NEW Mizuno Pro 245 Full Forgiveness Review and the NEW Update has had a large increase in Tungsten which will help increase its Launch and also help with miss hit forgiveness. Finally its the UPGRADE that the previous Mizuno Pro 225 desperately needed.

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Hi guys J Smith here welcome to Y SCF nut Channel and welcome to mauno Pro 245 full review I’ll be doing full forgiveness testing on this one at the back end of the video because I’m excited to see how the massive upgrade in tungsten in the 245 Works its way out

When you hit it all over the face more on that one later but inside here we have got that massive uh update in tungsten it goes from 28 or 30 G I think it was in the original 225 up to nearly 50 in this one so will’ll be interesting

To see how that works this is grainflow forged it is uh not the standard 1025e that we know and love in the blades it does go into that I think in the nine pitch and wedge and gap wedge but in this one the 7even iron that I’ve got

Here it’s the 4135 crale now that will have a bit more of a stronger face powerful this that and everything else and there is a transition of performance and Technology throughout the whole set so you do not get weird sporadic distance gaps between your 9 and 8 iron

Or your seven iron and your l so it’s it’s for fluidity purposes you’ve got the tungsten in there in the 2 to7 you’ve got no tungsten in the eight but that still is crale and then so the nine there’s no uh tungsten but it is then down into

1025e you’ve still got the copper underlay that we know and love to try and soften this old thing down bear in mind this is a hollow bodied head and so it has got harmonic impact technology inside here and they have done some things with the face to try and make it

Thinner and a bit more variable thickness Etc to try and make it better off Miss hits again we’re talking about Miss hits at the back end of the video we’ll do all that does say that they’ve got more compact but if you actually look at how much compact they’ve got

I’ll probably put up on the screen there so you can see guys it’s not even a millimeter so I wouldn’t get carried away it’s not something that you visibly massively see when you put it down by the golf ball you don’t go wow this thing is Tiny it’s tinier by a fraction

One other thing it has got some increased bounce angles but that’s mainly in the like lower section like n pitch W and GAP wge remember mauno have never really been a high bounce angle manufacturer ping would be one of the most when they’re firmly in double

Digits at the bottom end of the golf bag this one as you can see with the specifications on the screen nowhere close to a ping right so let’s go get the simulator on let’s go whack it into a green let’s go see how it feels how it

Looks how it performs and then when it comes to the testing I’m going to do off camera with this I’m also going to do it at three different speeds I’ve decided to do it at three different speeds for a bit of fun to see how this 245 works at

Say 70 M hour swing speed and 80 mph swing speed and a 90 mph swing speed to see what happens when you talk about this 30° lofted 79 how well it performs Peak height Cent angles control into a green when you vary the speeds and will also do the Forgiveness side as well

Simulator is now on we’re at tall Pine’s Golf Club ho eight is a par three of 173 yards shouldn’t be a problem with a 30° lofted 79 the 245 looks basically very similar to a 241 by the fact that it says 245 on the back and the fact

That the 245 being the biggest of the mauno pro series The Top Line is the thickest of all of them but it’s by no means big I would say it’s medium no different to sole thickness it’s about a medium thick Sole and blade length now again people saying the fact that

They’re getting more compact it doesn’t look that much different really if any to a 2 25 when it comes to its size now I’m going be doing a full 225 against 245 review and also 223 against 2 43 and 221 against 241 make sure you get subscribe down there so you don’t miss

That one when I do it right let’s go give this one to hit because it’ be interesting to see because obviously this is the hollowed bodied version the hollow body version with the tungsten in it to see what kind of sound it does make we still got the copper in there

And we got harmonic impact technology so let’s go see how how much that technology makes a difference to feel yeah powerful flight definitely call that powerful flight that was um meaty on the hit you can definitely tell that it’s um hollowly body path is good face is basically very very good

It’s 2 m toe 2 m low very good also 36 yards in the air and 49° of Center angle at 175 You’ take that all day long you can tell it’s Hollow bodied you can it’s not in any way like the 241 or 243 under initial testing the 243 is

Actually very close to 241 it is very much closer even though it’s crale it does feel quite nice this one feels fine feels nice it’s just a little bit more Punchy I can definitely see people blending these absolutely with 241 you might have to be a bit careful of Lofts

Because of the Staggering of it but also 243 I can see people blending these because these with the um tungsten help I can really see these ones helping out on the harder to hit longer irons I mean that’s a little bit cuty because my swing Dynamics on that one’s

A little bit across a little bit open yeah saw on quad there but you take it even with a green which is running around from the pin as you can see there you go slightly across slightly open and 9 mil heel so I mean again not the best

Right 35 yards in the air 49° of Cent angle that’s 12T away from the pin it’s just good I mean 175 total distance you would take that all day long these are very much so more powerful than 241 even though they look very similar to 241 they are completely different with the

Tungsten with the hollow bodied you are going to get a little bit more a little bit more punch shall we say than 241 definitely it’ be interesting to see how these compare against 243 because obviously 243 has got micr slot and stuff in there as well but this yeah it’s fun hitting these

Because of the sound you get from these these are a little more um rocket ship kind of noise you get from here again slightly cuty the safe side of this green is on the right hand side it’s just good I’ll stop curving that way face is slightly open to a path

Which slightly across still the same cut and 5 mil heel as well but that’s 7 38 yards in the air 37 and2 yards in the air and 50° Center angle I mean that is stopping properly 50° of Center angle at 174 it is just so so good I’m I’m really

Excited the fact seeing how this works in forgiveness because really let’s be honest it’s the tungsten upgrade that’s going to help this the most when it comes to forgiveness the 225 the old 225 done really well but especially when it was was launched but as time’s gone on

Other golf clubs have been updated at 245 needed a bit of an uplift in the old Tung Arena and it has got that with nearly 50 grams of it so let’s go give this one a hit again cuz it is quite addictive hitting this thing oh that’s a Miss hit that’s a m

Hit testing out the tungsten it was low on the face 9 M low 2 m toe but it’s still done very well considering hasn’t changed its launch conditions really whatsoever hasn’t really changed it spin conditions whatsoever uh ball speed it’s still over 120 so it’s still doing okay bear in

Mind I mean again that is low on the face and this is where that tungsten is going to help the most when you hit it low on the face with that tungsten bar that goes all the way across that’s going to help heel and toe as well I’m

Looking forward to hitting it all around the face heel and toe as well to see how well this thing does when you get one right out the screws and see how well that performs and then measure it up against when you do smack it on certain

Parts of the golf club which you really shouldn’t be smacking it from that’s a better delivery there we go slightly high in the face but I mean that’s flying really is 3 m toe 1 M High that’s fine and we are 36 yards in the air 49°

A center angle you could do this all day these golf clubs are just so so easy to hit and even if you do mess up they got enough tungsten in there to kind of protect when you mess up one more go I want to hit it one more

Time CU this actually is quite fun I could would I use these I don’t know I’ll be honest I still like my bladed sound and feel I like the fact that the 241 has the smallest looks of everything the thinnest Top Line the thinnest sols and

I do like that I am someone who likes tiny everything but then everyone’s different but for me would I go 245 possibly in the long irons yes but not definitely not in the score lines oh that’s a Miss hit that’s Healy you’d hardly know look at that that’s done so well considering

That was slightly low heel six mil low 11 mil heel that’s 17 mm off of Gross and that is done very very well 34.4 yards in the air and 49° of Center angle even from 17 mm off the middle and heal and low right let’s go have some fun let’s

Go get off of this I’m going to do lots of testing now I’m going to have to do the test at 90 M hour at 80 mph and at 70 mph as well to see at what point this becomes nonfunctional remember the Mauna Pro range are going to be generally

Speaking for the medium to fast swing speed player cuz generally really again people say when it comes to handicaps the lower the handicap which is going to be more like this is going to be swinging slightly faster not always the case but there you go so it will be fun

To do it at 90 80 and 70 M hour to see how well this thing works and we’ll also capture some more extreme Mish hits than this to see how well the 245 really does so after hitting I don’t know how many shots with the Muno Pro 245 at three

Different swing speeds to try and Encompass and encapsulate as many golfers as possible I’ve also captured some interesting mishits too and so far more mishit than we saw on camera some very very extreme mishits just see how the extra tungsten really helps the design so let’s quickly have a look at

How it gets on at three different swing speed so I’ve got all the information on here now I’ve put all the ball data first and all the club head data afterwards you can see there the 70 M an hour the 80 mph the 90 M an hour so if

We do the first one the blue is 97.3 mph they’re all launching at basically 20° so obviously swing speed doesn’t really change launch whatsoever to change launch you have to either change your Dynamic Loft definitely your strike point definitely or your angle attack will have an influence as well but all

Launching at 20° you got the spin at say 4,000 if you go to the mids speeed it goes 4 and a half th000 and then when you go to the highest swing uh swing speed it’s 5,000 so that is a speed related spin uh change so as soon as you

Change your speed you will naturally change the spin rate but you’ll see the peak Heights go from 22 to 29 to 38 so you can distinctly see the difference when you change swing speeds but you see The Descent angles as well 48.4 de for a fast swing a medium swing speed’s got

45° and remember guys when it comes to my own idea of what I like to see when it comes to U as much control as possible going into a green I like seeing 45° so 45° is a lovely number because that means you’re going to stop basically on any green anywhere between

40 and 45 you’ll stop on most greens anyway but anything less than 40° it has to be a relatively soft green to have a chance of stopping and so as soon as you take swing speed down to 70 mph you can see thecenter angles are 40° at a carry of

136 you can start seeing 7 iron would be at 70 mph the 7 iron I would suggest would be their last iron after that they go into something like a six hybrid or something to try and get that launch up even more Peak Heights and descent

Angles and carry but yeah 136 159 180 so you got 23 yard gaps there and 21 yard gaps So within one yard either way they’re both gapping exactly how they should do and the speeds yeah 70.5 80.2 and 90.1 within very small amount zigzag Gap I want the uh attack angles 2° 2.7

And 2.8 all the face to path uh path is very very alike the LIE is within reason alike subject to obviously deflection through speed and then loft is 26.1 25.5 and 26.0 strike is 2 Mill Hill 1 mil High 2 m Hill 2 mil high and 1 Mill heill Zer

Mil high so they are all very very very alike let’s go have a look at how forgiveness gets on this 245 because obviously we have got that tungsten that big upgrade the 50 g 48 G or whatever it is now it’s a lot um we’ve got one here

First of all it’s right out of the screws it’s zer low and one M heel So within 1 mm it is right out of the screws we got um a path sight across to a face 1.5 open so it might be a you might get a 1.38 from this thing it’s

Going uh 39 yards in the air and 49° of Center angle so that again is stopping on any green at 39 yards in the air so if we go to a nominal heel now an 8 mil heel 0 mil low So within reason very just every everyday hit it’s a single

Digit Miss it’s perfect fine is off the heel I’d much rather off the toe but if it’s off the heel it’s absolutely fine it’s going 1.36 so within reasons only dropping 0.01 and 36 yards in the air 48° a center angle very very good if you

Go now low heel 11 mil heel 5 mil low 16 mm gross off the middle now we are definitely saying that there’s potential for the tungsten to really have to engage and working to try and keep that ball speed up and 1.34 so we’re really

Only 0.03 from a 16 m M gross low heel Miss is mighty impressive um next one 81 mph we have got 8 mil low 3 mil heel just a standard normal slightly thin shot and we’ve got an efficiency of 1.33 only 0.04 off of absolute maximum 29

Yard in the air and 45° Cent angle stopping only green even 81 mph 11 mil Low 4 mil toe so we’re now pushing the boundaries of low even more I’m really trying to test this tungsten out to see at what point it basically shouts out back at me and says no please

No no more uh 1.31 efficiency now dropped 0.06 but we are 15 mm gross off the middle and it is 11 mm low if you imagine when it comes to these heads um there is not much room when you talk about how a golf ball is round obviously

We don’t hit the equator we actually hit under the equator on a golf ball especially with Loft and so the actual difference between where you should hit the golf ball in the face um vertically and where the sole plate is is actually not as high as what people think and so

11 mil low is fairly low and so it’s dropped down to 0 1.31 which is 0.06 which is still very very good that’s and with a 2° open face so that will increase deflexion by a touch so maybe 1.32 if I was to square the face up so

We got one here 14 mil toe 0 mil high so just a standard 14 mil toe which is still fairly towy so not a single digit miss it is a definitely double digit Miss 38 yards in the air and 49° a center angle at 1.34 so

0.3 off of perfect and it’s 14 mm away from the toe this has definitely the increase in tungsten has definitely definitely added something to the 245 when it comes to its forgiveness level and if you are if you’ve got set of two 225s now would you dump them straight

Away for 2 four FS no I would say definitely not but if you are going to a golf club now and you are looking to go into something like a players distance iron with the inevitable help of what uh players distance irons gives with tunks and everything inside them this 245 now

With that big old Lumber tungsten is certainly doing its job when it comes to help and forgiveness so we’ve got one here now for a bit of fun um I want to see how much we can push it before it cries so I done one to here 16 mm low 1

Mil toe 16 now how that managed to launch at 13° and spin at 551 I do not know um but it’s it did launch and it’s gone 162 yards we have lost a little bit of distance definitely but an efficiency of 1.30 only 0.07 off of perfect and it’s been hit

There that is wow as in normally that would be that would be converted into a proper full-on near top that tungsten is not only massively bigger from 30 G to 47 G it’s not only just bigger but it’s lower in the head as well it is as low

As maunu can possibly get it without it physically touching the sole CU they want the sole to flex as well when you hit it there it’s not the face which is really flexing because you’ve hit it so low what actually is happening the sole is flexing at the same time that is why

They have a fairly thin sole there so the whole face and conso can react when you get a shot like that so looks wise well if you like the looks of the 241 you’ll like the looks of the 245 is basically exactly the same as the 241

Just a bit fatter in its line so the top lines a little bit thicker the sole plate is a little bit thicker and the body is just slightly bigger in every Dimension when it comes to feel there is a big difference between the 245 and 241 the 241 feels unmistakably blade likee

Cuz it is a blade when it comes the 245 it is a hollow body distance uh players distance iron and so it will give you that unmistakable punch off the face this is something that I would definitely think about using in the longer irons going into the five and six

L I could really see myself gravitate to something like the 245 when you’re looking at trying to get golf balls up and launching in those longer harder to hit long irons when it comes to performance it’s doing exactly what a 30° lofted 79 should do what I think

What really shines out amongst the new 245 is its forgiveness off of some really weird hits especially low on the face and that is can only be because of the massive increase in tungsten so hope you like the video if you did thumbs up go on YouTube like swide down there is a

Subscribe button it’s free and it’s great for the channel if you could subscribe so thank you and next that is a bell icon that’s a notification Bell if you click that one that will notify you next time I upload another video and talk about other videos I will be doing

The 243 after this and the 241 as well and I’ll also be doing the comparison between comparisons between the old and the new and also I’ll be doing comparisons between this and say p790 and i525 and all the other ones as well so hope you liked it and we’ll see you again soon


  1. Why would one play this iron vs Jpx923 forged? They seem very similar in size and lofts. Forged may have a bit more offset but not much.

  2. I don't need help with distance, but I just can't get over how forgiving these clubs are. Almost foolish not to consider playing these.

  3. Love to know how you would compare these versus the 923 forged. Feel, workability and forgiveness. Love your content mate. Keep it up!

  4. one and done. There's no point watching any other reviews of the 245 as this tells you all you need to know. The comparison should be interesting. I anticipate that they will be the same out of the middle but the 245 will win on off-centre hits.

  5. As always Jay, great and useful content. I absolutely love my 225's so there is zero chance I'll move away from them. I played MP30 – sweet in the middle but yeouch if you missed. MP64 – Great, but blade forgiveness. 225's are easily the best irons I've ever played. 245's sound great – same direction. When you step up and mishit a ball, over a ravine, and see that sucker land on the green or just off left or right – it's a game changer! (11.7HCP)
    You are producing some of the most useful golf content out there for us amateurs. Multiple swing speeds, detailed miss data. Great stuff!

  6. I’ve been wondering what all that Tungsten would do. Admittedly with stronger lofts but that’s some performance and incredible descent angle. Seem very forgiving.

    Cant wait to see what they look like at address and how much of the back of the club you can see at address through the long irons.

    Mizuno are producing some cutting edge irons.

    Jay, great review as always. You are the first place I come to for honest golf club reviews.

    One of the best and seriously underrated channels on the net.

    How you don’t have 500,000 and more followers is beyond me.

    Keep up the great work! ⛳️🏌️‍♂️👍

  7. Great review again, I’m a female player, pretty decent all though I say it myself. Handicap +2, currently gaming 923 forged as I’m always striving for distance, current 7 iron data: launch 21, ball speed 105, carry 143, peak height 80. have found in longer irons not getting the decent angle, so stopping on summer greens can be an issue. Would you say it’s worth me looking at 243 rather than 245. Thank you

  8. Why wouldn’t anyone plays these? They seem super forgiving. Why make the game more difficult than it already is. Ego I suppose.

  9. I play Jpx 923 forged. What are your thoughts between Jpx 923 forged vs 245 & 243? Had 223 really liked them but distance with 923 forged especially on mishits was so much better. Didn't like 225 at all.

  10. Any chance that you could include the HMB in the 245 vs 225 comparison? Given these are now around 5 years old, they are right in the timeframe for upgrading (2 generation upgrade cycle, rather than next). Thanks!

  11. Jay, Loving my 2023 T200s but miss my 225s, is the 245 the equal of my T200 on those toe misses?
    Great work as always!

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