Your Golf Grip Could Be DESTROYING Your Golf Swing | Avoid These Mistakes

Welcome to David Leathem Golf, where im diving deep into a game-changing aspect of your golf swing – how to grip the golf club correctly. 🏌️‍♂️ It’s surprising how often golfers unknowingly fall into common mistakes when holding the golf club, especially when it comes to the placement of the left hand on the golf club. This seemingly small detail can wield a dramatic effect on your golf swing.

In this video, I take you through the intricacies of correct left hand grip positioning on the golf club. Emphasizing a grip that rests more in the fingers and less in the palm, I’ll guide you through a simple yet crucial process to ensure you’re gripping the golf club correctly in a way that primes you for a better golf swing.

Watch closely as I demonstrate how incorrectly holding the grip in the palm of your hand can lead to slicing the golf ball and swinging over the top. The repercussions are significant, but fear not – armed with the right knowledge, you can avoid these pitfalls and transform your game.

Discover the secrets to not only improving your club face control by holding the golf club correctly but also refining your club path for straighter shots and even those desirable draws. It’s all about precision in the details.

As you embark on this journey to enhance your golfing skills, don’t forget to show your support by liking the video, sharing your thoughts in the comments, and hitting that subscribe button for more invaluable golf tips.

And here’s an exclusive offer for our dedicated viewers – head to for premium leather gloves at an exceptional price. Use code DAVID at checkout to enjoy a 10% discount. Elevate your game with the right grip and top-notch gear – your swing will thank you. ⛳️🔒

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Hey guys and welcome to the channnel a mistake I see all too often is high golfers position their left hand on the golf club majority of time it is going to run through the palm of the hand and I can’t tell you how big an impact that

Has on your entire golf swing it’s not just about the grip it has a huge knock on effect across the board okay including making it really difficult for you to hinge your wrists without bending your arm makes it really difficult to get the club face Square it tends to

Want to be open and then what happens is as it’s open we tend to swing over the top and left of that open Club face causing the ball to slice more so really weak grip in the Palm can’t get that face closed it’s going to be open I will have to swing

Left creating more of a cut shot to the right all because how you position your left hand on the golf club so it is really really important that we get it right now we’ve probably heard that it needs to be in the fingers now one thing

I can tell you that if you’re building your grip as you over the golf ball that is difficult because the club sits on this angle and we typically come in and grab it this way and you’ll see that that’s always going to put the club or the grip

In the Palm so it’s really important what I want you to do is I want you to pick the club up build it you’ll see kind of Justin Rose doing something like this grab the club on the shaft just below the grip hold it up at a 45 degree

Angle in front of you which is roughly the angle it is on the ground this way bring your hand in do not bring it under the grip and try and grab it in your fingers this way because you can’t get it over enough and now boom it’s back in

The Palm again okay so introduce the lead hand on the side from this position you can see that I’m running that through the base of my fingers here I’ll put it on the shaft make it look a little easier for you that way this is

Going to allow me to get the club face Square start to use these three fingers here which are pressure points in your leate hand they’re starting to do some work that’s great I can hinge the club from there I can move it whichever way I want when I’m in the

Pal that is a lot harder to control okay so holding it up bring it on the side next trick bring your fingers under and then the hand more over okay you’ll see then that points the crease if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re

Playing golf but don’t fancy the high price tag we go and check out my channel sponsors page gxg golf really good quality glove at a fraction of the cost use code David at checkout and you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well of my thumb and four

Finger to my right shoulder or somewhere between my ear and my right shoulder really nice position I can feel that I can hold the club with the pad here and this part of my hand that’s a nice little test for you to make sure that

You’re holding if I’m in the palm and I try that I can’t hold it okay really really important I wanted to make this video as it was a request from a few followers on Facebook and a few subscribers on YouTube because the grip holds a lot of people back all right and

It’s something that being uncomfortable to change can make a massive impact on your golf swing not just how you’re holding it knock on effect right the way across and ultimately then into your G shot okay so we’re going to hold it up in front through the fingers fingers go under hand goes over

Checkpoint V up here I can hinge that club do whatever I want I’m in control of it now I’m not going to have that open face and it’s really going to help me get the path to face the strike everything better and just feel is a much stronger shot

Lower spin as well obviously because the face wasn’t wide open and I didn’t cut across it okay guys take some time with this grip it’s an important thing I’ll do more videos on it if you have any questions about the left hand grip lead hand grip drop them in let me know more

Than happy to help you I just R it’s so important where you position this thing all right guys thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I’ll see you guys in the next one

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