Curious if those ultra-affordable golf training aids online can actually up your game? I’m putting them to the ultimate test! Join me as I unbox and review FIVE mystery training aids, each under $10, handpicked by my cameraman Joe from my own Amazon account. Let’s discover together if these budget-friendly gadgets are game-changers or just gimmicks!

#GolfTraining #BudgetGolf #GolfHacks #Unboxing


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🏌🏻‍♂️Golf lessons available with Chris at HIT Golf Academy, Forest of Arden, contact Chris for further information.



00:00 Introduction
00:44 Grip Trainer
01:58 Arm Trainer
03:32 Strike Mat
06:57 Wrist Set Trainer
08:19 Elbow Trainer
11:04 Tier List

Have you ever wondered if incredibly cheap training GS that we see all over the internet can actually help your game and help you play better that’s what I’m going to test in this video I’ve got five Training AIDS and each of them cost me less than £10 so I’m going to say are

They worth it can they help you let’s get started so in these Parcels thanks Joe and this one in these two boxes are th training G now I have no idea what is in these boxes because I gave Joe who’s hold on that camera my Amazon account login I asked him to go

On there and buy five Training AIDs that were all under £10 this is what’s in here so we’re going to open them up one at a time see what they are and then give them a test so I’m not sure how many is in each one so let’s start off with this

One now I’m not expecting much cuz these are obviously all really really cheap so the first one I’m not even sure what that is let’s open it and let’s see it looks like some sort of grip thing thing so let’s see if it works so let’s try and clip it on the

Golf club and I guess there’s no instruction so you kind of have to figure these things out so I’m going to just try and clip it in the middle of the grip that feels like it’s quite a snug fit now I use pretty standard size grips so if you’re someone who uses

Let’s say midsize grips or maybe use those jumbo grips my hunch is that it wouldn’t fit I don’t have any bigger grips here but my guess is that it wouldn’t fit on those golf clubs do you know what that doesn’t feel bad that doesn’t feel bad it doesn’t feel like a

Million miles away from my kind of normal grip look if you’re struggling with your grip if you know it’s terrible this isn’t bad right it’s going to give you kind of a a basic hold of the golf it’s going to put your left hand in a fairly

Decent position and it’s going to put your bottom hand in a decent position quality-wise it’s it’s all right it’s plastic it feels fairly durable it doesn’t feel like it would snap or break easy to put on it’s not bad it’s not bad I think as a as a starting point for sa

Trying to work on the grip not a bad start right let’s go find the next one right up next see what this is again there’s no instructions so that makes it more difficult to kind of figure out what it is it says it says gol swing on

It that’s a good start I guess right let’s see if we can get into this so I’m initially thinking it’s like for knee or for arm there’s like a seam down the middle if you can see that there okay so it bends this way but

Not ah there’s a little click in it so I’m guessing that is probably going to be for your left arm I can’t imagine for your knees it’s going to be on your left arm arm let’s give it a go uh like quality it’s okay again it’s under £10

So it is what you’d expect it to be so this looks like it’s to keep your lead arm straight so who’s it for it’s going to be for anybody who’s got a really bent lead arm now that starts the question of is a bent lead arm actually

Your fault in many cases it’s not it can help you get a little bit more length in your swing and we see lots of great players with slightly bent arms impact let’s put it on and let’s see how easy it is actually to get onto my lead arm

Okay so fairly easy to put on and if I bend my lead arm kind of clicks felt a little bit strange on the way through so as I got to this point it’s kind of a little restrictive My overall thought here is it just goes back to the idea of is it

Actually a fault that you lead Army’s bending because it doesn’t take a lot for that to click okay and there’s a lot of gols that I’ve coached who would actually benefit that’s now clicked and I don’t think that’s a bad position at all right next one okay up next so there should be

Three in here let’s get this one out okay that is golf training mat this might be one of those mats that you kind of hit off maybe and it gives you an indication of strike so I think on this you place your golf ball there okay yeah

So it’s got this kind of brushed effect so it’s going to hopefully tell me where my club lands and whether I hit it kind of thin or fat or off the toe off the heel I actually think this could be quite good depends how well it works

Because well it was cheap it was under 1010 but I reckon this could be quite good let’s get it go I’ve actually got fairly high hopes for this and Joe told me this was actually one of the cheapest this was under £5 which is crazy if it

Actually does what it says it should or what it’s designed to then it’s actually a really good price so let’s kind of open it up and to be honest the quality kind of feels really good it feels like it’s well made it’s kind of got rubber

On the bottom which I guess is going to stick it to the mat it feels like it’s decent quality and it also came with these velcro strips which are double-sided the idea would be wherever your golf club lands and travels like this you should be able to get some

Visual feedback I mean that’s perfect like this should work like this in theory this is great well there’s an issue straight away the mat went a few feet and yeah not really got a lot of feed back there have I yeah I mean that’s going to be an

Issue if every time you hit it it goes miles so I just finished that and Joe reckons that the velcro might be for the back of the mat to keep it to that map so let’s give that a go it looks like that will go on there

I don’t know how long this sticky would last so theoretically that should now be stuck to the ground okay well sticks to the mat doesn’t stick to the actual mat itself so I’m determined to give this a real go these got pegs with it so I’m guessing the

Pegs go through the holes you can stick it on grass it should secur it in place you should get more feedback so I’m in my studio at the moment I’m going to go outside try and get a few shots of grass see whether it works this is its last

Chance trust me so we come outside with the mat but I’m guessing if you’ve got like a garden you could maybe practice this so I’m going to use these four pegs and I’m just going to secure it to the ground so let’s try no golf ball let’s

See if we can get some sort of decent feedback again it still feels slightly raised up but can’t really get around that I mean again there’s just there’s just nothing there so I want to put the club on this way and go forwards I do

Get this kind of nice visual and I think that’s great because it shows me where I’ve contacted it but just you know if you just look down at that mat as I make a swing it just doesn’t seem to give me that feedback in an actual

Swing I mean maybe that was a little better but I still wouldn’t be confidence to where that’s hit it looks like it’s hit here it’s definitely better cuz it’s more secure but it’s not really giving me the kind of feedback that I wanted so I’m still still unsure with this

One right what is next ah I have seen these before so it basically click onto your golf club and it actually kind of works to help with kind of wrist set and making sure your kind of wrist angles are okay so far so good this one

Could be all right let’s give it a test I’ve known this as the swing guide I don’t know whether that’s the make of it now whether it’s just a copy that’s obviously cheap you basically clip it onto your golf club but what you’ll see is it’s for wrist set basically so as I

Take my setup here if I do it this way as you can see so the idea is that fits into your little forearm there so you can sort of feel when you get to a kind of full wrist set the other thing you can do actually with these and this is

Kind of more how I used it if I go from down the line if I can get my sort of halfway back position my wrist is pretty flat it sits pretty nicely onto my forearm so there’s my kind of feedback that I’ve got pretty much a 90° wrist

Set and I’ve got my lead wrist pretty flat watch what happens if I keep my wrist CED and try and hinge up it misses the the biggest issue here is that you’ve got to get it set up right if you don’t get it set up right it’s not going

To give you the feedback you want and you could actually be working into the wrong positions so for me if I was hitting a little shot I could go halfway back I can feel it there and go through as we this I’ll re reserve my judgment for the end but this

One’s actually got some potential and last up there should be one more in here really small uh Sports golf swing arm no idea what this is some sort of strapping so this is a figure of eight strap R so yeah I’ve seen these before

So this is going to go kind of one arm through here one arm through there it’s going to keep my elbows pretty close together sounds like a pretty good training a I’ve got my reservations already we’ll go through why but let’s give it a test first so this is uh I

Mean I’ve I’ve known these as like figure of eight straps it’s basically elasticated it stretches it’s going to go over my elbows so this is going to keep the elbows close which yeah generally we tend to see most good golfing so theoretically this would work I have my reservations ready I’ll

Explain why as we go through the video quality it’s okay I mean it’s it feels quite tight the elastic so here’s my issue with it right I’m going to take a setup okay my elbows are going to start pretty close and because the fact that

It’s quite tight elastic as I go back if I’m someone who separates the elbows it’s going to keep them a lot closer okay so theoretically it sounds like a good thing it’s probably not in my opinion I’ll explain why let me just hit a shot first now straight away I would

Guess that my golfing will look better with this on the reason I I don’t personally like these is because if my elbows are in this golfing separating okay the distance between them is getting greater what do I need to do in the golfing to fix that well I

Need to squeeze my elbows together okay I need to push this elbow towards this elbow right keep them closer what this is doing because it’s so tight when I set up if I was to completely relax it would actually cause my elbows to kind of do this because it’s pulling them

Inwards so it’s setup to make sure I haven’t got this really weird kind of elbow position I’m actually forcing my elbows away from each other which is the complete opposite to what I’m trying to do okay if I just completely relax my elbows kind of fold in this position

Which is not where I want them to be so good setup for me here I have to feel like I put some outward pressure on this band so whilst it kind of feels like it would be a good thing it kind of keeps your elbows together it probably make my

Golfing look better if I’m trying to force my elbows out and I hit 10 or 15 shots with this when I take it off I’m going to be like doing this in my goaling so it’s almost working the complete opposite you’ve probably seen me in previous videos use

Something between my elbows like a ball now what have you got to do to keep that ball in place you’ve got to squeeze the elbows so that’s actually causing you to squeeze inwards which is the right thing the last thing you want to be doing is using something which forces your elbows

Outward because that’s what you’re trying to fix I think it’s kind of it’s got a little bit of Merit but I personally don’t like what it sort of makes you you do as the golfer even though for me that probably make my golf thing look a little bit better right

It’s the next day I’ve had some time to think and process them I’ve actually hit a few more shots with them so we’re going to kind of rank them we going to put them into a list so what we’ve got here is a list we’ve got Eagle birdie

Par bogey double Bogies how are we going to rate them well they were basically £10 some of them were slightly less but let’s say they were £10 so if I paid £10 per means I feel like I got £10 worth of product Eagle means I paid £10 P I feel

Like I got a lot more value and then double bogey means I paid 10 pound and I just got kind of nothing for it so what’s first on the list well we’ve got this which is the kind of figure of eight strap so where am I going to put that

Well I’m going to put it par I kind of got something from it we went through why I don’t believe it’s the best for a golfer but if my elbows separate and I just kind of want to feel what it’s like to have them in a better position it’s

It’s got some value it kind of does that I don’t think it’s great longterm but it sort of does what it’s meant to say so we’ll kind of put it there now I might reig some of these a little bit later let’s leave that there for now next up

This one the grip now I actually don’t think this was too bad I think it’s decent I think it does mean you’ve got to put it on in the right way if you put it on incorrectly then you’re going to be pretty skewed and it’s not ideal but look it was under

£10 what did I get for that we’ll put there it was okay I feel like it does a job not too bad now this one interesting the downside with this it was incredibly like incredibly difficult to get on the golf club like I felt like I

Needed Four Hands and a vice to get it on but once it was on it did a job I don’t mind it similar to the grit one you’ve got to put it on in the right way and with all of these no instructions at all that’s for me quite a big thing

Because you start paying a bit more money for a training aid you get instructions you often get videos that accompany them you get kind of instructions on how to use it none of these did so I’m going to put that I’m going to put it there with a grip it’s

Not bad it’s not terrible right next up this one the kind of left arm clicky brace band thing I’m undecided about this one because it does exactly what it says it’s going to do you put it on your leave arm when your Le arm bends it

Clicks it tells you what it’s trying to to do but it goes back to what I was saying is that really a fault I’m going to put that there but I might move it and then the one that I had so much hope for the one that I was

Really excited to use this is the one when I opened it got me the most excited um really thought this was going to be some kind of good stuff that would give me some good information and it completely let me down now in its favor

It was the cheapest it was like £5 let’s put it somewhere and then we’ll we’ll maybe jig out I’m going to put it there so am I happy with that no this one I’m going to drop because I don’t I don’t think it’s a fault to bend your left arm

Isn’t a fault um so actually let’s drop it down there CU I think it’s wrong it’s not doing the right thing um right this mat I hit lots of shots with it right lots of shots inside outside I don’t think one shot that I hit I got any

Feedback from that was usable to me so let’s let’s move it it’s got to go there I’ve paid £5 for it but I didn’t get any value from it at all do you know what I’m going to move that one that’s not bad you’ve got to put on the right way

I’ve said right I’m done rigged rejigged it a few times so if you looked at these and you’re thinking that looks really good value they’re not don’t think about it these three yeah maybe is it worth spending £10 on some training AIDS from Amazon to help you the game overall I

Don’t think they were great quality but for £10 you can get a little bit of help if you Choose Wisely


  1. The hitting mat, ive got the one with a heavy rubber base and doesnt move alot when hitting, it also give you a much darker hitting feedback so it gives you so much more visible feedback

  2. Great idea to test some cheap aids. Maybe another time you could test some more expensive ones or some speed sticks as there is a lot of choice at different prices and everyone wants to swing a bit faster.

  3. Hi Chris, I purchased the mat mid last year to use in front of my net in my yard. Secured it to the turf with the 4 pegs via a rubber mallet (as my ground is firm being next to a golf course) and after the first half swing both ball and mat ended up in the net. Great concept, poor at best construction. I’ve had to edit this after discussing it with my wife and she commented that I’ve purchased more “training aids” over the last 10 years that I can remember that have all ended up in the rubbish (except a return putting aid) which is in my office at work.

  4. I have the hitting mat and the swing aid for hinged wrist. The hitting mat is a little better than yours but I can’t keep it in place on a swing either, needs much heavier backing. The swing aid I’ve used but fortunately I have a pretty good hinge so there wasn’t anything to fix. I need a way to take a divot in front of ball, any ideas?

  5. I have the accustrike mat and pegged to the grass it sorted my swing path out for sure. Pay a bit more for quality and worked a treat.

  6. It's possible that the descriptions on Amazon might help with instruction on how to set up these things. Maybe Maybe???

  7. I purchased the mat (or something that looks exactly like this one) about 2 years ago. I use it indoors with a net. I also took a 1/2 piece of plywood and fastened the mat to the plywood with plastic tie-wraps. That keeps the mat in place and gives excellent feedback on my strike. It all depends on how you can fasten the mat to something, but I suggest something that is firmer underneath as opposed to the ground. I'm in the US, so it may be slightly different material, but sure looks the same.

  8. My expensive Accustrike mat lasted just a few days so I stripped off the thin green felt and used Gripfill adhesive to stick it to the underside of a thin rubber backed carpet tile. I don’t think it would survive many full swings but it’s works really well for chipping and short pitch shots where you really need to see where your low point is. It’s therefore great for those people who shank these short shots because the mark left on the felt shows where the club bottomed out or moved outwards giving a heel strike.

  9. My kids gave me that hitting mat for xmas. I found the feedback was quite decent TBF. But its such a pain to get it not to move after every strike that its really not worth the effort. As others have stated. If it was heavier or more easily secured, then maybe.

  10. My mean brother gave me that exact cheap mat foe xmas! (id asked 4 original)
    1 the mark made was either dark green or light green so could hardly see it ! as opposed to green with white marks
    2 poor quality,i destroyed it inside 2 weeks!
    he did say they sent him 7 by mistake bit dont think i will bother
    Best training aids i have used for years
    1 a yard of thick rope
    2 5ft strip of wood like a giant ruler for putting
    Both cost just a cpl of quid!
    both have helped me being called a bandit! which being 63 with a crap swing and a ridiculous 5 hcp is a bit rich!

  11. Thanks for nothing Chris… Now I've got a bug to go spend some real money on quality training aids… damnit man… Amex soon to melt and it's all your fault… 😉 Good stuff. Thanks!

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