Golf Babe

Can 3 LOW Handicappers Break 27?

How low can 3 good golfers shoot?

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Today we played at Glenkerry Golf Course in Michigan!

Welcome back to another j& video today us three low handicappers are going to try to break 27 my handicap is a three Owen I’m a six I’m a plus one plus one that’s low and we’re going to see if we can shoot nine underpar here at Glen

Cary Golf Course let’s see if we can break 27 Owen lead us off today high highest handicap go First man the people’s back oh yes sir there we go good ball that’s perfect good ball long drive competition on the first hole already I don’t know about that it’s a little L dude guys where Ashton’s fit he’s like upgrading or something oh yeah that was hit hard got

To go shoot nine under let’s go go let’s go shoot 900 boys 27 we got options out there go welcome back everybody to a breaking 27 video we got to shoot 9 under par we red up the boys we got the three of us oh yeah feels good to be

Back out here golfing Ash what are you hitting I’m going to go hard four that’s what makes a six handicap and a plus one that’s the difference good strike kind of go it’s got to go faded on me dang we’re going into a heavy headwind I need to swing way harder you

Know I just love this 60 we be good go in oh oh thought that went in disappeared so being a little long here isn’t bad cuz everything’s downhill what makes you a plus one handicap and me a three handicap that oh yeah it’s the soft hands that’s the FY hands

Shot oh gosh I’ve got some brick hands I’ve been practicing putting good pot we are one under through one Tiger Woods did shoot 27 once if we break 27 we beat Tiger Woods I don’t know if he’s ever played this course it translates across every course 27’s going to be a Bree

What we got here a little part three little short one should I try to Nuke a nine I’m going nine we got wind behind us so it’s nice easy swing Little Finn on wind that is so deep oh it’s not no I think that’s good all right we’re in the ninth week

Of college boys what do we think ninth week yeah we’re dropping out yeah yeah I’d like to announce everyone we are dropping out of college are you did you make that decision yet no yeah woo is that enough no I question your Club Choice there that deserves a club drop that’s

Brutal I went pitching W from 170 out and it’s like 50° it is a pure contact though that’s what I’m happy about I’m glad that we already have seen a club on the ground from Johnny like that draw be good oh yeah it’s either a little short

I don’t know that was good honestly that was a perfect draw yeah no that’s a great SP you’re just a draw player made up for my mishap let’s beat Tiger Woods today yeah tiger can never hit that shot that’s true how does it feel to be in a

Video by the way guys if you don’t know this is our cameraman he’s usually behind the camera but he’s coming today to help us break 27 straight up beat tiger that was fantastic speed folks gosh darn it we got our part all right listen we got our par probably there like that

Yeah dive this is a brutal stroke though easy slider what happened to all the dive all right folks we’re going to need an eagle Now Tiger Woods I’m coming for your ass that’s a tough lip out I thought I had it the whole Way all right when’s the Bell going to ring going through these two trees here huh I hate aiming lock can never hit it straight aiming left well technically you’re always aiming straight I know I can’t aim left what does that even mean technically wherever you hit it is aimed where you are line

Well your brain psychologically goes with the T box and therefore you’re aimed left therefore I’m about to hit this dang thing on the green huh I hate aiming left you know seem to do That wow is this Owen’s four iron there’s no way this is your four iron that’s my four iron dude I’m pin High that’s crazy that’s such a good shot little Slinger was the play what do you think think good club Choice got get your drills when you can Ash is this

Illegal or no who’s he doing he’s getting his drills in can you do it before you hit or no yeah of course on the jna channel though they not expect forn to get here but yeah that’s where course management comes into play yeah you knew chunked it and run nice and easy

Nip thought you were a plus one I’d be plus 10 if I didn’t have wedges oh yeah what a dog nice and high sit what a dog how’s that oh yeah that’s good good thing we got Mr wedge game my wedges actually feel good bring it one

More one more these guys are getting pissed over There oh another driveable Park Flor we are teeing up on the Z left side that is just so far what do you think that pine tree that way is that the line with a draw that was so toey yeah good thing I got the tape on so that one would be

Fine yeah that one’s fine perfect little lead tape on there I don’t even know if that does anything I got duct tape on my driver the guy told me at the fitting if I hit to shots this will help that should be good should be good we’re playing some

Blind shots out here I know you guys were just giving me a blank St I was like I don’t know maybe it’s just me but like this temperature is like so good yeah definitely just you I’m a Cali type of guy are there any girls at school you’re looking at dude we’re talking

About temperature and of course you have the audacity to bring up girls Ash wait are you actually talking to some girls what is that oh you got hurry up bro you’re so slow we need to get an eagle here to break wait no we don’t yeah we

Do yeah we do what are you are you a Cali type of guy or crummy type of weather guy I like the Cali weather but my professor was saying that he used to live in California got bored of the same weather every single day get bored of

Good weather well he said he missed the season cuz it’s just the same thing HP said that yeah and I was like but we found ourselves a new anchor and that anchor is can we are two under through three we need to make an eagle somewhere in here to shoot 9 under and

Then Birdie the rest of the holes if we get your freaking wedges good freak you freak you dude yeah freak you too dude it’s like James ly oh that’s in okay word okay I can respect that my wedges feel good from the moment I got here so do

Mine I hit it pure I didn’t blade it gosh dude I just no feel low hit John’s ball as a cameraman I’m going to sit back here cuz I have faith in my little Brody Ash over there to make this F me John your wedges are on it takes us 3 what can you do to contribute more to the team practice no right here right now right now act to speed let’s not think about the future I think I need to dial in a little more what up Dom get off the phone you’re not dialed get off

The phone stop all right we’ll have a good time I’ll see you later all right I’ll see you tonight you that’s the definition of not ding I don’t miss calls from people I stopped doing that you know why I like being there for people yes oh

Yeah all right Ash we’re good do I need a hit probably not yeah probably not cuz I’m just going to Nuke it fair enough shot Tracer move move oh we’re safe hope there’s no bike over Road I can find that you ever see the video where the guy goes

Like that was actually good do it yeah I can’t do it all right are you not hitting us no I’m not hitting let’s go that swing I just want to Nuke this thing and I nuked it we’re find this ball like a dog we found our ball though let’s go here let

Me go first here seriously how far is it 110 110 oh my goodness shot out right ah oh yeah be the number if the wind doesn’t touch it it’s good just commit through that’s the thing I S swing through dude your eyes just look so green your eyes look do

They really yeah they do it’s got to go oh man it’s why is it going right not much to say about that one seems like we might have to switch handicaps as enough looks like my shot was good let’s really focus up and make this putt boys

Honestly John hand me your putter if you guys haven’t seen what I did in Cali with this putter I suggest you go and watch it I like the Slime what do you think about it use the pace of whole two don’t think of my cousin why would I

Think of your cousin she’s so hot I only got one girl on my mind better not be John’s cousin wow holy cow it does break a lot more yeah this PL has a little more break and I thought play it outside of this play it like in

Here good putt Oh’s got to make this over we’re in a tough spot let’s go let’s go come on pick up my freaking ball we just need to keep getting birdies throw an eagle in there and we meet our goal going to aim over these trees water

Left I don’t want to go in it it actually opens up right God I okay I’m striking the ball good putting too much spin on it find in trouble can I hit driver yeah if you’re going to miss miss right cuz it’s all like Heather Fescue that we can hit out

Of this might be one of the tightest Fairways I’ve ever seen uh yeah see you oh you might be safe did it go long no I think I saw a bounce all right Johnny nice yeah good B that’s a safe one great ball it’s what we needed yeah it should be pretty good

Folks this is the skinniest Fairway I’ve ever seen you hit it this is tight this is like the you know that event they do on that RAC trck where they got to hit the one yard wide that’s what you did here 60 yards I won these in a tournament as you

Saw I played cway warbirds I played noodles top flights but now we’re switching to a pck fantastic I am so proud of you sit down o I’m hitting them well but just I don’t have a lot of f not going to lie that’s fine it works you did your darn

Job Ash look at those Ducks it’s actually pretty cool whoa how did I do that you just shank it I don’t know was this off the toe or something open face that’s the distance go in oh oh oh oh my god oh that’s going on go you highlight

Of the week go tap that in buddy what a shot what a sh what a shot that’s go you drive over to him I’m going to drive to the next SE what a shot oh yeah that one felt good I’m out of breath oh you ran up there quite naturally part three Baby Ash I think we got to give a clap for the cam man contribution that’s good thank you that’s going on the G YouTube how that better get on golf YouTube highlight we got 200 yard par three here I’m going five iron into the wind it’s

Rainy I chunked It Go Fly might not beat that bad it’s not ideal I chunked it that’s the number who oh little deep Long irons Arn it today part three I’ve got five iron dog take it oh my gosh Come on boys let’s go good shot

Let’s break 27 what a shot a fre yeah let’s go I think I’d do next for a good shot you I think so you’re going to make the putt you’re going to make the putt it’s going to clap for the two back to back fantastic shots yeah yeah yeah yeah

Thank you I thought that had a chance of going in when I saw it roll oh my gosh you’re right there I’m a little more than tight the last two holes we stuck them heght that is TI te tight what do you think of that shot Johnny I think he’s a

Dog yep yep Ash what a shot that was your shot of the day yeah we could break 27 right now if we Eagle go birdie we break 27 we six under through seven two holes to go we need a birdie and an eagle and we’ll break our goal 27 wow wow they’re laughing dude did you see his freaking club what happened dude your club was like and you’re like Owen close your shoulder holy right oh what are you doing man you close your shoulder no that didn’t mess me up I just suck the driver ain’t it or the long irons

Yeah and that’s what a plus one would do perfect that’s what a plus one does I don’t care about your wedges John let’s go what I carry with wedges look at that Johnny and I both hit the green great shots guys thanks Ash par five more like a par four

How far 223 notice how I haven’t lost the ball yet since I switched to the nice balls it’s straight down win what do you think play it sixi probably like 205 are you playing this orange ball no it’s oener all right oener oh have you

Been going to the gym yes my biceps are freaking huge now interesting okay it’s not bad orangey run you the number it’s got to go doesn’t it no it’s good you’re good good shot Johnny oh it’s cutting the wind is helping you a lot that could be really good as a dog I

Didn’t see where it landed oh my God we’ve got 4 fet boys really let’s go let’s go no way no way wow good stuff wow that’s two in a row I need a little bit more of that butt tickle all right let’s clap it up for your shot dude I

Hit that ball and I was like oh it’s going to be so good it’s going to be so good what was that six iron six okay yeah from 225 yeah that’s another 200 yard shot you put tight Ashton came out to play this is crazy he’s sicking like

200 yard irons like it’s nothing Ash you make a solo birdie and then this Eagle here that’s why you’re plus one handicap yeah freak your wedges John you know what as the handicap guy I’ll move your handicap to a plus two if you make oh yeah you control

It oh no didn’t move no I pushed it it’s straight in oh it breaks what dude yours didn’t move all right Owen make this I’ll move your handicap down one you just got up and hit it paying attention let’s go cast going down one I was just confident I knew I

Was going to make it so I had the line I’ve hit the putt a thousand times if you have that confidence and you don’t let yourself get in your head why would you miss it no why would you now let’s go make Birdie on 18 and we break 27 we

Beat tiger freaking Woods I officially move your handicap to a five we have to bird him 164 we’re birding it comes down to this we have to bird and guess what we do it 164 probably playing like 158 yeah with the wind go softer n Play on that left side

Of that slope there I think you want to land a little short so play like 150 holy cow you almost hit that tree works oh no it doesn’t work is that a little soft that was a little soft I thought that was actually a more L there you

Go that wind is just taking it holy smokes nked that ball I think it’s on the green back side you’re going to want to hit a draw into this wind and just it’ll go straight just’s hit a draw at the pin all right we need our savior again let’s get it

Ash that’s like not a bad ball it’s just the wind is the wind is so aggressive I know all right you guys didn’t aim enough left let’s make a putt let’s make a freaking putt currently eight under eight under if we par out we shoot 27 we

Barely we shoot 26 a goal break 27 both Owen and I were Long John short of the green we have to chip this in in order to break 27 Oh gave her a chance it’s pretty good what are you laughing at it’s Horrible oh oh my gosh all right well we tied the score 27 we didn’t break it we tied it as some low handicappers if you guys did enjoy this video and want to see some of our previous uploads click one like


  1. 1st time watching…very entertaining and great golf. There’s a lot of golf content out there, but it needs the personality’s…you guys have it.

  2. Glenkerry Golf Course is always a great time. Place I frequent when I’m at Ferris. A fair test that’s not too tough but just tough enough to get you thinking. Tough greens as always. I’ve never seen someone try to kill it on 6 past the two ponds. The tightrope is what I call that hole. Good stuff, guys. 👍🔥⚔️

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