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Can The Eagles Contend For The Super Bowl In 2024? | WIP Midday Show

The Philadelphia Eagles expect Vic Fangio and Kellen Moore to fix the problems that derailed their 2023 season, but are they enough to push them back into Super Bowl contention?

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How Ros but thinks the Eagles are close he still believes yeah he does welcome on in h what St music today what a day how we into music welcome on in midday show Hugh Douglas Joe Jill Kyle Quinn behind the glass 215 5929 494 on a

Tuesday Howard joins us in a little bit Ross Tucker joins us lot to get to good morning Hugh Douglas Good morning Joe good morning Philly hey you know what man I don’t y’all need to explain this to me and y’all need to stop doing this y’all need to slow y’all ass running

Around in these these parking lots man these these these high-rise parking lots and stuff y’all need to slow y’all ass down especially in the morning especially in the building that we in right now because every morning it was a little dude like a little like one of

Them little hatch they they don’t call them station wagons anymore they call them like the crossover SUV types that sounds cooler yeah yeah like so I’m like I’m pulling in right you know I drive a big ass truck and it takes me a minute to get around the corners cuz you know I

Don’t want to turn them too tight cuz I mess around and mess up my truck dude just flying behind me like he in a hurry to get get somewhere in a parking lot man slow your butt down man that’s not cool man it takes a little while for me

To make them turn all right some good advice from Hugh to start the show and you know you said something there it takes a minute and I think that’s on top of all of our minds is it going to take the Eagles a minute more less to get

Back to where we want are they close I mean really that that’s the question on all of our minds are they close to being back to where these teams are right now are they close to being there and look I want them to be I think we all a year

From now you know what I want a year from now a Super Bowl I I want Hugh I want you and I to be planning our trip or someone to plan a forest and us to get ready and pack in our bags for lisiana for New Orleans that’s where I

Want to be John Richie haircut I love John’s haircut he’s looking awesome John looks good he look like he’s on the run from somebody had to change his look that’s he kind of does you know what I mean like he was living in the mountain like oh the cops they’re on to you

They’ll never find them now so look a year from now I want to be planning a trip I want to be packing a suitcase I want to be getting ready for a trip to for Super Bowl would that be 59 or whatever the number would be next year

That’s what I want but as I look at the Eagles right now look I want them to be close and perhaps I’ll feel they are close you know in two months after free agency maybe three months after the draft but here’s what I see I see a team

That has questions now on the offensive line because we don’t know what Chason Kel going to do I see a team that needs multiple Corners I see a team that needs a safety multiple linebackers another wide receiver they got to fix the quarterback and we have a whole new

Offense with a new coordinator that has to implement this thing on the Fly I don’t think they’re particularly close on January 30th 2024 I hope I feel differently in two months maybe after free agency but right now even with the new coordinators Hugh I don’t think they

Close they’re close do you feel this team is close I feel they’re close Joe before you even got out your mouth I feel that they’re close and I’ll tell you why because I feel like they have enough talent that they Talent if they have the right direction if they’ve

Hired the right people and I tell you what it’s funny cuz looking at all the coached hires on on the like watching them on Instagram and everything uh social media it’s almost like they’re trying to assemble the vengers did you see the non neck coach they they got

Last night coach hers I love them looking like a big old uh Incredible Hulk or somebody the thing whoops ass yeah no he has no neck I’m like look at look at the coaches they trying to assemble the Avengers they went out and got uh the big goober they got the

Goober guy from uh no who’s the goober Kell Moore goober oh he’s a goober we keeping goober going we we going to keep that he’s on the goober line yeah he’s then we got an Avenger line the Seahawks yeah but it’s like they’re assembling the Virgin and I saw another coach from the

Seahawks they were talking to to coach the secondary so it it’s like we’re putting together a coaching staff that I feel like with Coach fangio is going to make this defense or at least not make this defense but give this defense an identity that they’re going to try to

Implement now in order to implement that identity you’re going to have to go out and get some players there’s no question about that now listen I will I’m going say this and this is what I believe I am not a financial guy y’all know numbers

Is not my strong suit but when I look at this team I don’t know how it’s going to get done but we if we go with the younger players and maybe get a couple guys out of free agency I feel like we can get back there and as far as

Offensive line is concerned we can we can we can get by with that I think we can get Jason Kel come back for a nice little piece of cheese so I think the offensive line I think we can make that well that changes things certainly if he

Comes back if he does it and right now you know I think if I’m optimistic now I don’t I don’t know the financial side of it but I’m optimistic that we can go out and get enough people that we can get this thing going again so I am

Optimistic and I believe in hoe I just think there’s a lot of work to do here and I also think about this there’s not many teams in the NFC the AFC we know what goes on right it’s the Chiefs every year six straight years they go to the

Title game and now obviously back to the Super Bowl with Andy Reid and Patrick Mahomes in the NFC there’s much less staying power that just is I mean other than the 49ers and when Rogers was on the Packers there’s not any team in the NFC for years that have been in two out

Of three championship games which is what we’re asking the Eagles to do to get back to the Super Bowl you got to get to a championship game first it doesn’t happen it’s it’s like a who’s who of who pops up and then falls back whether it be the Falcons or the

Panthers or the Eagles or the Saints no one could sustain in the NFC other than the 49ers I think it’s a challenging thing to go back to this level that we’re asked them to go to and I just see a lot of work to be done I mean hoe

Better have you know hopefully all the vacations were taken last summer cuz ho’s got a a lot of work to do the way I look at this roster Hugh if you’re if your instinct if your gut is right that they may be able to convince JC Kelce

One more year it would change my perspective because here’s the way I look at it and you mentioned numbers obviously we know where they draft they have three picks in the first couple rounds they have number 22 overall there’s only so many picks there’s only

So much cap space yes so here’s what you know the Kelsey thing obviously is a big deal if he leaves they’re probably going to have to use a resource on another offensive lineman you know whether it’s a kid they play guard next year and they move Jurgens to Center what however they

Do it so that means that’s one less pick to use on a corner or a linebacker or a safety you know they only have so much here they they could use to fix this team I I think they have more work to do but the coordinator stuff certainly I

Think makes people feel better people feel better today than they did a week ago because we have Vic fio here we talked to Patrick Willis last week about how good of a coordinator he is and then of course there’s Kell Moore but there’s stuff about fangio out there people

Wondering like does he still connect with players Jaws had something interesting to say here’s Jaws talking about Vic fio what he’s heard over the years about the new Eagles defensive coordinator I I have connections as well around this league and you know I I hear another side of that story that uh there

Were some players on that defense that didn’t want to work you know didn’t want to put the time in didn’t want to put the effort in didn’t want to make the commitment to be successful guys like to party at night and you know South Beach

Is a really great place to party and Vic tried to get those guys to push those guys become harder workers and better athletes and more committed to their team and he couldn’t get through to those guys so those are the guys that Vic was pushing and they’re the guys

That are whining right now I love that I mean that you that was kind of your instinct that maybe we shouldn’t listen too much to the guys he just left in Miami you know look at the track record of Vic fio yeah and that’s what I was thinking like when I hear especially

Defensive players like complain about stuff like that and not liking the coach or whatever that’s weird to me because most Defenders like working hard pushing themselves so it just was kind of odd you hear offensive guys saying that no disrespect to the offensive players but they don’t like sometimes they don’t

Like to work hard especially when you were talking about comparing contrasting down there with the commodor when they were mad at at uh coach benmy for coaching them hard so but when you hear Defenders say that about a coach that appr proven guy you talk about when you

Look at his track record and you look at what he brings to the table and the players that he’s he’s coached you look at that and most guys get excited about stuff like that when they look at the track record I remember when when Vic um

Not Vic but Jim Johnson came to to to us he coached Mike S Sinclair and Sam Adams uh Cortez Kennedy like you look at that and I looked at that I’m like damn he coached those guys and the way and and what what what else galvanized it for me

Was the year before he came to us we played Seattle and they beat the breaks off of us with that defense they were blitzing from all over the place so you get excited about things like that so I kind of figured when I heard guys complaining about that that that’s

Basically what it was yeah and I do feel you know if you’re thinking about what they’ve done over the last week I do feel better about the direction of the team for next year based on the coordinators I mean that does that does give me a sense of of Good Feeling Vic

Fanio has a great track record across the NFL for years and years and years he’s produced good defenses and Kell Moore although you know we could wonder about what happened last year in Los Angeles and obviously Dak got better when he left he also has a nice you know

Track record early in his football coaching career of producing good offense so I feel good about I feel better about the coaching staff they they’re a better better coaching staff today than they did a few minutes ago or you or recently you know a week ago but

It’s the roster I I you know what I can’t get out of my head as we have this conversation and maybe I’m overreacting I can’t get the last seven weeks of the Season out of my head I I understand they were an 116 and they were a playoff

Team they also were a bottom five team in the league the last month plus of the season are this is that just are we going to pretend that didn’t happen and just like business as yeah that was fluke I think part of that was because for whatever reason

This defense they quit they gave up offense I’m not even talking about the offensive side the ball they had their own issues which to this day you know we went out and got all these coordinators and stuff and I don’t think we’ve addressed the elephant in the room

Because number one we don’t know what the elephant in the room is so I’m just going to focus on the defensive side of the ball well we know what the elephant in the room is I don’t know what the elephant in the room is Joe here here’s

The uh here’s the zoo anim on the room speculation a whole lot of speculation I don’t know if it’s if it’s an elephant or not but here’s the zoo animal in the room the quarterback didn’t play well enough I mean not only that but it was

Some other stuff too yeah but but his play is is it was not good enough I mean it wasn’t yeah he he he he faltered down the down the stretch but that question has not been answered why why did it happen why did this offense all of a sudden starts sputtering that question

Hasn’t been answered now we’ve made a whole we’ve we’ve had a whole bunch of sacrificial Lambs in the last couple of weeks yep we sacrificed the the defense coordinator even though the offense was well we sacrificed two defense play we both them and then we sa we sacrificed a

A a relationship a friendship between the quarterback and the offensive coordinator so now we’re going into a season hopefully addressing the problems that we had but I feel like we didn’t address the elephant in the room sacrifice is such a strong word bring forth the sacrificial such well that’s

Part of why I don’t think this is close or is is all of this stuff they’ve done and really they’ve hired two coordinators is that going to fix everything I we I hope so so you’re asking me do I believe is and believe and hope kind of like the same thing

Well yeah they’re Sim kind of the same similar so I I hope that it’s fixed but do I believe it yeah I kind of do but then again I kind of don’t yeah because it’s like this is the problem we we we have not addressed the underlying issues

With the team now we’ve addressed the the the football problems we’ve addressed those we but we address we we there’s something else here there’s something else here that has not been addressed and hopefully this offseason people getting away from each other you know maybe maybe it’ll get better I mean

It doesn’t usually work that way you know especially in relationships but you hope you hope it does do you mean just space well space and you come back and your cooler come back and then you know something happens and that the same issues rise this this is why I couldn’t

Stand this mug in the first place I knew it all right 215 592 9494 you know perhaps in two months perhaps after the end of NL draft or the first W free agency I’ll sit here and say you know what the Eagles are back I believe they’re going to the Super Bowl next

Year I don’t feel that way today I’m looking at a team that has a whole at offensive line corner safety linebacker wide receiver and the quarterback was the 20th ranked passer in the League this year that’s a lot of things for Kellen Moore and Vic Fango to come in

Here with magic ws and fix 215 592 9494 let’s go to the phone lines here do you believe the Eagles are close and you know what we mean when we say that close to being you know in this round close to being a Super Bowl team once again


  1. I can’t think about the eagles right now. They had their chance and they blew it. Then Lurie and Roseman have the nerve to bring the head coach back. Let’s not forget only 3 years before he was with the colts as a “quarterback coach” this guy was coaching wide receivers at IUP

  2. The eagles are going to have to reinvent themselves every other year, because their head coach doesn't have a skill set.
    I dont understand the attachment. Sirianni was originally hired to be Carson Wentz babysitter. He was put there to make Wentz feel closer to Frank Reich.

  3. You wanna know why the 49ers are going back to the superbowl and how the got back to the NFC championship game? Its because their GM knows what hes doing and he knows not to give out 1 year deals to there best players but Multiple years of a contract they know how to keep a team together we dont lol Howie loves giving out 1 year stupid deals so we can never sustain success lol

  4. SB window is closed. They had a shot with Jalen on the rookie deal, but with him making $53mm a year (25% of the cap) and teams finding a way to shut him down, the window is closed until they find better QB on a rookie deal.

  5. As far as Moore he could fix the offense. Fangio, although I don't like his system, Might fix things if he gets the right personnel. That means getting 4 LB's, Two safeties and a good NT since we don't have any of those players

  6. We are screwed in my opinion. His defense doesn't work. We are missing too many good players. It just seems so far-fetched

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