Do NOT Turn Your Hips in the Golf Swing Without THIS

Get ready to revolutionize your golf swing with David Leathem’s DL Golf Tips. In this comprehensive guide, I delve into a fundamental yet often misunderstood aspect of turning you hips in golf downswing and the pitfalls that happen if your clubface is not in a position to do.

Join me as I unravel the intricate relationship between rotating your hips too early in the downswing and the domino effect it creates, leading to an open club face at impact. Throughout this video, I meticulously explain why the rush to turn your hips in the golf downswing before rectifying a critical component can wreak havoc on your golf swing mechanics and overall golf performance.

But fear not, as I’m not here to merely highlight the problem; I’m here to equip you with actionable golf drills to help! Discover the importance of first ensuring your club face is in a square position before turning the hips in the downswing. To aid you on this transformative journey, I prescribe two golf drills designed to refine your club face alignment and guide proper hip rotation without compromising your shoulder alignment.

By implementing these golf drills, you’ll unlock the secrets to a controlled, powerful, and precise golf swing—taking your game to unprecedented heights. Join me in this enlightening session where we dissect swing mechanics, debunk myths, and pave the way for your golfing success!

As always, your comments and questions are more than welcome—let’s engage and refine those swings together! Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button, smash the like, and share this invaluable wisdom with your fellow golf aficionados. Together, let’s tee off towards mastery! ⛳️🔥


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Hey golfers and welcome back to my channel in today’s video we’re going to talk about hip turn or getting your body open through the golf ball wouldn’t it be nice to have swings like the guys I’m pulling up on screen now that hip rotation through the golf ball getting

Very open at impact well there’s a very good chance that you don’t do that right now and number two there’s a very good chance that if you try to do that it could be disastrous and I want to discuss why so that you can start to use

Your hips in the Gulf swing all right guys so before we get started with that if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let me know in the comments where you’re watching from and let’s get going okay so when we look at

Those videos from the best in the world we’re going to see an impact position where the hips are rotated open shoulders are going to be pretty Square okay so there’s separation now I can nearly guarantee guantee because I see it a lot that if you video your swing on

Camera you might very well see an impact position where your hips are pretty much square okay now it’s not just a case of saying my hips are square I need to open them there’re might be a reason in your go swing I can almost guarantee there is

A reason why you can’t rotate them okay now let’s get into that in a bit of detail if we go to the top of our back swing and our club face is what’s called open okay so up here on the club face the toe is pointed

More down to the ground okay this could be due to a weak grip this could be due to a poor takeaway but there is other videos on my Channel about that stuff right so I have an open face at the top you may have a good face here as well

But in the down swing or transition and this is what I see so much the face will open more okay and this cast or early release is an attempt to actually try and square that face up because watch what happens if I get down into impact with my face wide open what

Do I do to try fix that I will have to go this way to try Square it now I’ve got that impact where I have no shaftline because I’ve had the face open and tried to square it by essentially lengthening The Arc or letting the right

Wrist do this this can be where the elbow separate that club’s getting closer to the ground and might have to come up so there’s so many things in the golf swing can happen from that now let’s imagine if I am in that open face position bearing in mind that body

Rotation opens the club face watch this set up normal don’t do anything with my hands and arms rotate my body you’re going to see that club face well naturally open okay so we know golf’s a game of pluses and minuses rotation opens the face what do you

Think would happen if I get here with a very open face and I think right rotate like the pros banging that ball is going to hit that wall all right so your brain’s clever enough to know I need to make the golf ball go to that Target how am I

Going to do it it knows well I’m in this position if I stop my body from turning right so I come down I let this happen my body says right I’ll shut down I’ll let this catch up I can sort of square that face I know this maybe not

The perfect shot it’s a bit high and weak potentially goes a bit to the right I will shut all this down and let that TR scooping Square the face I cannot not rotate okay so what I want you to do two things we have to do here we have to get

Your Club face in a better delivery position in this down swing and then teach you how to separate your hips from your upper body so let’s discuss the club face first as we go to the top of the back swing so it’s kind of your job to look

At your swing on camera and think about right where is my face opening here is it the takeaway does it not match your spine if it’s here there’s your first protocol top if it’s not kind of 45 Dees here and it’s this way it’s open there’s where you need to focus most of

You might have that but in the down swing it will get to this position which is called last parallel where the club face will not match your spine it’s more than likely going to be this way and that’s where the big problems can come so you have to work on getting that

Position I did a video on this last week about getting from here to there really feeling that face match the spine and all I’m doing from the top here is turning that wrist more into what’s called lead wrist flexion okay so as I do this that is helping me close the f

I like the feeling if I had a glove and a te the tea would point to the ground naturally you wouldn’t be able to and you wouldn’t want to but definitely more down this way okay now here I can literally rotate my body as hard as I

Like hard as my body will let me should I say this way rotate those hips are so open wish I could do that in my swing but I’ve kept the face nice nice and square okay so basically do not put the hips at fault for the fact

That they’re not open it could be the worst thing for you ever to do to try and rotate your hips if your Club face is not in the right position to do so okay so hope this makes sense now nice drill to get the separation and feel

What it is like to open your hips okay I want you to take an alignment stick you can do it without an alignment stick if you like but just a nice guide okay and when you’re here I want you to set up you see just tucks right underneath my tummy there

Lovely right so we’re here in setup we’re going to take the club across our chest now the goal is not to move the club keep my shoulders square if you want to even fight to close them in the swing here we’re going to keep this

And I want you to try and open your hips as much as you possibly can I’m not letting this go I’m actually fighting to get the hips open and you’ll see as I work the club to the right of Target so I’m closing my shoulders and opening my

Hips this would be alongside the down swing drill a lovely impact position to allow you to use your hips okay guys so give it a go it’s two parts it’s a little bit tricky but I just see it day in and day out golfer

Say to me am I not rotating my hips when I show them the video and the lesson and I say yes you’re not but you can’t because the ball will literally go so far to the right so this is a compensation for a per Club face or per

Delivery position in here so improve that so that you can start to really use your hips in the golf swing okay guys thank you so much for watching if you have any questions at all you know that’s what I’m here for thank you so much to all the subscribers

We’re growing we’re up to nearly 3,000 subscribers just started this three months ago and I appreciate each and every one of you for the likes the comments the shares and I really want to make a goal hard push here in 2024 to try and get this channel to maybe could

We get to 10,000 in 2024 that would be an awesome awesome goal all right and I’m not going to be able to do that without the continued support of you guys so thank you so much and if you haven’t done so already and you enjoy

The G swing and you want to get better please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button and I’ll see you guys in the next video


  1. True enough, not many tell you this is the reason. I have been working on this recently with a stronger grip and the results are astounding. Can’t believe a weaker grip caused this inconsistency I was feeling. This is definitely a tricky one to figure out. How you bring the club down in general is another big key that can run awry. Turning the club down can be uncomfortable at best. Interpretation of this is another key because teaching feels is difficult.

  2. Great channel, down to earth approach and good humour!! The channel will reach 6 figure subscribers by the end of the year !

  3. Nice, but how about why hobby golfers can’t actually open their hips. There has to be a sequence that pros do that we just don’t know about. I know there’s the talent blah blah.. there has to be a club path to repeat at our level even if the shots are not direct out of middle of club.

  4. I believe my biggest issue has been that i have always tried to “hit” the ball. This has resulted in me using my arms, and casting/early extension. I’ve recently started to try to actually turn “through” the ball, keeping my face in the position it was on takeaway, and I’ve had amazing results. Still not perfect, I still don’t open up enough, but David explains this perfectly. It makes sense in how to rotate the hips, it just requires practice. I think many of us recreational/amateur golfers forget that pros have spent tens of thousands of hours practicing. Most of us haven’t had/do not have the time to perfect our swing to the level of a pro. But that doesn’t mean we can’t try!!! Thanks David for another great lesson!

  5. Great explanation! It is amazing how the brain is brilliant at adapting to a flaw. It can make the body do all kinds of things to compensate for a flaw, (open club face). However, the brain is terrible at fixing the main problem, the open club face. It never gets the face square at the top of the back swing or on the down swing. Good work mate!

  6. Great content as usual. Seperation between the upper and lower body is such a challenge. I am giving your drills a go. If you can supply a discount code for new hip surgery that could be a solution! 3k in 3 months is awesome, congrats! With the quality of your content it will soon be 30K. Cheers from Regina, Canada.

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