Hi Goofy Goobers,

Spend a self care day with me! today I got a tarot card reading, cut my hair really short, hung out with friends and more! Thanks for watching and see you next week for another vlog!

COOKIE Ingredients

250 g plain flour
1 tsp sea salt
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp bicarbonate of soda
175 g unsalted butter, at room temperature
130 g soft light brown sugar
115 g caster sugar
1 large egg
1 tsp vanilla extract
However much mini egg choc or whatever you like

IG- Bella.hill
TIKTOK- Isabellahill_
EMAIL- Bella@talentbx.com


Hello Goofy Goobers how are you doing today hope you’re doing well so I thought we could spend the day together because it’s a really nice day out the sun is shining for once and I want to get my nails done I want to get my

Haircut and I want to go to a tar reading don’t tell James because he’s so skeptical about those things but yeah it’s just one of those days where I want to get out of the house and next week I’ve got this um like ad thing in London

And I want to have nice nails for it because I’m going to be on camera and I want to have nice nails for Prague too because I’m going to Prague next week um and I keep looking at my hair I love the length of it right now right like

Sometimes I’m like o I actually look kind of pretty but then sometimes I’m like no I hate my hair let’s cut it all off I have been wanting to go this length for so long and in October I cut it but I didn’t cut it to here I think I

Cut it to like here um and I think I think today guys we’re going to cut it to here I don’t know if you can see out of my crusty window but look how blue the sky is I’m dressed like I’m going to the gym but but I am not at all I’m

Going on a shopping day even though I really shouldn’t be but retail therapy calls this whole outfit is from Tik Tok shop which is kind of crazy because I did like a testing Tik Tok shop clothing uh a few months ago and look how good quality these leggings are like I’m actually

Obsessed uh they’re flared this is kind of like a skim stbe obsessed it’s freezing outside so I need to put my coat on I think the first thing we’re going to do is go cut my hair okay so I want to do a little before for you guys

I hope when I watch this footage back I don’t hate myself for cutting my hair I hope it’s a good decision but this is the length it is right now she’s cute but I think I could be cuter also for my nails I want to do a

Basic pink chrome because I love that so the first thing I did was get my nails done and they look amazing and then I went and got my haircut but I didn’t film in there because I’m socially awkward and it was very busy but here it

Is cut and then I got a Coster afterwards and it was freezing outside and I wanted to do some shopping so I got a peppermint tea to warm up my hands and I did a bit of vintage shopping and then I booked a tarot card reading but

It wasn’t available for another half an hour so I went to the library to sit in there because it’s nice and cozy and warm and then I also bought This Woman’s tea because I’ve been seeing it on Tik Tok and then I got to the crystal shop

This is where I get my tarot card reading and I had a little browse before I had the session and I was going to get some Sage but I don’t know much about it but yeah how’s that take m c Ono just want I to cut my hair lose

Myself in your bed I don’t know if that’s the lyrics but this is my hair this what do you guys think I feel like it’s matured me I feel like I look like a mature 22y old woman um especially in this top I don’t know why I’m just I’m

Giving maturity right now and I don’t know if I love it or hate it has it AG me do I want to AG myself no but I am going to do heatless cold tonight and see what it looks like cold but I actually really like it and the hairdresser uh straightened it that’s

Why it looks so straight but yeah I am back from my self-care day here are my nails they’re super cute I went for almond uh Chrome and the man that did it was like Whoever has your hand should pay for your nails and I was like yes tell my boyfriend that because James

Does not pay for my nails and I feel like he should I feel like that’s so fair enough if you’re with me you should pay for my nails why am I spending 50 Quid on my nails um but yeah the time now is 8:40 I don’t know where the time

Has gone to be completely transparent with you guys after that tarot reading I had not a crisis but I was like wow this woman is really telling me things she was really good she um so I go to this place in Brighton and it’s £30 for a 20

Minute reading which is kind of expensive it used to be £5 but after I have that tarot reading I feel so clear in my thoughts because it’s not like these tarot card readings are telling me things that I have no idea about it’s always thoughts that I have in my head

And they’re just bringing it to life and it really does help me when I’m in in like a stressed confused mindset because I have been in that mindset recently with certain things in my life and I was like I need to go to a tarot card

Reading and it was a new woman that I’ve never been to before and she said that she had just come back from like a Brazil spiritual Retreat so she was like proper powered up now I know what you’re thinking she could be telling lies and she could be but the information she

Gave me was very solid and it made me think a lot and me and James have just been sat on the couch for like 2 hours just like having epiphanies um so that’s what I’ve been doing this evening James just came back from the cop and he got

Me a white cream egg and a health shop balance I’m going to try this later I might make a Tik Tok on it I don’t know if that’s entertaining but I’ve never tried a white chocolate cream makeup before she was really good and she also

Gave me tips and she said that I should light a white candle and a black candle and put three coins in the middle of it and then once I do my intentions and the candle wax Burns I should pick up the coins pick up the candle wax and bury it

In the garden and the coins are like um a gift to the Angels Above crazy but yeah not going to lie to you guys I am a very confused girl in her 20s right now being in your 20s if you’re not in your 20s already get ready for it because oh

My God you constantly are thinking about who you are as a person what you want to do with your life but you have no idea who you are and what you want to do because every day I’m like oh my God I’m getting older and I still don’t know

What I want to do with my life and then you just get stressed it’s just a lot and like I am doing things with my life but I don’t know if it’s what I actually want to do with my life long time it’s just all too

Much and I need to just take every day by day do you know what I mean I need to learn to be in the present more but then also you do kind of need to think about your future I don’t freaking know I need to figure out what I love to do because

Also I’m doing things in my life that I don’t enjoy but I feel like I have to do it because I feel like it’s normal to be stressed and do stuff you don’t like because I think I’ve grown up with such a strong work ethic from my mom I’m not

Saying that she’s told me that I need to like do things I don’t want to do that’s not the case at all she’s just taught me to like work hard and so I continue to do things in my life even though I don’t like them because in my head I’m like

Well you have to work hard even if you don’t like it or not but me being self-employed I have to learn that that’s not actually not the case and I have the freedom to do things that make me happy and get into things that inspire me and I shouldn’t just do

Something because I need to work like I’m working on the wrong thing do you know what I mean toini and for me once James hates it but I love it so bad it’s so good what episode are we on now thank God guys look at this breakfast James has made me

Wow we’ve got avocado feta and an egg on top looks delicious you’ve got four Bagels there look my fat boy look at that wow that’s L see when you actually cook me things it’s always really nice yeah I’m a good cook I just can’t be a to c someone like you that’s so

Mean let’s do a taste test I look so swollen crusty and that’s because well guys James like to have smoked salmon with egg and cream cheese and cream cheese but then the egg is warm and then it makes the smoked salmon War it’s just

A bit I don’t know a bit funny um I had two pink Gins last night and it’s made my face so swollen okay let’s try it hot that’s so good m lemonade Jesus Christ oh I need some ratcher oh dog sorry boy look at my hands that’s so good he flavors the um

Avocado seasoned it I mean I made the avocado avocado flavor with my egg I like to cook it in butterz I’m unhealthy oh nice but I like it because it gives it more flavor and it’s just not like oily then it’s kind of like flavory yeah something about

Just eating oil makes me feel sick I tried vanilla ice cream with olive oil and sea salt because diipa likes it and it was actually really nice apparently it’s an Italian ice cream that people have all the time but James was um horrified by It Like O I feel like I

Feel like gross is choosing to consume more but yeah today Saturday and today later I’m going to make some cookies I want to make some Kinder B cookies then I also need to plan my Prague outfits because I want to be prepared for that because we’re going Thursday morning

Really early but next week I’m busy on like Monday and Tuesday and Wednesday so I’m not huh I’m not unemployed King yes James wants me to try his bagel on camera okay so this is James’s Bagel there’s uh SM salmon underneath and on top as you can see and

On top jeez it’s not a lot it’s just going to taste really fishy it’s not going to taste super fishy goodness gracious just take a big bite please oh you like that okay she likes that you like it darling yeah you like that you like what you have in your

Mouth yeah is that nice what the happened to you you had a fight with someone I said with the concrete I did my 10 minutes of journaling but why what did you journal on your hand or you J on the book what’s better than yours is it

Better than yours to be honest uh a little bit I wish I had some cream cheese in mine Oh I look like a little hello Goofy Goobers so it is late run in the day now so basically I wanted to make some Kinder cookies for my sister because I made her white chocolate and Macadamia ones last week but I did kind of make them quite Tipsy

And they weren’t my best work and I feel like I need to show her my baking skills because I made her dark chocolate cookies once they were Sensational they were topped TI and then I gave her some really ones and now I think now I’m worried she thinks I can’t bake

Originally I wanted to make Kinder ones because she loves Kinder chocolate but in the cup they didn’t have any Kinder so we’re going to make mini egg cookies but I got the bar and I got these so these will be like decoration on top and these will be like proper in the cookie

If that makes sense but yeah I’m going to make these and then I need to quickly get ready because I’m going to go um to Nando with my sister actually and some other friends and then we’re going to go play mini golf because in Brighton there’s this like glow-in-the-dark mini

Golf thing you can get cocktails there and stuff like that I’m not going to be drinking you supp be a mini egg no the mini eggs are for the cookies I have one mini egg One mini egg put one L mini egg in my cook one less lonely girl one less

Min you get the yellow One open your mouth going break my tooth I’ve got the ingredients on my iPad I’m feeling like an iPad girly right now I think I like this little think I this I pick me boy that’s actually pretty good it I’ve been baking a lot recently

And I’ve been baking a lot on um TI St as well and I think baking is my therapy however it’s not very it’s quite hard to be healthy when you like to bake because I don’t have self-control when it comes to eating the cookies like I do give

Some to my friends and family but for the mo most part I am the one consuming them all and I’ve been trying to do the 30-day hard where no 30-day soft sorry where you meant to you know eat well eat like not processed foods would you call

This processed food what that yeah no no I don’t know oh well in that case I’m doing this 30-day soft pretty well but yeah I’m not putting pressure on myself to do some 75 day hard thing cuz I just know for a fact that’s not for me it

Feels like too much pressure and I don’t want to like put myself off trying to better myself but the 70-day hard just sounds a bit disgusting if you ask me the other day when I made cookies for James this thing stopped working and I’m praying that it’s going to work today

Otherwise I’m going to have to do it by hand and I can’t be bed for that sort of workout right now to be quite honest no how do you restart it what does this turn on yay oh thank the heavens Jesus heard my prayers this was the best purchas of my

Life I got this on Amazon excuse the chaoticness of this area I really need to sort it out I just have way too many te’s I’m a I’m a big tea person you guys know that I did a tarot card reading the other day and the lady actually said

That I’m in my masculine energy too much and that I need to step back and let James do some more work because he’s the man of the house and apparently if we’re going to be together forever I can’t be the masculine one James has to and she said don’t worry about the stereotypes

Like at the end of the day you need to be in your feminine energy and if that means me doing less stuff so be it but y you’re the man of the house now he did the dishes earlier that’s czy okay right make the money then then

I’ll start I’ll go in the kitchen putting salt in um cookie dough is always a risky business cuz if you put just a tiny bit too much that’s all you’re going to taste this is The Vibes this is The Vibes right now it’s a bit creery but it’s

Fine a bag I don’t have a bag I’m a professional you see James don’t need no bag no where the at minimal CH no I’m going to save a couple so I can put them on top of the cookies for like cute decoration these are going to be big cookies

Guys oh okay here are what they look like I’ve made them really big so let’s see how they come out hopefully they don’t all get stuck together cuz the pan is not that big but we shall see but I’m going to put these in for um 12 minutes at 180° they’re done oh my God I near split those everywhere so I’ve just made myself look a little bit more presentable I put a tiny bit of makeup on and I put some highlighter on my nose because I’m having one of those days where I feel like my nose looks humongous and

Whenever I put highlighter on it it makes it feel a bit smaller anyway here they are they honestly look so good um James tried one and he said they were 10 out of 10 God does he want to talk any louder luckily I’ve got one more of

These containers left I got these in home set around Christmas time because I was doing a lot of Christmas making and they’re so cute I can turn it around so it doesn’t like Christmas in it can be like here’s your cookies baking is my love language

Anyway I’m going to give her the nice looking ones because I’m nice like that that good to go okay now it’s time for me to actually try it oh thank you very much very you [Applause] Go the girls get don’t you dare you CAG you’re not going a night long Enough yes yes yes yes yes Yes please Lord please Lord please Lord please Lord please Lord TI it to her Please we already got got It one more pound one more one more pound one more one more Go oh that that was it that was going to be it yes sit yes yes myone no yeah you might as well now the person let me try get that cuz that’s in a good location this is serious Now security guards telling us for Le come on come on this is your sign gambling is not good for you kids okay one more time Oh


  1. I always look forward to Mondays cuz ik Bella is gonna upload a new vlog❤❤

  2. obsessed with your vlogs always watch them when i need a pick me up, they relax me so much and feel like i am on facetime with a friend, never stop doing them🫶🏼🤍

  3. Where did you get your san fran jumper from plz? I was born in 1990 i need it ❤ also try being 33 and not knowing what you wanna do with your life 😅 cant believe we are so relatable, and then i remember im not in my 20s anymore 😅😅😂xx

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