Take Our Golf Sim Quiz to Find The Best Launch Monitor For You: https://www.playbetter.com/blogs/golf/find-the-best-golf-launch-monitor-simulator-for-your-game-with-jock-from-golfbusters/?ghref=11569%3A651919#quiz-RbHyqJ
Get the MEVO+ for the lowest possible price using CODE: GOLFBUSTERS10:

PuttView: https://www.puttview.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzc2tBhA6EiwArv-i6TjKhnY1A3uw_hNVKlSNn-WBcDqbIHiLwH97d_b1UABGpOx-R0DKYhoCevUQAvD_BwE

Trolf Travel Golf Bag: https://trolf.com/

SimBooth Studio (Luxury Golf Simulator Enclosures): https://simbooth.com/

Get The APOGEE for the lowest possible price using CODE: GOLFBUSTERS10 and our link: https://trugolf.com/pages/golfbusters

Smart 2 Move: https://www.smart2move.com/

Bogey Bros: https://bogeybros.co/?tw_source=google&tw_adid=664313194796&tw_campaign=20327470940&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAzc2tBhA6EiwArv-i6ZAVCy974YN2K5Jg_wnTaQcAwUhj27CcbMbdM66tyKouGdzngiseaBoCjaAQAvD_BwE

SAM Puttlab: https://www.scienceandmotion.com/puttlab/

Uneekor: https://uneekor.com/

$300 Off Golf Simulator Enclosures & LM Bundles w/ Code GolfBusters300:
Golf Simulator Studio Packages

The Best Golf Shoes We’ve Ever Owned:

The top 10 Coolest Products from the 2024 PGA SHOW!!

Some of the links above are for affiliates. I may receive a commission for you signing up for the platform.

Time Stamps:
00:00 – PuttView
02:44 – Trolf
04:10 – Tricked Out Golf Carts
04:26 – SimBooth Studio
05:43 – TruGolf Apogee
07:12 – Smart2Move
08:24 – Bogey Bros
08:57 – Best Launch Monitor Under $5000
09:39 – John Rahm’s Putting Device
10:13 – Uneekor EYEXO2 Data Projection

Welcome back to the channel guys we’re here at the PGA show coming at you with our top 10 favorite products no order but we got our dates mixed up we have a flight that leaves in a couple of hours so we’re going to run through this as

Quick as we can and get you our top 10 favorite products all right we are here from Michael from pup viw this is by far one of the coolest things you’ve seen at the PGA show and Michael is going to walk us through everything that pup viw

Does well first of all it starts with our vision we believe that anyone can be a champion on the green but how to become a champion on the Green okay we believe in the power of visual feedback when it comes down to Improvement that’s

Why we create a p view uh it gives you a visual toolbox that um you can adjust to your preferences or if you’re a coach to your coaching style over a projector um IT project every aspect of a p onto the green so it gives you an Aiming Island

An IDE line a whole bunch of different visual cues that should help the player uh become a better pter and show him what he’s supposed to be doing on the green and with our ball tracking technology we can make visible what the player is actually doing right so you will see a

Track line on the green for every part that’s been hit overall ball tracking and uh by doing this we create this positive feedback loop which will ultimately make you a better player so this I’ve seen this you guys also like some VR goggles how do the the goggles

Work yeah our outdoor product is called p vux uh it basically reads every p in the world on every Green in the world you don’t have to map out the greens the uh device with our offer on it um does it in real time it’s just a great way to

Practice your pting and um especially take the guest work um out of the equation because there are three elements that um determine if a ball goes into the hole which is read line and speed and with the Reading part there’s always guess work involved okay right you take the guess work out it

Will calm your mind and you can be sure that the read is correct and that you now can focus on starting the ball online and on your speed control and I’ve seen also over here you guys have partnered with four Bush to incorporate this into the simulator space so instead of having to

Just putt at a screen it looks like you can kind of place the ball kind of wherever in the area and it’s going to show you that line to putt so you can actually feel like you’re making a real putt instead of just yeah putting blankly into space correct exactly yeah

I mean we’re super excited uh about our new partnership with foresight uh it’s an amazing company and um yeah so what what we basically offer there uh is an integration into their simulators so um you have a green there with slopes and uh you hit the ball onto the green over

The simulator and when the ball is on the Green P view um recognizes where the ball is and gives you the most similar PT you can have on your own green this is John with golf Busters and here we have a travel suitcase that doubles as a

Cart bag all right so this here is what we call the trough bag or a trough case up to you uh what this does is it converges both your regular golf bag and your travel bag into one so you don’t have to bring two you’re not leaving

Anything behind when you go to the course I can show you a little bit about how it works first thing to know is that all your Club heads are down at the bottom so this makes the top really light as you’re willing it around the airport or going to your golf course

What you want to do when you get to your course though you’ll lay it down pull off your handle put your Club heads up and then pull your cap off from here you transform into your play mode and then this will set in the back of your golf

Cart then from here you can pull your clubs out as you’d like let’s say you want to raise one of your clubs up a little bit higher so it’s easier to access grab your adjuster pull it up brings your Club up for you and another

Thing to note is you can store the cap in the center right yeah your cap will sit down the center so you’re not leaving it behind you keep everything together nothing you’re going to lose and we didn’t really highlight this much earlier but all these accessories are

Customizable you can pull them off and move them around into different positions put different accessories on um with the built-in Bluetooth speaker you can put it up high if you really want your music bumping yeah yeah this is this is our prototype version at the moment so we’ve got some quirks to work

Out so far this is showing off the concept pretty well and one of my favorite things is this pimped out golf cart and this golf cart and this one just want to make sure you know pimped out is an unofficial term for this vehicle all right golf Busters so

Many of you ask me you know are there some pre-built golf simulator enclosures you’ve seen my DIY setup but you’re like H that would take a little bit too long so the Sim boost Studio these are some pre-built enclosures you can set up in a matter of hours and they are such good

Quality couple of features I love look at the flooring here nice and level sometimes you get flooring and it just looks a little cheap this is some premium flooring just looks very clean and another thing I want to highlight if we walk a little closer just kind of the

Self-installed kind of I guess wall panels right look very very nice but they’re very very sturdy super high quality great quality impact screen here and what I love about this it’s kind of Just A step above those kind of I don’t want to say cheaper made but just a step

Above those General enclosures this is something that you can get in your home and people are just going to say wow and it’s starting just over $6,000 so also super high quality hitting man if you’ve known my channel you known I’ve gone through a couple of them this is over an

Inch thick and these are the kind of turf mats that I love to hit off they feel the most realistic compared to real life and this is a high quality ma that’s going to last you at least 5 years on to one of my favorite products

In the whole show the true Golf apigy and true golf E6 Apex now this is one of the best companies I’ve ever worked with their overhead launch monitor is outstanding so many features like the AI voice control and they keep adding new features from my full review which you

Can see above I’ll link that right now they’ve also added in face impact and I’ve talked to the team they’re going to continue to improve and make this launch monitor as good as it can be and guys the graphics in E6 Apex are outstanding

The best I have ever seen and on top of that you’re going to be able to play essentially any course in the world I don’t know how they do it they know how they do it but somehow they’re able to incorporate these amazing Graphics into essentially over $40,000 hes you get all

The Key Club data and one of the coolest things about this especially for a commercial space no Club stickers almost all overhead camera launch monitors require Club stickers and what’s so cool about this is anyone who comes over to your house or in the commercial facility

Can get Club data without the use of Club stickers and if you put those Club stickers on Club data going to be even more accurate and the team is so good about making the pce of play so fast so this is one of these things if you have

It at home or you’re going to have it at a commercial space it’s going to allow you to play 18 holes as fast as possible a couple of reasons for that one the reaction time from when you hit the ball to when it shows up on the screen is

Within 1/3 of a second fastest I’ve ever seen on a simulator we’re here with the co-founder with smart to move and we’re just trying to figure out how to use this to improve your golf game oh it’s very simple though this is our smart to move 3D dual first PL so as everybody

Know everybody should know for Force preed motion Force motion and force are invisible so the only one the only way to measure force is to use Force plates that measure all three Force lateral rotational and vertical Force yeah if you look at this player here lauron French goldf professional is applying

The max vertical Force about transition on top of the S top you can look at the vector the trade fot Vector is pointing toward the target and now we’re going to go to the second Dynamic pick Windows which is the rotational Force big vertical torque that’s happening about

Left arm parallel to the ground so here we can we can see immediately that the player for timing of this player happening at the at the right time and now we go to one of the most important one that happening at the end which is the vertical force is happening before

Impact okay at a Bo shaft parallel to the ground see this is Max Force and this is where he’s at in his swing we’re here with the bogey Bros some of the highest quality all polos it was a little something special on all these polos Sean tell us what’s going on here

Hey yeah uh first year here thanks for coming by um so first year PGA show we started in 2020 it’s weird to think that we’re actually here today but just wanted to finally put a connect a face to the brand and let people see what’s going on I think most male golfers will

Really love some of their just really high quality designs just just kind of the big selling point of the bogey Bros and golf Busters you know I have add to include it the most underrated launch monitor and my favorite launch monitor under $5,000 the light scope Mio plus now the

Reason I love this device so much like I’ve said it is so consistent on your yardages I think this I would put it up against trackman foresight GC quad gc3 and I would be 100% confident it’s within 99% of those carry yardages and it has so much data so the reason I love

This for every single person coming over you get so much Club data face impact where other devices you really don’t for other people you might have to put Club stickers on to get it to work and let’s be honest you’re not going to do that okay guys we only have 20 minutes before

We have to leave the air 10 minutes okay guys we only have 10 minutes before we have to leave for the airport but we wanted to quick stop by the science and motion putt studio so very similar to the other putting place we at but this

One is a little more data driven and used to kind of improve your putting via data so the story we were told was John ROM used this to identify huge flaws in his putting and after he use this technology he was able to win some huge events with putts he would previously

Miss almost all the time all right our final thing before we have to leave for our flight the unicor iso2 has a really cool new feature now first off first time here of me actually testing the iso2 I’ve tested the I mini but I was extremely impressed with the

ISO to the driver ball speed side spin everything seem to be exactly what I would expect on the course but they have a really cool new feature which is going to project all your data onto the floor and basically you hit your shot and you

Can see all your data on the floor just a really nice addition to have to an already great company


  1. "If you're looking to improve your golf game drastically, studies have proven that hitting the subscribe button has a positive correlation with lower golf score" – Golf Digest, Probably

  2. Thats called putting a lot to a short amount of time, well done and great products that I won’t be able to afford lol

  3. The Bogey Bros company looks cool! Are you going to have a partnership with them at some point?

    Great reviews as always! Cool to see some of the new technology and products out there. We have the uneekor simulator and love it! I’m actually playing on it as I type this

  4. Stow Stick is a crazy great golf accessory and is a must have.. It keeps my golf gear safe while I travel and while I’m playing golf. I also store my headcovers on it while I play.. zero lost equipment. Bought mine on Amazon.

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