so that they got to get lined up on those first two shots and if you don’t make a good shot then it’s delayed that another frame so Jimmy Cook’s got

An extra match if he needs it because he has to be beaten twice so a lot of pressure on Zack Weidman to come out there and and get lined up quick regardless history about to be made right here from Championship lanes and Anderson at the 2024 Masters we’ll be

Back with Lan sign interviews with both both competitors right after this okay uh microphone there and am I bringing anything in back no we’re just going to say right over this to that we’re going to go from commercial to you and then Scott I don’t need I don’t need to say anything to

No I me you can say hey we’re back okay I didn’t s over yeah you can just say hey we’re back cuz we’re going to be back from a commercial yeah go ahead and get them set up he guys you guys are ready we readymy said let me get one more are you

Good they’re going to be on your left Mike they’re going to be on your left Jimmy’s going to be standing by the chair’s walk off Jimmy’s walk in it back we waiting on Jimmy all right and we’re back and I’m here with Zack Weidman who’s getting ready to

Bowl the title match against Jimmy Cook Zach so far today you were the qualifying leader but you had to come through the losers bracket to get there and I know you’ve changed equipment a couple times here and now you’re into a different look than you had earlier

What’s going to happen in this match yeah so I tried to stick with youran as long as I could hit um one bad pair with it and sent me the losers bracket was able to get through a couple more matches with it just to stay safe made

The big move in um and that’s where I’m going to stick for this match so hopefully it’s good enough to beat Jimmy twice well great moves and good luck to you thanks Mike all right next is our qualifying leader in the number one spot Jimmy Cook won the winner bracket but

Now you got to win one match for a title you don’t have you got two scratch Classics Indiana scratch Classics what are you feeling for going into this match well honestly it’s not eight your centers and they’ve been good uh this Center’s been rough I’m be honest with

You you’re bowling in one Center but it’s like four different centers the way they cross uh you got guys thr your urethane you got guys throwing scuff like it comes down to spares um at this part of the matches I mean I’m born a PBA guy that you know he’s been very

Successful um you got to keep it in play and make good shots so that’s what we’re waiting on Jimmy good luck to you in this final game or two games whatever it turns out to be but best of luck great job so far you bet back to you Scott all

Right thanks Mike and wow you can’t I mean what a day for the sport of bowling not only do we have a marquee matchup here at the Indiana Masters between Jimmy Cook and Zack Weidman but obviously in Indianapolis at the PBA uh US Open what a final five they have but

Man what a day for I just mentioned Mike what a day for the sport of bowling here in the state of Indiana no Indiana’s been very fortunate Through The Years not only the players that have come through here but the tournaments that have come through here and uh but today

Was just an awesome field boy it was a what a battle all day I mean Zach went from changing equipment the angles to you know the leader to the losers bracket and he’s fought his way back for an opportunity same way with Jimmy he’s fought through some tough matches was

Able to get there now he’s earned the right to be have to be beaten twice and uh it’s going to be tough but boy two great competitors and and let’s look at it this way too is Jimmy’s coming off kind of a little bit of a foot injury

Yes and uh he has a bold much in the last three or so months and to come into this field and run the table undefeated to the title match I mean that’s just absolutely incredible well he looks good he looks rested uh mentally looks sharp

And you know it’s a matter is as we talked about all day it’s a very tough condition very important the shop making and this where they’ve had a little bit of a break now and there’s no practice balls so their practice balls are the first and second frame so it’s going to

Be tough and it’s going to be important those first frames yeah and uh again you’re right this pair has not been bowled on in a while either been several rounds since it’s seen any action and uh so you know they’re going to be a little bit different maybe a little bit tighter

Than what the Bowers see and and uh we’re in for a treat though but Zack weyman you know all the pressure is on him right now because Jimmy’s got a game to play with Zack’s got to beat Jimmy twice yeah and that uh it uh with Jimmy

He’s never won this one and this is the one he wants so there’s there’s a lot of pressure out there for both but uh you’re right he does have a little bit of a leeway and now our first shot of the championship match left lane lane

Nine ball hooks a little bit more than maybe what he was expecting you’re going to have really fresh back in that was that was a good crisp shot yeah no it was a good shot uh tough spare but uh like you said those first two frames are

Going to be what’s going to tell Telltale what they’re going to need to do and what moves they need to make well and one of the toughest spare attempts you’ll have the 36910 here frame number one the championship match of the Indiana Masters right here on Savage bowling TV

We thank you for sticking around with this all afternoon and uh he didn’t like it off the hand and that’s an open frame but if you’re going to if you’re going to do that first frame is where you want to go mhm and now the young man from

Indianapolis the former Purdue bowler in college now PBA member PBA Pro and coming off a really good week even though he didn’t make the top 24 but he was right there one spot out but he had a really good solid showing at the US Open here and uh now trying to get his

Second Master’s title and well that’s about the third or fourth solid nine we’ve seen from Zach and in in the last two matches yeah great shot to start so you figured there’s one leg up you know uh Jimmy’s given him an opening in the first frame but now he’s lined up on one

Of the lanes already so we’ll see what uh after Zach picks this nine pin up then he’s got to go and see if he can get one started on the left lane all right tough break here to start though another nine pin but good easy spare to

Get your game started with and he makes it let’s thank our sponsors here of the Indiana Masters and all of the Indiana State USBC events bran Z Brunswick big four socks Mike alz Arrowhead Bull and A1 Automotive want to thank their contributions to make this broadcast

Possible here on Savage boing TV and now Zach Weidman here stepping up on the left lane lane nine working on a spare oh get out of there 10 pin and it does you know it’s a good it’s a good break good shot could have could easily

Have struck but uh you got to feel Zach’s got to feel pretty good about that shot knowing that at least what the Lane’s doing and something he’s he’s can read off of and and continue to make adjustments but good start for Zach you know easily very easily could

Have been a double to start his match but you know he got you know you have two easy spares he makes them both you’re in the pocket yeah you’re in your pocket Jimmy needs to uh hopefully get a shot here that he can read off of and

And see if that’s where he he’s used to plan and it looks like it is I mean it seems like Zach was able to pretty much step in there and and do that and hit the pocket and uh you’re right important shot here for Jimmy you want to you’re

Trying to get acclimated to this pair as quickly as you can and here he is working on an open frame second frame oh comes in light and mixes him up for a strike yeah good shot I mean even the first shot looked good it just it just wanted

To jump on him a bit but uh see where he moves on this one this is a crucial one cuz you know you the ball really broke loose and snapped on the back end you know you don’t want to move too far but you got to move enough

So this will be a be an interesting shot and this one would be a double to get him back in the match want to thank our friends from Lane talk for providing the scoring here on your TV screen for the championship match and all of match play

And uh definitely want to thank them and and also want to thank high five gear for becoming the official apparel provider of savage bowling TV looking for apparel for your bowling tournaments and teams and whatever go to high five gear and get your stuff excited about our partnership here in the future

Beautiful shot Jimmy by Jimmy Cook beautiful shot and I think he just showed Zack Weidman that yeah I found it pretty quickly yep yeah which is good for both of them but that that puts them back in within Striking Distance and Zach just wants to keep making the shots he’s been making exactly

Oh solid 10 good shot but once again he’s going to he’s going to he’s hitting the pocket but he wants to find a way to start the strike good spare by Zach I believe uh pretty sure Zack whitean is throwing the radical hitter we’re going to find out too

Exactly what ball Jimmy has gone to here in this championship match it looks like he’s throwing the same ball that he bowled TJ in the finals of the winners bracket and uh there is great shot he could easily have the first four yeah six took the 10 out there great

Shot uh we found out that uh Jimmy is throwing the hammer in the tour and uh both balls very similar to one another very controllable yeah Jimmy the ball looks pretty clean going down there and has plenty left over at the back end oh great shot that boy jimy

Looks Focus Sol he now taking the lead he is focused and determined this is the like you said earlier Mike this is the title that Jimmy has wanted for a long time you know looking at the uh the scores and just the the look of where the ball’s

Going and how it’s moving on the lane it’s gotten much cleaner much more predictable than we saw much earlier in the day but we’re also looking at the two that it out the best all right three extra time yeah y big shot though oh man he is

Little quick with the feet looked like it might break a little early but boy he got through it good good shot good shot well and he has definitely made a little bit of an adjustment off that 3691 he left in the first frame kind of got an

Idea of where the ball was going to hook from and he’s migrated a little left to that spot and man he has been locked in since the second frame Zach has yet to miss the pocket so looking for that double beautiful shot beautiful shot yep great shot

Zach can throw the heat right back to Jimmy here well he’s can take he can cut the deficit to one here with the strike in the seventh I’m sure he’s definitely made the right move when he changed his angles and Equipment I’m sure Addie and Zach’s daughter watching on live stream here

And oh did you see that ball the ball kind of checked up down the lane that was just uh I thought he had it in the right Zone it looks like he threw it good it just wanted to wiggle just just a hair yeah 2810 in a miss most

Inopportune time here important to get two h two the hard way well but that that two you know that’s you’ve seen that one come back across there so he gave her opportunity to get that spare boy and it looked good off the hand yeah it really

Did but it you saw it down the lane just kind of do that little wiggle well now Jimmy knows just how big this shot here in the sixth is yeah he can make it real difficult with a couple strikes right here again want to thank everyone for

Watching here on Savage bowling TV Scott Gilmore Mike Alby in the broadcast Booth Chad Lester our engineer here we go six frame oh and he trips the four for a five bagger what a great shot that wasn’t your typical trip four either that that ball was almost it was such a

Steep angle that it was almost a solid seven from where the pin comes across but the four was still there great shot fans you can go back to the 2020 broadcast of the Indiana scratch classic when Jimmy won that and uh his look was so good and he executed it such a high

Level this is reminiscent of his run at the 2020 scratch classic at your home center there Mike your Bowling Center Arrowhead Bowl and Lafayette yeah Jimmy Jimmy’s played well but so far today I mean what a move off that that first frame and then uh you

Know to throw a five bagger here but uh this is a big shot in the match right here this for a 46 pin lead oh and he gets it man he is locked in five pin didn’t have a chance and that what a great shot and uh now he’s

Distancing himself from Zach and now it’s now’s the point where Zach just he has to strike he need strikes to get back in he has and it just shows you Mike just care what your accomplishments are there’s not many Bowlers in this state better than Zach whitean but it’s

Just so hard to defeat somebody twice oh four pin and you know Zach’s been all around the pocket and it’s still hard to explain why that last one wiggled believe the 21810 but uh um he’s still in the pocket still getting their but I’ll tell you Jimmy Cook has been one of

The strongest Bowlers in the state for years and uh obviously by his record and that but uh you know come in off an injury and all those things I mean he is he has putting one heck of a day in today but it’s not over it’s not over

But Zach needs to get one right here 223 Max score for Jim or for Zack Weidman Jimmy on about a 240 Pace right now and Zach needs to strike but he’s going to have to get some help too some you need help but you you need help but you

Got to strike or you need strikes or you got to help either one you you got to make things happen without the strikes it’s not going to matter oh messenger no 10 pin see that I mean that looked almost like the same shot as last time it’s just it

Didn’t wiggle but boy come in steep just frustrating game right now for Z yeah all over the place in this one one one I wouldn’t even call it a mistake one weird reaction off he leaves at 2810 out of nowhere and but you look at his game nine spare nine

Spare nine spare Stone eight rap 10 I mean just absolutely a fantastic game here but Jimmy Cook all the stars are aligning right now for Jimmy in this title match this is in his hands I mean he can he can pretty much take it right here eighth frame six in a row here

Oh Big Break oh Big Break almost seven1 look like just a hair soft with that one just a little soft but uh you know in the end he could have struck almost but a big break getting that getting that knock down to just a 10 pin you know he

Looks he looks so in control Mike because the mannerisms the arm swing look very confident and comfortable and make this spare here and you’re well on your way he still would be in a 230 Pace he’s got some leeway here if he just fill frames yeah good spare good spare here

Now ninth frame and you know it’s it’s interesting to watch Jimmy because he’s very deliberate to with everything he does until he throws the ball I mean he’s deliberate how he sets up deliberate as his approach but boy he at the bottom of the Swing he’s just all

Confidence just a few frames away here potentially from crowning a champion here Jimmy looking for his first Master’s title his third State title well on his way to a Hall of Fame career ninth frame left lane oh Stone n pin we Zach weyman knows what that feels like doesn’t he you know

That was that but you didn’t really see the ball cut through the pins and lead the nine that was like everything parted and there it was it’s like wow what a shot great shot you know watching watching these two players this is why the state of Indiana

Is so strong in Bowling because two Bowlers like Jimmy Cook and and Zack Weidman I mean it’s just it’s exciting to watch and and uh like I said we are so fortunate here in Indiana all right cover this and you’re well on your way to finally achieving what you wanted to do

Here and that is a master’s title yeah and now all he has to do is he doesn’t even have to mark in a 10th now qualifying in the 38th position here on Saturday had to bowl two more games Sunday morning just to get into match

Play oh a great shot what a game by Zack Weidman though Z winning this title back in 2020 but you know you’re never satisfied you always want more and when you get to this opport you know chance or this opportunity and to bowl at the level

That he has in this game well but I think I think you show Zach showed the talent he has and that was being the tournament leader obviously but then getting knocked out halfway through the rounds today and then you know finding a way to to continue to go to win the to

Win the losers bracket but the big thing was was changing the equipment with like three rounds to go or four rounds to go and just totally switching what you were doing and and getting himself to this position that’s a good tournament by Zach just as disappointing as I’m sure

But uh you know uh the the match was already wrapped up there in the 10th Frame he he couldn’t have done anything to really he could put some pressure on Jimmy but you know Jimmy gets to have a Victory lap here crowd with a nice little Applause

There from Zack Weidman no the 180 does not reflect the Del level that he bowled in this match but Jimmy Cook ladies and gentlemen finally has the title that he’s looking for your 2024 Indiana Masters champion and that is his third state Title Here with two scratch class

And you know inside he doesn’t show a whole lot of motion on the outside but you know on the inside he is one a static player and we’ll be back with the interview the prize money and all and the trophy as your Champion Jimmy Cook here on Savage bowling TV we’ll be back

Right after [Applause] this e and we’re back here at the 2024 Indiana Masters tournament at Championship Lanes in Anderson Indiana we’ve got a wonderfully new Champion first time to win the m MERS the two-time Indiana scratch classic winner Jimmy Cook Jimmy how’s the feel to have that first

Masters uh this is uh it’s what we come to I mean this is our biggest Tournament of the Year being part of the Indianapolis or Indiana bowling Community um I’m going to be honest with you there’s a lot of greats in the state you being the master of most of them and

All of them but this is what we live for well it’s a great job and I got a couple more questions for you but I think let’s have some fun Mr Bill Kendall president USBC you got some fun stuff here for Jimmy what do

You got I do at this time on behalf of the IND Indiana State Bowling Association it’s my pleasure to present you with the big trophy oh my Eagle you usually I would like to present you with a big check but instead I’m going to present you with the real

Check that you’ve been spaning well thank you uh they cash it across the street I’m congratulations J pleas it’s an hour late I well that’s all right I did say 4:00 but 5:00 makes it good thank thank you Bill great job great job Jimmy uh you had a great tournament all week

Obviously but today you were the last one left with about four rounds to go from this morning Squad you made a lot of adjustments you battled through you shot 237 I believe the last game or 247 was that your highest game of today I believe so um every round he got a

Little better I got a little looser um things you got to have breaks in this tournament or any tournament for that matter um if anybody could sit up here and say they didn’t take advantage of the breaks I mean you got to have them Circle his group of guys ladies that

Work here they’re magnificent it’s the best ran tournament in the state um but they’re always challenging so the biggest thing is always make your spares well if you’re leaving splits you don’t make them so you got to try to throw it the best you can um it’s always a grind

We have some of the best talent in the midwest I put our State against most of the states I mean these guys have bowed all week at Woodland and uh you know I started bowling three weeks ago in League I mean it is what it is uh I’m

Grateful um I love these guys they’re it’s a big family well congratulations again you defeated one of our top Champions here in the state of Indiana Zach Weidman which adds more to the the the excitement of winning this tournament but it’s your first coming off an injury we’re so proud of you what

You did great playing today and what a great finish congratulations on the 2024 Indiana State Masters thank you Scott Chad everybody back there you guys are topnotch um this one the one at your Center in November we love them thank you guys for everybody that’s involved uh go bowling congratulations and we’ll be

Right back great job thank you Mike all right welcome back here to the booth here at the Indiana State Masters Savage bowling tv Mike Alby Scott Gilmore here what an exciting match where Jimmy Cook comes out Victorious his first Masters Championship but it’s third State title uh and and really just an impressive

Weekend for Jimmy all around yeah and you know what we saw TJ Schmidt I mean Zack Weidman Jimmy Cook first class guys and it just uh you you would have felt happy for any one of them that would have won uh it means a lot to Jimmy

Obviously it means a lot to all of them but uh I just can’t tell you how proud I am of being a part of state of Indiana and what these guys show and do and what everybody does but yeah great day for Jimmy Cook he he deserved it you know

And really Zack Weidman who was trying to make history from the standpoint of becoming a a third two-time winner of this event I’m sure he’s hanging his head but man did he bow a fantastic game in the title match he bow a fantastic game he didn’t get didn’t get rewarded

For the shots he threw uh but I was I was so impressed by you know you’re the tourament leader and you get knocked out you know in the with like four or five rounds to go and or not knocked out but you get knocked to the losers bracket

And then to come back in and win the losers bracket but with about three rounds to go he made that move from urethane to to to react to to you know changing different parts of the lane phenomenal and that’s why he’s that good well that’s going to wrap things up here

From Championship Lanes we’ll be back on the air in just two short weeks right here for the Indiana High School bowling state finals you know that’s going to be an exciting T oh yeah always is well Mike we appreciate your time and joining us today and what was a fantastic

Indiana Masters it never disappoints but that’s all from Anderson here at Championship Lane once again your Champion is give me cook

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