Rene Verdusco started West Texas Gloveman (WTGM) as a hobby, for fun. His company has grown to the point of being trusted by top athletes and even representing New Mexico in the Slowpitch Softball Challenge Cup. Now Rene plans to work in a new brand identity so that it can reach an even larger audience across the southwest!

This podcast had a strong focus on what is possible within the customized glove industry and how to treat your gloves right. Truth be told, we had to record this podcast twice because I forgot to record the first time. It just goes to show the kind of guy Rene is and why it’s so easy to root for a guy that’s looking to break even further into the sports gear industry.

#podcast #slowpitchsoftball #baseballgloves #customgloves #sports

You don’t want your name on a product um and then it just kind of fall apart the purple and white it just it just pops why do you think that that is okay in slow pitch and we kind of just are used to it and in baseball it’s like cut that

Out gloves what do you recommend for breaking in glove 2024 uh honey drips for uh Ryan honey cup for this year his his b and gloves okay first question of the day your most experimental product right now is a clear glove do you have it with

You um actually we do uh it’s a PVC uh plastic mitt kind of like the Lindor glove um it’s kind of don’t want to say a novelty I mean it’s got leather leather Palm on it but uh I think uh it it’s some more for more for looks probably uh play a couple

Games with it I wouldn’t say it would be your gamer but uh if you want to get notice and play a couple games here and there with it I think it’d be just fine but uh it’s kind of untested unproved and I just kind of want to be the first

One to have one yeah yeah no it’s cool I like the design it looks like there’s red stitching and some details like that yeah it’s it’s the only place I think I screwed up is I had them put a plastic web it’s got some Red Stitch I

Probably would have which I can always replace it I can have them make me a leather web but I was just more you know I just I saw they show me a picture of it and I’m like hey I Gotta Have It just you know send it make it like that um

You know probably go on my shelf uh you know with trophy case or whatever and you know unless somebody’s unless somebody’s looking for it uh I got one there you go all right so today ladies and gentlemen welcome to the all sports best podcast I’m tan Gonzalez and we’re

Here with Renee verdusco of West Texas glovan and out of seal Texas he has been doing some really great things with his brand and becoming a name that is very recognizable in this area um in different sports so let’s go ahead and get into that um gloves what do you

Recommend for breaking in gloves like what would you say is the tried and true method that you would say every time I’d recommend this first overall uh first thing is I would I would recommend is play catch um that’s probably the best if if you already have

A gamer um and you know you’re trying to break in this new one um I would say every time you get a chance to warm up warm up with it and just until you feel comfortable taking it out there on the on the field um that’s what I do um

There’s also some steam you know some people do steam some people do the oven I don’t really recommend men the oven but um everybody has their own little uh ideas of of of how to break in a glove but I think that would be my go-to uh is

Is just you know just practice just play catch with it sure absolutely and then so you talk about the oven not being a method that you truly recommend but I know that there’s different reasons for that right you talk about like fibers and things on a on a scale we don’t see

But eventually will notice right so what does a a stove or I’m sorry a an oven do so I think on the oven um you can’t really control the temperature um if you get it too hot um you know it’s going to make the it’s going to make uh the

Fibers break down in that leather and you’re going to it’s going to get brittle um also depending on the color of the glove you can discolor the glove um it’ll really break it in but it’s one of those things where if you go too minutes too long you know there’s no

Coming back you can’t you can’t get you can’t get that stff that stiffness back so you just got to be really careful when you’re doing it some some people do it and they and it’s just fine for them but uh it’s not something that uh that I would suggest sure absolutely all right

So when it comes to gloves we all have our different preferences right when I played I was a black all black glove kind of guy um the webs that I had to use I was a pitcher so they were more closed in webs but what I’ve seen more

And more is the popularity of of webs that are open like the trapes type of webs or things like that what are the webs that right now are popping the most right now I think we have one that’s called the uh the star web and it

Looks kind of like a modified uh te trap and it’s got It’s got a little design on it like a star design on that that’s really that’s really popular um the hweb is really nice um there’s a lot people who like that one um iweb is probably my

Favorite um you know play a lot of infield and so that’s kind of the one that I always go to I always seem to to to like that eyeweb for some reason sure okay and then when it comes to some of these different things because I want to

Talk about some of the materials that you’re using the colors the the craziness that can that can eventually get into your glove if you really want to um what would you say about going outside of the Browns and the blacks and the Tans of these kinds of gloves does it

Deteriorate faster is it something that isn’t as quality or not um for the most part some of these uh the new leather they have you know they’re going to be tanned or dyed so um I I I believe some of the um some of the uh the pinks the hot pinks hot hot

Orange those kind of ones those seem to chip a little bit more um black Browns um shouldn’t have any problem with them uh you know just regular old uh steer hide Raw Hide looking uh Brown is probably you know the best but um the materials that they’re coming out now um

Everything so far is has been great you know other than your normal wear and tear uh throwing it in the dirt um scraping it up um everything seems to holding up pretty well right now okay and and you don’t really put these materials or these colors on the palm

Right all of that stuff is kind of for show on the back end or do you do some stuff on the palm yeah so what we’ll do is um we’ll have like some snake skin and it’s just a faux you know uh design but it’s got a leather backing

Underneath it so you know uh one one glove that’s real popular come out we have a sarpe uh pattern and that one is pretty good but we will not put that um we’ve put it on a web a few times but on the back of the web and and um it’s kind

Of reinforced but um generally all your palms are going to be a solid color um blacks Browns greens um whatever whatever solid uh pure leather that we have that’s what we’re going to put in your palms we had some people ask for for snake skin but uh we told them it’s

Not not even an option really okay cuz you just don’t want it you don’t want your name on a product um and then it just kind of fall apart and it’s like ah well you know wgm you know totally exactly and at the end of the day the

The the thing that I like about it is um I I use I use my own product so if um it’s something that I don’t like I wouldn’t have it and that’s the good thing about our brand is um you know we got we got people out there that are

Using our our uh our our gloves in the game and our products and I tell them hey if there’s something you don’t like you tell me and we won’t carry it it may look cool but if it doesn’t work got to be practical it’s got to work and if it

Doesn’t you know we’ll do something else sure so so I wanted to know what are the some of the crazier designs that you’re able to put on some of these gloves cuz we talk about the different colors a lot of people like colors right it can match

Their uniforms it really looks cool um but what are some of the crazier things that you’ve seen you said Sarape is there anything else the Sarape there’s a tie dye uh we just came out with the new one that’s got all of the uh autism puzzle pieces on um before when you were

Doing an Autism glove you had to mix your um your regular leather with you know like a yellow leather on one on one finger a blue leather a light blue Le leather on another and that’s kind of how used to make uh uh these Autism Awareness gloves well now they they’ve

Come out with one that’s got all the puzzle pieces so so that’s really nice and and if you break that up with a nice solid color it looks great um cheetah cheetah print has been really big uh in 2003 um we got an elephant skin kind of

Like the the Jordan uh you know the pattern um but there’s all kinds of colors just um black snake skin gold snake skin uh We’ve we’ve actually got probably I got about nine or t more new colors that uh for 2024 that we’re gonna we’re going to unveil that’s crazy okay

And I did notice the gold that was one of the ones that stuck out to me it’s almost like a dusted or like a glittery style it’s very bright off of a light right so um does that and and those D those are still good materials they’re they’re good materials um they

Will wear down uh you know um with some use so that’s why they’re always uh good for the back of the hand um we we won’t try to use that leather that leather will never be inside the Palm so um you know you get you’re catching the ball

All the time you’re obviously going to wear that leather out and uh so we won’t put it inside the Palms we we we want something that’s going to be Hardy and that’s going to last sure can you speak to what you’re wearing right now you got

Some gear right so we’ve got uh two different logos as a matter of fact so we get the old and the new both at the same time can you tell me you know about the logo swap so we just kind of this is our old

Logo and we’ve had it for um I would say the last five six years and then we decided to do something a little bit different um you know we’re going uh we’re pushing the the rep wgm in 2024 and it’s just speaks to um trying

To get that brand and and and just so it’s it rolls off the tongue real easy hey wgm yeah you know um you know trying to so you know we can sell in New Mexico we can sell in Arizona we got reps in Arizona we got reps in New Mexico we got

Reps here in Texas um those are the the probably the the three states that we focus on you know we have a pipeline going right through here and and being a native of of Arizona you know uh I go back I was there in Christmas so um you know I’m 30

You know 30 miles from Hobs New Mexico so you know we play in New Mexico and yeah you know everybody that plays around this area they’re either playing in Texas or they’re playing in in New Mexico so we all interact so I didn’t want it to be just one one whole brand

That’s just you know for West Texas you know I want it to I want it to be you know out there uh with the you know ASP and some of these other big big brands that are out there um so that’s kind of where we we changed it are we trying to

Move into like um like I we know what UPS stands for but we don’t really think about it is it kind of like that where it’s like oh we say UPS you know what I’m talking about we don’t usually say whatever UPS stands for United Parcel Service or something like that yeah okay

Exactly exactly yeah we want it to just we want it to just like when you see is like hey wgm there you go you know just rolls right tongue and and and that’s you know kind of what we want it you know you we don’t want to have to

Explain the whole thing but you know you get it yeah no absolutely okay so you’ve gained quite a following um on your brand and on your products and can you speak to how you made that possible like you you have to start somewhere so when you started why did you start and then

How did you build um I think you know uh for one I I in the jobs that I had before I there was a lot of times where it took away from from playing and I didn’t play softball for probably a good eight years

And when I got to sim um you know I had a chance to um to you know start my own brand and and uh started off you know through Arizona glove man and and I was going to start my own brand and and start selling gloves as a hobby and you

Know some of the guys I met here you know in simal the notorious guys you know we were out one day and I’m like hey you know uh I’m like I can still hit you know I think I could I got a little bit of gas left in the tank and so you

Know I I fell back in love with it you know I realized I was missing it and you know uh there was nothing really around here at the time you know as far as custom gloves and stuff so I was like hey why not you know give give it a give

It a shot and uh so that’s what I did and and and trying to grow it and uh you know it just kind of snowballed and then uh you know you you got you meet a guy like Ryan Honeycut and and so that kind of helps and him and Joey agular and

Those guys really helped us uh you know help the brand spread and they helped me take it to you know level a level I never really thought he would go sure um it just got to the point you know it snowballed we were like wow this is this

Is kind of turned into a fulltime job type of deal it’s not a hobby no more I mean it’s still a hobby but it’s a it’s a really big hobby yeah I know absolutely and I love to to speak on honey cut and agular both super good

Dudes so that doesn’t hurt your brand right it’s definitely something that spreads the word and they’re very um good at endorsing stuff right they’re going to wear your stuff they’re going to say your name those types of things and I’ve heard it because we had them both on the podcast and they both

Mentioned you by name and and the brand so that’s really cool but how did you get in contact with them I know it’s within reach you know we’re not very far from Carl’s bad but like what caught your eye about these guys uh you know I I started following

The online kind of seeing who was out there and and we had a good little uh hold you know in in seol and right around our area and you know a few people was like Hey you know you could take this a little bit bigger and it’s

Kind of seeing what other brands were doing and they’re like like you know what you need to do is you need to get you an ambassador you know somebody who’s who’s on the map or who’s getting there and at the time um you know Ryan was just barely starting you know he was

Playing a little bit of softball playing with the mysel guys and uh what comes to mind is the uh the video of him uh putting a ball through a window in carlbad in league and that started circulating and um uh a mutual friend of ours uh Dalton Dalton click there in in

Carlbad um we played together and he’s like hey I you know I know Ryan we go BP I can put you in touch and so uh we always laugh about it we uh we sat down and and had chicken wings and uh Buffalo Wild Wings and Hobs New Mexico and just

Talked for about a good hour and you know he was starting to come up and nobody knew who I was you know other around here and we kind of uh you know built something in mutual respect and like hey let’s let’s let’s make this

Work and see what we can do and you know thank God uh you know even to this day you know you talk about you know building a bu a business relationship I don’t even feel that way anymore you know I’m just happy that I can call them

Friends and yeah and they’ve always by me and I’ve always stuck by them and I’ll do whatever it is to help those guys you know as long as you know they’ve always helped me out and you know that’s what it’s all about really yeah no absolutely and you are actually

A big part of something that they do that they represent the state with it’s called The Challenge cup and last year was the first year that New Mexico participated it’s hosted in Florida can you speak on that cuz I know you sponsored and you made some insane

Jerseys for That Uniforms what went into all that is the challenge cup and and kind of starting out New Mexico on it man that was that was really that was really huge for us um you know I was kind of on the outside looking in I know

Uh Ryan and Joey had uh played they had to play with Colorado um because they could merge with the major team and um I didn’t really even know what was going on they they were having uh discussions and talking with Sam Sam doall who who was going to lead the team and building

Up to it probably H I’d say maybe August September um you know Jo is like hey you know here’s what we’re we’re going to do would you you know would you want to help would you want a sponsor and you know it be be pretty good for you and

The brand and I was like yeah you know whatever you guys need um I can you know I can do the uniforms I can do the hats you know that’ll be my contribution you know what what else I you know can I do to help and um thank God I got uh you

Know have the services of uh I say he’s probably one of the top five in in the un States right now and an artist and Michael Flores out of he’s out of Buckey Arizona and we he’s been doing work for us for the last five years five six

Years and the guy is just phenomenal I mean I’ll I’ll send him something and you know we fight like crazy because I don’t give them enough information I’ll tell him like Hey man here’s what we want to do here’s a color scheme and he just comes back and shoots

Back some some great ideas and it just it was everything just hit you know it just all meshed together and you know being able you know they asked me to be a part of the coaching staff and so that Florida trip that was that was man that

Was a trip for you know I’ll never forget it was it was great it it was a great thing that uh we accomplished do we have any um Insight on I think you might might have posted a little bit on what is coming next right you have the

New uniforms and uh uh as a matter of fact I did see them and they are legit so what went into trying to match or top what you did last year it’s got to be tough uh yeah um and I’ll just you know we kind of talked amongst in the coaches

Group and and like okay and we all knew what are we going to do to top that because we we got a lot of look we got a lot of talk and and uh so you know everyone looked at me and then I did

What I I do and I go to Michael and I’m like hey this is yours you’re the he he’s got he’s got he’s got a phrase that he always tells me it don’t matter to me I’m the artist you tell me what to do so I’m like okay you’re the artist here you

Go yeah make us something you need to we need to be on par or even better than than what we had last year so um he’s always stepped up and and been able to come up with some great ideas so uh now we got to hopefully looking at year

Three after this year so that’s another challenge what do you think if you uh could put a little bit of a prediction together what are we GNA place this year at the challenge cup for New Mexico man I don’t I don’t even know if

I can I don’t even know if I want to speak on that it’s just you don’t want to jinx anything yeah you don’t want to jinx it I mean all I’m gonna say is last year we we we were probably I think there was 18 or 19 teams and I think we

Were were predicted on some of the other podcasts to maybe be 18 or 19 wow and uh I want to say we finished five um there’s some tough teams out there you know um we’re not going to sneak up on anybody um the good good thing is is the

Guys that we have that played last year they had some of these guys had really great years uh 2023 in conference um Anthony oo um uh Ryan to name a few um so we’re going to be you know I think the guys know that hey they know who we are now

So um we’re going work you know we’re gonna have to work hard because last year nobody expected anything we just went in there have fun stay loose this year um we’re going to have to put some work in no absolutely okay so you are not only in slow pitch you’re in fast

Pitch you’re in baseball you’re in golf even and maybe a couple of other sports um and and even in women’s apparel right so what are all the things that you guys cover and uh maybe what is some sports you’re looking at and thinking maybe we can you know get into that a little

Bit well pretty much everything we’ve got into is is is probably just because you know we’re a sporting family you know like we love to you know my son plays basketball he plays golf so you know I love to play golf um so it’s just

You know you’re out Golf and you got an idea I’m like man this would be a good golf uh we start a golf brand you know yeah let’s let’s try this and let’s try that and so everything’s kind of you know it kind of morphs into something

Else and you know we had uh a group here and I think it was co uh Co screwed screwed a lot of things up and um it shut down softball but what it did is it brought out all the cornhole uh people and so all these cornhole League started

And then it was like hey uh will you make softball jerseys can you make cornhole jerseys so we made a cornhole logo and uh kind of like that we’ve done a disc golf logo wow um I mean so just just about anything I have a fishing we

We even have a fishing uh logo that we do so if anybody likes to fish um you know so we’ve done we’ve done the logo we’ve done the GOL golf logo in a Texas flag and we also done it in the New Mexico flag so um just depending on uh

You know the interest we you know we can we can do we can cover just about anything Checkers if you want chess you know get a nice Polo going for one of those oh yeah we we got some really nice golf polos that that we made with some

HS and things like that so um those are probably my two two biggest softball you know softball baseball and then uh golf is is kind of what we’ve really you know done the most work in sure um done did some good some really nice uh cornhole jerseys too as well for some local

People um here in semal so um you know just whatever you want you know we can do we got the team that that can get it done do you have any sneak peeks on anything that’s coming up soon or maybe a a a release that’s been

Recent um I think I believe I sent you we just uh released uh 2024 uh honey drips for Ryan honey cup for this year his his batting gloves um this morning we also did some for uh kid out of Portales Milo levado he’s he’s one of

Our reps and um he had some uh some gloves that he wanted you know that’s got a little message on there and then uh I always I always joke with him uh you know with the whole amelo night of the rockberry so um I went and designed

Some that’s got Will Ferrell’s face on there nice amilio cross it and that that was kind of a novelty but um there’s people that want them so you know people are asking them about it so um hey you know if if if that’s what he likes and

That’s what they want you know we’ll keep doing it um other than that right now until after uh we get done with challenge cup uh that’s that’s a big that’s a big undertaking right now so usually February we get done with the challenge cup we’ll start um you know

We’ll start uh releasing some new stuff too sure and we’ve got a website coming out soon that’s in the works soon it’s still a little it’s still in uh progress right now I gotta I gotta quit procrastinating a little bit done so um it’s there’s always

Something going on so it’s I kind of got to dedicate my time to my to my job and then to wgm and you know family and all that stuff so uh always on the go is there anything in the future maybe even five years out from now that you think

Maybe we should check out a brick and mortar or something like that has has that ever crossed your mind let’s let’s open a store we have um we have we have a lot of uh uh personal friends here in uh in semal that have uh businesses and you

Know they’re you know they’ve hey you know there’s a building over here think you know what do you think about that um we’ve thought about it we’ve done the math um right now it’s just not it’s not in the not in the books for us you know

I mean um uh I I don’t want to say I’m the smartest guy in the world but you know um thank God I’ve made some some good decisions uh business decisions on on the business and and you know trying to keep things going and uh you know one

Day uh one day in five if if that’s the case and and the numbers look right you know I I think we do it but uh for now it’s uh it’s the garage yeah I mean it’s working yeah yeah I mean you do what you

Got to do and so far it’s been good you know yeah know for sure all right so what is some of the random so we talked about random glove designs and some of the things that you’ve added cheetah print Le leopard print those types of things is there anything that somebody’s

Come to you with uh for clothing you know like a certain design that was a little bit risky or you know I know that you make leggings and some cool stuff like that is there anything that somebody’s like said can you make this and you’re like I don’t know about that

One yeah we we’ve had a few for the most part you know we tried to um I think a while back there was some that was kind of you know you didn’t really want are you sure you want to wear that out in public and we kind stayed away from that

Um you know we we we kind of have a little fun with it um we’ve done some really cool stuff uh but you know I I just kind of look at it and at the end of the day you know um when I when I I

See the designs and I’m like you know that’s got my name on it you know that’s got our name got my family’s name you know my wife’s very much involved so you know it reflects us so if it’s something that’s going to go out there and be

Hurtful or demeaning or you know just downright awful um you know I I don’t want to be associated with it yeah you and and that’s kind of how we go about when we select um you know reps you know when we have people you know I’m looking

For quality people you know good people that you would have over your house and sit down and have dinner with because at the end of the day that’s what it that’s what it’s like you know that’s what it’s all about you know it’s not to me like I

Said it’s not really business it’s a hobby and these are people I want to sit down I want to you know I want to know about their spouse I want to know about their kids you know I want to sit down have dinner with them you know visit

With them and you know laugh have a good time and so um you know I’m very selective um on when we do something like that because it it reflects us you know yeah all right so I wanted to ask you because you do these kinds of things

All the time you’re looking at color combinations designs all that stuff what are some of the most popular color combinations for gloves and then what is your favorite color combination for uniforms if you had to pick one um as far as gloves go it’s it’s changing um it changes it’s kind of It

Kind of runs in in Cycles um the sarpe was real popular um we have a leather that’s um that is called nerling and it’s kind of looks like tooled leather um you know with like paisley designs and that’s become real popular um the brown there’s a black there’s some new colors we just

Added on that and so that’s becoming really really popular uh one of my favorites that uh I’ve been seeing uh are these purple and white now the thing about white a white glove White Glove is beautiful when it first you know comes out and after a while and you play with

It and it gets dirty and it will get dirty um but man some of these gloves right out out of the rapper and you know I’ll take pictures with them and I post them I send them when I get all my gloves in to ship out and purple and

White it just it just pops yeah um that’s that’s one of my favorites um color combos I would probably say you know I kind of like that Vice look but um probably um you know being from Arizona I fell in love with the the Diamondbacks uniforms after uh after the World Series

This this last year and I I know I think they’re changing it up a little bit but uh but man those uh some of that red I can’t Sedona red I think they call it um uh that that I have yet to do a color combo like that but we’ll probably do

Something like that real soon see one of the things that comes to mind when I think of Combos and I don’t know how much you get for um requests on this but it’s the Athletics green and yellow I absolutely love the way those con the they contrast it’s beautiful to me so

That one was probably one of my tops and then the old school Dbacks was my one of my tops as well the purple and and teal that was just beautiful together so you guys probably get some a lot of that right do you guys do pin stripes and and

Stuff like that on um on the sublimated sublimated prints yeah we can we’ve done we’ve done a lot of um with Pinstripes um I think it’s kind of a uh I think when when Michael we kind of stay away from the pin stripes we’ll put them on

There if you like but when he’s when he’s designing he kind of stays away from those Pinstripes um because it kind of can take away from from what he’s trying to create um so we have done some pin stripes in the in in the past I’m

Not a big pinstack fan I don’t myself but I like I like to have some good quality art some some good designs that are fading in something with the Shadow on it that’s going to look good but you’re right on the old Athletics uh uh those are just some classic colors right

There that I would not be opposed to to doing those and you know and the way these color combos are going now you know um it’s kind of hard but for some some of the some of us older people you know uh that those old school colors I

That that those are one of my favorite colors too yeah just a uniform yeah we see a lot of stuff that’s old school and and so I wanted to ask you this because I have an opinion on it personally but you know when you go to slow pitch

There’s like a lot more freedom you feel like you can wear black pants you can wear green pants and stuff like that and it’s kind of just part for the course but when you go over to baseball you throw on something like that to me it

Just doesn’t work what do you why do you think that that is okay in slow pitch and we kind of just are used to it and in baseball it’s like cut that out I still think you know in baseball you still have that that old mentality

You know like like act like you’ve been there before you know you go you play the game right um the way you were taught the you know way your dad was taught and you know and it’s kind of more respect thing um so uh I have noticed that there’s

Some of the the youth stuff we’ve done have been a little bit more classic look yeah and you know normally on some of these travel teams you’ll get you know three different jerseys and you’re always going to have two that are more of the classic look and then they say

Well give the kids one good you know something flashy you know for them and carrying over uh to softball I think that’s the uh you know you’re there you’re there to have fun you’re paying the play and it’s kind of like Hey we’re going to stand out you know for if we

Can’t beat these guys 20 to zero we’re going to have fun you know if we’re going to get our butts beat 20 to zero we might as well have fun and look good while we’re doing it kind of kind of how that you know goes hand in hand you know it’s not so

Serious yeah cuz I mean we so I I know we talked about the dime backs a couple times already but they came out with like some dark gray pants and they match the tops and those just didn’t fly those were brutal right and they got roasted

For that um but I’ve seen you know in college baseball you’ll see Louisville they well the black- on black it’s okay in slow pitch but to me I just don’t care for it and then you see you know some other teams that do um I think the

Most risky that you can find in baseball right now in pro baseball is the old school powder blues with the pants that are powder blue as well so and those look pretty cool but it’s just like there’s a line that you got to you can’t

Get too far away from White in the pants area you know what I mean I don’t know right right no and and and you’re exactly right you don’t see a whole lot of flashy things you know you may see a a darker top but they’re going to be you

Know with with a white pair of pants and you know that same color uh piping on the side yeah so yeah they could they still kind of stick to their uh you know they’re not really doing a whole lot of that color up like the NFL

Is but um you know it would be it’s it’d be cool to see you know like with what the Rangers did with their uh uniforms this past year you know I I I I dug them you know I thought they were pretty nice so um you know it just I know you’re

Talking about you’re talking about the Navy on Navy well yeah and then with the I think they call it the city the city design like City connect there you go yeah yeah those were those are pretty neat I like those I will say some of the worst that

I’ve ever seen and I’ll have you go and check these out um is the Cuba World Baseball Classic uniforms I don’t know if you saw them they had the red pants man and it was ugly but I don’t know some people were digging them yeah yeah

Could be like the old Astros too you know yeah yeah back in the 70s and and early 80s you know that had that uh multicolored uh you know uh ribbons going all the all the way around it so um they come a long way you know um so

Some of these newer colors you know everybody’s switching to you know they’re some of them are good but uh yeah you know anything goes good with white put it on white or put it on white or black and it’ll look good yeah absolutely Renee thank you so much for

Uh getting on the show we do appreciate it and before we go can you tell us where can we order stuff where will we find you and how do we do it right now uh probably the best thing until we get uh the website up is uh on

Facebook and you can just uh uh get us on Facebook messenger and we’re wgm glovan um also you can reach out to some of our reps um you know we have uh summon Albuquerque Carl’s Bad Arizona um Leck so we’re around um you know uh but

You can go to our our Facebook shoot us a mess message and me and my wife will get back to you as soon as we can and see if we can help you out awesome thank you so much man I really do appreciate it yes sir I appreciate it


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