MVP DETOUR vs TSA MANA vs 158g HEX Disc Review (MVP Discs, Thought Space Athletics)

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Hey guys welcome back to the channel today I’m going to do a little battle between the detour and a couple discs that are kind of like the detour let’s Go all right today I’ve Got The Detour by MVP which is a super fun Disc I think you guys are really going to like these this came in the Gyra pla box stock stamps should be coming out sometime in 2024 then I’ve also got a disc that’s

Very similar to it the Mana by Hot Space Athletics which I’m sorry it’s the Mana which is one of my favorite mid-ranges to throw and I’m going to pair this up with a 158 hex now if you look at the profiles of all these discs I mean they

Are very very similar here we got the Mana and then when you pair that up with the detour it is super super very similar I mean it’s almost like they took the exact same mold and then let’s pair this up with the hex both of them are very low profile there’s a slight

Difference in the nose but we’re going to see how a lightweight hex compares to a full weight detour let’s go here we are at Eager Beaver one of my favorite courses to just kind of come after work and play I am kind of limited to mainly

Sidearm for now so we’re going to do some sidearm I might get a chance to do some back hands all right here’s the Mana oh I just love that disc such a great little turnover disc all right let’s try the detour here on a

Sidearm oh come on Ace it Ace it oh my gosh it looked like it went right through it this is a 158 Hex oh my Gosh I love that one 158 hex flies an awful lot like a detour H all right so I’m a big fan of slightly understable mid-ranges I’ve loved the Mana for a long time this detour is becoming a big favorite of mine too and I’m a little curious about this 158 hex flies really

Good has lighter discs seem to want to stay in the air a little bit longer and they’re a little bit more underst stable so it’s kind of interesting to compare the 158 hex to The Detour I imagine they’re going to fly pretty similar so the Mana ended up about 60 ft away still

Was a good shot to get in but we got about a 15-footer here with the detour and as you can see the hex absolute Park job all right this one’s 288 got a little bit of a headwind I’m going to try a backhand shot here not going to

Throw it super hard I just give you a little insight have been dealing with a little bit of what they call tennis elbow kind of happened when I was doing some uh shoveling and some gravel work then it got INF flared when I was playing disc golf shortly after that

Gave it a little bit of a rest it’s feeling pretty good so I’m just going to kind of fight through the pain a little bit here so here we go detour oh I love that come on yes that looks like looks like a park job all right hex

Okay there’s that hex stability okay all right didn’t get the flip that the detour had all right now the Mana I’m really expecting this to give me a little flip especially with this headwind here there we go there’s that turn much more turn than the detour sits down all

Right so I think right now for a shot like this detour was spot on pump it out there give you a nice little S turn ended up dead straight the hex still has that stability where I should have put it more on an Annie the Mana a little

Bit too flippy for a shot like this all right not exactly a park job but we’re still about 20 ft for The Detour here solid shot headwind putt all right all right going back to sidearm even though the arm does feel good even those three back hands really kind of tweak some

Stuff there so let’s keep it safe going back to a little this is actually a really good sidearm hole anyway see if we can get one close detour there we go man that just wants to go straight yeah I should have put a little more Hiser on it although it did get a

Good roll there all right Mana this is underst stable we got a little headwind on this one too so a lot of Hiser looks good all right hex is going to be more stable so I think I can lay this one a little flatter on this heer line Oh I love that great shot that 158 just wants to Glide a little bit more cuz it’s lighter just feels like it wants to stay in the air more so with being just a little bit cold I know this isn’t cold for most of you guys like upper 40s hey shout out to

My Canadian followers My Swedish followers My Finnish followers I know you guys are dealing with much colder weather than this in fact this is probably a good day you’re going to go out in your shorts and t-shirts whereas I’m all bundled up here okay all three

Of these did a solid job getting inside the circle the Mana or sorry Mana definitely got the closest all right just going to do one more hole here basically so far I’ve pretty much seen that the detour is probably the best out of these three gives you just a nice

Subtle turn but still has some fade at the end good stability the hex man this light white hex isn’t too far off we do have a lot of Gusty wind so it’ll be kind of interesting to see how it handles this open hole here and then the

Mana for sure is definitely more underst stable than the detour I know some of my thought space guys you guys were asking me about that I could actually see myself bagging both The Detour and the Mana it’s kind of a good bridge between the Mana and the Pathfinder kind of fits

That Gap a little bit uh but yeah here we go one more hole let’s do some ACE runs all right definitely dealing with some swirling winds which is not exactly great with understable mid-ranges all right here we go that’s not going to come back right

All right so there you can see that turn it’s just going to hold that all right detour on the same line too low all right hex time there we go hex come on that’s stability as it oh all all right that’s where you can really see the stability

Of that hex cuz it held that line but it had the fight all right guys thanks for tuning in I really love the detour this Mana is a little bit different definitely more Flippy and I kind of dig this 158 G hex I might have to do some

More throws with this maybe some rounds definitely really cool like the stability kind of flies like the detour but then has that bite at the end to come out of it so I don’t know what do you guys think all right until I see you guys next time peace Out


  1. Do you think your Mana more flippier than Detour because Mana is more beat in, or because it's just made flippier? Curious since they have the same flight numbers and are made by the same golf disc manufacturer. Thx for the review comparison of these discs.

  2. i disagree that light weight discs are more understable. A thrower can just over power the disc which makes it seem more understable.

  3. Great comparisons here! Those ~160g Fission Hexes are slept on and hold this spot nicely. A bag of those in 5g increments really gives a good spread. Detour definitely feels faster than the other with a bit more finish. Iā€™ve been begging MVP on posts to get a Fission Detour in the pipeline already.

  4. Thank you for this great video, and honestly just what I was researching recently. I previously owned an Aura Mana but felt that it was more understable than what I was looking for. Then I became completely ecstatic learning about the detour. I didnā€™t buy the gyropalooza box and went out and bought a 157 fission hex as a replacement for the meantime. Looking forward to the stock run release of the detour though. Thanks again!

  5. Hope you get better soon! Been dealing with slight shoulder issues myself, but it's getting better as well.

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