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All right guys in today’s video we’re going to talk about the trick to clearing your hips in the down I’m going to show you what I showed a recent student of mine to help him really get his hips moving and clearing in the downswing there’s one key trick we

Talked about I’m going to show you what that is there’s two little sub moves that we’re going to talk about that are important and one really good drill that I’m going to show you let’s dive in okay so recently I had a student come in who

Had watched some of our videos and said Eric you know when I make my swing I’m really struggling to get my hips clearing in the down swing it’s like I kind of feel like I’m like stuck in mud I just can’t get my lower body going can

You help me clearing my hips I said absolutely I can let’s take a look at your swing and when we looked at his swing and I put him up next to Max Homa and we don’t have his visual but I’ll kind of show you what he looked like

Here at impact we noticed that he had about zero rotation so from the down the line here compared to maxom you can see the maxom version how he’s got plenty of hip Ro rotation rib cage rotation he’s well open to the Target the student that

I had come in and this may be you as well at impact looks something like this zero hip rotation very stood up at impact and he struggled right with clearing the hips and what did that lead to well it led to inconsistent contact no power very little Club face control

Just inconsistency day-to-day out in the golf course and obviously if you were to look at Max Hom OR the good players who have that pelvis and rib cage rotation they’ve got the opposite things they hit the ball very solid they’ve got great Club face control and great power that’s

Obviously what he wanted as well so we looked at him we looked at Max said okay yes clearly we need to open the pelvis and the rib cage how do we do it there was two key mantras now the first thing and I’m going to show you a drill here

In a minute has to do with how the trail leg works so the trail side the trail knee and the hip during the downswing if you get that part correct right which is if we draw a line up through the toes up vertical put this on the

Screen you’ll see some images as we go if you can keep your knee and your hip inside that line as you work through the ball it’s going to be very easy to clear your hips now if that’s true unfortunately for you and for the player

That I had and me and all of us golfers if you don’t do that meaning if your knee Andor your hip go forward of that toe line this way you’re never going to be able to clear your hips always going to be stuck in mud as soon as the trail

Side works too far in towards the ball like this the hips stall the upper body works up and back early release Poe contact Etc so it’s absolutely essential that we learn how to do that I’m going to show you in a moment now in with that

And sort of the Mantra that I gave him when we were looking at Max H and these good players at impacting him I said hey let’s start with a general feel before we talk about the the trail side of where your belt buckle points if you

Want to clear your hips more you must get your belt buckle to point more towards the Target and sooner if you want to clear your hips more you must get your belt buckle pointed more towards the target sooner if we look at Max hom Adam Scott these players at impact where’s their

Belt buckle pointed several feet in front of impact my student who all pose here where was his belt buckle pointed straight at the golf ball no hip rotation not clearing my hips hips pointed several feet forward by impact some hip rotation clearing the hips now to take it a step further we

Have to make sure that you continue to point your belt buckle not only at the Target we’ll show you Max home and Adam uh Scott I drew a little yellow line where their flag is and notice when they finish their swing where their hips are pointed where are they pointed at the

Target right of the Target or left of the target they’re all pointed left of the target so the first montra I gave this gentleman was hey for us to clear your hips for we’re talking about right side let’s focus on getting your belt buckle pointed more forward throughout

The down s more forwarded impact and more left of the Target in fact what we did if you pick a Target out there as I said by the time you work through the ball I almost want you to have the Sensation that at impact your belt

Buckle is going to be pointed like at the Target now there ain’t no way we were getting his belt buckle at the Target but if you’re coming from zero h rotation and you want to clear it where it points a little bit in front you have

To feel as though your hips are way more open way earlier how much to the point where when you look at video they’re pointed just like the model Pros now for me to get him to that point and what you might need to feel to clear your hips

Literally we picked a Target 20 to 30 yards left of the flag I said I want you to feel like your belt buckle points there before you’re done with your swing so the belt buckle and where it points the good version is get it at and left

Of the target the bad version is swinging through where your belt buckles at the ball right no clearing of the hips belt buckle left of Target so first thing just a general Mantra let’s feel the belt buckle point at the Target by impact way exaggerated and about 20

Yards left through impact let’s go ahead and hit with that so belt buckle more left and again the general sensation with all these pieces is how far do I need to push the exaggeration of the feel just to get to neutral I’m not confused on what I need to do him and I

Both wanted to clear the hips more we were clear on that the question is how do we do it and how much the how much part is as much as it takes to look normal so easy simple Mantra belt buckle at the ball bad belt buckle at and left

Of Target good now you might do that all day long and never make any progress if you don’t get this Trail side moving through correctly let’s talk about what that means how to fix it in the drill next okay so the trail side working through right here’s kind of the Mantra

Imagine I put this little stick in the ground which is similar to the drill we had when we were inside I actually had it about parallel to the ground just below his kneecap that’s how I actually have the drill set up for here I just

Put it into the put a line Rod into the ground there but you want to have an object over your toe line just in front of your knee here and I just put a club down my toe line for visual reference so when you’re doing this you can have a

Club down your toe line and let’s draw that line on the screen again we don’t want to have the knee or the hip break forward of that line ever we’ll show you Adam Scott and Max Hol on the screen here as examples I draw the line up the

Toe line when they make their down swings how do they do that their knee stays inside of that line and their Trail hip stays inside of that line as soon as your knee breaks forward of that line your hips are going to kick in you’re going to stand up your hips

Are going to stall as soon as your right hip would break forward of that line hips kick in too much stand up stall we focus a lot on getting the lead side cleared around and that’s good we should but a different way to do it is getting this Trail side through said different

If you get your Trail side through correctly which I’ll talk about feels the lead side will get around automatically it also means if you do this Trail side poorly that lead side has no chance so we have to get the the trail side through to begin with we had

This object and again you could put something in front of your toes maybe like a table or something even stand up now and kind of put something down your toe line as a visual or look at your toes and make some downswings where your knee never gets outside that line now if

We focus on the knee we typically can sort of get everything else correct so I started with him and say hey instead of your knee popping wave four this is what he looked like okay okay so no hip turn knees popping weighing like this early ex I’m exaggerating but you kind of get

The picture here what we want to have the knee to look like is the right knee should be moving in towards the left so you want to get your knees close together knees far apart moving in towards the ball bad right knee close to the left and

Moving towards the target good okay so when we start this obviously I want to miss this object I want to get my right knee moving in towards my left knee that’s going to be piece number one and now if I can do that with my right knee moving in you’re going to notice

It’s easier for you to be able to clear your hips it’s easier to be able to keep hip depth and not have that early extension in towards the ball so same thing draw the line up over the toe line have that visual feel the right knee

Working in close to the left like I’m squeezing the right knee in towards the left inside of that toe line and if I do that correctly when I get done I’m feeling like my belt buckle is not only pointed at the Target but it’s actually pointed left left of the

Target so we work on this for a little bit right we’re talking back and forth we’re looking on swings at swings on video we’re going over the details but that’s the general feel right knee in towards the left as we work through the details of this we also said hey notice

As your right knee’s feeling in towards your left the knees feel very close feels like the kneecap is pointed towards the target the ra the trail hip the right hip also feels like it stays down and in bad would be the trail hip working up and

Out knee goes forward hip goes up and out that’s bad as my knee goes towards the target my hip stays down and in so we’re kind of fing with a club across the hip stays down and in as the right knee is in towards the left where’s the

Hip the hip also look at the max Homa the hip also stays nicely inside of that line the whole time that’s what gives you the hip depth if your right hip stays back and in where’s your left hip going to be way back right there’s your

Sort of two cheek hip depth so same feels here knee and hip stay inside the toe line right knees towards the left right hip stays back and in same feels and listen did I get this guy who came in nice gentleman to look like

Max home in one hour no I did not okay but did we go from this no hip turn knee in to about halfway in between yes we did did he hit the ball more solid because of that yes farther better contact Etc now he just like you if you

Want to do that are going to need to continue to practice that over time but you should be able to record yourself and make notice Noti able differences right away if you exaggerate enough so whether you want to keep it pretty simple and have the belt buckle Point

Left of the Target or going into some of these other feels of the right knee in towards the left the right hip stays in and towards the target as I’m doing that as the right hip stays in and towards show me me and Max doing this my buddy

My left hip is also deep right you might feel your left hips deeper than normal as you work through but to clear your hips you have got to get the trail side working through correctly if you have any questions on this guys let me know in the comments down below consider

Liking this uh that really helps us maybe share this with a friend subscribe if you haven’t all that stuff and as always appreciate you guys watching


  1. Beware that the more open the hips are at impact the more side crunch you will need to get the clubhead down to the ball because you are replacing forward bend with side bend in order to stay at the same height. Not all of us have flexible athletic bodies and may end up with too flat a shoulder plane because with more open hips that's more comfortable. A flat shoulder plane can lead to thins (because you aren't side bending low enough) or a leftward swing path. With the hips very open at impact (and admittedly I get 'em too open) requiring more side bend IMO it becomes much more difficult to, from there, extend the hips toward target on the way through and get the chest pointing at the sky.

  2. Great video! I also find that for me to clear the hips better it helps to have more right sidebend in downswing (feel like right shoulder going down towards the right knee more)

  3. A lot of how you think about this is from what you dominant foot is. A lot of people are left footed and right handed or vice versa. In this case better golfers swing opposite their dominant foot and need to think about this problem in the inverse.

    The issue is also common in hockey countries like Canada and Sweden. People will play hockey left handed, but golf right handed.

  4. I've been trying to draw the ball for years buy strengthening my grip and all I did was pull or snap hook. I recently went to a completely neutral grip and moved my ball position a little more forward, and now it draws naturally without me even trying to do anything with my hands. Is this one of the opposite extremes happening or just something individual with me? To keep on topic. I do have to clear or I will pull or flip.

  5. My question is what is the left hip feel for this particular move? The right hip move ends up having me leaning back like I’m folding in half backwards 😂😂😂

  6. LOL… @4:25 "There ain't no way…" with eyes closed. If you watched up to this point, you most certainly stayed for the entire video. I'm going to try the knees together feeling to overcome my hip rotation stalling. Thanks Eric!!

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