I was surprised at how I managed to consistently create the same ball flight over and over. The ball flew high with the draw ball flight I was working on all from using my feet correctly.
This made the golf ball fly high and straight towards the flag I was aiming for. You can hit the golf ball high and straight if you work on what I was focussing on. It worked for me so it may be worth trying.

For a golf swing that is CONSISTENT, provides a flat left wrist, compression, lag and more. Steve’s EUREKA GOLF SWING METHOD is now being implemented in 62 countries taking the golfers game to a place that allows the body to turn, the flight to straighten and compression to become a reality.
The starting place is the “iron swing series” offering the set-up of the Eureka Golf Swing canes and a step by step tutorial of the full action.
REMEMBER: as Steve says, “There is a difference between opening your stance and aiming left”.


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Check out Steve’s articles in BUNKERED MAGAZINE


Filmed at: https://www.macdonaldhotels.co.uk/cardrona/golf/course

So this is a very different video than what I normally do I’ve just been practicing some shots so basically I’m just going through my practice routine so obviously I’ve got my Eureka canes down check out the website for that I’m not going to get into that just now but

When I practice it’s all about feels versus reals and I know exactly what I’m working on my shoes are dirty nothing worse than looking down dirty shoes perfectionist you know so basically this this video is is just I’ve just I was hitting balls created some content just

Left the camera on um shoulder alignment feet alignment path you probably know that so I’m getting little drawers on these which is great that’s that’s that’s my idea my idea is not to not necessarily to get a draw to to not lose it to the right with every Golf Club um

Get a little bit sick of that UA golf swings obviously improved that big time for for thousands of golfers but when I’m practicing like so I’m really focusing on my path of the golf club so path of the golf club for me is vital to go into out and Trace that top cane

Um I’m aware I come over the top but I don’t come over the top I come over the top of my takeaway so my back swing is I mean imagine if I take the club in here I’m going to come over the top I still swing into out in relation to zero for

Trackman so down the target line zero but I I come over the top of my back swing Hogan did the same so let’s not worry about that um but I like to feel lots of feels like so lots of feels before I step on execute like so

Talking and hitting balls at the same time is a talent so I like to feel so I know what I’m doing here you don’t need to know what I’m doing here but I know what I’m doing here and I’m trying to feel my way into impact I always feel my way into

Impact because I want this feeling to be rehearsed and when I rehearse the feeling and I go and execute the shot I want it to feel exactly the same as the rehearsal so the rehearsal has to be spot on before every shot I hit if you

Watch my Vlogs I always I step there and I get my some there there okay then I step on and I repeat that action so I’m really trying to it’s a full- on dress rehearsal of what’s going to happen when I play the shot now I will tell you what I’m

Working on here actually so I’m swinging into out trying to swing into out over plane of the takeaway plane but that’s fine as I say Hogan was there my thoughts today really working on on path okay but I’m really trying to keep my trail knee from going

Out towards the golf ball I don’t want to get too much of this see people who do this and early extend as well I don’t really want to get too much into that if I if you watch I’ve been watching maoy why wouldn’t you maoy gets in there and

Coming in to impact his heel moves closer to the Target than his toe so even if his foot was fits perfectly level and he came in he would get to here and he’s heels moving closer to Target than his toe so what happens there if my feet were Square for example

So if you don’t use your go so my feet were Square the heel would go closer to Target but the knee would not go outside the tool line it would not cross the tool line so it would not go over the tool line it be here and stay inside the

Tool line that’s what I’m working on now it’s hard for you to see in the camera because this is my practice session and the reason it’s hard for you to see is because my feet are open so it’s always going to look as though my

My trail knee is over that line but I’m aware of what I’m trying to feel so then then so that’s my that’s my thing today so there to there to there so I’m rocking on this side not going up not rotating round I’m trying to rock from there

Onto inep ball portion of Trail foot is that even a thing in coaching there’s nothing right in coaching now it’s just an absolute shambles everyone does anything they can to get the ball as far as they can and as close to the hole in the hole as

Possible I have no problem with that I like that the fact that the rule boot can pretty much getting written ripped up fundamentals did here too of course yeah okay again these are old drawers these are good so my draw I’ve no trap I’m my trap man’s next

Door I’m using ball flight as the barometer so the ball curved right to left there so I draw flight so the face was definitely close to the path now I’m not sure how in my path was but I’m getting the shape I’m after so I’m not bothered about the numbers God when I

Coach so many people I’ve got in the range B if you’ve been for a lesson with me there’s a link description below you can come for a lesson with me here at peos television on the wall track man and uh people obsessed with the numbers obsessed with the numbers and I

Get that absolutely want to know how far and path and face the path and strike location and spin Loft but not on every shot you know there’s your numbers cool let’s hit 30 balls and then look back up and take an average and then we can

Start looking at it but not on every shot I heard of a lady on the LPG tour who I won’t name got rid of her trap man cuz she was getting too obsessed with numbers I can understand that oh that feels good okay so overdrawing so these are

Start that one there are started on target curved left okay so it’s not an overdraw it’s just not started too far enough to the right so the idea of the the heel getting away from the toe so Trail heel getting closer to Target than Toe Through

Impact it’s to get the body moving more towards Target it’s to prevent any early extension that’s it so ball that was good higher flight on that so now I assess how does that feel I felt as though I’ve talked about this before it feels like I’m holding in a

Poo there but it felt as though my left hip this on that line there for example stayed on that line for the whole action and didn’t move towards Target I mean I see early extension but it’s talking inches here yeah left leg straightens and I get deep into that left side that lead

Side nearly quite sure that just a different action Al together so therefore it’s doing something different obviously yeah good it’s good that when you get the body start to get the body to work the golf swing so it’s much less hands and arms I’m currently writing a book

Okay probably going to take a year or so but really a lot of findings in it and lots of research are highlighting more and more and more it’s the body that swings the golf club the body swings the club not the hands and arms it’s the body so focusing on where the body

Is or how the body controls the club massive because as I’ve banged on about a million times the golf swings pivot driven pivot is a rotation or turning of the body hands and arms the hands are clamps they just hold on to the golf club it’s a body that turns it there the

I’m doing that my left leg straightens earier my left leg looks flexed all the time through impact and I get that and people do comment on that but it’s because the stance is open it’s not an optical illusion it’s just because the stance is open there you are there nearly lack of

Compression another done a practice session with the camera on before so I now know you guys in this camera angle are really watching what I’m doing and I’ve changed my approach to it was absolutely burst so I’m just hitting 7 iron here got a lesson coming at 11:00 came up early while the sun was out to hit some balls and create some content beforehand I love that I can get there it’s much better than this there I feel as though I’m you know Scotty Sheffer maybe one more I’m turn that camera off going to get some more balls

And continue with the session I even feel that I like that so that was I don’t know why I even turned the camera on there um let me know if that’s giving you value as to how to practice or is it good to see somebody actually practicing their golf swing just different

Video just different content I can I can add things like this in if you like um don’t know I’ll see you my next video bye-bye


  1. I enjoy your stuff Steve, thank you for presenting this to us. Pretty amazing how consistent your ball flights were in this session. Consistency is what most of us are after.
    We want huge distance and great this or that, give me consistency.

  2. Really interesting especially from side view, don't think I will be the only one trying this out on the range this weekend. Cheers.

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