I was sent a Bestsee golf rangefinder to test and review. In this video I will show the features and accessories, and talk about how it performed. This is a great rangefinder and it costs under $100.

Bestsee Rangefinder Link: https://amzn.to/4aPJJGE

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#golf #golfrangefinder #bestsee #golfproductreviews #under$100

Well hey everybody I want to tell you today about a great Rangefinder that’s only a hundred bucks it’s called the best SE b s s now I was contacted by the company to see if I would do a review on their Rangefinder and I thought sure why not

Because honestly I might be the perfect person to do a review because I don’t own one and you’re going what do you mean you don’t own one I may be the only PJ professional in the whole United States that doesn’t own a rangefinder and why don’t I own a rangefinder I’ve

Always found them hard to use and I’ll explain what I mean by that a little bit later um so they sent me the rangefinder for me to use and I’ve now used it for a couple of days and this thing’s great um it’s got tremendous features they say

It’s up you can get ranges up to 12200 yards the longest I’ve done one is over 500 yards but I don’t see what golfer would need to shoot something 1,200 yards away um it has slope capabilities to it uh where you can get vertical angles you can get horizontal distances um but it

Also just has regular yardage and that’s what I would be using that’s what I like uh most golf tournaments don’t allow you to use the slope and I wouldn’t use the slope anyway um it’s got a flag pole locking uh mechanism on it and it vibrates when you get your yardage so

Let’s go a little a little bit deeper into this let me start off with showing you what’s in the box and then I’ll talk about how it performed let me show you what it comes with in the Box it comes in a very nice case that would be that would function

Just like the ones with the other rangefinders where you can put this on your belt you can actually it goes right through the the golf cart strap where you strap your bag goes through there is really nice it also has a place up here where you could put a lanyard on it I

Don’t know why you would need the lanyard or a carabiner which they actually provide one it has the little strap over to where you can lock it tight when it’s just when you’re riding around and you don’t have to use the zipper all the time okay now let me show you what else

Comes in the Box you get a nice some really nice accessories here get these out they’re stuck okay it comes with a lens wiping case it comes with its own little Carabiner here’s the little lanyard and it comes with a USBC charging which I really think is great this one doesn’t

Use a battery it uses it it’s a rechargeable battery so very nice out of the package uh really nice accessories and now let’s go talk about its functionality now that I’m outside let me show you one other feature of this Rangefinder is the magnet okay very

Strong magnet able to lock right on to the side to the support of the cart roof fantastic very solid on there not going to fall off not going anywhere also here’s me using the magnet attaching it to a golf club which I have several of my students that do that right there

This works just fine right on that golf cart I don’t think I’d have any worries about it falling off so very nice feature of the magnet now now getting past all the accessories which came with this Rangefinder which I thought were great the most important thing about a

Rangefinder is how it performs does it give you accurate yardages and this thing performed great um I had a student that we were out on the golf course and he had a Leupold and we were taking yardages with both the Leupold and the best SE yardages were the same if they

Differed it was a difference of buy a yard so to me that’s negligible that doesn’t matter um I don’t care if it says I’m 150 or if I’m 151 um and I think if I took the the Leupold and put it up took it back down put it back up again you sometimes

You’re going to get differences by a yard just by doing that so I’m calling it exactly the same um our assistant pro has a bush N I took the Bushnell out on the golf course with the best SE and got to myself on different holes different situations downhills flat flat shots all

Different distances the best SE performed just as well as the Bushnell so from a functionality standpoint this thing worked great now why have I never had a a rangefinder it’s because I can’t hold them still I get them up to my eyes and they wiggle around and so I’ve never

Been sure if I’m shooting the right thing or not but I was able to use this best SE get it to lock on the flag and give me distances now one thing that the Bushnell performed a little better than the best SE is when I got past 250 yards

Um I was able to get the Bushnell to lock in on the target I was not able to get the best SE to lock in on that Target all the time and it’s my fault it’s not the rangefinder fault it’s the how much I am moving that thing around

So I took my elbow and my arm and I kind of put it on my golf bag and propped it up against the side of the cart to hold things still I used it as a just a guide and once I got my my the range finder

Still I went all the way out to 300 plus yards Okay and like I said this morning I was in the out just in the street and just shot way down the street to a camper down there and got four 515 yards now again like I said I don’t see any

Reason on a golf course where I want to shoot 500 yards our Golf Course here you’re never going to find a situation where you can shoot something that long every hole’s got a little dog leg and there’s trees so this best SE for $99.98 what a deal what a bargain

Everything about it I like and so here’s the deal I now own a rangefinder uh the company was nice enough that if I tried this out they were going to give it to me I like it enough that this is going in my golf bag and I will be using this

Rangefinder now the only place you can buy a best C is on Amazon and I have a link below in the description to where you can click and go find this Rangefinder if you have any questions you can drop me a comment below um if you’ve used one of these let me know

What you think but in my opinion this best SE for $100 is great great bargain thanks a lot y’all have a great day

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