Is this the cheapest rangefinder ever made!

Only $10 The Visiocrest Laser Rangefinder!

Check it out here:

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So today I want to give you a close-up look of this laser range finder from Vio Crest couldn’t believe it it was a great price on Amazon so I thought I would test it out I tried out loads of range finders so let’s have a little look

Inside and see how it Compares and if you carry on watching you’ll see how it compares to the go go go vs sport which is another top selling Rangefinder so first of all we’ve got a really cool carry case it’s actually really similar to the golf buddy case with a strong

Velcro grip on the front it’s also got belt loop that you can attach it to your belt while you’re playing as well to inside I got the Black Version it also comes in green and orange so first of all actually it’s a really good size you’ll see that there’s good grip along

The top and bottom perfect for if you’re playing golf in different conditions so you uh if gets wet it’s not going to slip so it’s got an adjustable eyepiece just at the end here and when I was taking it out on the course it had really good vision and very clear as

Well from the bottom here if I have some fingernails and I’ll open this up and show you the inside there it is it is battery operated so I prefer batteries because it lasts for me about 6 months if I’m playing two rounds a day and really easy to pop back in so

There we go so you can see it’s got a smooth finish to it really cool looks uh feels actually quite premium and it’s it’s not too light so it feels like it’s got a good weight to it so sometimes they feel a bit tiny and a bit plastic

Bit plasticky but this one’s certainly doesn’t so you can see from the front there this is where the laser um receives the the signal from the Target and comes back in but if we look at the top so you have a um you have an on and

Off button so the only thing is you need to press it down quite hard initially to get it going to get the uh the site working in here you might be able to see there’s a small Target in there there isn’t a target for us to zoom on but you

Can see that that just picks up the signal along the line with the arrow and actually it gives me here if I can get it see there so you can see that there’s yards you can switch that between meters by using the mode button let’s see if we

Can do that now so there you can see that it also goes to meters so meters or yards depending on which you prefer really simple to use just the two buttons along the top I compared it to the go go go U Rangefinder and actually it was really comparable the only

Difference with the go go go is that it does come with a an alternative slope function in some of their models Actually if you looking to get into golf if you’re a beginner if you haven’t got a massive budget for golf and golf can get expensive this is a perfect option and I’d 100% recommend this item

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