Trottie Playing Spyglass Hill on Full Swing KIT Studio

Experience the thrill of Spyglass Hill with Trottie in this exclusive Full Swing KIT Studio gameplay! Join us as we navigate the challenging PGA Tour stop at Pebble Beach this weekend. Get ready for a virtual golfing adventure like never before on Full Swing KIT Studio!

Hey guys I’m Chris Trot Troy golf stood here with the full swing kit Studio I want to show you guys how you can practice and improve your game from the comfort of your own home let’s check it out so once you’ve worked your full swing kit Studio on the Range let’s face

It one of the main reasons that you want this is to be able to play golf courses with your buddies there’s 15 golf courses on this software you’ve got some Jack Nicholas design some Tiger Woods design courses let’s take a look at some of the call outs here so you’re going to

Have murfield Village in there that’s been on the tour forever pay’s Valley we’ve got spy glass Hill in there which I know well then you go through to TPC Boston but there’s some great awesome awesome golf courses you got the formats you can play at you can play as much as

Eight players here so you can really have a good time with your friends eight of them can play at one time there’s a scramble there’s a wolf format match play stroke play millions of different things you can do on this in order just to get the the maximum fun out of it I’m

Going to take us to the first here at spy glass Hill let’s meet you there so here we are the famous spy glass Hill first hole it’s this long par five down and to the left but you’re going to be challenged with this t-shot

Where you got to hit it out to the right but let’s talk a little bit about what we’ve got first off I mean the graphics speak for themselves fantastic right these trees really do feel quite intimidating when you’re there in person but also here on this actual t-shot I’ve

Almost got to hit it straight through these markers to give me the perfect t- ball today we’ve got no wind you can see the elevation of this shot we’re going to be hitting downhill I can move my target line so you can see on the screen

There I can go Center at 270 and then move it slightly to the right we know from practicing on the Range I’m probably going to get this about the 290 Mark and again I can see on the right side here that’s going to put me perfectly in the Fairway maybe down the

Right side see see how the screen adjusted there that now sets me up for that Target line Center screen when I hit the screen the golf ball is going to come out straight away from there which we’ve seen before pretty good hit you’d always be happy with that down the first

Here now you can truly see the golf hole it should kick there you go exactly like it is in person that should be almost and now you can really see that bunker as to why I didn’t want to go for that we’re in a good spot here opened up the hole

Perfectly to make this three shot strategy went a little further but remember we were downhill which is very much like the real thing because it is massively down elevation now we’re in the bottom of the valley the 8 FT elevation only comes up for that third

Shot lags on the front 102 this is working out perfectly for me because again we’ve just come off a wedge session it’s selected sand iron I’m happy with that I’m just going to reconfirm grab my little 52 and we know that now I’m picking this one because

Long of it is far better than short and I also know this green has quite a lot of undulation on it so if I can come in spinning at it from behind that’s going to work out okay for me there is no Breeze nothing should come into play

That’s a problem little aggressive 9:00 swing should do it with the 52 I think that’s going to be pretty good nestled in stop perfect so we’re stood now on the second T box kit studio just gave me a two par which I appreciate that’s good now I

Wish I’d have had this before I actually went to play spy glass because this t-shir and I actually want to talk about this and we’ll do the flyover of the golf hole this t-shot I had no clue where I was going at all so if I could

Have seen this before I would have benefited from that as a player massively you can see on the left side there’s a it’s not ideal the green favor coming in from the left but you don’t want to be too far left so again can use my target marker and I was honestly set

Up to hit anything from a three-wood to a five iron I didn’t know what I was going to have so if I have 210 it leaves me with 144 you do get a bit narrower as you get further up but 220 leaves you with 130 I’ve set myself

Up a little down the left side I’m going to hit four iron the mistake I made when I played this was I hit three iron again if I’d have done this and ran it before I’d have known that I didn’t need to hit the three ey you don’t need to get too

Far up because it just gets a little bit narrow even this target I’m going to say is a little too far left so I’m going to learn from my previous mistakes I’m going to put me 220 middle of the Fairway I’m not going to play around

With that left side at all and I’m just going to hit myself a cruzy four IR am and put right what I did last time I played here which is end up in the left rough what’s a good shot look like here well it looks something like this

Revenge is sweet on the second hole at spy glass Hill that’s what I should have done when I played it if I had this I’d have been able to bang that for iron right there and give me a great angle to the green so the second shot here is

Uphill more than you think I’m going to select believe it or not a seven iron and I’m going to try and hit a little hold up cut into that left pin now you might be stood there going Troy what you doing why why do you want to hit a

Little cut into a left pin because short right is not good here I can live with long left to be honest it’s a green you want to hit but if I miss slightly long left at least I’ve still got a chance of a chip coming down so a little cut 7

Iron it’s going to have to be a baby one cuz we’ve only got 147 but we are up 25 ft see what we can do came out good slide for me slide for me like I said if I had to miss anywhere well that is where it would have been

You see how that’s just coming in off the left for me pretty good took a lot off that 79 again because I know my distances I can hit that and it’s given me which is very generous of it a two put P spy glass number three what an

Iconic beautiful hole this is with maybe one of the best views in golf it’s easy to get distracted here so one of the great features of the kit studio is I can come out over and I can hit in round practice now it’s as if I’ve got a

Bucket of balls here so we’re going to see the Tracer we’re going to get all the things we’ve had out of it before but if you are doing this with your budes you can see on the left here we’ve got a to Target number in yards we can

Also do a nearest the pin challenge so I’ve got a six iron first shot I want to hit down here and I’ve got a bucket of balls this is probably going to be into win normally I know today we’ve got none I’ve got a total distance of 179 just

Going to a little cruisy six take a bit of height off of that one see if I can keep it down there we know we’re going down the hill might be a little too much for me yeah it is so now you learn from that and you change and

You play the seven iron and with this in round practice feature you can constantly do that and adjust the way in which you’re going to play the hole select the seven iron let’s see if we can hit the same golf shot tell you what we’ll mix it up a bit

Let’s go little fade 79 1 79 remember we’re downhill I’ll great that golf hole look so it leaves the previous tracer on and now you have a second Tracer that then tells you how well you did on that golf shot bounces in luckily I’m going

To get my tar number that want to do me proud on a nearest the pin I’m sure I might take that against the boys because this is not an easy gol hole so let’s have a look at how we did there on distance to Target 5.5 that’s a good effort to be

Honest I’m probably going to end it there allbe it it is spy glass number three so we’ll just hit one more see if we can really draw one in but you can see how even I can get drawn away with just wanting to keep practicing wanting to keep hitting

Different shots seeing how many different ways I can play this golf hole surprised that one went so far there really is some downhill in here let’s see if we can get the ATI in there I think when I played it you have to change the club every time do

You yeah but it was on seven and then it was on six so will that have impacted how far that last shot went okay whatever we’ll carry on so grab the eight iron if I want to hit the draw cuz I got a little bit too much

Yardage out of that one see if we can tighten this up feel like I wanted that one draw in draw in keep drawing yeah good anytime you hit it on the green on this hole you’re going to be happy with it but you can really see

How I can get the in round practice session going I can work on that then you might think okay well fair enough but you’ve ruined what was a great round that’s not the case you simply go back in exit practice in our menu are you sure yes it takes it back to then

Allowing me to hit one more golf shot after those practice sessions I know the aine is probably where I want to be so we can get back on with our game nice a Time little draw that was a hook sit bounce in there’s definitely a back stop there

We’ll take it maybe that one did so well for me because I practiced and got the right Club even with the pull or the draw it allowed me to still hit the green in a place where I wanted to be so then you cruise over to number four and

This is a tricky one I mean it’s such a hard second shot so again you’re strategizing this golf course so I probably want to put myself Center Fairway 230 leaves me 131 I’ve got four iron I don’t mind being a bit further back CU this green

Is very difficult to hit so you can see the target line down the right side perfectly the middle of the Fairway I’m not going to kill this for iron I’m not again when I played it I got sucked into wanting to be a long way down there much

Like the second hole but you don’t need to be not the best hit but it’ll be down the target line remember I said if you don’t get your yardage I wanted a bit more into this green so let’s have a look what this leaves us with now probably bounced on all right

Actually it would have given me okay yardage out of it yep so now this is the golf shot that requires a lot of attention on this golf hole I’m going to move my target to be short and right of the actual hole so there’s 148 to that and I am not going

To hit the eight I’m going to hit a nine let’s see what it is to the front edge 130 no max out I can get 1 42 yeah that’s what I’m going to do hit nine IR so again notice the strategy on this hole the work I’ve put in on the Range I know I can hit a cruy n eyon this yardage got my self set up a little bit

Right I think that’s good so by going in with a 99 I now know I’m going in with more spin so this golf ball should hold the green it’s a tough green to hit and I would be chipping but it’s a tough Chip Shot let’s see how this

Looks okay so you can see here this is downhill you put the Grid on and you can see I have the lines moving towards the hole but also the red Grid at the start shows a severe down slope then it obviously runs away behind the flag you

Can’t quite see it here but there is a little drop off actually you can see it pretty well so I need to play a delicate little chip into this screen just play a little soft one into the screen there and there you have it cozy it on

Up next to the hole that should give me auto par there you go shot result Auto One put and then we’ll move on to the next

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