The Secret To Hip Rotation In The Golf Swing.
In this video we go over the proper way to rotate the hips in the golf swing. Understanding what actually is moving the hips and pelvis is crucial in creating a solid low point and impact position. Rotating the hips open to start the downswing is not recommended in the pattern we teach.
TJ and Jackson go over in detail how to use your chest and pelvis to facilitate the movement of the downswing.



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Today we’re talking about the secret to rotating your hips in the golf swing yes sir let’s get it let’s go all right so the the secret to rotating your hips what’s the secret Jackson oo it’s actually kind of not what you think what do you think thinking less rotation of the hips less

Rotation of the hips so I think a big thing that we’re seeing kind of Tau not to say there’s anything wrong with it maybe in our system it’s not a preference big thing we’re being seeing tau is very active rotation of the hip complex active rotation of the pelvis

Trying to twist these hips open through the strike and let me get this straight you’re saying don’t do that right correct yes so so what should we do instead so my thought process for me and a feel for me but how we can picture it is more so of an internal rotation of

This femur so I’m turning into this leg here and getting my upper body my upper SP spiral rotating through first versus allowing this to now externally kind of rotate this yeah cuz cuz when you when you externally rotate the femur like that essentially you’re breaking that relationship of the Spiral line right so

Now we’ve we’ve moved all of the active rotation into the hip complex and now I’m probably going to have to stall out and and kind of thrust down here at the golf ball that’s a pattern that we see with probably 90 plus% of players right

Easily and a lot of it comes from this whether it’s a wanted intention or not a lot of it comes from I got to rotate my hips coach that’s what I that’s what I know I have to do yeah but but what really happens is is we can think of the

Active movement of the pelvis is simply to just drop straight down drop straight into the ground so if you just imagine a straight line coming out of your tailbone or your sacrum we just want that that to go straight down in the ground yep that’s all the pelvis yep

That’s all the pelvis really does is is just drop and then the movement of the upper spiral or the chest or the ribs or whatever you want to call it right that eventually is going to pull on the pelvis around yes yeah now I know a lot

Of people are going to watch this and say but but coach I see in all highle swings a separation right of the hips from the upper body so so the reason that we see that separation is because as we are stretching our arms up into the right here as we’re creating a big

Stretch across the arm lines and the spiral lines what we’re doing is we’re dropping into the ground as that happens as I drop you’re going to see some separation right you’re going to see the appearance that the hips are opening before the chest opens that is not

Something that we want to like not see right correct but I think what we’re really after is what is the intention that actually creates the right pelvis hip action that we’re looking for and in general I think we can agree like this this map of actively rotating the hips

Is not the intention that creates the movement that we’re after no um so Jackson why don’t you hit one for us I I just want you to kind of demonstrate this breaking with the lead leg so essentially you’re turning the upper spiral into the lead leg can you kind of

Show us what that might look like yeah and a good feel that I would say I kind of have is is we’ve posted on on social as well of kind of these stepping drills stepping forward so in a sense that’s kind of what I’m feeling is I step into

That lead side or I kind of Stack into that lead side with my joints and now I’m feeling tension in this leg I cuz I put inevitably put Force into the ground okay and I want to almost feel like I maintain that as I rotate and let

Everything release okay so cool that is what I’m trying to execute here once you send one you hit driver about as good as I’ve seen anyone head driver so okay now you tell me like like decent one right yep did you actively rotate your hips I tried to actively well not

Actively but tried to rotate him as little as I possibly could that’s interesting right like I thought you were about to say you actively shut your hips right almost almost that’s the Sensation that he’s creating there like he’s preventing the hips from rotating open too early he’s actually keeping the

Pelvis and the hip complex shut for longer which then pretty much allow you to like rotate this upper spiral as hard as you want right yes huge that that look that you did like it Instagram video I love this look where you’re just hitting right through here you’re

Hitting right most people don’t have that ability to actually hit with their arms and hands especially when they’re ripping a driver because they’ve whacked out all of that ability with this early and active hip rotation right so let’s go ahead and see one more like that up in

Here back swing as I’m transitioning now now it’s drop into that lead side and now it’s all that action ah it’s interesting like the arms like a firing across your body right that’s cool right allows me now to also get the club head out and I’m I mean I’m sure you see this

All the time too I see it a lot is when we especially with driver we go oh I want to hit this harder so we go I’m going to rotate harder ah to hit it yes but if we’re thinking of how a wheel spins the center of that wheel The Hub

Is spinning slower than the tread so why do I need to go harder here to get this out faster probably don’t you don’t no no so you’re you’re getting the energy out of the club head with this feel as well like actually fully releasing the club um and and when people you know

Early active rotate the hips that’s their map they actually can’t get the energy out of the club right it becomes like a drag show stuck here now you have no chance that’s no stall out stall out flip it hit hooks blocks gross ain’t fun that ain’t fun so don’t rotate your hips

Are they going to rotate 100% yes but I think what we’re after here is what intention creates the movement that we are looking for MH the intention of active pelvis or hip rotation just just isn’t doing it for most folks so the pelvis its job is to what drop simply drop

Into the ground and then the movements that we make in the upper spiral control the golf club to Aid in this you may actually have to feel that the hips stay a little shut for longer allowing yourself to move the upper spiral into the hip complex yep yeah that’s actually

A big sensation a lot of people can feel is how shut to get yourself on the opposite Spectrum if you’re somebody that is an active thrower over the hips an active fire is how shut can you stay and how long can you stay there interesting you’ll just start to find

New ways of of relating to this movement it feels athletic it feels athletic this way to really establish kind of a post a brace into the ground rather than just like spinning out all over the place so don’t rotate the hips don’t rotate them at all good

Stuff hey guys thanks for watching that video super fun to make if you like that one we do have others MH click that subscribe button keep following us peace Be


  1. What's wrong with my map if I feel like keeping lead femur internal is going to shatter my knee joint and break my lead leg? lol!

  2. Thanks Guys!! I have been trying now to get my hips to rotate and find a way to get a little more speed so when I watched this I hit pause and tried what you suggand I instantly got the feel of the hips braking.
    I plan on working this feel into my swing starting tomorrow.
    You guys have helped my swing so much since I found this channel.
    Cheers Guys✌️

  3. What I do not understand is with the shift over the lead leg, along with hip sway, your chest as angled toward the target with little right side bend. Most elite swings reflect more right side bend and the head stays behind the ball in a face on view. When I try these patterns, I end up sliding my head at or beyond the ball and cast out much of the lag stored in the backswing. This results in little shaft lean and over loss. Any suggestion?

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