I gave Paige Spiranac a lesson to help fix her duck hook and alignment issues…

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This is Paige spiranic when my timing is good on the Range I’m fine when I get out to the golf course and there’s some pressure it’s not going to work and today we will be fixing her golf swing when you’re coming down you’re sliding this way into it oh W oh that’s

Weird I like do weird things to my feet how did I do a little left guys welcome everybody today we have a special guest Paige spanic she is here thank you for coming appreciate it you have been an unbelievable guess I don’t know when we’ve never met

Before um no today I’m going to be helping you out and how to hit a little bit more consistently yeah you started compressing it pretty hard yesterday which is great but there were some left Hooks and I want to take that out of her golf game cuz she’s a really good golfer

Guys if you haven’t noticed I actually played and was shocked and very impressed at how good she is but in this video I want to tell you how to stop the toe duck hook that’s what we’re going to do we’re going to get right into it so

Let’s see hit a couple wed shots we’ll just start that you know yesterday you had this toe smack that just wasn’t very good it’s not good and I hate it and that’s the shot that when I’m out on the golf course I get a little bit more

Tense I kind of pull up and in out of sink and hit it on the toe and it just goes flip it over and that’s the Le my least favorite shot that I love to see especially with the driver I have like all wake up in cold sweat in the middle

Of night and be like the duck hook like I hate that M so much because then I feel like I need to overcompensate in the next and it goes right and I have a two-way Miss for the rest of the round and so I just feel so not confident with

My wedges and my irons and my driver so it even happen with with the wedges like it’s sometimes yeah sometimes I’ll just if I’m trying to hit a shot I’ll lift up on it and uh just kind of hit a little bit left I mean that’s nice okay right yeah

That’s not bad what do you what do you feel there compared to like the tow hook I feel like everything’s connected I feel like when I am hitting a longer iron that’s really where it starts to go a little Haywire where six five iron that’s where I get those kind of toe

Hooks just feel like I’m thinking about a lot of things I’m thinking about my ball position and my grip and then the start of my takeaway and I just have so many swing thoughts and then I’m here and just goes over go I’m a top yeah do

You feel like the hands are stalling and the head’s flipping through it 100% yeah I get here and I come over it my hips turn in and backwards and then I lift up cuz I don’t want to hit it fat and then this stops this flips and then I try to catch up

With it gotcha so it seems like to me it’s a lot of getting to your left hand side and then also feeling the hands are a little bit more forward yeah that that could be the next step for you to help not only just compress it but keep that

Face a little more Square yeah cuz the big problem that I see so far is like you stall the hands and then all of a sudden all the force just start to turn that clip head over and so if you just feel like those hands are a littleit

More forward in every shot even through the driver that could be a bit helpful I’ve always had the thought process when I’m hitting a good shot or striking it well I’ve always felt like my hands are over my left foot like they’re just hanging over if I was to drop a

Ball just drop onto my left toe and that’s when I feel like the hands are forward and it’s being compressed through the golf ball a lot easier and that just keeps the face from doing this and stop them right there then the head’s going to go through and close and

Look where the hands are right so we want to feel like the hands are more forward so that you’re throwing the ball throwing the hands forward to keep that face a lot more Square down the line for a little bit longer that’s a big deal I like that flight with the wedge

By the way that’s a Beau I try to flight them down a little bit lower yeah let’s go to like uh seven iron okay see what you got there thank you that was pretty solid right yeah that one felt good it just also feels sometimes a little bit slow like we we

Talked about this where if I’m synced up it’s okay but I just feel like I’m laboring through the shot your arms hard yeah I never feel like it’s quick it just like yeah and it’s not a good feel yeah yeah and i’ say I’d say the biggest

Thing with that is feeling like you get your body to move left and then there’s a BRI so it’s this is all like ground reaction for stuff and we’re not going to get into that today it’s a lot but what I can tell you is just feel like

You’re moving left and then you’re just pushing off of the left foot okay just turning the corner but again that’s going to help that club head go really far left so you got to be careful you got to make sure you’re doing this first getting the hands ahead and over that

Left foot before you can start turning the corner really hard CU it’s just going to yeah cuz if you don’t do that you’re going Toom throw the hands even harder and then it goes way L what you know pretty solid yeah so that one like felt solid but it’s it’s right and then

I think I try to fix it and then I have a little bit of that two-way miss going on so was that right where’s your target it it should be the yellow I will say that I have such a hard time with alignment are there any tips that help

You cuz I am so bad at it yes how do you line it up first let me let me ask how do you line it up I’ve tried everything so I’ve tried getting uh behind the golf ball using a club and drawing ling a line down and finding a spot like right

In front of me um that doesn’t seem to really help so why doesn’t that help what’s the problem with it cuz that’s what I use that’s actually what I do I feel that when I do it I am not setting my feet up right I I I have like an

Issue I think my feet get closed and my shoulders get open and so so when you’re setting when you have this point right in front of you yeah right what are you doing in your head to make sure that your feet are parallel to that that’s

Where I don’t know what I’m like I’m looking at the SP bot and then I don’t really think about anything else I kind of give up like I did the first half of it and then I’m fine I can’t help if you’re not going to follow through with

Things there’s a point right here yeah so for me let me give you my uh thought process through I I pick a point I’ve got a point right here and I imagine a straight line okay that’s helpful from the the dot to the ball there’s a straight imaginary line and so I’m only

Focused that’s literally all I do I don’t even look at the Target once I once I get that yellow flag in line with my golf ball and I find that point I literally find that point and then I go I don’t touch the ground obviously because that would be a stroke

Penalty I would be just matching those lines up once I match them up then I kind of move forward or back wherever I feel comfortable for my ball position and then I’m already line I don’t even have to look at the Target to know I’m dead square that Target right yeah

That’s really helpful so I think what I was doing is I would find that point and then I’d look up at the Target just be like no no you’re done and I’m done yeah you got you got to look at the point line and then match it up to the line

Okay correct and then you can look up yeah okay so if yeah go back big deal exactly okay find a spot you got it make sure you’re focused on that make sure you square your feet up to that first do you grip it then or do you set

Feet then grip yeah so so I set the club I grip or I I put my feet so watch let me do it cuz I don’t remember just soed at this point okay it is so it’s it’s the right hand on the golf club not the

Left hand on yet Square your feet up and then the hand goes on and then I get comfortable and then I look up that’s actually so crazy that the muscle memory is there and you’re so ingrained that you you don’t even think about it no it’s subconscious yeah and every single

Time it’s the same routine and I think a lot of people can actually take a lot from that cuz no one has a consistent routine I don’t even have a consistent routine it’s a big problem but you’re a great golfer too you’re a good golfer that’s the funny that’s the funny part

So squaring it up yep parallel and then you can look up and should be square that Target every time how how did I do it’s a little left it’s a little left folks is it like a vision thing maybe let me see though let me see where your

Point was so so go yep that point my Point’s right here that’s perfect okay yeah your just left foot just goes a little bit back relative to that and that may be a normal thing like don’t like try to change that maybe that’s how you set up Square maybe that’s your

Square setup but it’s not working so I think I want to do okay so then we do this so we’ll have two lines this turned into helping your gol swing out to setting up your stance what we do the basics okay so we have this which is pretty dang straight at it

Okay and then we’ll go to your feet line whatever that is and we’ll just just two lines it could be one too but just feeling like your feet are truly Square to that oh W oh that’s weird I like do weird things with my feet that’s right

So it’s like inconsistent every time and I think that’s a that’s a big deal if you can start focusing on getting the tips of of your toes parallel or perfectly Square to those lines you’re then going to start setting up a little bit more consistently your body will

Start ingraining that so this a good drill for anyone that’s trying to learn how to set up properly keep the the feet so again see how she’s open look at this what the heck no it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay oh my gosh it is open so set

Your Club down up the tips of your toes there you go now go back see how it’s aim left yeah so but that’s natural to you so I don’t know if that’s like a bad thing if you think it’s a bad thing then then it’s clearly a bad thing cuz I I don’t

Hit that many greens during around the GOL and I think a lot of it has to do with my alignment and I’m so far off that I’m having to adjust could be it also be the 10 other things that you mentioned doing yeah but but let’s start

With one thing yeah let’s start with let’s square up the feet a little bit and let’s focus on the hands being forward okay is that square a little bit more get uncomfortable real quick yep there you go that’s that’s actually Square you can flare the toe out that’s dead Square

Yeah okay actually feels does it feel it feels like I can get into it now what we were talking about so maybe it was the fact that your left foot was too open and that’s why you’re probably coming across it if you’re now Square you can

Get into that left toe okay let’s see maybe little left yeah but I I feel now that I can keep the face more Square having my legs like this helped me get down and through it so now I just have to work on the face control a little bit

More yep and and I think that’s going to come back to you need to practice the the setup that’s great I really think a lot of this comes down to like how your hands are moving through impact from my perspective and so focusing on getting that those hands more ahead and forward

You’re going to you’re be like I’m going to miss it right if you keep turning while your hands are moving forward it’s not you’re going you’re going to find this place of stability so when you’re thinking about face control through the golf ball do you think about how your

Legs are moving and if your legs are moving correct then the face will work properly or do you think think about your hands working together or one hand more than the other or do you think about the actual Club face I I actually think about how my my arms and hands are

Working through impact how I’m feeling and sensing them go through impact do you feel like they’re working together or one is more dominant than the other they’re both working for me at the same time if I just try and use one you’re you’re havening yourself you’re only

Using one arm you’re only using one arm I’d focus on how your hands move together to make that face angle much better that was good The Stance really does help I feel like I can finally get forward on it and then when I was moving forward I was trying to

Feel like my hands were working together and together meaning what like how were they moving at the same time or was one hand stalling or like what did you before and what you like they were everything was like connected sometimes I feel like my right hand was way too

Active and it was it was like 9010 where my right hand was doing all of the work and now I just felt like my forearms and everything were almost staying like Square through it instead of feeling like my hand was going to flip over great so try to replicate that feel

Whatever that feel is I’ve giving you the input of just feeling like your hands are more forward you feel like both hands are working together okay and that squares up the face for you that was a junk but it went straight but it went straight so that’s a good

Sign that’s like not necessarily a bad thing I cuz that’s a totally different problem than face control like you chunking is just a low Point control issue that’s something else okay it went straight so it means the face angle was correct so that’s all we’re working on right now great

Yes that was better not bad so let’s like start it to where that left edge of the bunker is and then drop back in and the wind’s coming off the right too so that’s what happens I totally see your right arm going yeah Super Active

So when I try to hit that draw and try to turn it over that’s when it happens you have to feel like your Club comes more from the inside okay you have to feel like this this is this is happening so go ahead and set up so you have to

Feel when you’re coming down you’re sliding this way into it yep and and most people be like oh that’s going to miss right but eventually when your hands start to slow down the club turns over okay so just feel like that’s happening a little bit more with the

Hands forward like don’t be afraid okay don’t be afraid of that close gosh just still too much turn yeah too much turned over so What in the past has helped you to get your ball fly back in line um quitting just throwing the clubs to the

Side taking a break for two weeks and then quitting crying therapy when you’ve hit it when was it you hit it your best I really can’t pinpoint a time in my career starting from junior golf where I had stretches where I was great at ball striking I only would score well

When my driver was either working well or my short game was off the charts good and even when I was playing playing at a fairly high level I was averaging seven eight greens and shooting under par and it was all because of my short game that

It saved me every single round but I would go out there and I’d be on the first te and I’m like yeah not good I don’t know where this is going it was so bad to the point where my parents would come out and they’d watch every tournament and my dad

Would walk up the right side and my mom would walk up the left side of the Fairway cuz they had to go search for my golf ball and they didn’t know where I was missing it that was in junior golf in college and the one year you know I

Tried to play a little bit competitively and I was like I just have never been able to have confidence with my full swing so okay we’re going to that that’s no help at all very longwinded answer we’re going to help that right now watch this let’s it it okay I want you feel

Like that club’s coming from the inside pretty far okay yep getting your weight to your left hand side so your weight your weight is pretty far on your right heel right now I’d feel like so so yes you have to get to here yeah in order

For you to be able to turn and outad of the club come from the inside okay and out so what’s happening is the hips are coming like early and it’s actually pulling the arms and hands left okay so you’ve got to get the weight to your

Left toe and come from the inside okay yep nope ah so that club head gets out in front of you all right there’s gonna be something that just clicks yeah okay and nothing’s clicked so far so we we a challenge is a good challeng chall it’s a good challenge actually can you

Turn this elbow just feel like you turn the elbow more towards the target when when you start nothing crazy okay just feel like it’s feel like the elbow is pointed more towards the target as you go through okay yeah so see that keeps face open compared to here if you turn

This over if it start like that you have all this room to turn over but if your elbow is here okay it’s it’s more going to be like almost a flip but you can’t turn the face over as much that makes sense because when I set up um because

Of things I I have to set it on top and I think that’s why it it just turns out and pulls down cross hard and so I think if I think about the elbow I think that will actually help through impact cuz I’m just so stiff at the beginning of it

Yeah if you just turn it to fraction it can still rest wherever you need it to rest but just get the elbow more towards the target let’s see what that does to you oh interesting yeah okay that’s that’s actually a good starting point the face stayed open that’s not a bad

Thing let’s try a couple more with that and I want you to feel free I don’t want you to feel like you know constricted or anything see how it’s not starting to the right yep way better so what was happening is her elbows pointed too far

Down to your to her hip and so when she’d get to here there was just so much room for a wrist to turn over and it would boom it flip really hard now if you get the elbow here look how the face can’t really flip anymore it stays more

Square so the face doesn’t turn over as much so the elbow more towards the target I’ve talked about this in other videos but elbow more towards the target will help eliminate that duck hook yeah that’s better does that feel better yeah a lot better okay good so that’s

The point whenever somebody’s giving you a tip and they’re like oh do this do that do this you see how many things we tried obviously there’s going to be one thing that clicks there’s been times in my career where I’ve really grinded on my swing and I’ve never heard that tip

About the elbow and I’ve always just struggled with what do my hands do what do my body what what what is everything doing and so my mind is like scrambled eggs and having like one tip that helps me get through it is so important cuz we we talked about this where I’m sitting

Over the golf ball and think about million different things it’s so bad and so like when my timing is good on the Range I’m fine when I get out to the golf course and there’s some pressure it’s not going to work so having like one good tip that is consistent and

That’s reliable I think will really help me especially when there is some pressure nerves or um I’m just the a game is just not there and so there there there’s a lot of golf coaches that’ll tell you oh my goodness you got to do this you got to do that you got to

Do this and that when it doesn’t work stop doing it yeah like what are you doing you’re wasting time ingraining something that’s already not working immediately and so most people yes if your mechanics are way off okay I get it that that’s going to be but you’re a

Good golfer and whenever you’re a proficient golfer anything that is a detriment for the first few strikes or three or four strikes and you’re like oh this isn’t improving it you should throw that right out the window whatever tip whatever input whatever swing thought that was should go right out the window

CU if you want to get good at golf you can’t keep trying things for long periods of time you’ve got to find something that works immediately it’s it’s not necessarily a Band-Aid it’s something that works that helps ingrain uh your repeatability at a whole another level so getting her to focus on the

Elbow that was like a thing that oh okay it’s starting out to the right it’s coming back properly like it should in soad this toe flip hook could be a very good thing for her when she’s under pressure you know what’s funny I I towed

That cuz I got a little over it but because I was thinking of the elbow it didn’t turn over as much as some of the other shots that I and and that’s the goal you should be hedging your bet you should be going all right I know this

Acally flipped over what can I do to help like I’d much rather if that’s the worst miss that I have I’ll take that all day long exactly let’s go to driver here and again it should only be one little thing it shouldn’t be anything crazy most people get into oh I got to

Do this got to do that got to do this and most coaches will do that they be like trying to help but they don’t realize what most of them don’t realize is there’s going to be one thing that just clicks for you that’s so interesting that you say that because

There’s so many times where I’ve spent hours weeks months years working on a swing tip that just doesn’t work for me and you just waste so much time doing something that one you can’t even do you’re trying to force to make work for your swing and then if there’s any type

Of pressure it’s crumbled done fall oh I just got to work harder on it no it does not work doesn’t work for you yeah what are you talking about yeah so let’s implement the same thing here just feel like it’s starting out to the right a

Little bit that elbow really push it out to the right could do it more I turned it over but that’s okay that’s not a bad Miss and the wind’s off the right so it’s definitely um down the left center of the Fairway with that and that’s the

Thing like my my misses when I’m on the course are so bad sometimes that it’s like just makes me want to walk off the course and never play ever again M too by the way oh yeah okay yeah right he’s like oh I missed that it’s like 360 left side of

The must be nice that was beautiful much better that was really nice yeah what did you feel through impact almost like my left elbow was like you don’t want to chicken wing it like we’re not chicken winging but just having that feeling I I always my hands are literally like this and even

In the videos of my swing sometimes the butt end is out to the right and my club you can see it behind my body I know exactly and so getting that elbow to where your hands can’t turn over that far is something that can help mitigate

Some big duck hooks yeah again it’s just nice having that one swing thought and not a billion different things to try to make it work but the way that you talk about the golf swing is actually really almost therapeutic in a way because I’ve had so many bad lessons and so many

People try to fix my swing and I have wanted to feel comfortable off the tea and with my irons that I’m constantly searching and for it to be something that is this simple and this easy and instead of like you’re not working hard enough you need to spend more hours

Hitting golf balls you need to do this and it’s like well no maybe that swing tip just doesn’t work for me and my body and my swing and I need to find something different instead of trying to like force my swing to be something that it’s not exactly and that’s where a lot

Of coaches will say I’m fixing your swing yeah it’s like no you need to fix your swing I’m here to guide you to help facilitate some thought to go oh that feels better I’m going to do that cuz I’m comfortable with it yeah that’s the

Goal of a coach that’s what a goal of a coach should be from my perspective now I’m not a coach I’m a golfer and I know what works for me right and so it’s taken a long time for me to understand that yeah like most people don’t realize

That it’s taken me years I mean decades probably 15 years to understand it’s about the individual it’s not about me and my thoughts on what should work or what isn’t going to work or whatever it’s about what works for you now there are things that little things that are

Are consistent for people like you know hitting the ball first and then hitting the the ground after right you some Basics that you have to have yeah some Essentials and imperatives but other than that it’s really got to be what do you sense what do you feel that makes

You perform at your highest level yeah that’s it not about me it’s about you and that’s just the goal of being a coach we even talked about this when we were hitting golf balls next to each other cuz you would hit five golf balls in the span that I would hit one because

I was thinking about so many different things and I asked you about that you’re like I have one swing thought and that’s it and I know there are so many people that are struggling on driving ranges you know they’re trying to find information everywhere to get better and

They’re just all over the place and they can’t focus in on one certain thing and the biggest thing for those people that are just struggling go find one swing thought or one thing that works for you yeah it could be this crazy one random thought it could be a freaking tea in

The back of your ear that works for whatever it is if it works for you great go do it keep doing it yep so get that elbow a little that’s perfect you got it and stripe it be aggressive okay stripe it that’s perfect and that’s what you

Should start feeling is Comfort yeah you should be like all right I can do this I’m doing it again I’m doing it more I’m doing it more I’m doing it more and then you get to a point where you’re like I can do it anytime I want yeah and that’s

The goal of the game here’s here’s the next thought okay now be aggressive with it try and get some speed out of this see if it blows it up or keeps it intact so feel like that elbow’s pointing towards the Target and just smoke it okay so close though that’s close so so

Keep keep the elbow uh a little more Point towards the Target and do the same exact thing I want to see when it breaks down okay cuz that’s the next step for you if if you can cuz if you you can be aggressive out there and if it blows up

Why are we even doing it yeah you know what I mean like you got to be be able to be aggressive out there yeah that’s perfect does that feel comfortable that felt so good yeah so again now you can get to a place where you’re like all right I have this one

Little swing thought and I can just be aggressive with it and it’s going to go down the middle of the Fairway so I played one year professionally on Mini tours and I lost so much confident that I was hitting punched three Woods off the tea because nothing worked for me

And even when I’m on the golf course I feel like I’m always guiding it and I never swing freely and so it’s exciting to be able to like try to actually be free be free instead of just like literally this is like like what I would

Do and it’s like you can’t do that it’s not that’s not what we’re doing here you got to be free that’s beautiful you got it you comfortable with that I love that shot good that felt great that’s a a good start to improving your golf golf career

There well thank you so much that was an amazing lesson I feel like I finally have a good swing tip that will carry me through yes yes the next couple rounds life the next time I throw my clubs in the garbage but I can’t thank you enough

For uh being on the channel and uh obviously go check her out she you know who she is I don’t have to say anything more go like And subscribe she’s obviously getting into the YouTube space and uh she’s uh doing some great stuff for golf so can’t thank you enough it’s

Awesome a how nice of You


  1. What a great video Bryson ~ you seem to have a knack of figuring out what helps people and great to see you have Paige on your channel . She gets so much negative press I hope this redresses that somewhat. Well done to you. Any chance I could get a lesson ?

  2. Great video. Even though she is a better golfer than i am I felt like she had some of the same issues. It made this lesson more meaningful for us that need a little more than just a tweek on a swing that's already top end

  3. I actually have the same problem as Paige so that lesson was awesome for me. Thank you so much Bryson, I can't wait to try that elbow tip.

  4. Funny about the alignment thing.
    I think I'm lined up….. get lost and my playing partner says " where are you aiming?"

  5. Didn’t recognize Paige with all those clothes on!!! she is a pretty girl but not that pretty with filters and clothes on.

  6. Bryson is clearly a natural instructor. I nominate him for global teacher of the year. It's interesting that every YouTube teacher this year is hammering the Cowan method, which is all right arm dominant, but I imagine is making millions of amateurs the world over slam the club into the ground. Bryson looks for solutions rather than teaching "his"method. A real teacher

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